God ia One and infinité, and Hi> f ail. to put fa» a J. A. Collier, en tke eeet o f i and tke property of W. L. and W. J. Longston, an tke eaid Une; tbence in tke aan tion aeroea Front atreot to tl line ai a tract ai land oww A. Collier, tbenoe in tbe ■ font mad up Flora, creek and en to MyrÜe Point, tka. route mentioned by a . laat week. The peÜÜan wül cône W for hearing a t tke nent «arm o f cooaty court, which meets AptJI tth, and Curry county’» portion of tke rente wUl doubtlwa be ordered lo- W il lard (fon iarip C)