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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1917)
Sunbright Cleanser, 6 cans for 25c SW ANS DOWN PREPARED • N O T S E L F R ISIN G CAKE FLOUR ^ ~ Clothes Pins, 3 doz. for 5c; 7 dozen for 10c Y ou can buy Sw ans D ow n C ake F lou r from y ou r g ro ce r anyw here in packa es ju s t a s you w an t it, alw ays fresh . Guittard’s ground Chocolate, 1 lb. can 25c L Y O N S & JO N ES F irst N ational Bank B u ildin g that to has not gripped anything for a weeek. Ho ia now oating good restaurant grab. -U Vorno Lundy baa treated himaolf and wife to a Dodge machine. W tai ttoy go to Baudot! or Store Aerea we'd like to be a paaaangei LeU Clinton, daughter of Jaatee Clinton, baa loft for Portland for a* bo Ben Shall baa tod many thrilling experiences during hi* forty ddd yaars in this valley, bat about Urn R ed C lover 2 0 c p er pound ..... . Alsyke .....r..;............. 19c p er pound Seed Oats Italian R ye G rass, im p orted 12c p er pound Beardless Barley E n glish R ye G r a s s ................ 11c p er pound 25c p er pound Bulkand package O rchard G lass ..................... V etch .eshades ah <**e*e.a/'eOOf e•••*»+« »^reeji Onion 3 % c p er pound Garden Seeds Comer F ron t an d C S treets C oqu ille, O regon P hones 691-and 541 Ingalla and ottora the lir e waa put on t n ia occurred In tto warehou* jaton merchandise la racoivod from both tto Steamer and tto railroad and hundreds of tona art always on hand baaidaa from 80 to 40 tanka o f ojl m ore produ ctive w ork? OREGON P O W E R CO L A B O R O P E R A T IO N S C O V E R IN G R E P A IlfW O R K A t GARNER & LARSEN’SGARAGE For councilman, J. C. Cutler, P. Lua- dy, Charles ¿¿m m » and B. C. Bob* erta. For record«- oar same Allis Dodge and for treasurer oar same Jimmy Arrington. Tto Broatjbent school gave a Has general entertainment — a literary one. Myrtle Point does not often do better. Parties tors go up by auto A n o th e r P ia n t o S e tti«. A naw pian for straighteniag oat tbo Kianoy propertiaa ia now betag considerai. Accordine lo a story Dub- liatod in tto Coca Bay Times tto ftrat of tto waak. Tto pian la aaid to to to float a given. Tto student body o f the Myrtle Point High School presented a fairly extended program last Monday night in tto Unique Theatre. The chorus, consisting of all students, sang tto opening and closing number*; toe Glee Club, tto Girls’ Chorus and- in dividual numbers completed tto pro gram. Tto numbers on tto program were selected by Mr. C. E. Davidson, who also drilled the chorus, glee » 21.00 16.00 12.00 • starter and put on standard valves aad dean carbon........ a carton only (this operation 1 v will not permit grinding of cylinder toad bolt* stripped—« F ath er S u es f o r $7,506. ' thè eonvertiag or sale ef tto Last Tuesday, Mardi 20, Chas. W. 80 far, tto mattar le enti Dye, of Myrtle Point, as administra tati ve, and whettor it will t tor of the estate of Florence E. Dye out will probably to detenni Waters, through his attorney*, J. O. in a few wesks. — Stemmier and C. P. McKnight, filed suit in the Circuit court hire against Christian Mellsr, o f Myrtle Point, for »7,600 damages aad costs and dis bursements, for tto death of Ms daughter, Florence E. Dye Waters. Tto complaint alleges that on July F o r lim e S u lp h u r S p r* y . Lime-sulphur in small quantities for home use assy to prepared M fol lows: Taka SO pounds of toe beet quality of lime, 60 pounds o f finely ground sulphur and enough water to make 86 gallons of toe mixture. Put