The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, March 02, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
A 0009
B T H . W . YO U N G .
mm ESI «
to a r t i
ed a t the cc
issM ail
Second Class
W ith rice at 12% cento a pound and
potatoes a t three, rfce has a shade the
beet e f it. F ifty pounds o f potatoes
costing *1.60 are w orth only as much
as ten pounds o f ^ric^costlng *1.26.
• H e said: “ In the icy w ater up to
her knees fo r tw o hours, the daughter
bravely supported her m other, utter­
in g words o f encouragem ent.
the Start both w ere seasick, which
w ith the cold and exposure w ore down
- A t a cent and a quarter a pound
th eir courage."
Spokane people realized $10,000 by
_ L l_
_ M
' ■ - —a - u n a *
m ia
Of All the
the Cooe
Isn’ t it to
Rqpd this
the w ay in
r t a v In Rt
newspaper fe r 7 or 8 cento a pound
can make good money buying paper
stock a t 926 a too-_________
The Cates banquet here three yea r«
ago is recalled by s sim ilar campii-
ment to E ditor John T . B ell, o f the
N ew burg Enterprise, last Saturday,
who was given a Com m ercial Club
banquet at the eooelunion o f five
years’ service there.
L. J. Simpson w rites from Los A n ­
geles that the weather has been very
inclem ent down in that Ita ly o f A m er­
ica and that i f Coos county had good
roads it could offer greater induce­
ments to tourists than that section.
A las, our w eather was punk, too, a t
that tim e, though Simpson probably
didn’t know it whan he w rote.
in the w ay o f the beginnng o f work
on the bridge plans in accordance w ith
the potion o f the county court looking
to the construction o f this bridge.
Everyone who has th e w elfa re o f
our city a t heart w ill rejo ice over the
progress these measures w ill evidence,
It means that Coquilie is looking fo r-
ward, not backward, and w ill do much
The Cooe Bay P o rt has expended to secure the brigh ter days w e believe
the avails o f a *600,000 bond issue is are in store fo r us.
dredging a w ater tray up the bay 26
ai ii ■ f'i'
. - - ■ ■
fe e t in depth. This, o f course, is
TH O SE *6^66,996 BO A D BOND S,
gradu ally shoaling, and they are ask­
The Sentinel gives a good deal o f
in g the governm ent to m aintain a
■pace this wash to the publication o f
dredge to keep it at th a t depth. The
S T f u ll toxt o f the 9<W>0.000 road
governm ent, according to M ajor Fries,
bond b ill on which w e are to ro ts In
is not w illin g to go that fa r bat w ill
June. A fte r w e have m ore carefu lly
see to it that they have 22 fe e t from
'digested Re provisions w e 'expect to
have m ore to say about it. Mean-
Am ericans o f German birth or des­ w h ile w e su ggest that every taxpayer
cent are, w ith n egligib le exceptions, and voter preserve this copy o f tbs
ju st as loyal to th eir country and ju st Sentinel, so th at he w ill not have to
as w illin g to battle under the stars
and stripes against any sad every
enem y as are our native born c iti­
zens. It is only pacifists o f the Bryan
stripe who are try in g to conviaee the
ifo rld that our people are too coward­
ly to be w eillin g to resent insult and
too craven to defend ourselves from
attack. But fo r them, Germ any would
have no occasion to conclude that qm
are not united as one man to assart
and m aintain our righto.
te ll him is in this b ill, but can refer
to R fe r him self when the discussion
o f its previsions begins to grow warm.
There is one point to which w e wish
to direct special attention, however.
Th e b ill provides that in case C oo«'
county prepares “ tw en ty m iles or
m ore" o f the road from Roeeburg to
Marehfiaid by w ay o f M y rtle Point
and Coquilie fo r porin g, the state
highw ay commission shall im m ediate­
ly pave R. The expression “ tw enty
m iles or m ore” indicates a minimum
but no maximum, so that i f Coos coun­
ty should prepare this "p o et road ," as
R is term ed, fo r paving from M arsh­
field b y w ay o f Coquilie and M yrtle
Poin t to the Douglas county liu , it
would oertanly be p lved i f th is ' bin
becomes a law and our county acted
in tim e to have the work done b efo rt
the six m illion doallars had been spent
on other projects.
