The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, May 04, 1917, Image 1

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    erieneed boy* ta »17.60 pc
1 fo r axpefctoacad U p $TT,
ip |o M k ifk H thè term o
U p m deserve,
ip lo yo n atao w ffl b oro t
proper care o f the boys bo m ay
ploy» stipu latin g the amount ho
pay fo r w ages, and must b ars n
mendations to en title him to the t
lit o f this d rafted help.
o f A gricu ltu re since w ar w ith G er­
m any was declared, and the agricu l­
tu ral colleges and extension aorvtao — m ust awake to tho v ita l necessity
o f every state in the union aro pro­ o f strain in g th eir capacity fo r pro­
paring to carry oa t Urn plans effec- duction to tho lim it. It is a m agnifi­
cent plan o f preparation, w ith the
whole United States agricu ltu ral pop­
In this state a conference between
ulation in volved, and it m eet be mot
W . J. K err, president o f O. A . (L , and
w ith cheerfu l co-operation and accord.
head o f tho O regon unit, held a con-
¿¿JJ'ii-i-' . i .
Yesterday Pleading Eamestly With the
County Court for Improvements.
■' ’ • i W
--------.................................. ~ '
Arago People Hare to Poll Down Fences and Drive
Through the Fields.—Dairymen Losing $4.50 a
Month on Each Cow on Account of Bad Roads.
rera w ere
I fores and
to demand
rt an te a
l and th eir
to M y rtte
com pliance w ith tho plans they have
outlined, i f a ll producers do not v o l­
u ntarily , com ply, m ore strenuous
measures w ill ha taken.
T o help arran ge these m eetin g!
County A gen t Sm ith is appointing a
County Council o f Defense, fb i mem­
bers to have charge o f tho m ootings
M ay I t in th eir respective districts.
I t is intended to hold s m eeting in
every school house in tho county at
which every man, w ho produces food
or agricu ltu ral products o f any Mad,
to expected to bo present.
blanks w ill be on hand, to bo filled
out by th e' fir m e r « show ing what
th ey can produce this year, tho acro-
y w voted
y w^ 4 in-
to i si sire
and o f the
i, antedi *•
ds leadtaR»
a at on e«
outh Fork,
il tho riv e r
W T . Do-
nked r a S
tho consumer against speculators.
Tho Foderal Farm Survey Blanks
to be filled out at tho m ootings on
M ay 12 w ill cover every point e f a g­
ricu ltu ral a ctivity, and every prodoc-
Tho labor problem ta one o f the b ig­
gest the departm ent has to consider.
Aa previously stated the county
agen t’s offices are to bo clearin g
houses ta connection w ith tho lahoi
problem .
A t theca offices boye cap­
able A f work on the farm s, but too
young to en list fo r figh tin g, «rill en­
lis t fo r agricu ltu ral duty and «rill bo
considered as doin g th eir b it ta the
w ar ju st aa effectively aa those ««ho
g o to the fron t.
I f voluntary enlistm ents are not
sufficient ta number tho d ra ft w ill bo
applied fo r this service. Th ey w ill
be enrolled ta the U nited States B o y*
W orking R eserve (O regon Branch),
and w h ile some fan n ers m ay not ap­
preciate the o ffe r o f boya’ help a t
firs t th ey w ill be m igh ty glad to get
H later. The boys en rollin g «rill ho
Iverson, Bov. J. F . Vernon, J. D. Bon-
nett, Samuel M iller and G. W . Round,
The Pow ers deM gates w ere not ao
numerous hut th ey made up in earn-
aatnase stea l they lacked in numbers,
W hat th ey wanted waa bridges, one
over the South Fork between N orth
Pow ers and another acroos tho river
below N orte Pow ers. N o doubt about
their w anting thorn; they w ere even
ready to protest against any other
bridge being built in te e county until
their wants had been supplied. They
also reminded the court that & o y
wore long on votes up there, and ta­
■taunted te a t i f th eir requests w ere
not heeded they would rem em ber it
the next election. They called at-
tention to the fa ct that the amount
on which Pow ers waa payin g taxaa
was »1850 end in 1914 only
■ r iv e / t e
Th e attendance was not as U rg e as
has boon present a t tea caucuses o f
the post throe years hut the interest
and enthusiasm o f past years was
Just as evident a t this tim e.
J. E . N orton was aside chairman o f
o f the m ooting and H . A . Young sec­
reto ry. A fte r reading the official no­
t ie « callin g the caucus, the chair
called fo r nom inations fo r council­
man and the names o f M. O. Hawkins,
C. R. Barrow , A . N . Gould and J. W.
w W k ta 1#1#’ th elr valuation
waa »152,160 as compared w ith »0,000
/ befdre the railroad came.
