The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, March 02, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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H ave
At the Fair Store Still Continues
This stock, representing thousands o f dollars’ W orth o f First Class Merchan­
dise has been greatly reduced.
Let Us AH to Something to Help Feed B elgiu m ’
Million and More o f Starving Children and Do
Martin Block, Front Street
(F ro m the Coos Bay N ew s.)
W . J. W ilsey has w ritten to parties
on the B ay from C hicago statin g that
his Coes Buy proposition is being un­
derw ritten.
J. W . Reid, represen tin g th e Dutton
Lum ber Co., o f Poughkeepsie, N . Y ,
a rrived here last w eek to contract fo r
aeroplane spruce. A num
dors w ere filled here previou sly fo r
the company.
Coquille, Oregon
as o f a ll em ployes w ill be advanced,
effective M arch 1st. I t is said that
the increase also affects the em polyee
o f the Sm ith-Pow ers Co. T h e 8m ith
m ills em ploy about 560 men, and the
lo g g in g camps between 800 and 700.
The notice reads that in addition *o
the advance in w ages, a bonus sys­
tem , baaed on production, w ill be in
effect, in which every man connected
w ith the saw ing and handling o f lorn-
ber ctn participate.
Might T ry It Here.
The coal shortage, which in recent
weeks has threatened to brin g about
very serious conditions in m any parts
o f the country, has stim ulated a g ita ­
tion fo r municipal coal mines that
would supply the schools and the de­
partm ents o f the local governm ents
w ith fu el, and, in some caaaa, would
sell to individuals aa w ell. According
to the M arch Popular Mechanics M ag­
azine, this proposal has already been
adopted in T erre Haute, Indian», and
a mine fou r m iles from the city has
been leased from which coal is sold
fo r 12.76 p er ton. A n alderm an in
D etroit has advocated th at that city
buy or lease a m ine, contending that
by so doing the city could save |S per
ton on its fu el. A sim ilar plan has
been proposed in Cleveland. The un­
dertakin g is regarded as moat feasible
fo r m unicipalities in or naar coal­
bearing regions.
Trains commenced b rin gin g in logs
Fawns Easily Caught
from the Siuslaw la st weak fo r the C.
Barker, o f Fail-view , was in
A . Sm ith m ill. M oat o f the logs are
day last week. He relates
old grow th and have evid en tly been
in the w ater fo r a lon g tim e, aa barna­ quite a story, which w ill no doubt
interest our local sportsm en. W hile
cles a r t much in evidence.
d rivin g down the Sumner mountain, a
F. E. Skinner, o f C oquille, has pur­
doer w as seen tro ttin g down the road
chased Newm an M oon’s lease o f the
in/front o f the machine. Doc at once
Blanco hotel, and took charge Satur­
ja v e chase and soon overhauled the.
day. M r. M oon, who is a mem ber o f
a n im a l.^ It proved to be a last year's
the- firm o f Moon A G idloy, contrac­
fa w n and urns alm eat starved to death
tors, w ill ram aia in M arohfiaid
which no doubt was due to the snow
N ew s was reeaived hers Thursday
which has covered the ground fo r
th at B oy J. Rhoades had bean nom i­
Did Nairn Smith Sink?
some tim e past, m aking it hard pick­
nated fo r poetm astsr a t Pow ers, to. fill
A ccordin g to a rep ort brought here
ings fo r the U ttle fello w . Dec says
the vacancy caused by the death o f Q.
the deer eats candy, bread and but­ by members o f the crew o f the A d e­
A . Brown. I t is amid th at th e office
ter and m ost any kind o f food it is line Sm ith, says the Coos B ay Tim es,
pays about |100 par month.
offered, and has become very tame. the Nann Smth which was sold last
Th ere is aa increasing demand fo r
The stage d river on the Sumner line summer to a Swedish firm , was re­
ship kneaa, and $ e p rice is g o in g up.
caught the deer’s m ate the next day cen tly sunk in the English channel.
C aliforn ia shipbuilders have been pu r­
a fte r Doc made his catch. A perm it She w as torpedoed by n German sub­
chasing knees here since ea rly days,
has been applied fo r to keep the deer. m arine.
bat recen tly inquiries are com ing
N o particulars are available nor has
— H erald.
from S eattle and other northern
the rep ort beeen defin itely confirm ­
ed. I t is hard to cheek up on the
N ew s waa received here M onday Many Deer Killed in Snow. Nann as no one here knows defin itely
that the gas schooner R ustler, which
W h ile w alkin g the eleven m iles be­ the new name that was g iv e n her by
le ft Coos B ay on Saturday fo r C urry tween W hiskey Run Camp and his the Swedish owners.
A fte r being
county ports, was ashore about a ranch, Ed. Ham lin, a couple o f days transferred a t San Francisco, the
qu arter o f a m il# north a t the mouth ago counted over 78 deer stru gglin g N t n n js u sent to C hili to load n itra­
o f Rogue river. She was high end through the snow which was over tes fo r the east coast and was there
dry a t low tid e and the cargo w as be­ three fe e t deep. In several instances to load fo r Eurqpe. W hether she was
in g rem oved.
coyotes or w olves had pulled down bound to England w ith a w ar cargo
C attle buyers are s till busy am ong one o f the anim als and a fte r m aking it bound fo r Germ any la not known.
the ranchers in this section, and are a meal had le ft a part o f the carcase.
o fferin g tem ptin g prices fo r alm ost The deep snow prevented the deer
Items From Arago,
any kind o f stock. It is differen t from from running and they w ere easy
M r. C orbet Robison moved his fam ­
w hat it used to be som e years ago, victim s fo r the w olves and coyotes.—
ily into the Frank Fish home on Fish-
when ranchers had to sell th eir cattle Roeeburg New s.
| trap Monday. M r, Robison trill work
fo r w hat was offered, and w ere m igh ty
| fo r M r. M arion Clinton th is year.
glad to g e t even that.
N otice e f Can fa r BMs.
There was a la rge attendance a t
The Southern P acific bridge across
Bids fo r cream and m ilk hauling on the Cheese F actory m eeting Monday.
D avis slough, a trib u tary o f Isthmus
the low er riv e r from A p ril 1, 1917 to
M r. and M rs. Clarence Schroeder, e f
slough, is bein g rem odeled so as to
perm it o f a 40-foot w ay fo r the pass­ A p ril 1, 1918, w ill be opened March A rago, .are very much pleased over
age o f boats. The railroad company 10v 1917, a t the Coquille V a lley th e a rriva l o f a little bey Feb. 26.
Q uite a number o f farm ers from
intends replacin g the present wooden Cream ery. A lso bids w ill bo opened
structure w ith a steel structure la ter a t the same tim e and. fo r the same Fishtrap and A ra go attended the N or­
The W ar D epartm ent ordered period fo r the butterm ilk output o f w ay C ream ery m eeting Tuesday and
th at a 40-foot w ay fo r boats be pro­ the C ream ery. The directors reserve repfirt a very good tim e.
the rig h t to reject any and a ll bids.
A little daughter came to Hve w ith
Coquille V alley Cream ery,
M r. and M rs. R ay Lew is, o f A ra go
The C. A . Sm ith eom pnay posted
Feb. 24.
official notice Saturday th at the w ay-
London.—One o f fb e moot extraordi­
nary voyages ever made acroaa the A t­
lantic baa Joat been completed by tba
Vigilant, a little A m erica» t o « belong­
ing to N ew Tack and boond from S t
John’a, N. F., fo r C ardiff. T w o d a y»
oat from S t John’« the V igilant expe­
rienced terrific weather, and on the
fifth day ah « sent S O S calls, the cap­
tain fearing she would founder. Th e
Holland-Am erican lin er Byndam pick­
ed np the signals and proceeded to her
The captain and tw elve o f the t u fa
crew w ee* taken o ff by the Byndam.
which waa bound fo r Rotterdam , hot
three men refused to leave. They w ere
the second mate. Robert Ferguson, a
Scot; tba third engineer, Thom as
W alsh, an Irishman, and an Am erican.
John Smith, a fireman.
Taking control o f the tug, tbeee three
men overcam e tremendous difficulties
and actually succeeded la bringing her
within sight o f the Irish coast, where
they were picked np by n British pa­
trol vessel. Ferguson was locked 1»
the wheel house and the other tw o in
the engine room. Th e terrible weather
prevented them m oving, and they re­
mained at their poets fo r fifty hours
without food, w ater or sleep. Several
parts o f the ta g w ere smashed In the
gale. Including the abaft o f the dynamo
ta the engine room. This censed the
tog to he In total darkness by night
and added to the horrors o f the situa­
The taking o ff o f the craw o f the
V igilant by the Byndam was reported
by cable from Rotterdam .
O f the assay dancers which beset
navigators o f the tropical riv e n o l
Booth Am erica perhaps the natives
fssr the sting ray most, ft ta poison­
ous and la to he found in very large
numbers when the river is low. That
Is the tim e when boatmen h are to get
In the w ater to push their canoes ever
the shallows. They are often stung by
the tall o f the ray and usually die un-
Isas medical assistance Is promptly
fifren. Th e ray cannot be seen, aa tt
Is o f the samp color as the sand on
which It co il« itself. The stab o f Ha
*h*rp kntfellke tad Is the unwary mav-
Iffstor’s first intim ation e f its presence.
- Feamoa ’s W eekly.
T o fu lly appreciate the .wonderful
w ir t requited In their construction a
historian baa rochsaed that It required
180.000 men ten rears to build the
pyram id o f Olaeh. and to build the
N ow .