Sugar is up to *8.60 a hundred here
In Coquilie now, and the dealers tell
ps there is little probability e f its
goin g low er until a t least s year a fter
the w ar is over. O f course there w ill
be little , i f any, German, Austrian
or French beet sugar on the m arket
until the crop o f 1918 in any evaat.
T o increase the shortage the planters
o f Porto Rico have decided to plow
ap their sugar fields this year and
plant them w ith beans in aa effo rt to
reduce the high cost o f liv in g in that R U R A L V A L U A T IO N IN V A L L E T .
W e find the follow in g published in
te rrito ry ; and the Cuban rebels are
reported to be burning the crep in the tiie Oregonian as a Bandon special
eastern portions o f that island.
Hava fa ith in your town. W e have
often heard it said that the man Whe
plays the bear (in the W all street
se n *«) and banks on the fa ilu re o f any
Am erican community is certain to go
broke in the long run. E specially is
this the case when a community has
behind it such resources o f fo re s t and
field, orchard and dairy, as ours.
There could be no m ore assured
sources o f wealth than ours. A ll w e
aaed is to make the most o f them
and success is assured. W ith fa ith in
God, in the earth he has given ps and
in our own a b ility to develop its re ­
sources, the future w ill be assured.
W hjh the senate “ bone-dry” amend­
m ent to the postal appropriation bill
came before the house R waa adopted
by a vote o f SSI to 72. Ik e members
who claim ed to be prohibitionists a ll
righ t, but opposed thh act aa an In­
vasion o f “ states’ righ to ," w ere greet«
«4 w ith -derisive laughter. This earn«
house a year ago gave a b a n m ajor­
ity fo r o prohibition constitutional
amendment, but not the necessary
two-thirds. It refflsed tw o to one then
but now joyou sly g iv e « m ore than
fou r to one fo r “ boae d ry ." They
have eviden tly seen a g rea t lig h t
Subm itting a national prohibition
am endm ent too, would have been a
little thing com pared w ith w hat they
have done— enacted th at no liquor
shall bis shipped into prohibition
Figu res com piled by County Asses­
sor Beyers «how the assessed valua­
tion o f the Coquilie watershed, a ll o f
which is tribu tary to the port o f Ban­
don, exceeds by m ore than *2,000,000
that o f the Cooe Bay watershed, the
amounts being Coquilie, *10,608,110;
Cooe Bay, *8£20,944. On tne other
hand the cities tribu tary to Cooe Bay
have considerably la rger assessed va l­
uations than thoes on the Coquilie.
2848,898; C oqu ill«, *610,267;
Point, *866,78«.
M yrtle
The figu res given are from the tax
rolls o f 1916, o f course. A s published
here they m ay convey an erroneous
idea. The figures first given are the
totals fo r the Coquilie end Cooe B ey
watersheds respectively, and the fig-
uvea fo r the cities mentioned la ter are
included in thoed totals.
T h ere is
f 'i.» 17,627 o f assessed property in the
tm eek iea a t the B ay and only 11,820,-
986 in the three cities on the Coquilie
riv e r— less than h a lf as much.
