lilPltÄ tin tin g Hoes, Weeding Hoes, Ladles’ 3-piece set, $1.25. Child’s Sets, 30 and 50c Methodist Episcopal. gan county, and the principal owner of a large cheese factory there. - While not roeommetoltog the aboli- tion of croasOerioO, Mr. Chaplin said there was more money for tho dairy- man in cheese than to butter, and that to Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, where many creamartoe formerly op- eratd, there are now over 100 cheese factories and not one creamery. On this, hie first trip, he had, he said, gone from the California {toe to northern Washington end Coos county wae the finest dairy section be had yet seen. Standardisation of choose to hto hobby and while he said ha had seen better cheeee from Coos than from Tillamook, ha had also seen warm, and Coos county was judged by Us to quality, style and etae and has a natonal reputation, which Coos cheese dose not, because of this lack of stan­ dardisation. Prof. W. A. Barr, of O. A. C., con­ fined hto remarks to the balanced ra­ tion for dairy hards, taking far hto text a story of toe young woman who asked her mother, to view of bar ap­ proaching m arriage, hew to preserve domestic harmony to the home. The mother's reply was, “Feed the brute." Prof. Barr gave the sense advice in regard to dairy cattle. Ivan Lowrey, of Monmouth, taid how too stock on their breading farm there were fed, as to quantty, sea­ son and age of the animals. The now taster of the Myrtle Point Association, a H. Bryant, was to- trod need and acknowledged the intro- duction to hto patrons in a fitting manner. J. E. Norton, as pisahtont and H. A. Young, as sw ntary «r the Coquills Commercial Club, were called oa for remarks as waa C. Milton Shultz, of the Myrtle Point Enterprise. Mrs. Albert Sehroeder, who as chairman of tho -feed” committee, was called on, replied that the ladies were acting on Mr. Barr’s taj unction for securing domestic felicity. To complete the re-organization of the upper river tasting assocation the following oA csn w en elected} Pres- ident, W. C. Cutler; vice president John Carl; secretary-treasurer, L. P Trigg; and these with Albert Sehroe- dsr and Varna Lundy form the beard r 6:80 p. m. The topic io "Preparing H enn . o ............................ f Father’s Death. Happy Meawriee.” Genevieve Ghaae, M. 1 L Young n n h n d word of tho a t 7:80 p. m. deeth of his fothor, Z. C. Young, a will be -Not which ocurred a t tho homo of hto son, 8. R. Young, in Seattle. Thodoeooaod wm 88 yearn of age. Ha wae born May 80, 1888, to Chautauqua county, Now York; wont to Kansas to 1871, whom ha lived to Ooborn county until *88, to which year ho moved to Seattle.- deutsche Klub. Bandon World. One Of the unique features of the program waa the dram atisation of tho Gorman etory, Die W aldfrau. The plot-of Mm etory to of o poor widow and her daughter, Betty, who live near a forest. Betty takee care of tho goats and spina during the day. She to very fond of dancing after her aoon day lunch. The forest fairy appears and asks her to dance. Batty CHICKENS wanted. Address F. B. forgets her work and is much grieved Smith, garerai delivery, Coquille, when it to time to go home. The for­ Christian Church. ... Oregon. est maiden makee Batty and her moth­ Bible School a t 10 a. m. : # er vary happy by giving them come Morning Subject, “What to Wrong With the H ornet- Y. Pi S. C. E. at 6:80 p, m. Evening subject: -A Fool's Idea.” part C. G. Price, Minister. and expi ers’ Hides, Wool. Presbyterian Church. WANTED—Farm A F un and Palts. Geo. T. Moulton. Teaching servies from 10 to 11 a. m. ~ M tf was " Prearhtog servie» a t i l a. a juto, gam Wa «stand a hearty welcome. F. S. Shimisn, Pastoi. man A etoti Christian Science Society. end Services next Sunday a t 11:00 a. m. B< Subject, -C hrist Jesus.” »on, Wednesday evening meeting at 8* by b Myrtle Point, Ore. o’clock. Tl Sunday school a t 0s8O a. m. Mab Corner Third and Hall streets. Ada »to New eon. was that