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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1917)
-v - ’- r , gi WiMTim. y ! -'to y t ’fjM yti& J' * •:/j y •: s d ..HBf ♦.#a • *m œrJÊÊkm~ 'sì •' Ss, ttlM M ÉéùiM m ÉW ' fc . a strip 47 feat wide through the J. J. Lamb estate and thence at right *' angles t e jt e t strip and 60 fast wide between the mm ) U m I dingitiQfi mj, oth#r, should bo Coo* County Will Be Fully Cared For. - 7 - 1} The utilisa tic» s f meant tota, batic • Judge Watson jestm itoj ritota and oven paridags fa r tiri rato- a telegram from County & pOtfttOffiS Murdock at Portland resdiiig ss fai 4 h g at gardsn M fim ikf'-.' J was the main then» o f discussion st 8wits capital for investment. These AV WM e ; v . W * , • lattar taro gentlemen bava ban in »W ednesday 07MlÌBg% “The Stato H ig h ly Ci has Jori «d rie d that t i » work of sui Club masting. One after another, ae »lil. faction moat o f tba w ilt looking into tba Coadaasary propoaitkm. Mr. Coo way in fam » tu that ha aba as pects to basa Laon Ohsmltagr down bare from British Colombia in tba near futurs to look orar tba Bold. Ha City Kistner pltoM on N E W S .11, . a 1 32 = 2 , urteyyi 1 i|lìii||a iir^ 'iii|ìn i^ it i l i 1 U H y ! * I l M I rm tr o r r i r i r f i T*. * v'|n oaf §J6i l T rnwil— i i j «oli |ppi<l m I Btroot i The report further contemplated the condemning o f a 60-foot 1st lying between Front street and ths rail road fa r the bridge to c n u . Whether there shall be one or tom bende in the bridge will depend on the engineers who prepare the plans far the bridge, but the right o f wsy ] as planned by Mr. fcaltoff, in order to toueh only one o f J. A. Collier’s 56- foat tots bs tween Front streot and the railroad'will not permit the approach on the ether tide o f the river to start in the county reed unless bands are ! suds be the bridge. With the 23 tt-foot the railroad track the tide side o f the river w ill -have to leave the ground about 800 »set back '' Of the bluff, whOe oa the opposite ■ids it will otart about 600 or 700 foot „back from th eW tor ....- - - - - A ftor eraminlag the mope whtoh M r. KaBeg had pteparad showing the - - - - - - * e uiMifV - i l i - - _ m _ _ i moo _ J B -» - im - t - i - - wcu* -- tlflfiffi the council penod sé adopting the report and a naming the vtowere and date of them H masting to placa a value on the toad the city will c o n d ì« It was with ns intention s f forcing th * seetiea only once in fifteen or y years. O f eonrss that isn't anything over on the property owners 1 while. People can britar stay thst condemnation procssdiags are • few days MORE ABO UT NEW ROADS BIG BANQUET A T TOE BAY Union Revival Meetings. Union Borirai terriers of tbs Mat A little forethought will to build above tit Mr. Murdock cent o f building toeettoe across the wider sloughs between Coatodo and Cedar Point on the Marshfield road anthems, the flag and tba fair par ticipants in this spontaneons prepar edness parade. O f the many patriotic addresses made .on this occasion especially those of Captain P. K Gettins, of tba local company o f tba coast artillary, Cap. tain K. K. KubU, o f Portland, Colonel Creed C. Hammond, o f Eugene, J. T. Brand, of Marshfield. i M A . I L Der byshire, of North Bend, w# should like to say much, but must forego the Hall street to be hard diately after they are picked. On the ether band, as good potatoes can be bought se can be grown. More over, they occupy s largo ares in proportion to their yield end consume in s yard or email garden valuable ■pace which could be put to much more profitable use. This is true, also, o f com, encumbers, squashes, surfaced tram the city hall, from curb to curb, to a point about 100 fo ri south of F irst Frew that point 6 pfle bridge will be erected to connect with the new bridge leading to the county rood around the bill. Also s abort stretch rr on Front strong win be bard surfaced to connect the former paving with this bridge. On Second streot s covering of bi tuminous rook is to be applied, ex cept for the block already covered, from Henry to Willard street fall width and on Moulton street to the T bridge. This is absolutely necessary if the paring is to bs preserved, as i " another year will see Second street ruined beyond repair If It to net ear timeat in favor o f s county appropri ation of »80,000 for the building s f an armory at Marshfield. In that Hne the meet pointed statement was made by Captain Kubli, who said that though ha was a relative of Judge Watson, if that official eras net liberal In m appropriation to meet the offer of Marshfield and the Shtato for the armory, he wanted to see him Crtusery Director! A ct The director s o f the Coquille Valley iromawy met hen Tuesday forenoon MUl Office To Be Moved. The o O m o f the E. E. Johnson « is to be wared up on to Front atre Uncle Sam Not Particular. In administering tbs federal good roads set, which contemplates tbs ul timato usa o f »86,000,000 government money, there are to ho absolutely no restrictions either direct or implied, upon the kinds o f highways to bs constructed. Recently s report to secretary o f agriculture bee publicly refuted the Idea that any state de siring to obtain acme of tide many •op, Columbia, Hood River and Jack- son, which had raaehad tba limit of their indebtedness without finishing these preliminary features. Of the «00 milee o f finished high ways contemplated by the bonding bill, there was mueh in Eastern Ore gon that would make excellent roads without herd surfacing and more than 600 miles at »10,000 a mile could be hard surfaced with the proceeds of -thr ta R tJ H R r ’ As to the talk about the license fund for motor, vehicles under the new law being eufleient to pay both the interest and principal of the »6,000,- 000 bond issue be bed much to say. He had Just figured it on the me years, be found that this cene errati ve estimate w edïï provide that by t i» time the bonds all matured than would ham accrued tram thu» Hcansp fees asma riO s a dollara ■ «r e than anougk to pay the principal and latore* a t the »6 J N ,- 666 hand IflMM, The writer was mere than grati- fied to hin r Ü » explicit and uasqui- vocal prttmises Mr. Adams mads to Cooe c o u aty, and to hsar ae «M ay of the qu«étions ho had been wohin« to .nek answured by Mr. Adams |h this addiris whtoh we hope to eoe sd in full and placed in the hands of every votar in C om county faiths nsiir fatare. It was mbo gratifying to learn how abto, clear thinking and sound rea- m£ - .a Æ l‘. , J ... >■' ,■ :?v . . . . i -w%