. o f D ollar» o f Away in This Country. s ii - J ®*5 U Æ We a n throwing sway, or other­ wise wasting, In tibia country, acme fifteen million tom yearly o f valu­ able food from • «ingle aoqrca our miik-suply. Wa «Um tha fa t from tha milk and ose K as cream or tart- tor, but tha food-value is asastly in the ncn-fktty parte, which wa eaU containpuously “ skim-milk” and throw •way or give to the pigs. Its sale is •van prohibited by ordinance in New York and elsewhere. Whatever rea­ son once existed far such a law as this there is none today, writaa John Phil­ lips fr o s t , chemist for tha Connecti­ cut Agricultural Station, in the Fore­ cast (Now York, February). How a prejudice so violent against a valuable •ad wholesome food could have orig­ inated Mr. Street finds It hard to un­ derstand. Perhaps, he thinks, it dates buck to the tima whan cream waa separated from tha atilk by gravity •nd akimmad milk waa m rm m rfly old milk. Thors can bo no reason for it today, when ssparattae by em trif- ugal force shortly after milking leaves the akimmad milk fruta. Ho er fai pulpo# ! pma, pe od to givo i A. L. or celery is A. G, Mr. Clinton jo e d aamo by to U registered Jer- It cori 11-26 found that the um of skim milk not only increased the nutritivo value of the broad, but increased the yield “ At the Maino Agricultural Experi­ ment Station it iras found thot bread bread, and that H was qu it» as com­ pletely digested as the la tte r.------- «There is, in fact, no end to the ways in which this valuable substance may be employed, and if fa t is want­ ed, it ran 6e added in the form of but­ ter, which is often cheaper whan sep­ arated from the milk than when sold as a part o f it, or of some o f the less expensive fata. Some dishee, of course, would be richer in flavor if the whole milk ware need rather than skimmed, but tat other eaeee the dif­ ference is not appreciable. When the skhn milk la substituted for the water usually seed there will be an im­ provement instead o f a loas o f flavor. "A recent Government bulletin made it abundantly dear that the days af cheap meat are past and that this food is likely to grow scarcer rather than more plentiful. It la plain, therefore, that wa cannot vary well afford to lot »0,000,000,000 pounds o f an animal protein food go to waste every year, or aorro only as • cattle food, particularly now when the nations o f Europe are engaged in destruction instead of production, and are looking to us to supply their MYoor Ordir Mori Y n Forget It supply of 80,000,000,000 pounds o f cheap, nutritious, and digcsteble food, which nsverthaleas is banished, both by law and public opinion, from the table and the kitchen to the barn­ yard. ................ “The art of drying milk has now boon brought to such a point of per­ fection that the albumen is not coa­ gulated, nor the entymes destroyed in the process, and milk powders, whether made frees whole or skimmed milk, would be an invaluable resource in the preparation o f domestic diet­ aries, if we were permitted to have them. One o f the disadvantages of milk is its extreme perishability, ta t dried mUk will hasp indefinitely, and can be used in any way in which milk in its original form cun be employed. Dried skimmed milk would furnish a cheap and constantly available suply o f animal protein. “ The sale o f coodonaod skimmed milk la entirely prohibited in Mom States, and wtaa sold it generally la in largo containers, which are not available for family um. In the form o f cheese, skimmed milk servos pur- poem for which whole milk is not suitable. American cheese o f tha Swim type is best made from skim- mod or partially skimmed milk. Yat the label, ‘skimmed milk -‘m u ’ Death of Cony Pioneer. Hon. Frank A. Stewart, a pioneer o f Curry county, died at the stats hos­ pital at Salem on Fob. 24, aged 74 yean. Ha eras tarn in Illinois, cross­ ed the plains to Oregon in 1864, and resided in the Willamette vealley until 1806, when he settled at the mouth of Rogue river, where he engaged in the mercantile, lumbering and. fishing business. In 18M ha purchased the Part Orford Tribune in partnership with his son. Hardy T. Stewart, the present proprietor. Mr. Stownrt was one o f the prominent men of this sec- that cannot -bo cured by Hall’s Catarrh C ure. a CO.. Toledo, O. ‘ have known F. J. and believe all bualneee able to carry Ms firm. lO iK R C E . Toledo, O. Care la taken Internally, r upon tha blood and mu­ l l the system. Testimonials H cents par bottle Sold For Hit tier m Philip soya that condemnation proceedings will be started at ones. The wirelsm equipment from the wracked cruiser Milwaukee, which ra- Cera and Potato Shaw. Now is the time to gat ready for the big Corn and Potato Show, at Coquille next fall and again a little later at O. A . C. during Farmer’s Week at which tane each county in half a minute at thla pressure. Oth­ erwise, much spray material la wasted you help to let the world know that with this nonla. If tha nossles are wa can raise such things in Com coun­ set at an angle o f about 46 digram ty (an your awn fan a.) Don’t wait to tha extension rods, more efficient till it is too lata and than toll about work can be done and it will lighten what you might have dona. Gat good the work of the operator. seed, and have your ground in good shape, begin early. New Home Users —A R E - Quality Choosers M.J.HARTSON COQUILLE OREGON New Hone Sewing Ma- chineCompany , , it ' I