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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
Telling About People and : Events in the City and County. Stock Food Is a tonic which your stock needs during this I Oregon. | pnannuon n y w n omv inw H hjor A jbos A. Fries, who arrived in thia city on his Port Commission tour o f C oo. county, ia an old school- mat« o f lira , Fred Slagle and Mrs. J. A . Lamb, haring graduatod from tha >1.«* in the M edford High School with lira . Slagle. did not try the he had had to J * ° * d *"**” • , C*®*«®» o* Norway, h »» ^ pionaar —tiler* o f the COU“ tjr ****** ‘ >romin*nt in **- ¡ j j j ot U ^ r it o ^ ir iL h *trok® °* R**®v®“ *—* Friday, which «*• I at hia horn« thia m orning discloses that i * a Uttl# b«tU r and begin- I nin g to hare aame use both o f hia I nrm **^ lad. I S S n e tha h S rin d w ttT a m a ow- Our Hmn about tha departure of Attorney L. A . L iljeqvist go to Eugene W ednesday to 1908 tax anmrnoni n i l aa expected. Judge Skipworth C to the fa e tth a t Me mother ™ ^ » " ■ * ? ■ last week S L at Uie point o f death. M * that would hare tying ax u a poinv us “ ->**• (m ade the meaning claarer. The a f- Somehody dropped a shirt, Atily (ternooon he le ft, Dr. Hamilton in- equipped with n*chlit, cu ff buttons I form ed us that he had rceired an o f- and arm lets, on Henry street Ju«t I f „ o f a salary o f $1,260 par month north o f the leog bridge last night I to act as surgeon and physician for —perhaps trying to cool o ff after too L lumber com pany at G ray's Harbor, much exercise at the dance. The W e unintentionally om itted the “ per owner will And It at thia offiae. I m onth," leaving it possible to infer P rof. W . A . Barr, o f tha Dairy I that his statem ent referred to an Husbandry department o f the U . 8. [annual salary. V and O. A . C., came np from Bandon Tha Purtley fam ily hare been sore- today. Ha is assisting in tha various I \y afflicted during the past weak. No organisations o f dairy associations in sooner h id Mrs. P. gone north on the county and giving advice fo r the Sunday to attend the funeral o f her improvement o f the dairy business. I .isto r than on bis return home Mon- Mrs. Clarence Tuttle returned Sat urday from a tw o days' visit w ith har mother at Coos City. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Moon were among the Powers’ contingent down fo r the masquerade last night. Edgar M cDaniel, editor o f the North Bend Harbor, attended the K . P. convention here Monday even in g.. Dayne Hudson kpeal W ednesday between Coquille and Marshfield, with a few moments fo r business on the cold weather* A chicken dinner w ill be served in So coma,— The M issionary Society the basement o f th M. E. church. Ideal aback when his five-year-old son will welcom e you. South, Thursday, March first. Price came back with the incisive question, And all you bava to bring ia— the “ Isn’t it G o d ?" 38c. Children under 12, price 20c. price. Ladies and children’s hats 66 2-3 Robt. R. W atson returned frees Sa lem the first o f the week. ' He was cents on the dollar at the Denied Admission to Bar^ em ployed. as a com m ittee secretary Ladies B a iter. This m orning a dispatch has been > there during the legislative session. Pi r A . 8. Smith who has charge o f op received here from Clerk Moreland, o f Hear Harbamaa at the Scenic next erating the drew on the railroad the Supreme court, stating that the Tuesday evening. bridge across the Umpqua river e t application o f A . H. Blatchley, o f thia Dr. V . L. Hamilton returned from Reads port, has received order* from city, to be admitted to the practise Portland W ednesday. He has decid the Southern Pacific company not to o f law in Oregon, was denied by Urn allow anyone to cross the bridge un court loot Tuesday, “ without opinion ed to locate tn that city and has rent- less they have a perm it. The order to or explanation." ad offices in the Medical building a war precaution— Gardiner Courier. j greatest results are obtained from the use o f S tock Foods* ' It tones the system and makes richer blood, gives stock the stamina to withstand the winter’s hardships and acts same as a spring tonic on the hu man system. the local lyceum course. Since leav ing the U niversity o f W ashington where he was head o f the department o f public speaking, Mr. Herbsman has been constantly engaged by lyceum and Chautauqua bureaus fo r platform work. His great lecture, “ Lifp’s B l ancs Sheet," has been delivered prob ably five hundred tim es to as many ¿lighted, audiences all over the coun try. The follow ing letter which is one o f the many sim ilar communica tions that have boon received, gives seme notion o f the esteem in« which he is held by those who have heerd him. This particular letter is o f in- teerst because it com es from a town that is having the sem e course se throughout but it is safe to say that a flue, inspirational lecture such as Mr. Her be man’s will make a more lasting im pression than any other en tertainment that m ight be offered. Far those not holding season tick ets the price o f admission w ill be fifty cents, school children, thirty- five. The date is Tuesday, February 27, at 8:16 p. m. Coquille and M yrtle Point. This week’s basket ball game will be tom orrow (Saturday) night be tween Coquille and M yrtle Point on the Masonic floor here. The visitors won from the loca l five at M yrtle Point and although Coquille has no show fo r the Coos county champion- Frank Burkholder, who cam# across SAVES CHILD FRON BEAR. ¡the mountains from Bosoburg the middle o f the week say* the snow wee fifteen inches deep out there. P ro bably tha last day or so has consider Leavenworth. Wash.