The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, May 04, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    F A C «1
We Mont Faad The World.
(B y G ifford P fagh et.)
Th e m ayor and five
an in form al saeeting M onday
to discuss ths F irs t street 1
inent. Th e plans o f C ity
K eU og fo r this im provem ent origin al-
ty contem plated a cone
on the south side o f the street fo r the
w est h a lf o f the blocE between
and W illa rd , b a t whan the
w ere prepared showing an expense o f
1600 fo r a 60-foot lo t fo r this item
alone, not m entioning the sidewalk,
concrete base and coverin g, it was de­
cided to be too expensive fo r the prop­
e rty to afford.
M r. K eU og then prepared an esti­
m ate fo r a wooden bulkhead, properly
braced and tied, which would coet
about $110 per 60-foot lo t. This plan
was approved by the council Monday
I t was reported that tw o property
owners w ere much averse to an im ­
provem ent being made on that street
this year, one reason being the high
cost o f m aterials.
I t was argued
again st any delay that m aterials and
labor w eald b e h igher n ext year and
th at ths street, s p e c ia lly the
office block, was in such a shape that
som ething" had to be done.
Patch in g it an expense o f 91M a
block was m entioned, but tt is certain
th at i f a tem porary rep air job is un­
dertaken the condition o f the planks
an| strin gers w ill requ ire an alm ost
en tirely new planking and that it can­
not be done fo r several tim es 9100 .
A nd it would be an unsatisfactory
m akeshift a t best.
The ten tative estim ate on the im ­
provem ent is about 910 e r $11 a fro n t
fo o t which means possibly $650 a lot.
U nder the bonding act it would re ­
qu ire paym ents o f $66 a year and the
in terest a t 6 per cen t
A n oth er th in g is that Second street
w ill be a hopeless w reck n ext year
unless it receive* a coverin g this sum­
m er, but the cost would be prohibitive
unless a contract fo r th at street was
le t w ith one fo r the other blocks on
F irs t and H all streets.
Th s people in the east part o f the
c ity subm itted to an im provem ent o f
th eir streets last summer, which
g rea tly im proved the appearance o f
the town, but that im provem ent was
not m ore needed than Is ths on* on
F irs t and H all.
The decision w hether -to abandon
the p roject fo r this year or to go
a h ea d 'w ith it is to be m ad* a t the
regu lar council m eeting n ext Monday.
Will Have 100 Stufaste.
Frank Terrace Coming Agate.
Thé Anderson P ractical Business
C ollege m anagem ent is m aking splen­
did progress in enrollin g students.
H ardly a day passes that F . B. A n­
derson does not enroll from tw o to
five new students and the number se­
cured now is w ell past sixty. Tw o
students enrolled this w eek from
N orth Bend w ithout solicitation* and
when be starts a fte r non-residents the
100 m ark w ill be quickly attained.
The equipm ent fo r the school has
boon received and m ost o f it installed
fo r the opening n ext Monday, M ay 7.
W ith the stron g facu lty o f teachers,
a ll o f whom have had years o f prac­
tical experience in the Unes they w ill
conduct, the pr ospects fo r the suc­
cessful operation and building up o f a
la rg e business college hare are ex­
ceedingly bright.
The follo w in g is the program fo r
A rm y Y . M . C. A . R a lly a t the M.
E . Church, South, Sunday a t 11 a. m.
E. E. Johnson, County President o f
the Y . M . C. A . w ill preside.
Music by united chorus.
"W h a t the Y . M. C. A . Stands For
and its A ch ievem en t*.” — H. O. A n­
"T h e Y . M. C. A . from an Econ­
omic Standpoint.” — M. O. Hawkins.
“ Th e W ork o f the Y . M. C. A . on
rest in the same line o f business w ill
do likew ise and thus render the agree­ other Continents.”— R ev F . G. Jen-
m ent null and void. The m embers o f
the M ilita ry R eserve resent this un­
p atriotic action and have been quite
fre e in expressing th eir opinions o f
thoee who do not keep th eir word.
