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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
•• .• - r v’^ v' V FOUR — ............. The Sentili« A GOOD . \ vi » ■ ■ & » - >>tL " ----------- -------- — = PAPER IN A to be." ¡Books GOPO B Y H . W . YOUNG. known to man, tha savings - acts the ’ in Ireland tha agents o f tits to the people to be vmed oa Monday, ■muent a r j w m 4th: that a shilling fa State issue o f 94,000,900 in ben •hil- must be the lim it to begin construction o f a corapr ling is equal to 26 cants o f oar hensive system o f roads and hig ay, so .that la Issa than tsro cei ways em bracing entire state. 91.16 a bushel. Direct expenditure o f -9100,000 Repreeentativp Tichenor hasn’t giv year fo r fou r years, to build a n< en mud> encouragement to the county penitentiary at Salem. T o raise pay o f legislators from 98 officials in U s district who were ask ing increase in salary. Ha told them a day to 96 a day, extend legislative that he thought they ought to w ait session to 60 days and lim it number until the people voted on Hie question o f bills that can b4 introduced by each and approved the raise. That, though, member and each comm ittee. is a little like subm itting to a Jury o f To authorise assessors o f W estern your debtors the question whether Oregon counties to restore Oregon A your bill should be cut or paid in fu ll. California grunt lands to tax rolls. W hile m ost public officials are getting Requiring m unicipalities to hold enough and some too much, there may their prim ary and general elections be cases in which the compensation is on same day state prim aries and gen inadequate. 'E v e r y case ought to eral elections are held. To provide fo r classified o f property with graduated rate of ' FERNANDO DE NORONHA taxation on property or different clas- From Rio Janiero comes the news has appropriated that one o f the German commerce To enable Port o f Portland to build raiders (as those pirates are softly or to subeidise ateamships and oper at Marshfield, which w ill be paid pro term ed) had recently been sunk and ate linea o f steam ers to foreign and vided Coos county makes an appro another been beached in a damaged dom estic porta. priation o f 910,000 fo r the same pur- condition in the vicinity o f the island T o prevent repeal o f any parts o f o f Fernando de Moron ha, 126 miles state constitution by im plication. out from the easternm ost point o f A ll acts o f thè Legislature against The estim ate recently made by Sen Brasil. It was 44 years ago last No which thè referendum may be invoked ator Overman at W ashington thas vember that the writer saw that rocky will be on thè ballot. thare ars a hundred thousand,German islet from the deck o f the bark Ade spiea In tha United Stetes has set us line AdamS—the first land he had HOW A RE W E PREPARIN G ? to thinking. That would mean on an Behind the question o f the role we average onq to t trrory thousand o f our Brasilian convict station, and we can Population, or a couple in Coquille. hardly im agine one from which there may be destined to play in this trar, says the tite ra ry D igest, lies the would be leas chance o f escape. It is question o f our m aterial prepared near enough to the equator, too, fo r it A t W ashington last Monday, Saun to be somewhat o f a punishment Just ness. W hat ars the fa cts? A s many editors remind us, the entrance o f the ter Chamberlain offered an amend to stay there. United States would add to the ranks ment to the river and harbor bill authorising the deepening o f the Co ENGLISH TURNING TO LINCOLN. at Germany’s foes a nation o f 118,- 000,000 population, whose stock o f quille river from the entrance to Co One o f the striking incidents o f this quille City te a depth at 10 feet, with time o f anxiety and stress in England gold is as large as the combined gold the funds now available. W e look tc has been -the turning o f political lead reserve o f France, Russsia, and the United Kingdom , whose pig-iron pro ers and newspaper w riters to the duction is greater than that o f all deeds and words o f Lincoln as a I f Harry Lane thought he was g o source o f wisdom and a treasury o f the other countries o f the world com ing to make him self solid with any precedents. In his greatest speech bined, and whose copper output in part o f the Oregon electorate by re Mr. Lloyd-G eorge quoted a fam ous 1910 was tw ice that o f the rest o f the world. The Am erican Navy, with lb l fusing to vote to-approve President passage. In the controversy over fighting ships and a tonnage o f l , - W ilson’s cense in breaking diplom atic 097.000, ranks third am ong the na relations with Germany, he is i > quoted again and again By leaders o f vies o f the w orld, and our merchant a rude awakening if he ever be 1 English public opinion foP his clear marine has a groas tonnage o f 8,- a candidate in this state again. sighted tenacity in holding to a great 470.000. And w hile we have imme fixed m oral purpose, as w ell as fo r diately available fo r our fighting line Whan Coos county had a bond el ac ■ his readiness to listen to what his en- on land, according to the C hicago tion last year wa