—A little three- ably increased that. Reporta from yeeroid boy running toward u big Powers are that there was 16 inches brown bear caused quick action on the o f saow on the ground and still fa ll- part o f W illiam PeopmeUer, a Chum- stick rancher, the other day. Mr. Peopmeller wee loading e car o f Mrs. F . C. Parsley eras summoned wood at the elding, and bis M tle neph to Oregon C ity last Sunday afternoon ew was playing about the car when on account o f the death o f her sister, Mr. Peopmeller wee attracted by hie Mrs. Vin W illiam s, and le ft on the a f two dogs barking In the underbrush about 100 feet distant ternoon train taking her son Theodore He o bserved tbe beer com ing out of with her. Mr. Pursley accompanied the canyon end also saw the child go them as fa r aa Marshfield. Mrs. Pure- ing to meet i t T be child bed not seen Butter W rappers and Trespass signs lay is expected home tbe first o f the tbe animal, but wee going over to at the Sentinel office. where tbe doge were. Mr. PeopmeUer Send the Sentinel to eastern friends reached tbe child and, with It under Calling carda 76e per 100 her*. bla arm, ran a abort distance to tbe Call en us fo r Stationery. bouse and got bis rifle. He got e few •bote at the animal before It again en Calling Carda 60c fo r 50. “ tered tbe brash, but tailed to bit It F. C. Stone, o f this city, who is a tailor by trade, says ha used to make suits fo r tha late General Funston, and always found him a pleasant cus tomer to deal with. Dr. V. L. Hamilton returned to Portland yesterday afternoon. He ■ays a physician from Portland w ill be down here the first o f the week to tags charge o f his practice and office. O. H. Bryant caase ia last weak from O. A . C. to taka tha position o f tester -for the upper river association. Another man is expected soon to take charge o f the work o f the low er river built fe r u m aternity I building was insured f, testing association. the contento fe r $1,000. A ll rubber coata, capes, hats sad New. Ota The International Stock Food conies in 25c, 50c and 75c pkgs. Also 50 lb. pails Knowlton’s Drug Store W h o D oes k £ / A n you doing these things b y hand or foot power— W hy not save the time and energy o f your men few more productive work? a n economical aids to greater efficiency and higher production. Thqy occupy little spice, require practically no attention and coat nothing when the machines are idle. G-E motors are easily controlled and always ready for instant service. A ta lk w ith o u r pow er naan w ill disc OREGON POWER CO Coquilk, Oregon Telephone Service DAVIS SLOUGH Telephone service has been established to Davis Slough at the camp o f the North Bend Mill end Lumber company. Coos and C urry T rlrphonr C ompany Served Fifty-three Veers as dark. □fistiai Church (S o D T h e s e T h in g s In Y o u r S h o p ? A t o /n s. Pa.—A four proneed buck has been annoying cattle on farms In Frsnkstown township. It was first •sen at tbe Bagshaw farm, where it mingled with tiro herd in (be barnyard When the klne objected to this Intru ■ion the antlered monarch gored sev •ml o f them silently and disappeared In the mountains. A day later the buck Joined the «attic tn a field o f the Ell Moore form und after on encounter with them was driven off with diffi culty. He did not seem to bo la the least timid. fo r a short visit. Ho says tha bridge crew o f which he is a member had been doing guard duty ut tha tunnels, but that the patroiing had been stop ped fo r the present MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE. C all oa C oquille G arage. is the tim e o f the year w hen the Paonis, Colo., Jan. 6, 1917. Gentlemen: “ Mr. J. C. Herbsman lectured here tw o nights ago and it certainly was fine. Many people have Things to Reawoiber. told me it was the best entertainm ent M i*. M orrison !, renowned, flaky bis we havq had so fa r and that is say cuit, ing quite a good deal because we’ve had the Hawaiian« and the Lyndon- O f which all want a share, Can be found e t the M. E. South, Gordon com pany, both -having been received with great enthusiasm. In church dinner, On the first o f M arch; and the rest o f fact, we thought so much o f him that we made arrangem ents fo r him to ley over a short tim e and give us another lecture." Signed Geo. Van Deren. The ladies o f the Presbyterian church w ill bold a cooked food sale at H. O. Anderson’s store at 10 o’clock tom orrow (Saturday) morning. T h is Columbus, Ga.—Merits M. Mo. -e, who celebrated hie seventy-ninth birthday the other day. has the remarkable rec ord o f having served continuously for fifty-three years as city clerk in Co lumbus. Mr. Moore to at hie deck ev ery day, string attention to kto duties fal tha sums manner as tn the'paat Only tw o-bits fo r fou r magasinas that a n well worth $1.76 i f you take them In connection with a years’ sub scription to the Sentinel. F. H. Woodruff*» Barber Shop Cor. Willard a n d 'F irst 8ta. Shave 15c Haircut 25c