The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, March 02, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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    o f the State as follow s
cath to the effect that he has d iligen t­
ly and to the bdst o f his ability as­
sessed all taxable property in bis
county, subject to assessm ent by hm,
nt the fu ll cash value thereof. The
m sm btra o f the State Tax Commis­
sion are required to subscribe to s
sim ilar oath on the com pletion o f the
assessm ent roll prepared by them.
(S ec. 665«, L ord's Oregon Laws, as
amended by Law s o f 1916, page 3 i8 .)
"D ue allow ance must, o f course, bo
made fo r the many problem s and d if­
ficulties the assessor encounters in
seeking to apply this standard o f val-
nation to particular item s and classes
at property . A t the same tim e there
is no justification tor known and in­
tentional violations o f the plain letter
individual taxpayers.
uaderv al ustión o f property
tends tow ards inequality and
» in taxation.
tin te worn statem ent that in­
vai uatkms result in Invreaeel
n account o f rates o f levy not
be en naga ti ved by budget laws, by tke
tax limitation amendment to the Con
utiluUuu and, particularly, by a re-
eunt enaetment requiring that all tax
teviee shall haraofter be mmde in dol­
ía n and not in milis. Aleo, «indar
«ha plan af equalteation Imtwsea cono-
Mas M w ia offset, it i« no ionger trae
th at « high eeunty valuation i aereas
as Usad a lew vdtuatiea reducás the
t la prescribe any hard and fa st
fo r assessm ents, but it insists
each assessor should make an
wt effort to obey the plain man­
ad the law and record such as­
ten ie that ho can take the oath
N d o f Mm without subterfuge
“ There is an area m the properties
of- about 600 acres, supposed to con­
tain som ething like 16,000,000 tons o f
a fine quality o f lignite fuel coal. It
bum s free, makes practically no
smoke and is said to be one o f the
cleanest coals on the market.
“ B efore beginning actual m ining on
a com m ercial basis tbs new company
practically rebuilt everything in con­
nection with the mine, both on the
surface and below ground. Since the
advent o f the now railroad from Eu­
gene to Marshfield, which connects
with the form er road running from
Marshfield to Powers, the company
has been shipping several carloads a
day by rail, besides supplying the lo­
cal market along the Coquille river
and the towns o f M arshfield and
North Bead. They have been “held
back by trouble in getting experienced
men to work in the mine, but are
gradually gutting u working force or­
ganised and soon will be turning out
soveral hundred tone per J a y .”
K en t in Coquille we mre aw aiting
the fulfillm ent o f these optim istic pre­
dictions with hardly less anxiety than
that new schedule we were promised
on the S. P. A sack or tw o o f coal at
a tim e is all ws are able to get now,
ow ing to the very limited produ ctioi
nt the Riverton mine.
One o f the numerous ways in which
Canada has shown its readiness to
meet em ergencies crested by the war,
is in tearing up long sections o f rail­
way tracks in the Dominion, to pro­
vide the alHed forces on the western
fron t in Europe with needed trans­
portation lines, according to the
March Popular Mechanics M agazine.
The plan fo r collecting the rails, as
reported from Ottawa, contemplated
the rem oval o f some 800 miles o f gov­
ernment railroad sidings in the East
and also long stretches o f track be­
tween Edmonton and the Pacific coast
where two railw ays run parallel, the
traffic on botji lines to be accomuto­
pian, it was said, owed its origin to
tne British government, which inti­
mated that prom pt action o f this kind
would probubly rave thousands o f
lives, and that new rails could not oe
obtaind because o f «he demand -for
steel in making munitions. It was
estim ated in Ottawa that over 1,000
milea would be torn up in response to
the appeal.
The Better You
Knovy Us
La t i » mum off «rad, or United State«
money order, or law ful money at the
N otice U hereby given that the un­ United Stater, w ill bo received and
dersigned baa, by order at the Coun­
ty Coart o f Coos County, Oregon, ■ale thereof made by the m ayor w d
been duly appointed adm inistrator at City Recorder o f the City o f Coquille
the estate o f M argaret A . Hudson, de­ apon and a fter tha 10th day o f March,
ceased; and that all persons having A . D. 1917, and between equal bida,
claim s against said estate are hereby ■ale will be made to the person first
notified that they are required to
present same, duly verified, and with
the proper vouchers therefor, to the
undersigned at the office o f A. J.
Sherwood in Ooquille, Coos County,
Oregon, within six months from the
date o f this notice.
Dated this 2fith day o f February,
C. D. Hudson,
Adm inistrator o f the Estate o f
M argaret A . Hudson, deceased.
N otice is hereby given that sealed
bids w ill bo received fo r the construc­
tion o f concrete side-walks at the
C oos County Court House* at Co­
quille, Coos County, Oregon, accord­
ing to plans and specifications on fils
in the Office o f the County Clerk.