Th e company has been m aking
good pragm as and deserves the sup­
port o f a ll loyal citisens. But i f some
The May Day Exercises.
o f the stores and shops rem ain open
It was a d eligh tfu l spectacle that
betw een 7 and I p. m. en Monday, the pupils o f the fourth, fifth and
W ednesday and F riday, it w ill mean sixth grades gave on the high school
th at a number o f the mem bers must grounds last Tuesday, and the occa­
attend to business and drop out o f the sion was favored w ith the finest day
o f the year thus fa r. W hat w ith the
brow nie* and the fa iries, the crow ning
A T T E N T IO N . o f the queen o f the M ay, the w inding
N ow la the tim e to paint your carT o f the M ay pole, the fla g d rill and
W o em ploy a ll fo u r system s in paint­ other d rill*, the little folk s showed
in g autom obiles which enables us to their, excellent train in g and did them ­
selves proud in the presence o f the
M g crowd o f th eir parents and friends.
Chas. H all, president o f the Coos
County Good Roads Association, was
over from the B ay Wednesday. He
says that w hile in Portland attending
the Good Roads m eeting last Satur­
day he nu de arrangem ents to have
th at leading apostle o f the good roads
gospel, Frank Terrace, and 8amusl
H ill, address three booster road m eet­
ings in Coos county about ten days
before the bond election, June 4. E v­
eryone in Coos county knows M r. Ter­
raco's a b ility in a cam paign o f this
kind. M r. H ill has a la rgo collection
o f road pictures on srides from a ll
parts o f th e w orld showing road con­
ditions before and a fte r im provem ent
sod he w ill have these fo r exhibition
at the m eetings.
N eith er the date nor the place
where these m eetings w ill be held eaa
Will Sure Much Money.
T o build the proposed bridge over
Isthmus Slough a t Coos C ity to con­
nect the Roeeburg-Fairview -Sum ner
highw ay w ith the Coquille-M arshfleld
road w ill cost only 94JM0. T o main­
tain a fe rry there as must otherw ise
be done w ill coet 12.000 a year. The
saving to the taxpayers in building
that bridge w ill pay the interest on
$25,000 a year.
The county court
thinks the 94,000 a t an annual in ter­
est charge o f $920 a year on the
same in terest basis w ill be a good in­
vestm ent, notw ithstanding ths Pow ­
ers’ protest.
W e a gree w ith them
that a net interest savin g o f $1680 a
year by building the bridge is w ell
w orth w hile.
Free Hone and Free Land.
B ert Poison offers a fine opportuni­
ty fo r some one to raise potatoes this
year. H e has a five acre tra ct out a t
B rew ster which he w ill perm it to be
put in spuds w ithout charge o f any
kind. M ore than that there is a house
on the place, rent free, and he w ill
furnish a team fo r plow ing, also free.
The seed, labor and cost o f hauling
to m arket is all that a man would be
out, w ith a chance to realise $800 or
In this g rea t tim e, when every d t-
iaea must do M s part, the President
has asade Ms ch ief appeal to the awn
who liv e ea the Mad. H e is rig h t ia
d elag so, fa r the s a fety o f our c
try ju st now is ia the hands o f
farm ers. W hat I mean is not m i
our sa fety and the sa fety * f our A l­
lies in the m atter s f food
that the sa fety o f the U nited States
again st fo reign invasion hangs en the
decision o f the farm ers o f the fo rty -
eigh t states.
The tw o grant weapons in th is w ar
are arm s and starvation.
Ths w ar
against German arm s w ill bs won or
lost in F ranca t hs w ar again st star­
vation w ill bs won or lost In Am erica.
The K aiser cannot whip the French
and E nglish arm ies and the English
navy w hile England has food.
it is s till possible that the German
submarines m ay be able to keep food
enough from reaching Engtond to
sta rve bar into submission.
I f ths submarines win, ths first
item in the K aiser’ s term s o f penes
w ill be the E nglish fle e t W ith the
English fleet in his possession, the
K aiser w ill be m aster o f the w orld.
W hat w ill happen to us then? E v­
ery man who stops to think knows the
answer. W e shall have m oney, food,
labor, Mad,— everyth in g that ia dasir-
able in the w orld except the pow er to
protect what w e have. E xperts es­
tim ate that it w ill take us n in e
months to g e t ready to m oot a G er­
man arm y o f even 160,000 men, w ith
a rtillery. Under such circum-
would the Germans trea t us
better than they have already treated
Belgium and France?
Even i f the arm ies o f our A llie s
should crush the German m ilita ry
pow er this summer, b efore the abort-
age o f food can ranch ths point o f
want, the w orld would s till need vast
quantities o f Am erican food. But i f
they do not, only on* sours* can make
th at ia to grow enough
food on our farm s fo r ourselves and
our A llies, and to put ships enough on
the sea to carry th e food, ia sp it* o f
ths submarine*, to th s men w h o-are
figh tin g our figh t.
