The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, March 16, 1917, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Adjoining City Park Closest-in>
Since the purchase of the Patter­
on the market
son grove by the city for park pur­
poses has been assured, the Coquille
Land Company has put on the mar­
ket, for immediate disposal, 40 lots
in their Notley Addition, which ad­
joins the park on the south. Located
as they are, some just across the
street, and none more than 2 blocks
from one of the most attractive
parks in Coos county, these lots are
among the most desirable resident
properties in the city.
As the park is improved and
beautified the value of this property
will increase by leaps and bounds and
iwithin a very short time will be
worth several times what we are
asking for them.
By buying the lots that are of­
fered here, the purchaser is not get­
ting property upon which it will be
necessary to spend a great deal of
money for clearing. The land is prac­
tically cleared and is in splendid con­
The Notley Addition is the clos-
est-in addition on the market in Co­
quille today, and is, in many ways,
the most desirable. All the lots that
are being put on the market at this
time are within two or three blocks
of the City high school and about
eight blocke from the business cen­
ter of the city.
Good Streets
Streets are improved to the very
edge of the addition, and those lead­
ing into it, while not improved, are in
better condition than some unpaved
streets within a block or two of the
business center.
Lots 50 Feet by 100 Feet
The lots in this addition are 60
feet by 100. feet and every one of
them is suitable for garden purposes.
Office in Slagle’s Tailor Shop
In order that these lots may be
sold as quickly as possible, a single
price of $100 is being made on each
of the 40 lots. No partiality will be
shown and those who buy first will
be able to choose the lots which suit
them best Any of the lots that are
being offered are easily worth the
amount asked, and there is included
a number of choice ones that far ex­
ceed this sum in value.
; :—
We do not intend to hold these
lots to anybody’s order; they are go­
ing to be sold as rapidly as possible.
If you are looking for a location on
which to build, Notley Addition of­
fers you an exceptional advantage;
if you wish to invest a little money
, as a speculation, you have only to
consider the location of this proper­
ty and the price we are asking, to
realize its desirability as an invest­
Easy Payments
Not only are we offering these
lots at an exceedingly low figure, but
-w ro i willing to give you terms that
wRl surprise you. To secure any one
of these lota requires only an initial
payment of $10 and a weekly pay­
ment of $1.00.
This property is going to go, and
go quickly, and if you desire to se­
cure one or more of these lots at the
price, and on the terms, that we are
offerrmg them, you will have to act
at once.
New industries are seeking lo­
cation here and this year, and the
years to come, promise to be the most
prosperous Coquille has ever known.
This means that property will be in
demand. Secure yours now, before
the prices advance, and pay for it a
dollar at a time. We will be pleased
to give you any further information .
you may desire regarding this prop­
erty, or show you over it in person.
u ii ) ' ' '
. ’’
' •;
H ie Commercial Chib. >
. V i • i..- , "
A report of the committee appoint­
ed to invM tifat* the condentary prop­ a Y. M. C. A. headed by the right
osition sms the first m atter of bum­ kind of a man, would accomplish won­
ness considered a t the Commercial ders for the moral uplift of Coquille.
Club Wednesday evening. Mr. Mc­ ; There to another m atter which has
Kenna reported progress, and that ha bee^ quits freely discussed for the
had secured from Mr. Conway a state­ past
and which will settle
ment of what the Buttercup Dairy many month
Products company required in the way ing racks, corn show
pavilion and
of information and inducement The tourist camping ground—if
information to being secured and successfully carried through. it can
while various sites have been consid­
street to the n#* bridge to laid
ered, no selection has been made. the
out through the Lamb properties and
Inasmuch as Mr. Conway stated
south to the Muff on Front
that prompt action to necessary to thence
A. Lamb expects to move his
secure this 1100,000 concern, it to evi­ house around
facing the new street
dent that Coquille muet get busy if end have several business or residence
she is to stand any chance of cap- lots to put on the market. Whether
taring the prise. It to too big a thing
lots shall be laid out in that
and means too much for Coquille to these
myrtle grove back of his
lpee through inaction.
house depends oa how greatly Coquille
- An opportunity to presented b/ the wanto * JS S N m JK U H m M M jIlM
intact If lots are sold the trees will
1,198.66 here to get considerable advertising be cut down and never replaced.