The County reserves the right
to reject any and all bids and to sward
the contract to a bidder not the low­
est should they deem it fo r the bee«
interest o f the County.
A ll bids are to be filed with
the County Clerk on or before the
9th day o f March 1917 at the hour o f
10 o’clock A . M. on which day such
contract shall bo let. A certified check
o f five percent, o f the assount o f
bid to bo deposited with the Coun­
ty Clerk with bid to bo forfeited to
tbs County in case contract shall b%
awarded and the contractor shall fail,
neglect or refuse fo r a period o f ten
day* after such award la mads to en­
ter into a contract and file his bonds
to the satisfaction o f the County
Court as required by law.
may be had upon deposit o f the sum
o f $2.00 to the County Clerk.
Dated at the City o f Coquillo, Coos
County, Oregon, this 23rd day o f Feb­
ruary A . D. 1917.
L. W.^Oddy,
N otice is hereby given that the City
o f Coquillo, Coos County, Oregon, e
municipal corporation, pursuant to
the provisions o f Chapter V o f Title
X XV I o f Lord’s Oregon Laws, and the
provisions o f sections 70 to 76, both
inclusive, o f an act enacted by’ the
people o f the City o f Coquille, at the
general election held on the 12th day
o f May, A . D. 1913, has issued 86
Improvement bonds, Sorias R fo r the
improvement o f all that portion of
Second street from the west side of
Henry Street and running east there­
from to the west aide o f M yrtle
A lto, all that portion o f'T h ir d
Street from the east side o f Henry
Street and running east therefrom to
th east side o f Collier street;
A lso, all that portion o f Coulter
Street from the tou t» end o f Coulter
Street and running north therefrom
to the south line b f Fourth Street;
A lso, all that portidn o f Heath
Street from a point ten feet south of
the north lino o f F irst Street and run­
ning north therefrom to the south
line o f Fourth Street;
A lso, all that portion o f Busch
Street from a point ten foot south o f
the north line o f F irst Street and run­
ning north therefrom to the north
sido o f Third Street;
A lso all that portion o f Collior
Street from a point ten foot south o f
the North line o f F irst Struct and
running north therefrom to the north
side o f Third Street;
A lso, nil that portion o f Division
Street from a point ten feet south o f
the north lino o f F irst Street to the
south line o f Second S treet;
A lso, all that portion o f Maple
Street from a point ten foot south o f
the north lino o f F irst Street to the
south line o f Second Street, all o f
said proposed improvements and said
streets hereinbefore named being in
E lliott’s Addition to Coquille C ity and
N otley’a Addition to the town o f Co­
quille City, in Coos County, State o f
Oregon, according to the plats o f said
additions on file and o f record la the
office o f the County Clerk o f Coos
County, Oregon, within the corporate
lim its o f the said City o f CoquiUa,
bond number one o f said assies being
in the sum o f 6387JM sad bonds num-
“ Gan wa not m utually hope that the
tar 1917 w ill se e . s higher general
rerage at valuations and a nearer
Mudi Broccoli Contracted.
-r * * * « « « with the requirem ents at
Contracts to purchase the broccoli
ith law and common sense in as-
in the season o f 1917-1918 on
•sasents fo r taxation T”
300 scree o f Lane county farm lands
have ju st been signed by H. A. R a w
and W . T. Langlois o f the W estern
Broccoli Association, which was re­
cently orgainxed in Eugene, say« the
Eugene Guard. The crop is expected
to reach 60,000 crates. Nearly 60
grow ers have signed with the com ­
pany to care fo r the crop under the
direction at the broccoli association,
and to turn over the crop to the com ­
There is to ha a small board to han­ pany in the winter o f 1917-1918.
dle state affairs and another to handle
A flat price per acre is being paid.
all tha state institutions, the Governor The company has secured the seed,
heading the tw o. A ll boards o f three and has placed it at the F irst Nation­
or m ore aru to bo displaced by one ex­ al bank, from which place it will be
pert with authority to hire clerks, end distributed to the growers.
he under one o f tho state boards.
A great many departm ents are to
Biff Mines May Be Opened.
ho consolidated ander one head and a
There ia a current report in busi­
great many more are to be abolished,
ness circles to the effect that some
as having no value.
' A raving o f $600,000 a year is to be interests plan the opening o f valuable
effected by such a program and other m ining deposits in the southern part
o f tho county, or nt toast in a locality
states are tryin g the same thing.
somewhere south o f Powers. It has
always been known that there was
Good Words for library. ipinerml in that locality, but until the
Speaking o f the city library here, railroad to Powers was built the sec­
F. Am elia Henry, librarian at Ben- tion erne so isolated that it was hope­
less to coniader taking It out.