They presented a series o f resol u-
tle Point. t i° n* signed by hundreds o f ritisone
presented ther* - In this they stated that it w a
ind H all’s im possible to 'g e t across the river be-
r O w fri ana iNorvn row ers ny
vehicle without trespassing on pri-
veto propert y and ford in g the stream
■’ a -is .
which could bo done only six months
an in t A in tho year. In this w ay g re a t and
on usual hardship was inflicted on the
l variou s r ,* 1<ient property owners and m er-
. .
. .
chants. And then they went on: “ W o
Jesse Clinton told o f tw o stretch­
es on the M yrtle P oin t-A rego road
which w ere separated b y a piece that
waa bottom less
Claud G iles, being asked how the
county court could appropriate foods
fo r the im provem ents said he didn’t
ra te a t which U -boats are sending
ships to the bottom requires th at the
w hole agricu ltu ral life e f the nation
must be speeded up to the highest
The governm ent is planning to re g ­
ulate the prices o f com m odities, no
only fixin g a maximum but a m ini­
mum price so th at tho farm ers and
producers w ill know that an over
production w ill not result ta the bo;
torn dropping out o f prices.
>..= ,
Utidcr Sherman u d Sheridan.
B. H. Haskta was down town yes­
terday fo r tho second tim e since he
came home from Yakim a a month
ago, aad rested aw hile ta the Sentinel
office, w hile he detailed some o f hie
arm y experiences ta the c ivil w ar.
A ad by the w ay he ta 79 years o f ago
Instead o f 7 « as listed ta the Sentinel
some weeks ago. When bo was 2 »
y e a n old ho enlisted in the Thirteenth
regulars o f which W . T . Sherman was
then colonel and waa ta the company
o f which P h il Sheridan was captain.
Ho was a t the stage o f Vicksburg and
w hile there waa run over by a loaded
ammunition w agon, su fferin g serious
injuries from which he n ever fu lly in-
Whan Sherman started on
hie m arch to tho sea young Hsshfa
was expecting to g o w ith him, but
when tho general shook hands w ith
him on bidding him goodbye he told
him to look a fte r tho horses ta the
barn he had charge o f, aad as ha
stayed behind.
R eplyin g to the M yrtle P oin t boos­
ters, Judge W atson says th at ta the
southeast road d istrict o f tho county
— No. 4— tho valuations had alw ays
been so low that it waa hard to keep
the reads up w ith the funds a t the
disposal o f the co u rt
There ta, how ever, »M 0 0 to bo
spent this year ta g ra vellin g the road
from M prtle P oin t to tho neighbor­
hood o f tho Cooper B ridge on tho read
to G ravel Ford, which w ill fix a little
over tw o m iles at the eigh t m iles
asked for.
A s to the A ra g o aad H a ll’s creek
section the court w ill do a ll that ta
posible w ith the fnuda at He com­
mand and hopes to fix the w o n t
places, and the m atter waa laid over
fo r fu tu re consideration.
A m ong the six ty preoent from M yr­
tle Point and tho surrounding country
Honed, «so note the fo llo w in g nam es:
C. E. H olin g, W . M. W eekly, W illiam
Stauff, J. D. C arl, L . S trong, O. H.
Aasen, D avid M cN air, J. L. Crosby,
R. A . Annin, H. A . Schroodor, L M.
W eekly, J. D. Clinton, T . G. Summer­
lin, E. C. Roberta, E. C. Guerin, B. A.
Dodge, J. H. Schroodor, B. M . Parrish,
hereby protest against the apparent
indifference and disregard o f your
Honorable Body tow ard this urgent
need o f our community, a id respect­
fu lly request im m ediate action.“
In the concluding resolution they
em phatically protested against any
expenditure o f county roads or bridge
funds at any other place or proposed
location and especially on the Coes
C ity bridge until they w ere given
some adequate re lie f.
One point w orth noting boro is that
John C. Kendall, tho M arshfield at­
torney o f tho Sm ite-Pow ers people,
who are figh tin g against the Coos
C ity bridge costing only »4,000, in
order to g e t a h a lf m illion dollar
bridge a t th eir m ill a t M arshfield,
was the spokesman fo r tho Pow ers’
Commercial Club in this m atter.
H ere are the stenographer’s notes
o f tho proc eedin gs a t this Juncture:
Mr. K endall: W e, a t this tim e wish
to enter, before this body, a protest
against the expenditures fo r the con­
struction o f bridges in any other lo­
cation in the county, p articu larly tho
Isthmus Slough project, and ere ask
you to enter this protest o f these gen-
Superintendent o f Schools J. A .