On the other hand, outside o f the
five cities there is $4,608,817 in as-
eeaaod property in the Cooe Bay te r­
rito ry and $8,782,174 in the Coquilie
valley, which makes nearly tw ice as
much in this end o f the county." Then
again the B estride, N ew port end
Bunker H ill properties are not includ-
allow ed to reach those states in the this side to to
m ails. Public opinion was slow to total o f farm s
m anifest its e lf in opposition to the In the Coquille
w e have tw o
value in the
than there to tax lists is 1911. 1912, 1918, 1916 and
south end o f the
1916, which A ggregates *12.786.60,
in the north ew L
A d continuss:
“ H A S P IN G O N M T D A U G H T E R ”
"F o r the publication o f delinquent
The C oqu ill« Sentinel U ]n Bandon
fo r 1*11 to be published in 1916
n i “ cryin g fo r a «hare o f the m oon"
when it aekad fo r one-day m ail and th f Coon B ay Tim es and the E ven in g
pan «an ger aervjce between this city Record subm itted a bid o f 5 cents per
and Portland. "T h e fa c t o f the m at­ line, which the county court consid­
te r is the Sentinel is try in g to find ered exorbitan t and would not pay and
an excuse fo r the Coquilie and M yr­ entered an order on the 16th day o f
tle Poin t delegations, who com plete­ February, 1916, th at fo r the publica­
ly “ threw dow n" the Bandon bunch tion o f delinquent tax lists and other
in the Coquilie m eeting, a fte r they notices th at the county would pay >
had previously agreed to support Ban- cents per line fo r each insertion and
no m ore.' The Cooe B ay T im e« and
When the tim e came fo r their the E vening Record published th e de­
spokesman to take the floor the stern linquent tax lists fo r said year and
countenance o f M r. Seott aparently each presented the county court w ith
gave them sta g e-frig h t and they fo r­ bills fo r publication o f th e same in
g o t everyth in g but th eir own little the amount o f (1086, which was tlg -
ured a t the ra te o f 6 cents par line.
selfish spiels.
"T h e countR court disallow ed the
But the Sentinel shouldn't w orry
fe r 91066 fo r each paper and a l­
about it, fo r Bandon isn’t. W e love
our u p-river neighbors ju st as much lowed them a t the rate o f S cents
as ever, «MBs though they do get per line, which amounted to *692.66,
weak-kneed occasionly.' And, some fo r each paper. M r. M aloney and M r.
day in the not fa r distant fu tu re when O’Brien, the respective representa­
Bandon in on the main line o f the tives o f these papers, appeared before
o f tim es
Espee and Coquilie and M yrtle Point the County cou rt a number
are on a spur, w e w ill do our level I fo r the purpose o f adjusting this m at-
beet to see that the stern-visa ged I ter and p reva ilin g upon the court to
S cott gives our friends mil th at they , allow the balance o f 9*42.66 on each
m ight ask fo r in the w ay o f service , b ill, but the court would not change
— even to a “ a share o f the m oon."— its order nor pay any fu rth er sum.
The Cooe Bay Tim as commenced ac­
Bandon W orld.
tion against the county to collect the
A s to what w ill happen when the' (< balance on its b ill and tendered to the
main line o f the S. P . rune thrrugfa \ court the w arran t issued by the
Bandon the Sentinel is very fa r from , county fo r the paym ent o f the earns.
w orryin g.
I t ’e like «pecu lating on ( Said newspaper lost Its su it in the
the earth being struck by a com et in , circuit court, which it appealed to the
the year 2,000. W e havq explained I supreme court, where the judgm ent
why s d ayligh t service between Port- o f the circu it court was affirm ed.
“ D uring the hearings and in vesti-
land and Bandon is a barren ideality,
One end o f the run or the other would \ gation o f those claim s, M r. O’B rien
have to be made in the dark— certaia- acknowledged th at the w ork o f prin t­
ly th at must be the case until the line ing the delinquent tax lists in ths
between M arshfield and Eugene is set- year 1916 was a ll dona in his office,
tied, even in the longest summer c i yt. on his press and w ith his workm en
I " the w itn er it w ill probably alw ays
require an aeroplane to make a day-
Mffht ech*edule betwean the tw o places,
T ° » » y th at the Coquilie and M yr-
tie Poin t delegations “ th rew dow n"
the Bandon bunch a t the m eeting here
'* to vent baseless spleen. Our • peak-
•** recegnised a stone w all when they
“* w •*, tu t s till asketf fo r w hat Ban-
don w asted, w hile recognising the fu-
A lm ost Tea M illions fa r Banda.
I t is not im possible to strike a f i h
ly accurate general average o f the
cost o f paving roads already prepared
fo r hard surface. W idth o f pavem ent
would, o f course, enter into the ca* v -
lation, but it Is estim ated that i f the
type adopted la rg ely In C alifornia,
and there found satisfactory, be ac­
cepted, the *6,000,000 w ill pave about
600 m iles o f road. This type is a nice
or ten -foot .pavem ent, w ith crushed
rock raised to the level o f each tid e
fo r turnouts.
