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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1917)
seasonable Formaldehyde fltfo re you plant your grain or potatoes give them a good soaking in this Formalde hyde Solution. It will im prove the quality as wall as prevent smut and ru st ,' Headmaster R . B. Murdock went out to Portland W ednesday m orning to consult the State H ighw ay Com m ission and present fo r their ap proval the plana and specifications prepared by his oA ce fo r three o f the reads which are to be im proved with the brad money. They are the M arshfield-Coquille road, the Bandon advertising fe » condemnation pro south to ' the Curry county line road, ceedings o f the now streets to be and the Glasgow to North Inlet road. opened to make an approach to the proposed Coquille river bridge here. Squirrel Poison - - your own potatoes are affected to slightly that you have not yet de tected i t H you are n ot acquainted with these diseases you may see some Infected specim ens at this office, which were dissevered by the county agent on certain w ell known farm « Now is the time to pat out poison fo r the "pesk y critters" ss they are more hungry now than later and consequently a greater number will be destroyed. Veterinary Vaseline A very necessary article to keep the cows in shape through the muddy season. We have a very com plete line o f all seeds —field and garden.—and the finest Onion Sets. Prices consistent with quality. Knowlton’s Drug Store lay outside and did not venture to enter, while tea Kilburn lay at Em pire waiting to r a chance to g o out. Paul Stark Seeley, who delivered the lecture on Christian Scianee at the M asonic Hall last Friday evening, end R. Bugge, o f Marshfield, were caliere at the Sentinel office last F ri- winter when they were dry or not much milk. How would you like to do w ithout salt in you r food ? A coW should have at least two ounces o f sa lt each day, either mixed giving where she m ay have access to it. S ere T our Beet H eifer Calve*. The best way to g et good cows is to raise them. H ow do you know, though, which h eifer calves to keep if you d on t have your cows ta stef'em i a yearly record kept o f their produc tion o f m ilk and butterfetT Y our herd w ill not im prove very The Yeung Men’s Dnnsing Club hove issued invitation^ fo r s dance at the K o-K eel Klub hall this evening. Mrs. John Treichler and Mr. and Mrs, affair. I f one wanted drier weather it wouldn’t bo fa r to g o to find it. Up to Tuesday Hoaeburg had less than an inch rainfall se fa r in March, and Camas valley probably had little more. at very The Ladies A id o f the Roseburg Christian church recently received a d raft o f $216 from tee C alifornia Board A Paper company o f Antioch, California, fo r a carload o f old papers they had gathered and shipped out. Powers Lodge, Loyal Order _ of M oose, has voted to purchase tw o lots in that city upon which they w ill erect s lodge hall fo r the order, W ork on the new structure is to commence im m ediately, and completed as planned will coet about $2,600. Stanley B artlett le ft last Friday m orning fo r Eau Claire, W is., in re sponse to s telegram announcing the death o f hie father, E. B artlett, the day before. He was joined at Portland by his brother, who made y. with heifer calves from cows which produce less than 800 pounds o f but- and L. H. Hazard as sureties. The terfat per year. appraisers appointed are J. S. Law rence, O. C. Sanford and Geo. T. M oulton. Dealer*» Foss March 16 a petition was filed in tee First num ber...................... .$10.0( m atter o f the estate o f E. D. Sperry, Duplicates ................................... and Helen Sperry named as adminis tratrix, with W . H. Lyons and P. E. Chauffeur’s F ees......................... 2-0< ($1.00 if registered after A ug. 1) Drone as sureties. W . C. Chase, C. ' P rivate Owner's Fees R. Barrow and J. S. Barton were ap Transfers o f O w nership.. pointed appraisers. M otorcycles ................. A petition was filed March 21 for E lectric pleasure c a r s .... the appointm ent o f a guardian for Electric tru cks................... Everett Raymond Stoaks and Flora GasoHae Pleasure ( Stoaks Compton was appointed. ’ Up to 26 h. p .:................ A petition was filed March 22 in 26 to S« h. p ........................ 10 . 00 * the m atter o f te e guardianship o f 15.00* 36 to 40 h. p ............. .......... Martin Larson. The estimated value Over 40 h. p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . 00 * o f tbeHsfiete is $1,000. M eter Trucks l * to 2 ton ....................... 2 to 214 t o n ............... 2V4 to S ton ..................... 3 to 8H t o n .,................... 3V4 to 4 ton ....................... 4 to 6 t o n . . . . . . . . . / . . . . *&'•' The Auto license Figures. 2M You want your home to be HOME— to express that idea o f com fo rt and good teste which y ou fool should be present in the sur roundings s t every fireside. W e want to have the pleasure o f helping you bring this atm osphere into your home. Gome in and see our displays. W e w ill no only show you the Kirsch no sag, no tarnish Flat Curtain Rod w ■ ■ *.# ’■ " "s . j & i 1 but w e w ill be glad to tell you the many advantages jf c jjg ~ “ heme beautiful” merchandise. of our What la Home W ithoat Attractive Windows? Coquille Furniture Co. M . J. HARTSON COQUILLE, ORE. $ 6 . 00 * Civil War Pensions. The follow in g soldiers’ widows in this county have ju st bean swarded U. S. pensions: Mars. Amanda Nosier, o f Coquille, $12 per m onte; Mrs. A rtem isia Bail ey, o f Coostoa, $12 per month; Mrs. Josephine Jones, o f N orte Bend, $12 ttO M E Ü » iff- I - V - iÇMAN$UÇRLD 'In crease. F or electric cars and gasoline pleasure cars, the fees are doubled; fo r trucks, s new schedule was adopted, increasing the fees more than double fo r the larger trucks. A ll new schedules go into effect Jan. 1. 1018. The High School Play. - “ M r. Bob,” the play on which the seniors o f the high school have b e « working fo r several weeks, will be given s t the Masonic Opera House on the evening o f March 21, instead o f March 24 as originally announced. This additional weak will give time to put on the finishing touches neces sary to make the presentation excep tionally strong. Music is to be pro Deputy Clyde Gage, in charge o f vided by tiro high school orchestra the tax business at the Sheriff’s office, and a thoroughly enjoyable program reports that collections are increas ing, $22,000 having been taken in last week. He says that many delinquents n*e com ing acrooo and that nearly . The follow in g pupils o f the Third hundred receipts fo r beck taxes were ■ted* out during the week. grade wore perfect in Spelling this weak: G reet Richmond, Tom m y Tostee, John Brown, Alm a Odra, M argaret A T COQUILLE POSTOFFICE. Shores, Helen Boyrie, Mabel Crush, M argaret Goodrich, Robert Brown, Marshfield and E a ston Ralph Humbert, Chart«* McAdams, M yrtle Point 8:20 a. Jean Young, Mafia Brandon, Ada Boo Seiler, G eorg* Belloni, Edith Jamea, May Fainter, Harold Gould, John See ley, Edward Johnson, Violet Gal braith, Elisabeth Minton ye, Roy Shuck sad Dorris Em my.** $1.75 TU MYnrOiferMwiYN Firptlt $4 % s a u ro w a s * rim* win Ttabi» 2 * Back Taxes Coming In. Perfect in Spelling. W oodrow had a flock o f Given him by vetee, But when he cam e mal He found te s t tw elve to F. H. Woodruff’s Barber Shop Shave 15c Haircut 25c Cot. W illard and First Sts.