I f the w ar Mata byroad th is sum-
■r, it w ill be the Am erican farm er
ko w ill win o r loo* th e was, who
w ill overoom » m ilKartaip and autoc­
racy, or allow them to spread and
control the w orld, ourselves included.
Th is is no fa n cifu l picture, but so­
ber fa c t. M any a man w ill maka lig h t
o f it until ha comes to think it over,
I venture to m y that tew w ill
trea t it lig h tly a fte r carefu l th ou gh t
I t is no m ore im possible than the grant
W ar its e lf appeared to bo, only a fe w
days b efore it began.
I t is true that we can g rea tly in-
ease the available food supply out
o f grain now used in m aking liquors,
and by radudng household waste. But
when thee* tw o things are dona, and
done'thoroughly, they w ill not be en­
The final decision w ill s till
rest in the hands o f the men who raise
our food in the first place.
The clear duty o f the N ation is to
guarantee the farm ers a fa ir price
fo r th eir crops when grow n, and n
reasonable supply o f labor at harvest.
The clear duty o f the farm er ia to
raise food enough to win this w ar fo r
dem ocracy against Kaiaerism .
N a such responsibility has ever
rested on any class o f man since the
w orld began as rests today on the
farm ers o f
For a Month
. **
M ay i
’ 91
W ea u a In Cnee
The S tronger Lave
U tile Lady Etleea
R olling Stenea
PahSc Opiaten
Hen arabi* Friend
Bach Fuarl a T ear
V ictory a f G enerica ce
P a ahne Frederick
V ivian M artin
M argaerite Clark
O. M ear* * M. C i
Blaache Sweat
Bernas H ayakaws
Laa-TeO egta
Fanale W ard
at the
M. £ . Church South.
Perfect in Spelling.
The Sunday School a t 10 a. m. C
D. Hudson Supt.
A rm y Y . M. C. A . R a lly 11 a. m.
£ . E . Johnson, County President, p re­
siding. Speakers, H . O. Anderson,
M. O. Hawkins, .R ev. F . J. Jennings,
N . C. K elley and P ro f. Howard.
Epw orth League a t 7 p. m.
N ew testam ent S tory Serm on I a t
8 p. m. S ta rt w ith the firs t one and
keep up w ith each step.
P ra yer service a t the M. E . Church
South W ednesday evening a t I p. m.
E veryone urged to be present.
H. M arvin Law , Pastor.
The follo w in g pupils o f the Second
grade have been p erfect in Spelling
the past w eak:
A clast, D ora Thornton, M arlin
Brandon, Kathleen V ow eil, Florence
T h rift, A lice C ollier, Glenda Johnson,
Florence MacDonald.
B class, A lvin M cQ uigg, Jim m ie
Agoctino, E arl M cQ uigg, Helen Beck­
ett, A lta B ell* Elwood, Jean Baker,
Fleda B axter, M ary E1M Cary.
The “ Choir G irls” and the “ T ow er
o f Jew els,” whose perform ance was
so h eartily appreciated a t the Scenic
la st n igh t g o from hero to M yrtle
P oin t tonight and w ill g iv e the lo g ­
Methodist Episcopal.
gers a t Pow ers a taste o f vaudeville
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Saturday evening.
G eorgia Richmond, superintendent;
H. O. Anderson, musical director.
The m orning church service a t 11
a. m. This w ill be a union m eeting
o f the churches o f the tow n in the
interests o f the Y . M . C. A . A rm y
w ork. Our boys are g o in g into the
arm y and some w ill soon be on the
throw around them a ll the infii
L O A N W A N T E D — 99,000 f o r i v i
years on close-in Marshfield prop­
erty. W ill pay 81$. Security first
F O R S A L E — Indian m otorcycle. Tw in
In good condition.
The evening service a t 9 p. m. The
H olverstott, M cK inley, O re.
pastor w ill preach on "L o t’s W ife —A
W arning.”
The union p rayer m eeting in the
the M. E . Church South, W ednesday
A cordial welcom e is extended to
St. James Episcopal Chareta
Sunday school a t 10 a. m.
R ev. F . G. Jennings.
Christian Church.
B ible School a t 10 a. m.
