The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, April 06, 1917, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    rifW i*
th at sDoke their natural instinct, their
tio as possible in our own preparation
and in ths equipment of our own mili­
tary forces with the duty—for it will
be n very practical duty—o f supplying
ths nations already a t war with Ger­
many with the m aterials which they
can obtain only from us or by our as­
sistance. They are in the field sad we
should help them in every way to be
effective there.
I shaQ inks Urn liberty of suggest­
ing, through the several executive de­
partm ents of the government, for the
consideration of your committees, for
ths aecemplishmeat of the several ob­
jects I hsve mentioned. I hope th at it
wUl be your pleasure to deal with
them as having been framed after very
careful thought by the branch at the
guveram m t upon which the responsi­
bility of conducting the war
guarding the nation will most directly
fa ll
Objects Are Ontiiaed. /
While we de these things, these
deeply momentous things, let us be
very d ear and make very' d ear to all
the world w hat our motives and oar
objects are. My own thought has not
been driven from its habitual aad nor­
mal course by the unhappy events of
the last two months, and I de not be­
lieve th at the thought of the nation
has been altered or clouded by them.
I have exactly the same things in
mind now th at I had in mind when I
addressed the Senate on the 22d of
January last, the same th at I had in
habituel attitu de towards life.
The autocracy th at crowned the
summit of her political structure, long
as It had stood and terrible as was
the reality of its power, was not in
fact Russian in origin, character or
purpose; and now it has been shaken
off, and the great, generous Russian
native m ajesty and m ight to the fore-
os th at are fighting for freedom in the
world, for Justice and for peace. Here
is a fit partner fo r a league of honor.
One of the things that, has'served to
convince us th at the Prussian autoc­
racy was a s t aad could never be ear
friend is th at from the very outset at
the present w ar it has filled our un-
suspeeting communities and even our
oOcee of government with spies sad
set criminal intrigues everywhere
afoot against our national unity of
council, our peace within and without,
our industries and our commerce.
► .
It will be all the easier for os to
conduct ourselves as belligerents in a
high sp irit of right end fairness be­
we act without animus, not in
towards a people or with the
bring any injury or disad­
vantage upon them, but only in armed
' opposition to an irresponsible govern­
which has thrown aside all con­
siderations of humanity and of right
and is running amuck.
Much Forbeara nce Shewn.
We are, let me say again, the sin-
cerest friends of the German people,
the early re-establiehment of intim ate
relations of m utual advantage be­
tween us—however hard it may be for
them, for the time being, to believe
th at this is spoken from our hearts.
We have borne with their present
government through all these bitter
months because of th at friendship—
exercising s patience and forbearance
which would otherwise have been ha-
I ’m not peddling hand-me-down m o lars. I’m not
trying to run a five-and-ten-eent store w ith a few 1
gross of ssoond-rate incisors on the counter. I’m
not in the business of foisting on the public shod­
dy, catch-penny goods--not in th is line o f work
where vitally v au lab le human teeth are the price of
No honest dentist can tell m s that he can give every
patient the same job for the same tim e, cars and
No two dental operations are identically
alike. Human teeth are the same all over the world,
but careless habits, indifference, neglect end, often
bring about abnormal condi­
other physical
tions. How, then, can I conscientiously promise you
that a gold crown on your upper bisuapid w ill cost
exactly what it will to put a gold crown on your
neighbor’s lower molar?
It’s cruel to tip off the professional secrets o f some
of the merry maxillary mechanics o f my acquaint­
ance, but 1 can’t resist explaining th at the adver­
tising of fixed prices is merely a rude dodge to
bait customers into the dental “parlor” and there
talk them into contracting for work much more
expensive than so glibly advertised.
Dental operations that are cheap in price are too
often cheap in workmanship. The Painless Parker
offices are a unit in their insistence on the best of
skilled work, all up to a fixed standard. The prices
vary, of course, but w ith our perfected business
organization, our corps of specialists and our ability
to buy the best goods in bulk at a low rate, we can
quote figures far below the Dental Trust fees—and
still make our reasonable profit.
Painless Parker, Dentist
324% W ashington street, corner Sixth, Portland, Ora.
State aad Commercial Streets, Salem, Oregon.
N eutrality is bo longer feasible or
dssirwblo, where the peso) of the
world is involved sad the freedom of
its psoplss, and the menace to th at
peace and freedom lies in the exis­
tence of so toe re tie governments back­
ed by organised force, which is con­
trolled wholly by their will, not by the
will of their people. We have aeen the
laat at neutrality la auch circumstanc-
the United States; th at It formally ac­
cept the status of belligerent which
has thus bean thrust upon it, and th at
H taka immediate steps not only to
put the country in a more thorough
state at defense, but also to exert all
its power aad employ all its resources
to bring the government of the Gor­
man empire to term s and and ths war.
