without »lapping a genaroua charge on the bill 7 Did any o f thorn do m y tU a t *> unbuotaooolike as to make out A n t a carefully itemized statement for you showing just what work had to j » done on each tooth and showing the coot of material and labor required on each? Steel cars, through standard or tourist Bock ballast, automatic block signals, heavy steel rails, consistent speed. Did any of the professional practitioners in your exper ience ever act as i f be was a business man, selling dentistry, or did he go at you as if you were an easy mark, to be kept in ignorance and then charged any old thing, just because you didn’t know better? Known throughout the country as "The Road of a Thousand Wonders.” Did any dental office, visited by you, select a specialist to do the particular work you required, or did the same man try to give you an equally good jo b wheth er it was plate work or crown work or filling or any o f the six or seven branches of dentistry ? Liberal Stop-Overs Our Agents are well informed. JOHN M. SCOTT, General SOUTHERN PACIEIC U N ES PO R T LA N D BOSK FE S T IV A L, JU N E 13, 14, 15. tion for bidden may be obtained at the office o f the County Clerk of seid County, or at the office o f the Depu ty SUte Highway Engineer, in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon. Pinne and specifications and forme of contract may be seen at the same place or may bo obtained upon the de posit o f 115.00 The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal or proposals deemed beet for •gfd County. COUNTY COURT OP COOS COUN- TY. Jemes Watson, S' ' County Judge. G. J. Armstrong, County Comadeaionur. , Archie Philip, County Q f i t ifflir Attest: L. W. Oddy, County Clerk. Coquile, Oregon, April 12th, 1217. Ita Did any of the tusk-trimmers give you work that was guaranteed and repeatedly proved both painless and harmless? Did you always succeed in getting the best materials in the market at the lowest possible price to you, or did you just pay whatever the wise-looking dento- brigand told you to pay as he shoved his professional pistol up under your chin? Did any o f the cuspid-cutters bother to see whether you kept your teeth in good condition and make you drop around once every six months to have your . jaw s given the once-over, free o f charge? O N LY A N O UTLAW FROM THE D ENTAL TRUST DOES THIS Painless Parker, Dentist THE ORIGINAL O U TLA W PROM ETH ICALVILLE S TILL A T LARGE I W ITH A PRICE ON H IS HEAD! NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. end fute* Tbs antelope dig -My «sor Mtow.” he repHed. « I « e not eey that la no coacetvable dreum- stances wouM I take proceedtngs agalnet aaj oca. but 1 do aay that tf at thia moment you deliberete!? upeet my tak on thè tebtocloth, cbocked my wtfs oot of thè wlndow, threw that volume of re porta et thè bust of Black- stona, mede bay’ wlth my tornitore and finali? tweaked m? doso I sbould no doubt use m? beat endeavors te ktek you dowastalre. But once rM of you, ettber b? force or persuasten, no power on eerth sbould Induce me te brtag ea action egnlnst ?oan-Londea «M B * it 1 1 a a [B AD “ Yea r tf 1 didn’t 1 A portion o f the Bandon-Cnrry Coun ty Section o f tbs Coast Highway Hu Ceos County, Oregon, w ill be re e v e d by the County Court o f said J O H L office fet the Court House, Coquille, Oragdn, until 10:00 o’clock A. M. May Btk, «1 7 . No bid will be considered unless accompanied by each, bidder’s bond, or certified check for an amount equal to at least 6 per cen i o f the total amount of the bid. A corporato surety bond wflThe re quired for the faithful performance of the contract in n sum equal to one- half the total amount of the bid. Proposals blanks and fu ll informa tion for bidders may be obtained at the office of the County Clerk o f said County, or at the office o f the Depu ty SUte Highway Engineer, in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon. Plana and specifications and forms of contract may be seen at the « « — TO YOUR ITS WEEKLY VISITS posit of 115.00 The right is ■aid County. COUNTY COURT OF COOS COUN TY. James Watson, County Judge. G. J. Armstrong, County Commissioner . Archie Philip, County Commissioner Attest the tears running down her faded cheeks. “1 saw Queen Victoria when 1 Coquile, Oregon, was younger and could get about; I April 12th, 1917. saw King Edward and I saw Quaee Alexandra, but I never expected to Statement e f OwaanU have the honor of seeing you a too. "But you have, after all," replied the The Coquille Valle? Sentinel is pub- Queen, toughing a r t again patting tha lished at Coquille, Oregon. H. W. Venn» te tto «.IH » — owner. A. E. P e tty is the bolder’ of securities amounting to more than one per cent of the value of the Sen- tinsi property. Signed H. W. Yeung. «iwner. Subscribed and swum to before O. C. Sanford, Notary Public, on the 2d day a t April 1917. His oea Ia the scoot movement growing? Let expires July 24, 1 9 «. the figure* just Issued by aetioUnl headquarters speak. Last y e n tha e r NOTICE OF F IN A L SETTLEMENT. ganlxatlon claimed g total of about 140.000 boy* The latest report of the authorities show a national enrollment o f 192,769 active scouts. Then agate. BOUND TO INTEREST THEM IN THIS COUNTRY SHOW TH E PAPER TO YO UR FRIENDS W H O A R E NOT , T A K IN G IT. T H E Y W IL L BECOM E INTER ESTED IN IT TOO. THE PAPER THAT IS IT IS D IF F E R E N T . THE SENTINEL. COQUILLE, ORE.