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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1917)
thought and act. Ha ia putting off tha old nun, «a Pani to rn a the mor ta l aali, and ia pnttlag eu * te no# » a n of God’, makiag. Evil's Ua. Wa have already .toted th at, a . ex plained to Chrietian Scianca, all evil, aln, diaaaaa and m ortality ia bat the Buppoaitioaa oppoaito of the spiritual and true creation. To be aura, evil’, uni vena) lie 1« a big one—but what of th at? Gan any one gat nearer tru th or in any way change tru th by tolling a big lie or by tolling many liea, or by potting all the liee togeth er in aome form of organised falaity? Ia there any m an tru th in a million lies than in oneT I . the ram of a to t ality a t evil's Ue, expressed in sin. disease, m ortality and m aterial aian? Diviae Wisdom Requisite. O asdees not find the w arfare with the world, the Seek, and all aril, an easy task; but is there-anything th at ia worth while th at la really easy? Only th e foolish man ia xoatont with tha sluggard’s ease. Lika a man in an obstaefa race, tha student of Chrie tian firienre finds plenty of things to occupy h i. attention, obstacles th at cannot ha dodged but m ust be orer- coma in only one way. He m ust kaep to his course. He cannot g et ahead by dodging the obstacles however big they seem- He m ust press on, know- ing fall w dl th at h a haa tha m esa.-at hand of overcoming all obstacle, if he ia faithful and obedient B ril dees not yield Its usurped au thority .im ply because man desire, to be rid ef i t I t m ust be combatted intelligently. Man m ust lmow some thing of its nature aad be wise enough to detect its deceitful subt leties, bring its lies from under cover. I larky between Mind aad m atter, mind repreM nting intelligence, m atter standing fa r the exact opposite of in telligence, non InteHigenr. She bold ly rejected the theory th at intelligence or thought could « m s from non-intel- ligeflt m atter, aad accepted the one reasonable premise th at intelligence must come from Mind, and th at all thought aad life is th e outcome aad expression of Mind. She did not a t tribute m atter or evil to the one intel ligent cause. Mind, becaum both ex press ignorance, discord and . lim ita tion, which are contrary to intalll- , The teaching« of Christian Science, as is generally known, have to do with man’, thinking, but ia/ju st what way U not ao well understood. The Dis coverer and Pounder of Christian Sci ence, M arysBaker Eddy, in her work entitled “Miscellaneous W ritings," •ays of this Science, “Its genius Is right thinking and right acting" (p. 866), and in another of her works, "No and Y e.,” toe m y., “The essence at this Science is rig h t thinking and right acting" (p. IS ). Man’s actions are the expression of his thoughts. Let us then what constitutes right thinking, its effect upon ths life ef man, and ths way by which one may faarn so to think and thereby truc about mau aad ths universe which spring from aad arc thk^xpres- sion of Mind. This is the second Step toward getting a true basi* for right thinking, aad bring, to lig ft the correct aad eteaplete idea of cre ation—Mind aad its m anifestation, God and His ad v e rts, including man, cause sad efrscfc—as the basis for all true thought Here then Is to be found the true and complete standard, God's standard, exact, scientific, un changing. Men’s B .latt— hip to Mind Reasoning then from Mind as the cut, the Gordian knot of mind and prim ary causa, let ns see what men m atter, tha puasls of the ages. The human mind sometimes stands raallyia. How is hs related to Mind? aghast when told th at m atter is only W hat to Ue function, his destiny? The Bible designates man as God's image, •on, and heir. It also says th at he “How much better H is to get wis- - ........ ' ' n u o i t e p ------true «U fa When we begin to lay held of too Two object true sense of being, actually te ila - •P*e* » t « lise in spite of all ths conflict and can an om distress of m ortal cxistenes th at there the true idi is indeed a God who is a lto g e th e r g etter, good, who fa all-wise sad all-power- Trntk Cl fui, and who fa now available to help That co ua overcome and m aster evil,—Just upon which forever linked to Goa a sid e s is linked to mind, for God fa Mind and man i t Mind’s idea. The real man, being mental and spiritual, cannot be, and therefore is not, m ateriallly, physical ly, or morally oooditioaed; since sneh condition, are temporal, not tte off spring of eternal Mina, but of k s op posite, mindless m atter. Man as idea cannot fall away from or bo separat ed from God, for God fa Us intelli gence, his life, his substance; nor can Mr. À-» without any God abandon, overlook or ¿ergot ■»««, for Ho cannot bo eeparated from His m anifestation. Maa’s life, health, and well-being are therefore always a m atter of divine concern. This unity of man and God i. a m ate a m iS fr point ia too tsorbing, a t Christian