hardly expected to ’ emiea m ight have to offer. More Tribeña, only “about 60,000 regulars aaa another one right away, but as i than any great American—m ore than and 100,000 partially trained m ilitia tha 4th e f. June we shall have an > Franklin, w ith bis shrewd aphorism s. troops,” w s have m ors than 21,000,- opportunity to say yes or no to tha or Hamilton with his constructive po 000 malea from eighteen to forty-five proposition fo r the Stato to issue $6,- litical wisdom, o r Low ell in his “ Bige years old, end 4,778,000 at those, ac 000,000 in hoods fo r road purposes. low Paper” — Lincoln has bean taken cording to the estim ates o f Mayor Meanwhile ws anticipato a warm up into tha home places o f tha more Mitchel’s Committee mi National de campaign over the issue. ntim ate British thought as a hero o f fense, would not be exem pt from na he race and a mouthpiece o f it* inner tional service because o f si:km ss, Tha delinquent tax list bill passed spirit.— Boston Congregationalism physical defecto, industrial necessi- by the legislature makes practically no change in tha 1911 law, under GOVERNMENT W ILL FIX PRICE. tles, or dependant fam ilies. W e are which 912,786 has bean spent to pub lish the lists in Gaos county alooo. We have heard, though, that a law is to be initiated fo r tha June elec tion to do away with the publication ^J*f the delinquent tax lists. Wa have often heard people admon ished to “ go to H alifax,” and ex-Am - bassador Bernstoff has not only gone there but is staying while all tha steerage passengers on the Frederick V III are being carefully searched to eee If there are any German spies among thorn, and tha cargo ransack ed to aseartaia U there is say con H alf way reform s don’t get us any where. That sras what tha people o f Los Angelos thought when they vot ed down three to one the ordinance to prevent all saloons and public drinking places from selling intoxi cating liquors containing more than 21 par cant o f alcohol. Many o f the prohibitionists voted against the measure as an utterly useless one. Getting drunk on h alf or a quarter that percentage o f alcohol would be And now they say tha »kips which enter the danger zone in the Atlantic are going to protect themselves on the cuttle fish principle; that they are to be fitted with a device that will enable them to generate in a few minutes a cloud o f smoke that w ill reader them invisible fo r hours. I f the United States should become involved in srar we could trust Edison to perfect some invention that would put tha subma rines out o f business. The death o f General Funeton at the early age o f 61 recalls our m oot ing with him a little over twenty years ago. He was then travelling thrqpgh the country locturing on his experiences in Alaska and Cuba and we printed some bills fo r his talk in our town. A fter that ha was a cap tain in the Cuban rebel f orces that ware fighting fo r independence ho It’s good nows to the printers that the powers that be at W ashington have brought the newspaper trust to tim e and com pelled it to agree to al low its prices to be fixed by the feder al trad# comm ission. It was s m at ter o f curbing the rapacity and put ting an end to the gouging at the combine or seeing a large p »ren ta g e o f the small dailies and weeklies o f the country go out o f business, and President W ilson thought that the freedom o f the press guaranteed by the constitution was being seriously menaced from that quarter. So when crim inal prosecutions were begun against the w orst ¿¡Tenders and it was slag, intimated that Uncle Sam m ight find it necessary to take possession o f the paper mills and ran them him self they got down off the perch and sign ed an agreem ent to perm it gefresen - GERM AN-AM ERICAN PATRIOTS. Immediately after the break with Germany, with the strong probabili ty o f war resulting, the German- American National Alliance, repre senting three million constituents, indorsed President W ilson’s action. In a statement to the proas D r. Chas. A. Hexaman, president o f that organ ization, is quoted as saying: . “ Wa will organise German-Ameri- can regim ents, and, in ca s^ M a call tar volunteers, we mean to snow the American p«8ple with what readiness and patriotism we w iy answer a call to arms fo r the defense o f the flag war with aa arm y o f onlysabout 20 <>,- 000, and im provised an army o f 5,- 000,000 while she fought. And we have the assurance o f , a prominent American arm y officer that, thanks to the development o f m unition-plants in the past tw o years, “ w s can provide ordnance and equipment fo r aa * ----- icon arm y as rapidly as it can pos sibly be used in tha event o f a war with Germany.” When diplom atic relations were broken, the nation prepared in a mood o f sober resolution to m oot war if it should come. The Governor o i New York ordered the National Guard and the Naval M ilitia into service to guard the bridges and water-supply o f New York City. The railroad brotherhoods and railroad companies declared a trace in their eight-hour- day fight. The great steel and ship building companies offered their plants, representing billions o f dol lars o f capital, to tha