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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1917)
1 Again we offer you real bargains in foodstuffs. W e have a shipment o f Flour due today which was purchased RIGHT and intend to give our trade the benefit. The mill offer ed us a cash bonus to eancel this order, but W E W ANTED IT FOR YOU. It com es under guarantee to give satisfaction. lm 1 ■; 1 j ■ ' • • ' I 1 I ' 1 1 1 I 1 ' First National Bank Building 'V 1 ‘ birth o f a^ -pou n d boy in th« horn« at the North P ork ' m ail carrier, W . J. Hammond, Banda? m oraine. Henry Knight cut Ma hand on a wagon brake and the doctor aewod H up. He drives fo r the M. P. Trans portation Co. f \ John Clinton, o f N orway, w ho' has M en on the “ lift” fo r several months, canvnow lift him self ai& w a jk without ' To make the price we must have the cash Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded N A HIGH GRADE FLOUR \ ' I W e also offer som e very fine E. J. Snyder has acquired the six M rs orchard trash „on the east side o f Henry Steward, è very desirable prop- >ns to the Govei ment W ar Loans Aa a member o f the H. M. Bylleaby A Coatpaay orgaafcmUaa, the undenigned will receive and handle »ubeerlpüona (without charge or profit) in any denom inations authorised, for the new Government Bonds, issued to finance the war for Democracy. Department, normally employed in financing the con struction requirements o f the utility properties under ByDesby management. The facilities o f the Bond Department have been placed at the dtspoeal o f the Government and the pub lic without expense o f any kind ih the nation-wide ef fort to make the War Loan an immediate success. It is a patriotic duty for all those who are able to invest liberally in the new Government Bonds. OREGON POWER CO Coquille, Oregon. Have your Car giv en a thorough over V » Our Repair Department la now thorough ly «quipped to do ftrat class work. We hate s e co n d the services of AN EXPERIENCED AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC and TWO ASSISTANTS which enables us to turn oat first class work without any d e l a y . * Batteries Repai Gardner & Larsen's Rev. J. P . Vernon w in lenve ne>t Monday far Dallas, T exaa^to attend the General Assem bly o f theNPresby- terian church. \ '* A brother o f E . R Adam s, o f Cinch ing erode, arrived here with his wfcrf last week from Ottuma, Iow a. H e & a travelling representative o f the Ino. Doers Co., o f M oline, Ills. They win remain fo r a few weeks* r ia it Mr. Adams* daughter arrived home from Pasadena, Cal., last Thursday. U m man who takes his annual bath is n o doubt delighted th at the river w ill soon be warm enough; any w ay it w ill bo hotter fo r the ano who sits beside him in the picture show. M rs. Ella Drown leaves next week W ith pQrk at present prices this is a pickup. TRY IT. We rec* ompiend i t Something good! Just received! Remember these items are no greater bargains than dozens that we are offering every day. Visit Our S tore. A sk the Price. usy Comer Grocery Mni. Brown w in« both born and edu cated hero and leave m any friends and like many others will plant a ll The I food stuff the grou nd.«rill bear. He relative« who wish them writ. Mr*. A . E. W atkins, o f W all* Wal I baa a new Ford and can fly back in a la, aunt o f Dr. P . G. Bunch, and Miss I few minutes fo r mail and supplies. Elsie Tillm an, a cousin, arrived here I Several o f our citizens bake the “back : M onde? and w ill occupy the W ilbur I to the soil” fever. Baridew house, Mrs. W atkins caring The M yrtle Point Transportation fo r the boarders, and M is« Tillman Co., MesSrs. Bryant and Parrish, have , her usual vocation— dressm aking. exchanged their business with Mr. , Mr. and M rs. Ed. Britton now occu Lee Ray fo r his ranch one m ile north , py the Horn residence, lately acquired I o f town on the Coquille river. Mr. by E. J. Michaels— the highest pcint [R a y «rill retain one o f the Parrish i in M yrtle Point. brothers and Henry Knight as drivers. Prank Miner, V. 8., now on the big L. A . Peronne, o f M yrtle Point, W . T. Dement ranch, is down fo r sup wants the Sentinel fo r the home news. plies sad says all stock accounted fo r Mark Hardman, o f the Bridge coun looks line too many to count The try, brought his son Lyle in Monday ground is also to fine condition for I to be treatdti fo r n very serious acci planting. dent to his eye. The ball o f his eye L . A . Peronne, the tie and match- | «ras cut by a barb on a w ire. D r. 0 . wood man, is now engaged in getting I H. Clarke dressed it and the father out M yrtle blocks fo r the M are Ldand [and eon are rem aining in town that navy yard. P. L. Phelan it m a n n [the doctor m ay give it all the atten- in g the portable m ill which saw« the I tion required. The boy it 18 years eld and is n real soldier in the endur- | unes o f pain. Some people like to send the Senti nel to their friends east so they may Mrs. Norcroea, daughter o f Mr. and I have the M yrtle Point news. Here Mrs. W . T. Lehnherr, o f Floras creek, is one, Mrs. L. A . Michaels, Bloom, is hero fo r a visit. Her husband is the Colorado. Christian minister in Puyallup, Wash., Penny Sturdivant has enlisted and their home. gone