The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, March 30, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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By FRANKIN K. LANE, Stentar?
of tbe Interior
• tM M A M M
leal energy for human labor. In pro­
portion to the degree In which man la
relieved from the necessity for devot­
ing himself, to the mare straggle for
material existence, there has been and
will be measured the advance of arts,
science and philosophy, literature and
the better things which make for the
higher and nobler Ufa o f a nation cr of
the world.
We are living today la the dawn of
an age In which power la the basis tor
our material pragmas. The productive
abilities e f our 100,000,000 people are
Increased by the use of probably 120,-
000,000 hoses power o f mechanical en­
ergy. not Iffclndlng the animal power
furnished by 80,000,000 harass and
mules. Moat o f the mechanical oner
gy la used In the form o f electrical
current Whan applied to Industrial
oa or have any interest in such lands
which each of said owners respective­
ly win sustain and to make an esti­
mate of the benefits and advantages
ing, laying out and establishing of
said proposed street
The boundaries and termini o f said
propesisi streat era as follows:
Beginning at an iron pipe at the
initial point o f the town Of Coquills
being, the 9. W. comer o f block one
as laid out and platted by T.
B. Willard and running thanes north
2 dogmas 40 minutes west 2624 feat
to an iron pipe an the west line of
Willard (form erly C) street and at
the intersection of a City Monument
line as established by S. K. Header
son, formar City Engineer, and the
west line o f said to lls rd (formerly
Conservation of human labor goes
hand In hand with utilisation of me­
chanical energy, and utilisation of that
form of energy moot cheaply and least
vaatefnOy developed accomplishes the
lar tati end Increasing his productlvl-
ty. In the last decade wo have har­
nessed for our utilities and industrial
Willard, and
possibilities, It la not ouch progmso as
we should ham obtained. Although we
are utilising today «.«*0 0 0 herns
power of water, wo am annually, flally
neglecting and wasting ten times that
amount, largely because o f our Inap­
plicable laws, sinew moat of the water
roT-crs not In nos are under govern­
ment control, and the present laws do
a significant Illustration of the oppor­
tunities and possibilities o f th* future
of America. It la equally Significant
of the loch of tatolttgent development
of moourceo, employment of opportuni­
ty, and coordination of effort which
has, to the present time, marked oar
political and Industrial growth.
Wo have *200,000,000,000 o f accumu­
lated wealth, but wa have mined only
tbo surface o f oar natural resources.
Many tlmas two hundrod billions of
wealth Us beneath this carelessly
scratched surface awaiting only the co­
ordination of capital, labor and states­
manship for Its realisation.
And in this development and ottUm-
tlon of natural resources, particularly
depsnd upon private
mean the establishment of grant now
Industries In now manufacturing cen­
We are robbing our term lends of
fortuity and telling is rasila# the ut­
most of aar agricultural opportunities
because of our dependence upon for­
eign sources of high priced supplies for
chemical plant foods or tei Ml here,
while mountains o f phosphate rock,
lime and lignito in tbs West await
only the magic touch of atmospheric
nitrogen extracted and fixed with the
aid of cheap hydro-electricity to for­
nisti a low-priced and plentiful supply
of fertilising elements.
Millions of acne o f lente rich ta
plant foods Us arid and waste la the
" I know who S t Nicholas Is thta
year!" sxclaimed Katrina, clapping
bar banda joyfully.
"W h or asked her mother.
the Southern Pacific Company and
naad by It aa a railroad right o i way
described as follows:
Beginning at an in n pipa which
is the southwest comer o f block one
of the original plat of the town of
Coquille as platted by T. B. Willard,
and running thence N. 9 digram end
pipe being the aoatheast comer e f J.
A. Collier’s land; thence south 8*
dagram 60 minutes west 4244 feat
to an iron pipe, which is the placo o f
beginning; thence south 2 Pogrom 40
minute# west lfi4 feet mnra _ u _.
to the porth lino of the mid right o f
way of said Southern Pacific Com-