The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, March 16, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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iey By
t You?
\ y :.
ou can
i at the price we are selling them.
made before by
than r
at 2 cans for 25c.
follnu/trro instructions and UBflg
Fancy Maine Corn at 15c per can.
Tomatoes at the old time prices.
Are you aware of the fact that these prices are all way below today's market?
The reason we do it is this: WE HAVE THE STOCK! WE ARE BUYING
• - ! otarptfeni a* krtr; hot *» gffer
. _______
i Jerry aits in Me “i
chair ready for any
7:A You can buy Sunns Down Cake Flower tl™
from your grocer anywhere in packaFes
just as you want it, always fresh.
Specials for
Your last chance for Canned Fruit cheap.
First National Bank Building
roeovortag, owing to
Red Letter Extra Fancy Peaches,
per can, 20 cents; per £ 9
Crimson King choice Peaches, two
cans for 25 cents; per
.............. kpxo*xt/
Silver Flower Fancy Peaches, two
cans for 85 oents; per a o a a
Reci Letter Extra Fancy Apricots,
two cans 45 cents; per
' «W e4U
V- .
- ... ■'--------
Not over two dozen to anyone. _
We have only a limited quantity and when sold no more orders can be filled.
Remember the date, SATURDAY, not before not after. Be on hand; COME
EARLY. If you want some of the finest fruit ever put in cans at prices below
cost Buy it now.
ili£ É
Busy Comer
land E. G ite, aa
Prof. Janea, of
shoots, is in
Front and C Streets
mon productive work ?
CoqnilW, Oregon
Overhaul motor and transmisaion..................................................
Overhaul motor o n ly ................................. ....................................
Overhaul transmission only, or repair or replace m agneto....
Rebraao crank case arms or supuort or repair leak in case by
taking out the nwtor............. .
..T 77.......................... .
Install or re-fit one piston or one connecting rod'.!!!.’ .*!.*!!!!
Install or re-fit two or mors pistons or connecting rods.. , r . .
Replace transmission bands or transmission cover gasket.. . .
Change motor........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................
Rpelace earn shaft or re-fit bearings' . . „ ! .
«•piece cam gear (large).......................... .................................
Repair cylinder front cover or replace old style-....................
Remove starter and put on standard equipment....... ..............
Grind valves and clean carbon
Remove carbon only (this opera
tomar will not permit grindir
Repair cylinder head bolts strip p.
A. A. Millar kslsomjned T on Goar-
in’s kitchen and as thoy gasod a t tha
work with (ran t admiration thay
“Go tot Lot’s Sad another 'poop' who
will bat wo can’t again do the walk-
in* stoat to Coquilla any night and
wall have money for tha poor."
J i n . L. D. Trover ia aver from the
Bay aide visiting a t tha bona of Mrs.
Nellie Bandar, bar cousins, and others
of tha Hermann family.
E- G. Fish, a t Middle F ort, was in
this w art and says he has just dettv-
•red 6,000 railroad Mae to Ed Han-
non and has contracted for timber
for 10,000 more, lfa caries on his
f i r m at'Che same tiara and is building
two siloa to care for his 60 head of
cattle and will havo 100 head neat
year. Ray Watarfhan cam# down with
n four-horse team and to rt a r t a load
of food for the stock.
Wilbur Barklow has sold Us rest-
dance to his father, Thomas Barklow.
Wilbur will probably ga "back to the
* Noah Bonowita rtippod another
carload of knees tor ships last wart.
With tha knaas, matchwood, tim and
saw-logs this country is rapidly w «.*
denuded of its host timber.
Dr. Pemberton says Bob Sturde-
vant and his wife are parents of a big
girl baby sines the 14th. The Doc’s
scales say MS pounds.
Mrs. Corbin’s bey, Walter, got his.
anm .
k ^ l ___ t t ____ w .
O. L. Smallwood
lower ranch waa ii
Interesting man ta
newspaper veteran,
T *» Elks came is
W. C. Carlfla last i
had aeon for 16 yea
Mr. and Mrs. Bm
taken rooms at tha
tek Mr. M. is engi
which remains hare
Lae Wagner into
from tha Powers a
tha ranch a, sails m
A. H. Pence, tl
street butcher, is n
provamerte around
them being a now f
Clinton star
his place at Arago t
Hop Binger Horn
—not over aa ha u
borne in Rosaburg, a
nesday. Ho will n
visiting friends and i
in> av#r the sconss
H- H Haines cam
Bay "this wort to see
Jerry Haines, who i
room at his daughts
Mrs. Alta Abbot!
Brown go .up to Pm
remain over Sunday.
___ : ___ # _________
I >vr'-¿dV4*
ratas on ■ D class structure would
coat |&26 and on a B class building
would coat 91.7S.
10th. As to fire protection if the
building was constructed on the sits
sal acted by your committee, it would
have tha protection of tha city water
H th . Wa find that a cow can be
raised a t tha age of two years old for
12th. Moat wagon roads for a die­
taries of five miles from Myrtle Point
in any direction can be traveled at
any time of Che year, moat are gravel
and rock roads, fairly wall graded.
16th. Wa baliava that tha possibil-
t t t e for increasing tha output from
tha dairies within a radius of flve
ilea can ba increased to at least
throe times what ia now being pro-
14th. Wa find that the further
back from the market you may go,
tha t e a interest is manifested in the
dairy business .and we believe that
tha interior from five miles out to a
distance of 20 miles can be increased
to five times as to what it is to the
pressât time. .Respectfully submitted,
J. O. Stemmier, W. C. Cutler, J. S.
Ncyrwiy School Program.
Tha Parent and Teacher associa­
tion of tha Norway school mat again
Friday evening a t tha school house
with a large attendance. Tha meet­
ing waa called to order by J. H. Bark­
low with J. F. Schroeder as secretary.
The part of the program furnished
by tha school urns "Aa Evening with
«follow," whoso birthday was be­
ing oboorvad by the school.
The speaker of the evening was
CowgBl, a domestic science pro-
roes 0 . A. C., who is now
in tha capacity of field work­
er far the boy*’ and girls’ industrial
Her talk wan very much sp­
ie r its helpful suggestions.
mdifiiftCfi WEB pleasantly eater-
gram by aalectinns on tha neWvVk-
reeeatiy pnrtaaed by the asso-
i far school and community
O k school in one of the first
rtyal echo sis in tha county to own
* fine Instruanut and they are
r proud of It.