Y . P . S. C. E. a t 6:90 p. m.
Presbyterian Church.
Teaching aorviee from 10 to 11 a.
Preaching service a t 11 a.
W e extend h hearty welcom e.
Dan til of Mrs. Everett Hatcher.
M rs. E verett H atcher died at the
en* o f her parents, M r. and Mrs.
Frank Nelson, o f N orw ay, on Satur­
day Inst. The funeral took place a t
tw o o’clock Sunday afternoon, R ev.
Thomas Baridow conducting the ser­
vices. *A la rge crowd o f sym pathis­
in g friends w ere in attendance. The
interm ent was in N orw ay cem etery.
It was only a little over tw o years
ago th at M r. Hatcher preceded her to
the sp irit Mad. She leaves tw o sm all
children, on* nearly eig h t y e a n old
d the other tw o and a h alf, now
doubly orphaned.
'J3* •
Christian Science 8odety.
Services next Sunday a t 11:00 a. m.
Subject, "E verla stin g Punishm ent.”
W ednesday evening m eeting a t 8
Sunday school a t 9:90 a. m.
Corner Third aad H all streets.
•Edw ard M etcalf, o f Em pire, com­
plains about the bod condition o f the
Seven D evils road. It used to be a
M a r r iif e Licenses.
Business College
and will rma eoatteuoasiy thereafter
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting
I* '
^ ‘
D ay and
fa r Catalogue
A p ril 80— Joseph J. M orris and M il­
dred G race Sneed.
A p ril 9 0 -J v s r Varmund and M ay
C ogdffl.
A p ril 90— John O ur* and P eri R.
B ellin ger.
M ay 1— Thom as Despot and G er­
trud* A . Krom m inger.
M ay 9— E rnest L . W arner as
Della A d ore Burch.
M ay 9— R oy W yan t and R oby L .
M ay 9— P eter Bontaon aad Roi
Flower time is here. Our display
of Vases is attractive.
Japanese Vases . . 20c to $3.00
Other Vases . . . 15c to $1.75
Come in and look at our pretty assortment
o f Vases.
They are beatttiea.
MRS." B O N N IE W A L K E R , Prop.
tr ia l a f the W aters-M oller 9 7 6 »
dam age case.' M rs. Florence E. Dye
W aters w as, it w ill be remembered,
k illed last suauner en the road south­
east o f M yrtle P ain t by being struck
by the autom obile which Christian
M oiler was drivin g.
Shs was un­
m arried and c h ild ]«
Charles W . D ye, as
her estate, sued M oller fo r 97,500
H M . T h u « w vr# rliiiM id solely 11
the probable value o f M rs. W aters
services to her own estate during the
fo rty years she m ight have been ex
R v e . -----
The testim ony w as long drawn out
and though M rs. Kennedy, who * |
with M rs. W aters a t the tia
sure that they did not turn to the
le ft, the occupants In M r. M ollar's
car a ll sw ore that they did.
H o ller tried to pass them a t the righ t
M r. A rm stron g: W e acknowledge
and M rs. W aters next turned that
your n—d
w ay too and ran in fro n t o f his
M r. Kendall : . T h at is the petition
which was by this tim e only a few
and w e aak ypu to cbneider it a> euch.
fe e t aw ay. Instead o f g o in g to the
Judge W atson said th at on account
pther side she is then said to have
o f the decisive vote o f 187 fo r to SI
kept goin g d irectly in fro n t o f the
against given by Pow ers on the road
bond issue a yea r ago they fe lt very
The ju ry w ere le ft to decide wheth
kindly to the people th ere; but the
er this accidental k illin g resulted from
m atter had to be taken under advise­
M r. H o ller’s negligence and also what
m ent as it was not apparent whore
way the actual loos to her estate by
the 112,000 to 916,000 required to
M ra. W aters’ death, some o f the test!
build th e bridges asked was to come
nony indicating that ska was hard o f
from . Besides no roads have y e t been
hearing and in poor health. Th e ju ry
laid out to connect w ith such bridges
went out about 6 last evening and
and an expenditure o f some hundreds
came in fou r hours la ter w ith a ver­
o f dollars must be incurred immed­
d ict o f |260 fo r the p lain tiff. Just
ia te ly to rem ove the b ig slide on the
exactly how this was arrived a t would
w agon road up the east side o f the
riv e r near Pow ers.