The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, March 30, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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    Our mention la st meek o f the de­
mand fo r specim en» o f the S ilk Taa-
•el tree or ehrub from this v icin ity
briaga oat the inform ation from eome
o f our old tim e eettlera that the ahrub
is p len tifu l throughout portions o f
this county, and la called the Cin­
chona, «
quinine tree, and is v a l­
u a r e tw uae w here quinine la re«
quired in fe v e r o r other sickness.
in g a t A lban y to hold th eir Septem ­
ber m eeting a t Cooe to y /
J _ ;
A t a m eeting o f the d t y council,
last n igh t it waa decided to im prove
C entral avenue w ith hard
pavem ent, w ith the exception at the
deep gulch near 13th street, where
n trestle w ill be constructed.
A . G. Saab, form erly superinten­
dent o f schools a t N orth Bend, has
filed a petition In bankruptcy. Hia
lia b ilities tota l about 113,000, w ith tim e fteh have been caught in the r iv ­
assets a t about $7,600, the la tte r be­ er w ith which to food th e young fish,
in g involved in litiga tion .
and this has developed the fa c t th at
Chinook salmon h ave been in the r iv ­
er fo r some tim e, as occasionally one
is caught. W ith about a m illion and
a h a lf young salm on turned loose in
the riv e r each year, it would aeeua
that the supply should bo reasonably
w ell kept up, even i f they are an­
nually caught as p len tifu lly as la st
year, when over 100,000 w ere taken
T b s Beginners’ class has grow n so
th at l i s i N eely needed an assistant.
M rs. M cClellan is assisting her w ith
her fifteen to tw en ty MtUe ones.
M is. A lexander’s cinse o f g irls and
B y V . R. W ilson.
M r. A lexan d er's cinse o f boys have
The K a iser is a w laye on the figh t,
He thinks he owns the earth by r ig h t
Portlan d and back. The boys bent
A s n bu lly he ie sore suprem e,
the g irls back by a fe w m iles, so that
He sneaks around w ith hia submarino.
the g irls are busy prepareing a feed
But i f he tackles the II. 8. A.,
and party in th eir honor.
W e ll m ake him look lik e a bale o f hay
Th e M issionary journey which the
W ar it is, i f he should begin,
school la tak in g w ith the superinten­
W e w ill show hia gib lets triterò to
dent as g rid e is p rovin g very in ter­
"head in.”
eating. A t prsem t w e are in Japan,
At the
Scenic Theatre
Christian Church. Notes.
The German Kaiser.
a fra id o f Germ any.
When the Cohanhian states demand
$26,000,000 indem nity t o th eir own
action, wherein they fa il to hold fcp
the Panam a canal, congress is dis­
posed to pay it, know ing it to bo
unjust; the president recommends ita
eith er one o f our oceans, w ithout b ig
month cannon restin g above us, eo
lon g as Germ any is n m ilita ry terro r?
C m the republic o f W ashington
and Lincoln go forw ard to its am-
am ong the haathon tem ples.
Th e L oyal D aughter* o f M rs.
A aron W ilson’s class w ere hostesses
to the Loyal W orkers and a fe w in­
vited guests la st Thursday evening a t
the home o f M rs. W ilson. A vary
enjoyable tim e is reported b y a ll pres­
en t
T h e school is preparing an E aster
program to bo given a t the close o f
the B ible school hoar. Th e public U
in vited to attend.
W o re g re t th at B rother P ric e was
com pelled to lea ve ns on account o f
M rs. P rice’s health. H e takes charge
o f the church a t Pacific G rove, Cal­
iforn ia . The church b a u d is corres­
ponding w itt several m inisters
take his place here.
The officers’ and teachers’ con fer­
ence was held la st Tuesday evening
a t the home o f M rs. B oyrie. A pleas­
ant and profitable evening was spent
by those presen t
Th e Christian E n d e a v o rs » are
w orkin g overtim e g ettin g ready t o
the C hristian Endeavor convention to
be held here the 20th, 21st and 22nd.
H arold H u m bert the Christian En­
deavor field w orker, w ill be present
u w ell as other outside speakers.
Th e m id-week prayer m eetings
have grow n g re a tly in in terest and
attendance under the leadership o f
B rother Price. H e hod started the
m embers on system atic study o f the
Book o f M athew. The w ork w ill bo
taken up by d ifferen t m embers until
the arriva l o f another nrinmtor.
For Oar Country.
T h e -follow in g telegram has been
•ent out by Bishop W a lter T . Sumner,
o f the Episcopal diocese o f Oregon,
to the clergy o f the diocese:
“ I t is m y desire that you g iv e ev­
ery possible assistance to the officers
o f the state and nation by c o rp o ra ­
tion w ith them and the press and by
public addressee to stir the citizens
o f this state to ju st realization o f
th eir responsibility to the nation at
this tim e o f «risia , and that each
church building be provided w ith n
national fla g to stim ulate patriotism .