fo r service in the army. * Jim Brown, our marshal, was ab- I Ben W inquist, a barber o f Pow er», sont fo r a few days and another swept | not foolin g «roll, has com e down fo r a the streets. W e thought be m ight change o f clim ate and mental atm os phere. He feels much better here is do others. Dr. Pem berton reports a new baby on Catching creek. W . W . N orthrop end «rife are the authors. The hoy weighed 7 pounds. Dr. Pemberton also reports that Max Dement, who had a severe hem orrhage last «reek, is im proving and is now able to sit up. Mrs. E. J. M ichaels underwent an other surgical operation this «reek. Mrs. AH hw cam e do«rn from Pervers to be the n on e. N. D. P ratt is goin g from here to Dallas, Texas, as lay delegate to the General Assem bly o f the Presbyter ian church. Ed Sewell, ch ef o f thé Chop House, leaves fo r Powers where he «rill work [harder, ham m ore pay and different hours. The patrons and P. Peel «rill miss him fo r he « r u n “ sm fla».". Noah Bongwtta is shipping another carload o f ship-knees to North Bend Coquille, Oregon Phones $81 and 541 “ callin g on the trade.” He bas seen Henry Perd but is not intim ate «rith Did They Fly Over Here? The Sentinel didn’t mention it heard about airships flying over Cn- quille tw o or three «reeks ago be cause people so often suffer from ha- lucinations at that sort; but the Gold Beach Reporter gets the story right down pat a fter thia fashion: The residents o f Agnes* were awak ened W ednesday night of last week by the passage o f a flock of five air planes over their locality about mid n ig h t Mrs. Ellen Fry, who was awake, «raa attracted by the flashes o f ligh t and noise f>y them, and aris ing wstehed them as they passed ov erhead, goin g northw est over the Lake o f the W oods and head of Lob ster creek country. Other residents o f the locality were a«rakened by the noise o f the propellers, but did not g et to see the planes. There were live lights and the craft were nearly abreast, at some distance apart. The cra fts are supposed to have been en route from aviation headquarters at San D iego to Puget Sound. W . A . Jones, o f A lbany, is in oar valley this week to buy Chittim bark from which Caseara la extracted. M iss Ada Pratt, o f the P ratt S is- te n , le ft fo r their old home in A l- bony, O regon, Thursday m orning on the through train. George E. Tucker, father o f our photographer, Herman Tucker, pasted away at 7:80 p. m. W ednesday a fter a long illne««. Herman had him com e here from Idaho, hoping that the change o f clim ate «vould help. He was 59 years e f age and n mem ber o f the I. 0 . O. F. The body is being shipped to K ellog, the old home, fo r burial. He leaves a w ife and one son. Mr. Tucker «ran born in Ohio. The w ife, son and his w ife w ill re turn with the body. Mr. and Mrs. Stephon W hitney, o f Eckley, lost their infant child last week, death resmiting from croup and cram ps. He «raa 2 months and 1» days old and eras named Ernest La ban. PAIN T. Ora Brumbaugh, a hom esteader I have recently purchased a com from that num erously populated vel-- plete line o f house paint at less than ley o f Floras creek, came down this wholesale prices which enables me to wsek after a «sinter in his cabin and make an astonishing price for house clearing land. He «rill remain in this painting and decorating. valley a while and work fo r w ages. 16t2 Harry A. Miller. Q eorge Mullen says he w ill give rock fo r gravelling the road to Coop H ereafter all automobile and repair é ré bridge from M yrtle Point. The work m ust he settled for before it farm ers and M yrtle Point need the leaves the garage. A. A. Pauli. road and about 75 o f them «vent to Coquille Thursday to âddrees the O L D V IR G IN IA M IN STRELS county court in relation to an im médi „ P L A Y T O C RO W D E D TEN T ate good road between these pointe. One o f the members o f. the Com T he C olored Minstrels gave an m ercial club o f M yrtle Point had pre- am using production under canvas at pared an address to be delivered be- the corner o f Third and Jackson fore the County court in the Good Streets last n igh t The croVd filled Roads m eeting but could not g o as the tent to its capacity. The acts most his father, W . C. Fensler, o f the Hub w orthy o f Comment were those of had to go that day to m arket to buy thé Clark Brothers, who opened the clothing, leaving C larks to manage perform ance. Edwards was excellent on the slack wire and proved him .elf the etere. to be an excepticm ally good dancer A lbert Bright, o f North F ork, the and com edian. A very unique ci ¡jar men who can play T antea Doodle on sm oking act hy W atts, giant and fun e m yrtle leaf, «n a aleo Interacted and n y fellow was highly commendable g ot th e n . He says he «m iked np and his im itation o f a trombone was the hill and cam e flown a foot. He very clever. The feature of the en went from here to there but did not tire perform ance was a fire eating orate. And' contortion act by Hi H ary H u n t There was a good hand and orchestra which furnished music for the songs through the entire s'. >w. The Old Virginia Minstrels leave this m orning for Marlin in the r two pri- vate care which are also worthy of m ention.— Cheyenne Press, Cheyenne,