What this will involve is clear. It
will involve the utm ost practical co­
operation in counsel and action which
the governments new a t war with
Germany, and, aa incident to that, the
extension to those governments of the
moat liberal financial credits, in order
th a t our resources may, to fa r as pos­
sible, bo added to theirs.
Use at AO Im sa rn s.
It wiD involve the organization »«<1
mobilization of all the m aterial ro-
sourees of the country to supply the
m aterials of war aad serve the inci­
dental needs at th s nation in the most
abundant and yet the most economical
larly in supplyiag H with tha best
m esas of doaUng with ths eaem y'i
submarinos. It will involve th s im-
mediate additisu to tho armad forees
of the United States, alraady provid-
sd for by law in rasa of war, a t Isast
W0.000 roen. who should, in my opin­
ión, be choaen upon the principie of
aniverm l Uability to servica, and aleo
tho autborisation of subsequent addi-
We are a t the beginning at an age
in which it will be insisted th at the
same standards of conduct and of re­
sponsibility for wrong done shall be
observed among nations aad thair gov­
ernments th at are observed among the
individual citizens of civilised states.
We have no quarrel with the Ger­
man people.
We have no feeling
toward them but one of sympathy ,lu<
friendship. It was not upon their im­
pulse th at their government acted in
entering this war. It was not with
their previous knowledge or approval.
It was a war determined upon as
wars used to be determined on in the
old, unhappy days when peoples wore
nowhere consulted by their rulers and
w an w en provoked and waged in the
interest of dynasties or of little
groupe of ambitious man who w on ac­
customed to use their fellow men as
Rasaia’s Example Cited.
Cunningly contrived plans at de­
ception or aggression, carried, it may
K from generation to generation, can
bo worked out and kept from the light
only within the privacy of courts or
behind the carefully guarded confl-
deneue of a narrow aad privileged
clam. Thüy l'ara happily impossible
where public opinion commands aad
tha right of thoae who submit to au-
thority to bare a voice in thair own
goveminente, for tha rights and liber­
tim of small nations, fo r a universal
dominion of right by such a concert
of free peoples aa (hall bring peaee
th at we a n and everything th at we
German peoples included; for the
rights of nations, groat and small,
and the privilege of man everywhere
to choooe their way of life and of
obedience. The world must be mads
for democracy. Its peace m ust
be planted upon the trusted founda­
tions of political liberty.
C o ^aest Mat Desired.
We have no selfish ends to servo.
We desire no conquest, no dominion
We seek no indemnities for ourselves
no m aterial compensation for the sac-
riflcee we shall freely make. We are
but one of the champions of the rights
of mankind. We shall be satisfied
when those rights have been made as
m c u k ss the faith and the freedom of
the nations can aaake
Ju st because we fight without ran-
eor end without selfish objects, amk-
iag nothing for ourselves big th atv re
shall wish to share as free p~-nlss
w# shall, I feel confident, conduct our
operations as belligerents without
passion and ourselves observe with
proud punctilio the principle, of right
and of fa ir play we praftea to be
fighting for.
I have mid nothing of the govern-
allied with the imperial govern-
•■•nt of Germany because they 'h av e
not made war upon ns or challenged
ue to defend our right and our honor
through the U. S. poteoffices is being
weighed “by the postoAcee during a
thirty-five days’ period recently be­
gun.” Before reprinting it we in­
quired of postm aster Lestev# if this
report was correct. Ha says he hasn’t
received any instructions to weigh
mails and ew taialy hopes be wont;
but th at th a n are two man bow em­
ployed on the railway going through
hors whore th a n traa one before, tat
order to do the weighing on the
trains, where it is eostonuury to do
th at work.
. ?;■-*
Warrts to Go Saok to Cell.
Ia n Francisco.—If Sally Nickel, the
yrar-oM great-grandchild of Henry
MlDer, shall bo alive a t tho death at
the late cattle king's three grandchil­
dren she will become the richest wo­
man In California. She wUl Inherit an
estate valued a t flß.OOOJWO.
On the other band, according to the
will at the late cattle baron, should
Oakland. Ca».—"7'ot me b a ritju jolt,
where I^ran be decent, before I do
something I’ll be sorry for." begged
WUUam Lamatvans the other A y a t
tha dank act-grant at the central police
station. “* - e r since I left (ten Q uito -
tta the brand of prison has been npon
■M. and I ran t get s Join"