L e t every clergym an bear him self ne
one consecrated to God and country.”
W a lter T . Sumner,
Bishop o f Oregon.
W ho W as the Joke On?
Feed Dr. Hess Poultry
M akes P ou ltry H ealthy.
M akes Hens L ay.
M akes Chicks G row .
N ow th at m ating tim e has arrived , it ’s up to yon to am th at
your pou ltry g o t a tonic and in tern al antiseptics to make thorn
vigorou s anr fre e o f disease
P A N -A -C E -A
la th at condition your hens w ill la y hotter, you w ill g o t m ore
healthy, fe rtile eggs and the chick w ill stand a b etter show o f
cen tly, and says that n fine vein o f
cool under lies the 80-acre tra ct own­
ed by the Odd F ellow s Cem etery cor­
poration. H o brought eome samples
to tow n F rid ay, which ho took from a
six-foot vein.
Som e people thought w o hod quite
Velvets la ell beautiful shades o f
a blow during the storm F rid a y night, grays, greens, wine«, blues end too w w
and y e t the highest registered by the stm lead fo r the luxurious suitings.
w indgage a t the w eather bureau t o This interesting model te featured la a
recording the velocity o f the wind
was 18 m iles on hour, and th e veloc­
ity during the g rea ter p art o f the
storm w as 12 m iles V ery e x a g g e r a t­
ed reports o f fierce wind storm s hfiqe
frequ en tly o f Into years been sent
from here in press reports. A t ex­
posed points alon g the coast, such
as the mouth o f the Colum bia riv e r
and the headlands a t P o rt O rford, 50-
m ile, 80-m ile and occasionally strong
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy
Going to Quit the Country.
D eclarin g th at he personally would
g e t even w ith the man who furnished
him the boom th at he would
“ peach” to th e police, O rria Guthrie
Tuesday afternoon waa tried b e fe n
Recorder B utler, at M arshfield, on
the charge at intoxication.
G uthrie waa decidedly talk ative. H e
said that he had ju st quit a lo ggin g
camp a t A lleg a n y and drawn $70.
He cams to M arshfield, bought some
clothes and was goin g back to C ali­
forn ia as be did not lik e a Bone D ry
»ta to as he had alw ays borní accustom­
ed to having U e liquor sad w eald
continue to do so.
M arshal C arter, C ity A ttorn ey
■Brand and Becorder B utler a ll put it
up to Guthrie to te ll from whom he
»•cured the liqu or but he would not.
He was h igh ly indignant when Re­
corder B utler fixed U s fine at $16 or
seven days in ja il. F irs t he declared
that he would serve it out, but chang­
ed his mind as he neared the je il and
Musical Chib Meets.
The M usical Club m et a t M rs. V
M onday
March 19. Th e tim e waa devoted to
the study o f the life and works o f the
composer, Chopin. TJm selection by
the composer was (da Valsa, Opus 54,
No. 3, played by Florence Johneon.
Bach waa cboem t o the next study.
O ther members at the club assisting
w ith the program w ere M erle Lan-
drith, Erm a W ilson, Helen Sherwood.
M ylo K ettier, Berio W oodruff, B ar­
bara Treich ler.
A good story ie now goin g the
rounds in N orth Bend says the Coo»
B oy Tim e*.
D issatisfied w ith the
treatm ent m eted out to him by the
County court, a N orth Bend property
owner returned his tax papers to the
court, attaching a note in which ha
w rote: ’ W hy not feed hay to eome o f
your em ployees or tend thorn to Sa­
M ary Springer, fine, pro tom.
lem .”
The ta x return happens to
cover farm land and agricu ltu ral im ­
plem ents and this m orning the in d i­
vidual concerned received n
The suit o f Hon A P . Peirce and
from the County court, which con-
M rs. P eirce to stop m ining an the
tatand n et only hia tax return h ot a
Sixes riv e r in G arry county
ta g «fraW ing hie attention to the fa ct
the tailin gs muddied the w ater fo r
their stock, was decided against
by Judge Coke a t M arshfield yester­
day, and m ining by the Sixes R iver
company, which had been suspended
by injunction, w ill be a t one* to*
Peirces Lose Their Suit.
The handkerchief today la an alto­
gether conspicuous sort o f handker­
chief. In blue and pink, seatm an«
violet, trow a. ton and gram, H peek«
forth from pocket or hand bag M
utterly unbideeble brilliancy o f c e to
end strlktagneee o f «to lg a
Rose color, popular In everything. Is
much used for tend kerchief this sea­
son. A n d the rose eelored hand her-
chiefs are Indeed lovely. They aenelly
■boW nark white In their makeup.
Occastoaany, however, on* som a very
sheet square o f ram colored musila
D IF F e W