Government. The American Red Cross mobilised throughout the country. The W ar Department planned fo r tha im m edi ate creation o f a reserve o f ammuni tion for an army o f one million men. The Secretary o f the N avy asked Congress fo r legislation giving the Navy Department com plete control of all wirelees system s in the United States, and asked authority to com mandeer private ammunition and equipment plants. Drastic measures were fram ed for dealing with spies. Amendments were added to the Naval Appropriation Bill providing an ad ditional 9160,000,000 te hasten the construction o f one hundred and thir teen warships authorized at previous sessions and now being built. The appropriation fo r anti-aireraft guns fo r the defense o f navy yards and magazine» was increased in the House by 92,700,000; and 91.000,000 was ap propriated to bay the basic patents o f an airplane suitable fo r srar pnr- posee. Mr. Henry Ford announced his readiness and ability to build fo r tha Government srithout profit “ ope thousand small submarines a day sad three thousand m otors a day.” Tha Com ptroller o f the Currency report- bank book 1s the one that M1L1TARY COAST HIGHW AY. T o secure the construction o f a m il; itery highway from tha Canadian to tha M exican' borders on the Pacific tt there ware filed at Olympia, W ashington, February IS, articles o f incorporation o f tha Pacific Coast De fense League. Congress w ill be ask ed immediately to make an appropri ation for such a highway. Backing D m league movement w ill be the leg islatures e f Oregon, W ashington and California. The Oregon legislature already adopted a memorial to Congress and a sim ilar one w ill be offered in the W ashington legislature within a few days, and tha third me morial will be taken up by the Cali fornia legislature when it meets in March. W hile the need o f a- m ilitary high way fo r coats defense has been talk ed o f fo r soma tim e, this is tha first is ion whan concerted action by the throe Pacific Coast state sibis. A s a means o f troops along the coast in order to pro tect any locality, the m ilitary high way has been considered as tha.m ost feasible and practicable manner o f protection that can be afforded to the it at the present tim e. By o f such a road troops from any g iv en locality e a a jie concentrated a t any point on tha coast within a few hours, and with th e groat number at auto mobiles available, the entire m ilitary strength at the Coast could be m obi lised fo r defense oq short notice. Those who have considered the sit uation feel that the soultion o f the present defenseless condition rests in a properly constructed highway, with necessary connecting tinea to interior points and all strategic, places on the coa st With such a highway not only troops but guns and ammunition can be quickly moved to any desired posi tion. There are m ore than a quarter o f a million autom ibilee and auto tracks in C alifornia, ' Oregon and Washington and they would be to transport an arm y ^nd its equip- ■t from any point in these »totes to either the Canadian or uorder within 70 hours, in .the o f threatened invasion. V Senator Gus C. M oser, president o f tho state senate, fathered tha memor ial in tha O regon legislature, ttelfffi O- Nichols is sponsoriag a sim ilar memorial before the W ashington legislature. In C alifornia tha ial and plan is receiving tho elastic support at the newspapers and imercial interest o f tho state. The work o f incorporating the securing action by tiu lias been attended by R. 1K.M brother at Congressman Henry I. Emerson, o f Ohio.— Cooa Bay Nows. The follow ing from the Salem Statesman regarding the final d o s ing of the Oregon legislature w ill be at interest hare: “ A t 1:80 o’clock this m orning, Mrs Democrat, announced that she would kiss every other Dem ocratic member o f the house. By strategy she mana ged to smack Frank Tichenor, o f Coos and Curry, and next headed fo r Swee ney, but discovered that his w ife was present. A t Latest reports Mrs. Thompson sms headed Lou H od gen l way.” - _ days o f trouble. Get one o f those books by opening an account w ith this bank. doesn’t taka much to start an account and it will am azingly tantlon. F H & M ERCHANTS BANK . ' _ . Commercial and Saving Deposits OREGON COQUILLE Probably nothing has m ore tn U lir : on tha general health th in Ihi t •- dition o f the b o le ’ s. —- • We honestly believe that •+'. * r y ^ ...........................* • - ;-r ; — - . . Vegetable Laxatives v-s. *. * • . * , flclkl fo r relief from the m isry and ' ■, dangers arising fr o ^ constipation. Elat them like candy; good fo r young and old. In boxes of 36 tablets for 25 cents Fuhrmans Pharmacy The Rex&ll Store f , a g T h e material (or your Wisconsin Silo is ready for use« » v ^ - Com e in and let us give you an — . - estimate on the cost« t ■ \ o ... ' • ‘ ' ■' E. E JOHNSON FEEL LIKE GIVING U Pf A bad back makes you m iserable all the time— — Lame every m orning; sore all day. „ a n the best bowel rem edy ever made, t pleasant to take, perm anently beni- They are indispensible to dairymen Many CeqalUe People on the V erge It ' . a ^L,aU Aii».% Llii.M z.iiLi-; g ;