Churchill waa la attendance a t the
Com m ercial Club W ednesday evening
fo r a short tim e and a fte r commend­
in g the efficient corps o f teechore
here, said he «a n te d to te ll Coquille
people what th ey already knew, that
our school buildings are not what
the y should be. la other respects
our schools are up to the average but
in the m atter o f modern structures
w e are below par. H o expressed tho
bops that ha aright have the pleasure
o f dedicating a now high school build­
in g hors a t a not g rea tly distant date.
A fte r M r. Churchill’« dspartvre, F .
B. Ph illips, am ong other things, «a id
he thought it was tim e the people o f
Coquille went earnestly to w ork to
have a now high school building, and
that hie experience a t C ottage G rove
proved th at to accomplish such a re­
sult it was necessary to choose fo r
directors men who would make that
the one im portant object o f th eir
term on the board. In tho sense con­
nection F . E. McKenna suggested that
W . H . Lyons as the man fo r tho Club
F o r the Memoria l D ay exercise the
W . R. C. has asked the Com m ercial
club to select t t o speaker and Pres.
M erton spointed F . B. P h illips, A . V.
M orrison and H . A . You ng aa a com­
m ittee to secure one. Another th in g
the R e lie f Corps is goin g to r i quest
is that a y places o f business clone
D ecoration-day out o f p atriotic mo­
tives, and the Club bm peeks fo r team
a cordial com pliance when th e p eti­
tions are circulated fo r th at purpose.
R . H . M ast, chairm an o f tho bridge
com m ittee, stated that thev had m -
cured an option from J. A . C ollier an
te e term s mentioned in the Sentinel
last week, fo r the land necesary fo r
b rid ge hpproach and rig h t e f w ay.
Th e only disagreem ent w ith last
w eak's figures M la tee «meant ad im-
prevIMsat faxsa tb be aashmed by
the city , the tota l aatount fo r which
the c ity would obligato ito a lf being
»M 00. The com m ittee was continued
the road a coating o f gra vel. A ll the as it is not the intention o f tho C U >
little bridges between the Lon g bridge to lot up on tho bridge m atter until
and the W atson barn w ill bo to rn 1 out •w o rth in g is settled and the bridge
and the d ra in filled up. Tho same
A . T . M orrison reported that there
w ill bo done w ith the lon g trestle over
the Cunningham bottom .
Tho only w ere apout 600 people present nt the
bridges to bo rebu ilt and rem ain w ill Good Ronds meetin g in Portland last
be the one a t the W atson bars aad Saturday, practically an o f whom fa ­
one where the rood crosses Cunning­ vored the bond issue. But there was
ham creek, though there w ill be a few a lack o f organisation ovidont and it
waa to rem edy this defect end make a
O nly those very fa m ilia r w ith the stron g cam paign that the m oating
road can realise how m any thousands was held. He said that H ighw ay
o f yards o f earth w ill have to bo Cim m issioner Adam s made an w en
m oved to fill a ll tho separate gulches better presentation o f tho bond sup­
beginning w ith the one ju st this side p o rt»’ side o f tho Issue than when the
o f C. R. Barrow ’s residence and end­ U tte r was in Coos county a m onte
in g w ith nearly a h a lf a m ile ta cross­ ago and put to rout a ll thorn who arc
ing the w ide creek bottom . Than the figh tin g the issue w ith his irrefu tab le
gra vellin g w ill take m ore thousands logic and common sense argum ents.
T h e reports from varlons sections
o f yards, ao that soon a fte r tho le t­
tin g at the contract on the 19th o f o f tho state indicate th at when tho
M ay, only tw o weeks from tom orrow, whole p rop ortion is mad# clear and
w e shall expect to see w ork goin g on »p la in e d the opponents o f the »6,-
there fo r m ost o f the rest o f the ram - 000,000 issue loee th eir follo w in g md
R to believed th at the vote on tho
sh ifts, and permanent construction to measure w ill bo favorable, j.
Tho d a b voted a contribution to tho
last fo r a ll tim e on thto main a rtery
o f travel, on which a plank road rune Coo# county good roads cam paign and
out through F airview and M cK inley than adjourned.
to D ora and B rew ster valley.
Court Keeping Busy.
The other contracts advertised to bo
lot on tho same date by tho county
The County court has gone up to
court are the road from Em pire to M yrtle Paint this afternoon to in ­
South Slough and tho one running spect the tra ct o f land needed fo r the
from the north tid e Of Coos Bay, east side approach to tho bow bridge
which is one o f the projects fo r which there, ly in g between the railroad aad
tho b ig bond issue was voted a year the river fo r which E. N . Sm ith sake