£ urn ,v I s m 1 tor makes it possible to pro- I wholesome cakes, muffins, fewer eggs than are usually that the ta r* may be re- obtained by add in g of Royal Baking P o w d e r, for each egg omitted. T h e b a practical illustration: of by an ma, w w M « -« « M S I jjjjg »•C S S • a thread and add l o l l , , tltee o f a « » , beating until ----------J Is e l d . iliakfefP> 81« to g e th e r II,re« tim es t h e Boar, salt and b a k i n g p o w d e r beat yolks o f a g o until thick ; add u little I « tim e Boor m ixture and eg* y o l k , * -------* - * — — 'white o f egg m ix tu r e , stir idditloa. A d d cup culd orlng M X l i g h t l y xnd Is oven one hour jpcM L llfo rd n g s s nntf n o betking p o w d e r h from the Oregon line in Klamath county to a point nearly east o f Trin­ idad where it makes a sharp turn to the northwest and roan from Hum­ boldt county up into Dot Norte eonn- THE BROCCOLI INDUSTRY. o f Tartar, derived from grapes, The first shipments o f broccoli, or but healthful qualities to the food. winter cauliflower, that will be grows in Lene county this year somewhat N o Phosphate M6 A lu m extensively, ere belüg made new from Douglas county, according to H. A. Èaaor, of Eugene, who is hugely re­ sponsible for the crop being intro­ first reported, although its duced into Lene county, says the En­ value is sufficiently high to give Mr. gen« Register. The broccoli is going Hill a snug little fortune if it turns to Portland and to the Chicago and out tltat ha has found the real thing. other eastern markets where H ie very n gray porous substance found by J. Port Orofrd is given a unique distinc­ much in demand juet now beennee 0. HID on the bench south o f town, tion, when fortunes are picked up green vegetables fresa Florida have which was supposed to bo ambergris. from her agate-strewn beaches. not bogus to arrivo. This ought to bo o f interest to Coos county farmers. There can be little doubt that this section is as well er better adapted to the growth o f broc­ coli than Douglas county. Indeed, a week or two ago E. A. Aasen was hes bean wrong—bat wo honor him One of the rend maasuraa pamed by the recent legislature abolishes the office of road supervisor after Jan. l, 1916. In their pine« the county court takes charge o f the roads , employing The roadmester has charge of the lay­ ing out, building and repair ef all roads, and all tools used in the various dietrista for rand purposes. salvation: “ Reise whet you oat and meke cotton year surplus crop.” In the first place she took akiftloes ten­ ants, black and white, and made of them responsible and productive citi- sena. What she accompli shed at home is thus told by Littell McClung in the Outlook: | Ifested by what ho has dona aa chair»' man of the Military Affairs commit­ tee o f our senate. Elect a stronger man in 1920» but meanwhile let us honor Our George for having risen to own their homes and to feel, for the the occasion in every crisis involving first time, that they hod responsibili­ our country’s honor. ties and ware n pert o f the communi­ ty. She had gone into partnership with her tenants—black and white—and had mad« them “ feed themselves" end have a surplus besides; she had helped them start bank accounts and build up the land ¡and in building up the land and becoming independent they bad built up in themselves latent manhood and womanhood, pride in s access and ambition to progress.M Then she delivered her message at Birmingham to farmers, hanker«, merchants, manufacturers, profes­ sional man, and to ~nrnmwi And thia massage, so clear, so simple, so direct, aroused to action those who heard H, I » ««m i.'r ie im T h i the South and tianity.’ Indeed it is. A ll honor to loving the South, had gone to ths root Mrs. Rood, and bar ‘far-apart’ neigh- of the whole vest prnhlsm lbs sell­ bora.” ing o f cotton to buy food, >h sen tee The Sentinel believes that all that is landlordism, and the de­ needed to secure bountiful contribu­ pletion of soil fertility. tions for thia fund Is more Annie “ Man alive, this is the the Reeds. The responses to appeals for whole South should hoar now!” de­ aid through the columns of The Sen­ clared a banker who was p ru n l And tinel have, been discouragingly mea­ ao the bankers of Alabama got togetb- gre; but if more a f our people hi both town and country will take It up in the way Mrs. Reed did, we have no doubt the »1,000 we felt sure would bo given in the Coquill« valley could bo quickly ««cured. A rt there not ton people among our subscribers who win become solicitors for this fund T Wo know that a good many people have thought that since Germany be­ gan bar ruthless submarine contest the first e f February supplies sent from this country to Belgium would go to the bottom of the see. To eatta- fy all such as to this danger we re­ produce the following from a recent statement made by Herbert C. Hoov- BAKING POWDER Growers of omajl fruita who are interseted in variati«« beat adaptsd to their part of thè State msy secare Iste end rei in Me data on thia and other important phaaes by sending tot eithar or each of thè three bulletta«, “Smeli Fruita,” just issaad by thè O. A. C. Extansioo Service. No. 146 is on strawberrios, No. 166 on loganber- riee and No. 192 on thè bramblas. They cover thè subjects o f soUs, soli preparmtion, fertilisers, veneti««, p lenti ng, propagatimi, cultivetion, pruning, treUising, marketing, eoet, hweets and discese«, ss w«U es meny other probleau of succeesful growing end merketing. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that g g r rants No. 0S1» ta 03S7, inclusivo, drawn on Second and Other Streets Fund of the City o f Coquille a n here­ by called for payment. Interest will <*•»• from and after March 16, 1917. Railroad Rumor at Rosebud Railroad talk received a sudden im­ petus says the Roseburg News, when a letter was received from George P. Schloaaer, formerly of this city, hut nova located at Carlton, Ore, stating I that th* promotion work is again un­ der way on the railroad project from thia city to Coos Bay and that unless the United States is plunged into war that ha axpocts work to be commenc­ ed. This letter was received by I.. J. Barnes, and created a small amount o f excitement when its contents were learned. Perhaps this move is one on port o f the HR1 spstem to extend Oregon Electric and run it down Coquille valley end then over to Bey. The material for your is ready for use« Gome in and let us give you an estimate on the cost. They are indispensable to dairymen E. E JOHNSON told Rsw Tate Ckr the the the the