1,960.00 for the Johnson mills and for the Co­ But there to an opportunity for Co­
quille valley by the printing of pla­ quille to secure e tract 340x240 feet
27,990.89 cards
to be tacked on the sides of which will include all of the grove.
every ear loaded. A committee was Mr. Lamb has neves placed a price on
appointed to confer with E. E. John­ it although he has said be would
son as to the ways and msans of se­ like to donate it to the city. How­
curing this inexpensive advertising. ever, the dty must purchase it, and
10,000.00 The Club feds, as does ovary «lá­ that soon, if they ever expect to own
i,m « 7 sen of Coquille, a ¿reat interest in the i t I | to time to think about the mat­
12,600.00 school site case and the need of ad­ ter seriously. The Commercial Club
ditional school room to becoming
•8,178.24 acute. As a step toward preventing to considering plana by which H mjght
be secured without a direct tax, by
102,240.17 this case being dragged through the giving entertainments, games, etc.
10,628.67 courts for throe or four years more,
If owned by the city the corn show
a committee was appointed to confer
11,084.10 with the school board and Messrs. pavilion could be built in one comer;
racks could be installed on
Barrow and Strang, to ascertain hitching
the brow of the hill and still leave
whether any settlement to poccible the entire grove open for picnics,
which will expedite the erection of a camping
parties, tourists, and the like.
new high school building.
ST of the above named beak, do solemnly sweat
Many other items of municipal im­ Make Vacant Lota Useful.
» true ta the beet of my knowledge and belief.
and prognes were dtocua-
L. H. MAZARD, Cashier,
tod W. J. Longs ton to re­ That waa a highly commendable
ta before me this 14th day of March, 1917.
left the hall that th en suggestion made at the Commercial
J. J. Stanley, Notary Public for Oregon.
difference between Chib this week that Coquille line up
My commiesion expine January 4th, 1920. the Commercial of Club
meetings now with other towns which a n urging
F. Sherwood, O. C. Sanford, L. Harlocker,
and those he attended when he first the um of vacant lots for gardens.
came hare five yean ago. “You have A well kept garden plot to much m on
m on life and pep now and I con­ attractive than a forest of woods, but
gratulate you an the improvement,’’ m on important to the aid in reduc­
he said. He also mid he was etijl ing the high coot Of living. Then
working on the clay products manu­ a n dosens of lots in Coquille which
had ito two upper floors filled for the facturing line which first brought him a n available for gardens and ovory-
Arts time to its history. The war to this county. Some one to going to
has proved a blessing there, turning develop the industry in this county,
lots of people to that direction be­ he said, because you have all the es­
cause the European trip to no longer sentials hero—clay, fuel and trans-
Selling atthe Uniform
1 1 5 Price $1
Coquille, Oregon'
COURT. I1 file
** th«m
(Continued from first n o t.)
^ .v -
The idei to that a very different en­
gineer corps will be required if that
proposition carries than if it does net.
The county court hero fode that it
ought to begin as soon aa possible on
¿862,000 road bond issue was voted
last May and that to watt for Survey­
or McCulUfeh to make a new survey
of the Bandon to the county line road
and the Marehfleld-CoquUle rend this
pi«u tm¿7 «d
before the county court to
r**dJr *• * * <■» contrmcts for U m
work on those projacto. This will
obTtau “ y furthw «w»y »» ••toto*
Aa to the new Highway Commis­
sion, whether it appoints Its new en­
gineer before June or not, all the
under the direction of the old com­
mission, the County court thinks that
a formal approval will be given by
the new one in ample time to permit
the advertising and letting of con­
tracts contemplated in the next few
Deputy Game Warden J. M. Thomas
was over on this side last Saturday
looking for game law violatore. He
did not report the capture of any
new highway engineer to appointed, "m afia# breakers, but h i did toll of
will prevent either of those contracts the cbaages in the game tows made
being completed this year. This will by the last legislature. The bag limit
not only involve a year’s wait for im­ for doer this year to to be two instead
proved roads a t those places and mean of three as heretofore. One reason
another year of mud blockade bo- for reducing the number that can be
tween here end Marshfield, but will' lawfully killed to the severe winters
result in what to practically a losa of ot the past two yean which have
a year’s interest on the bonds.
When the Judge and commissioners
meet the new commission for this dis­
trict, Mr. K. J. Adams, a t Marshfield
today, they hope, however, to se­
cure some additional information as
to the time a t which the new state
highway engineer will be appointed.
There to still more hinging on get­
ting to work speedily on the tost sec­
tion of the Coquille- Marshfield road,
however. Under the new bond tow,
if it to approved by the people, it to
thought that Coos county can have its
Ca® m us for Statina try .