The poet roads and forest roads a n
not to be paved in g en era l T h eir con­
struction from the beginning, when
necessary, is contem plated.
roods are to be paid fo r out o t moneys
provided in another b ill and out o f
governm ent allottm en u under the
Shackleford law . In the next five
years the governm ent w ill spend hi
co-operation w ith Oregon *1,180,910
fo r poet roads and *688,970 fo r forest
roads. The state w ill spend an equal
amount in addition to the proposed
* 6 , 000 , 000 .
■ _
w ill
days o f
an account and it w ill grow
am azin gly i f you g iva R a t­
Commercial and Saving Deposits
For the Bowels
Probably nothing has m ore influene
, \ * *
on the gen eral health than the c ' -
- "V
V ' • »•
dition o f the bowels.
( , .
We honestly believe
Vegetable Laxatives
are the beet bowel rem edy ever made,
__ _£
pleasant t# taka, perm anently beni-
ficia l fo r r e lie f from th e m tory and
dangers a risin g from constipation.
Eat them like candy; good for young and old.
office ready fo r m ailing. This w as
readily observed from the papers, as
the paper used by the Record was
»lig h tly la rg e r than th at used by th e
Tim es.
Thus a ll that the Tim es did to earn
its money was to fo ld the papers and
mail them. A s the w ork fo r the fiv e
issties fo r each paper w as a ll printed
st once, on one press, th e rate would
be SO cento per lin e fo r the prin tin g.
The county court considered this su f­
ficient fo r the w ork and won out on
it and created the enm ity, hatred and
criticism o f the E vening Record ever
“ A mem ber o f the county court
was inform ed th at i f he would come
through on that prin tin g b ill that he
(O ’B rien ) would le t up. T h e court
has not le t up.
“ In prin tin g the delinquent tax lists
in 1911 the coat w as 10 cento per
line; in 1912, 6 cento; in 1918, 8 estna;
in 1916, 8 cento; in 1916, 8 cento and
the contract fo r the year 1917 has not
been lot but has been continued fo r
further consideration, hoping that th f
legislatu re would g iv e the county
.some re lie f in the m atter.
“ The county court, from Novem ber,
1914, up to January, 1916, had cut the
various b ills presented by the E vening
Record to the amount o f *80.95 tot
During the first tw o weeks o f Feb­
ruary the lum ber shipments from
Bandon to Sen Francisco amounted
to 2,119,000 feet, which was consid­
erably m ore than during a sim ilar
period fo r the same tim e last year,
says the Bandon W orld. The output
there has been gradu ally gaining.
C all on us fo r B U l l w y .
In boxes of 36 tablets for 25 cents
Fuhrmans Pharmacy
The Raocall Store
T h e material for your
W isco n sin
S ilo
— ~
, - . -WS-.- -
- ...tot,
is ready for use.
- Com e in and let us g iv e you an
estim ate on the co s t
They are indiapensible
to dairymen
The total available, th erefor«, fo r
state paved roads and co-op en tire
post roads and fo rest roads in the
next five y e a n , i f t ie bond ieeue he
approved w ill be *9,738,660.
The money heretofore mentioned as
required to m eet governm ent H M -
ments is to be provided fo r by a state
bond issue, not involved w ith the *6,- proposal and not r e f s u e d to
the people. But in terest and princi-
(jraàdgpprfimaeseseaN— o w f w o i l a s j
mes— TMiM save
»mewa.f— ^
can bo paid o ff and m aintenance u -
aured by applying autom obile licenses
and the existin g quarter-m ill highway
levy to thorn purposes.
In other
words, no increase in taxation is pro­
posed.— Oregonian.
Don’t fo rg e t that our 4-ma
offer a t 2 bite s till bolds good.
tw ice publicly nec-
r-IH k n i Company,
it -a Yoo
1 ■ ■ ■ ■