Sectioa 1. The Stato H lghwsy Com- mission is hereby authorised, empow- ered end directed, during the next Ave years, to eoli thè bonds o f the Stato o f Oregon ss herrinsfter pro- vided, in an amount sufflcient to rsiae enough money to m eet thè rCtjuire- m enti o ftk is A et. 000,000 la bonds shall be issued here­ under during the year 4917, and that not more than $ 2 ^ 00,000 in addition to sa y surplus unissued or unexpend­ ed out o f the 81,000,000 authorised fo r the year 1917, shall be issued during the year 1918. Section 2. The State Highway Com­ mission la hereby authorisd, empow- Section 8. The A ttorney General thall, under the direction o f the State Highway Commission, prepare a form o f interest-bearing gold bond o f the State o f Oregon, to be sold in order to provide funds fo r the carrying out o f the purpose o f this A c t Sold bonda shall be numbered serially, beginning at Number 1, and shall bo payable la the order o f their issuance. Said State Highway Commission Is hersby au­ thorised, em powered and directed to issue bonds o f tho State o f Oregon fo r the purpose o f caryriag out the pro­ visions o f this A ct in an amount not exceeding 84,000,000, e f which sum, at least 8000,000 shaU be issued in de­ nominations o f 8800 each or lean. The bonds issued in any year under the provisions o f this A ct shall b« pay­ able one-twentieth each year, com ­ mencing with the sixth year after tha issuance thereof. One-half o f the bonds payable each year shall be pay­ able en the 1st day o f A pril and the other h alf ea the le t day e f October. Each bond shall bear upon its face s statement showing the date o f Ha ma­ turity. Said bonds shaU bear inter­ est at the rate o f four per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on A pril 1st and October 1 st Principal and interest on said bonds shall be payable at the office o f the 8tate Treasurer at Salem, Oregon, end if acid State Highway Commission shall ae direct, said bonds m sy also provide fo r payment at seme other place. Said bonda shall be in a form em bodying en abeolutq promise o f the State o f Ore­ gon to pay the amount thereof in gold coin o f the United States o f Am er- shall be In such denominations aa the State Highway Commission shall sle e t They shall be signed by the Governor, Secretary o f State and strutting said Pacifie Highway, and in paving a large portion thereof, and in so doing has practically exhausted its abiUty to raise money by any is- i nance o f county bonds, the said State Highway Conunission is hereby au­ thorised, from the fqnds arising from this A ct, in edition to com pleting the paving o f said highway in Jackson county, to use from said funds suffi­ before the h u m are eold, and shall cient to provide fo r com pleting the also require such deposit with bids preparation o f said highway through as m ay bs required, and ganarally said county, fo r the paving thereof. shall conduct the sale and issuance 8. Commencing on the Columbia o f said bonds under such rales and River Highway at or near A rlington regulations not inconsistent with this In Gilliam county, thence up W illow A ct as shall he adopted by said Com- creek in M orrow county, through the mssion. if}p cities o f lone, Lexington and Hepp- Section ft. The money arising from ner in M orrow county and through Pilot Rock, ~ Pendleton, Adams, be deposited in the State Treasury to Athena, W eston, M ilton, and Free­ the credit o f s special fund, which water fat Um atilla eounty to the O re­ shall be uaed in carrying into effect gon and W ashington State .line. ” ' the provisions o f th is A ct. Ths Sec­ 7. A road from the south line o f retary o f State is hereby authorised Clatsop county, at the end o f its high­ and directed to audit all claim s in­ way described in paragraph 1 here­ curred in carrying out the provisions of, south by W heeler to Garibaldi. o f this A ct In the same manner as A A road from the Multnomah other claim s against the State are county line by Tigard, Rex and New- audited, and pay the same from any berg to M cMinnville. moneys provided by law fo r the pay­ F or the purposes o f this A ct the ment thereof upon the submission o f above highways are to be known as duly verified vouchers therefor ap­ hard-surfaced highways. proved by the Com m ission; provided, Section 7. The follow ing highways shall be pcid to-w it: that bonds end as is provided in Section 1 hereof. 1. The rood running from the north Section 6. The highways described line o f Douglas eounty to the Jack- in Sections 0 and 7 o f this A ct are aea county line over the line o f the hereby determined to be highways o f Pacific Highway as adopted by the first importance to the general public State Hghwuy Com m ission; 8. A ll that portion o f the Columbia. o f the State o f Oregon. It is hereby determined that the follow ing high­ River Highway described. in the ways should be permanently con­ fourth paragraph o f too description structed and finished w ith-a hard sur- o f hard-surfaced ronds as deaeribed. L The Columbia R iver Highway from the Multnomah County line to A storia, Seaside, and south in Clat­ sop county to tha Tillam ook county lne. Inasmuch aa the counties o f Co­ lumbia and Clatsop have already ex­ pended large sums o f money in con­ structing the said Columbia Highway through said counties and in doing so have practically exhausted their ability to raise money by an Issuance o f county bonda, the State Highway Commission is hareby authorized, from tho funds srisin g under this A ct, in addition to paving said highway; to use from said funds sufficient to provide fo r the preparation o f said highway through said counties fo r toe paring thereof. paving with hard-surfaced paving as s post road, and eligiblo to im prove­ ment as such under the provsions o f this A et; 8. A road from Roosburg, by Myr- 2. A rend from a point in Lan* county to be n h e to d by the. 8tato Highway Commission and tk# Fédérai officiais representing U m fé d é ra l Gov- emment. o M rttin f undcr w h it i l known as ths “ Shakelford B ill,” by way o f ths Siuslaw river, to a point in Coos eounty to be soloetod by «nid Higkway Conunission. S. A rond (rom E ncan« connecting U m W illametta V alley with Eastern Oregon by way o f the McKenzie river JL poet roads, at least sixty par cent shall be expanded en the above men- toned poet roads, in the counties east of the Cascade Mountains. Provided, however, that the above provision shall not he construed to impair the assent e f the State to the „Federal aid as hereinbefore specified, and to lim it the necessary co-opera­ tion between this state sad the F eder­ al Government in the construction *of forest end poet roads. Ne description o f any highway pro­ vided fo r herein, shall be construed to prevent the State Highway Commis- 2. The Pacific Highway from the Multnomah eounty line through W ashington county and Yamhill coun­ ty by way o f H illsboro, Forest Grove. McMinnville to Dallas, Monmoeth and Independence, in Polk county; to Cor­ vallis and Munroe in Benton county, and through Eugene to the north line o f Douglas eounty. TfcilipriminUtftyPn^ flfWMiTlHftbO» How's This? _ lr W o c3 e r C u o H u n dred D o lla r» R ew ard fo r a n y ca se o f C atarrh th at ca n n ot bo cu red b y H a ll’ s C atarrh C ure. _ r . J . CH EN ITT a CO., Toledo, i. Section 1ft. On account o f the 1m- M.J.HARTSON