between the Myrtle Point Prices for Overhauling and charg­ and Coquilto high schools a t Masonic ing on application. Free advice. Hall last Saturday night The local STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE five played the visitors deer off their STATION feet and playing the same sort of s qune with the other schools wovM A. B. TAYLOR, Prop. have gone through the aoaaoa with an unbroken string of victories. John Stanley, who has recently been made captain, and P ad Grouch playod the game of U d r lives. The latter was in fine form for basket shooting end made a number of un­ expected and wonderful throws. Fred Lorens, Philip Johnson and John Oerding were net behind the other two to spectacular defensive work. team work was fine and the boys tog», addressed the high school as wall The played together like a well-oiled ma­ as the seventh and eighth grades on Many attem pts to score by th* «abject of manual work in school, chine. the visitors were stopped when it Mis* CowgUl considers domestic sci- improbable that they could be. « « • and manual training to be ab- seemed score of 20 to 8, however, does solutaly essential to e first class high MR The tilt playing ability of the However^'to“ the absence of two taffies«« teams, as Myrtle Point put up a these subjects she suggested to st toe game and waa simply overpow­ students could profit greatly by taking good »P the industrial club work carried on ered by the concentrated attack of *7 the Agricultural Collage in con- the locals. It to greatly to the credit of the junction with the state department of Coquilto players that they paid ae a t­ education. tention to U»e coachag of two or three The superintendent has made a reg- spectators to -rough it.” ulstion to the edict that students The preliminary game between toe shall not be called to the telephone Junior and Sophomore girls’ teams during school hours except in ease of resulted in a I t to 1 victory torn rare emergencies. Massages will be Sophs. The larger part of the far crowd delivered or students will be requeeted present was pulling for the Juniors, to call up a t the does of school but who been unlucky the year. Mary they will not be called out of dam to Ellen have Law seared ell I t notate for the answer the phone. This regulation was made necessary by toe great Will be sold for a time at last years' prices. 9e to 12c per fo o t. Buy Now. SPECIAL! One size, one pattern 4^x0 feet, regular price, $1.95 Special $ 1.49 Willard Storage Battery Service Station Other sizes and pat­ terns galore, includ­ ing ART RUGS Matting«, Ingrains, Wood Fibres, Tapes­ tries, Axminsters, CorkoUn. Many of our Rugs were bought before the heavy advance in wholesale price« and we will soon be compelled to advance our prices Accident Can't Keep Good Testers. County Agent Smith has a haH tons keeping efficient cow teeters for the Coos county associations. Re­ cently two have resigned, A. B. Black the last of three brothers to bold toe position to succession in toe Coos Bay association, and K. Nelson, of the per river association. Mr. Black has just received e fellowship at O. A. C„ Full slock of Cross and Crescent Matresses manufactured by the Crescent Feather Co. Cotton Felt Mattresses ranging in price from $10.50 to $17.00. Silk Floss Matresses from $14.00 to $18.00. Combination Mattresses from $3.50 to $100 BARGAINS that are bargains can be found on every counter in our well- filled room« Below we quote a few at them. Come In and look for what you need. We have It Remnant Rolls, 5c each Talcum Powder - - 20c Peroxide, per bottle - - 15c Rubber Sponges, 15c, two for 25c dooe-uut patterns at bargain price«. A foil line of OataMala and plain wall paper. See our full M m before purchasing WaM Colgate* Dental Cream, 10c Tboth-brushee 6c to 20c Dandy Pencils 2 for 6c "New Idea" patterns 10 and 16c Children's Fast Color Hose ¡16c Misses sad Ladies Fast Color B om 20 to 80 c . Complet* House Furnish* ja Bia