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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
4/ g * ■ N il T ■ V 1 WJ 1 1 3 1 i j l . k i* Ï . ' V ™ i f § I ] ™ r. ? HE I I I — W e have just received a new and complete stock o f these popular floor coverings. up to 9x12; Dusmess sale is opening wide the way to real economy. war, The the shortage of the cotton crop, the scar city of dyes, the embargo on wool, are making prices jump up, up, up. Every • V. " m m « _ ' _ . day brings new advances and new rises in costs, but the Fair Store’s retiring from business sale has —— ■ Also by the yard to (it any room. Our beautiful new line o f ■ & Upholstering Goods are now in stock. Bring in your old chairs and rockers and have diem upholstered* W e make diem look just like new. Coquille Furniture Company Postoffice Building M. J. Hartson, Prop. lowered all prices to rock bottom. Many are buying goods fo r the future at this extraordinary sale. T on w ill appreciate the alm ost unbelievable opportunity presented by this store to purchase up-to-date, staple and reliable merchandise at prices at prices a l- mos in every instance at wholesale coat and leas. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. COM E E A R L Y A N D SH O P. IT W IL L P A Y Y O U THE FAIR STORE M artin Block, Front jStreet - Coquille, Oregon The electric furnace also tu n a oat calcium carbide, the only source o f acetylene, without which many homes would still use the kerosene lamp. The oxy-acetylene flame baa become o f In tense value In tbe w elding o f metals and the cutttng o f steel. ^ Jfhto^ seme Ho* Modani D osions Dopoids plate end arm or-piercing projectiles Is introduced Into steel by ferro-chromt- um. an alloy which Is strictly ea elec tric furnace product T b e N avy De partm ent calls fo r this type o f steel, to r in the fixation o f atmospheric nitre- and w ill have no other as armor piata gen, and Is the source o f supply upon Items From the Bay. (P r o a the C om Bay N e w «.) Th e H en ryville m ine is g ettin g out 86 tone o f coal per day, and it is said i f m ore m achinery was available that Talk on True Sportsmanship the output could be considerably in creased. & "• ' ' ' J. W . N oblet, principal o f the high Residents o f E astsidc w ere notified Thursday by Constable Cox that they cannot lo t th eir cattle run a t large. A com plaint has been lodged with D istrict A ttorn ey H all by W . C. W eaver. The H arbor says that L . J. Sim p son has w ritten from Paso Robles, C aliforn ia, to a frien d a t N orth Bend, statin g that ho had some im portant propositions on hand, and in 60 days would start a ctivities in N orth Bend. V ice President W . R. Scott, o f th e Southern Pacific, arrived F rid ay a f ternoon on a special, but to ll shortly afterw ard s fa r M yrtle P o in t O ther officials w ere also on the special, bat the object o f the v is it w as m erely an inspection o f the lino. W ord was received la st w esx that the m otion fo r rehearing in the g u » o f 8m ith-Pow ers L o g g in g company vs. E. W . B ern itt, et al, had boon denied. The case, which in volve« lo g # the rules o f the gam e. O f eourse the audience is in a fram e o f mind .to enjoy a t your sacrifice o f prin cipio a little or much fou l p layin g v id w ill cheer you dp, apparently ac- quioadng, but you m ay not lon g ox- poet the h earty support o f the true sportsman at your contests i f it is n ^ played according to rule.” W h ile it asay bo tru e that soma is i^ a ra tin g a cam p on South C om river, has dism antled the high line w ith which they w ere experim enting, end w ill use chutes in th eir lo g g in g operations h ereafter. Portions o f the b ig cable has been sold to McDonald 4 Vaughn, who w ill operate a high- line 1800 fe e t lon g a t th eir Ten M ile camp. A . N . Pressler was triad W ednes day in Justice Pennock’s court on the charge o f m aintaining a nuisance in the M atlock apartm ents, under the new bone dry law . M arshal C arter was not able to farn ish sufficient evi dence to convict, and the ju ry ren dered the fo llo w in g verd ict: “ I t is our dene any unfair attempt to win, the majority of the human m m believes A ll tbe artificial graphite used la in fa ir play and are quickly dlsguotod the w orld today Is produced at Niagara by unsportsmanlike exhibitions. In tbe recent discussion o f tbe w ater Falls, by cheap w ater power. Its uses M r. N oblet also mentioned tbe pre power problem In end out o f Oong rem, are m anifold. Practically tbe sole valence o f the ciga rette h abit am ong public attention has been directed to Am erican supply o f abreetVM Is also tah boys o f today, thanking the O re ward tbe use end veins o f electricity gon legislatu re fo r putting a strin for m otive pow er and fo r fighting, aad gent statute on the books which not latterly, fo r tbe m anufacture o f fe r but fo r the lack o f sufficient evidence, only w ill punish the dealer who sells tilisers end nitric ad d fo r axploatvea. according to law , we render a verdict cigarettes to a m inor, bat stakes their But these are only a fe w o f tbe grow - use by s m inor punishable by fine and Ed E lio tt, whoi was arrested as Today the groat steal m ill* o f the mentioned in last w eek’s Issue a fte r fu th e absence o f chromium, tung United States are absolutely dependent sten, vanadium and molybdenum, an an excitin g auto chase alon g N orth upon tbe products o f tbe electric fu r alloys made by electrical processes, the Fron t street w ith a suit case con H c t m u b For H all. nace fe r a llo ya Th e autom obile manu United States could not build modern taining IS bottles o f w hiskey in his The fo llo w in g to a copy at a latter facturer to dependent upon another battle ablpe end other weapons o f na possession, was fined f7 0 in Recorder received W ednesday by Charles H all, electric furnace product—aluminum— tional defense, and a U rge proportion B utler’s court. H e was again arrest o f our steel end metal working indus president of the C om County Good for car bodies. Tbe m anufacturers o f ed on charges filed by D istrict A t tries and other Industries would revert steel products need three m aterials fo r torney H all, and en being taken be to tbe cooditkm s o f tw enty years ago. making took, and countless factories Tbe electric« 1 Industry Itself to largely fo re Justice Pennock F riday, ho was require abrasives which caa net now dependent upon silicon steel, which be Imported, and which are produced does not age and does not w ear N t In tbe United States only by electric There to no manufacturer e f automo processes. W ithout acetylene gas and biles but who to today heavily depend frraphltes, also electric product«, many ent upon aluminum. The making o f Industries would be erlppled. automobile bodies utilizes more o f this L_x Items From A rago. Tu m in g to the products o f «M rtro- electrically produced metal then does T h e n w ere throe old booses a t rbem tetry. It to found that tbe surgeon sny other line o f Industry. Tbe devel Johnson’s M ill which w ere uniahabit- and the doctor look to electric plants opment o f aeroplanes a lso , calls fo r for chloroform and disinfectants; tbe aluminum, ami only with the abundant w ere burned Saturday night. cotton and the paper m anufacturer production o f cheep w ater power «a a need the bleaches produced b y this the price o f a'umlnum kitchen utensils Our summer w eather has changed magic elem ent; every user o f eoap pa be brought within the roach o f every fo r A p ril showers w ith a sprinkling tronizes an electro-chem ical establish bouse w ife. o f hail and enow in the air. ment, as does every user o f mate bee. A t the outbreak e f the European w ar M rs. Frank W illa rd goM to P o rt the United States was cut o ff from tbs Gold and silver m ining o f the W eat re land this week to- consult doctors in supply o f Greek and Turktoh emery. qnlros electric products to aaaure a profit, and o f tote It to learned that Today the m otel w orking Industrie« o f Mr. E arl W illiam s, o f N orw ay, has the United State«, cut o ff from Its sup this country are dependent absolutely bu ilt a new beat and waa seen skid ply o f German dyes, finds Itself de upon electric furnace abrasives, carbo- din g along the riv e r Sunday very rap pendent upon other electric products to supply. In pert, the deficiency. County court o f this (D ou gla s) county, id ly and looked w rit satisfied w ith hie These are but a fe w o f tbe Industrie« effo rt. W e leiarn th at G rover Gouth- by the recent public assem blage o f depending upon cheep power fo r «a c i« r is not to be outdone by his n eigh the Taxpayers League e f this county, cess. T b e pow er Is hero. I t « develop bor on the river and w ill aeon launch and resolutions o f the RaM burg Com ment, when encouraged by tbe passage his new bant which he has made and m ercial Club. You have announced o f such b ills as ere now before con w ill look very luxurious to people who gress. w ill make tbe United States in your advocacy at such im provem ent ere creeping alon g these rough, mud dependent o f foreign sources o f supply, Another route to the coast from Eu d y rondo. and w ill reduce the w e t to tbe consum gene already has a splendid raileray er o f counttom srtlcles o f every-day A brick chim ney w m b u ilt in the to accommodate tbe public there use which, to his mind, are probably la M. E. Church South last week aad along, w hile our peop le have none di- no w ay associated w ith bydro-electrte the stove m oved in th e m iddle at the t e t U the c o a s t and which a t least development. The m anufacture o f steel to the great should bo firs t considered and com- est o f all Am erican Industrie«, and better steel to made In electric fu r naces than by any other known g o c - fou ght th eir w ay acroM the continent, a rrivin g on the P acific Coast In IS IS . In the sprin g e f 1868 M r. H a ft set tled a t Scottsbnrg, Douglas oeanty, then a hustling m ining camp, aw l dis tin gu isi»! h im self as a scoot in the Indian w are o f th at and the fo llo w in g “ Charles H . (D u s ty ) MHtor, h eir to