“ A t Coquille they have g rown won L. It ia t-aid that some concern has
derfully in tho year and n h alf since asked fo r freight rates on 10,000 tone
m y previous visit. A number o f valu­ o f ore out a year at Powers, but who
able seta o f reference book have boon the parties are or what are their in­
given. They a n buying from six to tentions does not seem to be known.
sight new books oach month. These —Coos Bay Harbor.
hooka not only add a groat deal to
tho profit and p lea su n o f tho roadon ,
Homesteader Dies Alone.
bat give the shelves a fresh, bright
appearance that is moat attractive.
They have a sp ecial book rack and
list fo r boys’ books, and many de­
sirable books fo r jriris
A t prosUht
■aid series, being in the sum o f
they a n registering new borrowers at
$600.00 each, and all o f dUd .bonds
tha average rata at one each day.”
bearing interest at the rate o f six per
emit per annum from the 20th day o f
February, 1917, pursuant to and sub­
Betray N otice.
ject to tho provisions at said Chapter
Strayed onto my place February 9,
V and tho said Charter o f the CKy o f
a yearling grade Jersey bull. Owner
Coquille and the provisions in raid
can reclaim «ante by paying advertis­
bonds contained.
O. L. Smallwood.
Said bonds w ill be sold fo r the
highest price obtainable, bat fee net
and the better we know you, the more busi­
ness we can do together, to our mutual ad­
By order o f the Common Council o f
■aid City o f Coquille and datad this
28rd day o f February, 191 Í
J. 8 . Lawrence,
City Pecorder.
So will you not make it a point to come into
this bank more frequently and give us the
opportunity to learn your requirements as
well as to show you how practical our assit-
ance ih banking matters?
NOTICE is hereby given that under
and by virtue o f an execution and or-
der o f sals issued out o f the Circuit
Court o f the State o f Oregon, fo r the
County o f C oos, on the 19th day o f
January, 1917, in a certain cause
wherein S. K. G ulliford is plaintiff
and E. H. Kern and M ary E. Kern,
husband and w ife, are defendants,
commanding me to make the sum o f
622SJ50 with interest thereon at the
rate o f 10% per annum from the 11th
day o f January, 1917, and an attor­
ney fee o f 626.00, nod costs and dis­
bursements taxed at «10.20, and costs
upon said execution out o f the herein­
after described real property. I w ill,
on Saturday, tha 3rd day Of March,
1917, at the hour a t Ten o ’clock, in
the forenoon at said day at the front
door o f the County Court House, in
the City at Coquille, Coos Connty,
Oregon, offer fo r sale and sell a t pub­
lic auction to the highest and beet bid­
der fo r cash in hand, all o f the right,
title and interest o f the said defen­
dants in -and to the follow ing describ­
ed real property, to-w it: Lots One and
Two in block 8ixty-four> in E lliott’s
Addition to Coquills C ity, Coos Coun­
ty, Oregon, according to the plat
thereof on file and o f record in the
office o f the County Clerk o f said Coos
County, Oregon. Said sale being made
subject to redem ption in the manner
provided by law.
Dated this 27th day o f January,
W . W . Gage,
Sheriff o f Cooos County, Oregon.
Professional Cards
Richmond- Barker Building.
Coquille, Ora.
Phones, Ofllc# 62«, Res. 214.
BED SPRINGS. New and Old
^2— -----—
and many other New and Second Hand Goods
W ill exchange Guns, Phonographs, and Kodaks far other season-
able goods.
A lso make special sise SCREEN DOORS and W IN -
\ . - v
A WORD to the WISE
W h e n y o u n e e d n ea t, n e w a n d
n ifty L e tte r h e a d s , E n v e lo p e s ,
C ir c u la r s o r o th e r a d v e r tis in g
m a tte r, The Coquille Valley Sentinel is
r e a d y to fill th e b ilL W e a ls o
have a large stock of Business Cards, Fine Pa­
pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can
give yon something neat for your office stationery
Rlebmond-Barker BMi
Main 11, Ooquille, Oregon.
Office in Farm en A Merchante
Bank Building. Coquille, O n .
attornby at
that has operated continuously since its establishm ent some fourteen
y e a n ago has been your Laundry. '
Rain or shine, good times and bad, it has been on the Job.
W e have a number o f custom ers that have patronised it continually
from the beginning. W e are gratefu l fo r this appreciation o f our
service. Our aim is to im prove the service in every way possible.
W e wash ever y thing washable.
Bandon to San Francisco
Fare, Firat elaa#—|10.
Coquille, Ore.
B eak
M yrtle
M ak at M yrtle Paint Bldg.
M yrtle Point, Ore.
accseeor to the late Dr. M. O.
SeBe from Central W arehouse Company
J, L W AL3TROM. Agate. Bsndsn. Ora.
E. & E. T. Erase, Mgn., 24 Calif. S t, 8. F.
J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore