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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
PAGB FIYB has this to road bond act a tature Monday and stubborn aa . “The passage e f the Sute bond issue for highways by tha senaU yesterday, marks the «ret big constructive step la roads in Oregon. It is a start which will result in putting Oregon on a par with California aad Washington in highway development. “This bond issue provides for hard surface roads in the more thickly pop ulated sections o f tha ateto, and in so < doing, tha legislature has made it pos sible for such outlying districts as our own to get the benefit o f the stete and Federal funda which are to he ap plied to poet pad forest roads. Federal apportionment with the funds which the state must match with the government w ill afford nearly f< million dollars for this work during the next five years. Without the six million dollars bond issue, this Fed oral and «t it * money would no doubt be absorbed in the more settled por tions o f the stem, and outride eld of any consequence te Coca county would he remote. • • V “The biU provides far the cation o f Eugeho-Coos Bay read as a forest road, end the Ceos Bey burg roed ns a popt rued. A n a ment was mads in the bill at the sugestión o f the Coes people which w ill make K us to particípete in the host improvements. It provides that e portion o f e post road e f twenty miles or more may be «alerted by .a county if the seme has been graded and made ready for hard surface, and removed from the post rood provisions. The funds from the six million bond lasos will be available for herd surfacing thi. portion o f rood. Under this amendment it is possible for Cess county to withdraw that portion of the Coes Bay-Beeeburg r o d between Coos Bey end Myrtle Point which will b* | ed by opr own bond funds but doM sot interfere with tin » in any way. The mea 'W POfftBBSffwiS ilOBf tom |i9Minwfii^|f^ ffiq to Taken to State Hospital. flatting la illegal, aava with hook ana line, celled angling. Thi» dead lino U tha aama aa eatabliahed by tha State Fiah Commiaaion laat fall. Thia meaa- ura waa fought bittariy in tha House, waa defeatedfor paaaaga by a narrow by a vote of 86 to 84. It aubaequaotly ^jessed tha aosata by a rote o f 82 to 7. That ia tha atatua of tha legialatioa. Fiahing ia not prohibited in Bogua river, but tha uae o f aat neta and aoinao ia forbidden. Aa to how this will affect tha catch o f aahnan for Better You Know Us . run that under am « an execution and or- H as n dor of sale issued eat o f the Circuit for Mr. Hoyt, of Geld I Court of th« State o f Oregqai for the iad been misdirected to I County o f Coos, on the 19th day of that It hod been Matt January, 1917, ia a certain cause o f extra wherein 8. K . Gulliford is plaintiff o f the letter (aad E. H. E o n aad Mary E. Kern, „ _______ ^ _ ___ - . ------ - - * i wife, ere defendants, and the better w e know you, the more busi ness w e can do together, to our mutual ad vantage. tho sum of - • - v • 11888.60 with interest thereon at the of 10% per annum from the 11th day of January, 1917, and an attor- |n*y fe* o f 926 00, and coots and dis- taxed at 910 . 20 , and costs upon «aid execution out of the herein- described reel property. I will, [an Saturday, the 8rd day of March, 1917, at the hour of T «o o’clock, in ft * forenoon of said day at the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Coquille, Cooe County, Oregon, offer for Mis and m U at pub lic auction to the highqat and beat bid The Port Orford Tribune has the allowing Ham about Hon. Frank A. tewmrt, tha father o f one o f Ha pub- 4*)>ta in and to tha foUowin» describ- bd real property, to-wit: Lota f t p and ! Accompanied by hia son, H. T. Two in block Sixty-four in Elliott’« Stewart, and an attendant from 8c- leh», Frank A. Stewart waa takan to the State Hoepital Sunday." For sev- I thereof on file and of record in tha oral year« Mr. Stewart’« health haa I*® ** of the County Clerk of aaid Coon bean failing, but not until about two County, Oregon. Said sale being made month« age did ha commence to break I »abject to redemption In tha manner badly. Local doctors held out no hope Provided b y law. of curing him of hia ailment (harden- Dated thia 27th day of January, ing o f tha arteriaa and high Wood 1 1 »*—, pressure) with tha facilitlao at their * * W. W. Gage, command. Spalls o f violence towards I Sheriff o f Coooo County, Oregon. sibility o f giving Urn at hooM tha «O T IC E OF F IN A L ACCOUNT. fore tha House ahd Senate Fiah com care And treatment ho should have, mittee«. Private information and Sa made it imperative to asad him where k Notice la hereby given that tha un designed did on the 19th day o f Jaa- lma dispatches are that Mr. Mndaay to could have the propar attention. oury. 1917, ill* in tha office of the stated before tha committee that last county darti o f Corn county, Oregon, year he seeured 88,000 Ash, 11,000 of r m t JOMIPS t i l s t f a i i r I his final account in the matter of the which ware caught by tha seine. He Fat McDonald, a logger, and a sail- Administration of the Estate of J. H. had 86 men employed on the seine, ' off the Elisabeth whose name could Kime, deceased, and the county court and the average was 120 flak per day. it be learned warn arrested for *“ ■ ft * *6th day of February, O f the total catch for the year oaa- unkoimeas Saturday night says the D. 1M7» •* M o’dock A , M. as «ighth baa by tha seine and «even- utdon W orld. B o o m was takan from ft * f t “ * “ d ft * odea of the county eighths by the other method«. The air pommai so. McDonald put up l i * 1* « ft * county court houM in the set nets above tidewater caught vary bafl o f |84, which was all he had in I ^ oi Coquille, Coos county, Oregon. few 'flsh, and o f the 77,000 caught -- THS OLDEST NATIONAL BANE INCOOS COUNT ? QUICK’S Second Hand STORE ................................................ First and Henry One Sheep Shearing Ma chine No. 9?complete... $6.00 Set H eavy Harness_____$16.00 One Rood sin gle Harness. B ig variety o f H eating Stoves from $2:60 to $12.50 Sew ing Machines, 8 Sing ers, 1 Howe, 1 N ew Home, One Im proved Faultless, fro m — $5.00 up to $15 Streets Tools o f all kindi, Including Saws, Squares, Brace ta d Bits, Planes, [Chisels, Hand Axes, Brush H ooka Cross Cut Saws, One 60-Egg Ineuhator, and all . accessories. * Alm »eh ost v new. * F / -y ^ 'T > . A x handles, H atchet and Ham m er Handles. M ilk Pans, W ater Buckets. N ew A second hand Cupboards and many other N ew and Second Hand Goode ------- ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call and See These Bargains Professioaal Cards He Slew 3,000 Deer. Speaking o f the proposed appropri ation by Congress of 860,000 to clear the channel o f the river from Coquille to the me end g in it a 12-foot chan- eel, with en annual appropriation of 910,000 to maintain-that depth o f wat er, the Bandon World says: s “ It is also believed that the pro ject would be asede to iadode the blowing out of several rock pinnae 1 m mid to project from a ledge on the her, which would make it poet ibis to get several additional fast of depth at tha entrance of tha river. Maps of the boring survey made by the gov- A W O R D to the W I S E A Roeeburg dispatch states that W. IH. Redfield, of Glendale, weU known throughout southern Oregon, has tha I distinction of having killed 1,000 deer for Udee in early days, when deer aMatd g ffjna jn, vegan end thinks this a big record. T ip Quid Beach Re porter says then a n numerous people •long the coast section who equalled and even exceeded that figure. We remember one man who in 1896 told us that be had quit the work alto gether; that fo r.y ea n ho tod kept tieck o f the deer killed, hut after the number reached 8,000 he quit count ing these. FH T8IC IAN and SURGEON. Bkhmoad-Barkar Building. Coquille, Ore. Phones, Office «26, Ree. 214. a ATTORNEY-AT-LAW a a W hen you need neat, new and nifty Letterheads, Envelopes, Circulars or other advertising matter, Tbe Coquille Valley Seitiiel is ready to fill the bilL W e also GEO. E. RICHARDS J ♦ Ofiee in Robinson Building, Coquille, Oregon have a large stock o f Business Cards, Fin e P a pers and Envelopes, p laid or linen finish, and can give yea something nest fo r your office stationery SENTINEL PRINTING p le ted aad copies received by Assist ant Port Secretary C. M. Spencer. These show exactly the depth * f wat er from e point wall outside of the bar to Coquille, marking all the “high spots’* which it would be neeessary to Physician a ♦ QUALITY PRINTING ■roe ri can School • Kirksville, Mo. ♦ DR. C. W . ENDICOTT ♦ - THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE that haa operated continooualy since its establishment somh fourteea years ago haa been your Laundry. Bain or shine, good timee and bed, K has been on tbe job. We have e number of customers that have patronised it continually froftwthe beginning. Ws are grateful for thia appreciation of our service. Our aim is to improve tha sarvice in every way poeribl*. ■ We wuh ever y thing washable. J. J. STANLEY Calls Port Orford’a Bluff. W# claim that Port Orford has the youngest, pupil la Coos or Curry coun ty to successfully pass tha 8th grada. Lp well Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amas Johnston, agad thirteen years, rsessitly paaaad a vary creditable ex amination and has received his Eighth Grade diploma, and this notwithstand ing tha fact that ha miaaad one entire year o f schooling by reaeon o f the loss of one eye through accident. We challenge the two counties to beat It. —Port Orford Tribune. ATTORNEY AT U V C i® First National Bank Building g l » - - i w o w n g <i m o g n s n e e g a g i t Coquille Oregon * -------------------------------------- g E. D. SPERRY Robinson Bldg, Coquille, Ore. Dr. F. G. BUNCH H e - fe Beek e f Myrtle Dr. O. H. CLARKE %mk e f Myrtle Petad B ri*. Myrtle Fehlt, Ore. to the late Dr. M. O. Calling Cards 60s far 19. V' 2U55 ,,h V 1 * _ . ff lf t i g p s u s i ^ s '» n » ns i i g p g e g n s e s n g i = Str. Ipizabeth * Bandon to San Francisco Fan, First class—$10. ATTORNEY AT LAW Looking Up on the Coquille ¡ u l ^ 1 H COQUILLE LAU N D R Y St ICE COM PANY A. J. SH ERW OOD Dentist of the amendment which allows hard surfacing where the county has pre pared the grade. However, even if Coos county did not receive a single cent of thia money it would be very distinctly to our advantage to sup port the issue and help to inaugurate a progressive program o f road build ing in Ordfeon. 1« California and other states the initial bond issues have always been fort owed by others, whan taxpayers aad voter« begaa to st the 1 -, y. ■ ■ So w ill you not make it a point to come into this bank more frequently and give ua the opportunity to learn your requirements as w ell as to show you how practical our assit- ance ih banking matters? * h A. RICHMOND should take the liberal position that the improvemm* o f the reads in the more populous districts in the stats wOl be of indirect benefit to us end will place ua in line for tha next im provements which are to be made. “Tha increase ia tha automobile li censes will taka care o f these bonds, principal and interact, without an in crease of the present one-quarter Mill levy on all taxable property forh igh - wayh. “The bond issue in the state ia com parable to the Corn county hood issue last year anR Corn county in relation to it may be compered with the more remote sections of our own county which will not have reads built to them by our bond ls«oo but which will be taken care o f with county funds as the result o f it. “ Multnomah county has 88 per cent of assessed valuation o f the state, and will have none of the bond issue expended within its boundaries but very naturally will insist on a con siderable portion of the money bvtag spent in the territory which Is direct ly tributary to Multnomah county. This is absolutely fair. Cooe county has but little more than two pec cent of the assessed valuation of the state, and lose then one-sixtieth e f the state’s area. On • basis o f asseeaed valuation we would be entitled to $ 120,000 of tiie six million dollar bond’ issue, and it is very possible for us to ^ £ 5^ g V Safi. frees Central W aseheese C J, E. WALSTROM, Ageot, Baadoa, Ova. . E.&E.T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. St, 8. F. v- J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. 1 i