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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
y . • "*■ S v ' " i- PA O I ■ . ' iBPfl ffrMflfj~TiTTMl M M H M M M H H B M S life*. ' f ■ t »i? iffifÎT s I i f 1 n - i " T O 11 i i pattem, 4 1-2 by 6 worth £IH K 9 ~-.'ÎMÆWv Only *&£ÊÊM regularly $1.95 lo * * the daughter of rtd, WhU and blue to style of as tha Jolly ti out to the d I , - ; mm. - 4 » * going at M / JL twenty 0 jf at this price Phone your reservation and it the pattern does not suit room, the -vAr i m you are under n o obligation to buy. line o f Congoleum Utility Rugs and Congoleum A rt Rugs. M usical Club M c«ts. Tiny flags The musical club consisting of the and them with tha members of Mrs. M. O. Hawkins' triotk appaa ranca to the met a* bm home at 4:15 in the The decorati ■ Monday. Tin pupils otta. Tha guasta were, seated at two all enjoyed an intonating discuss! long tables, whiah 'completely filled of Beethoven's life and composite tha apaeioua Robert Schumann waa chosen as tha next composer to he studied. Piano iaflad wHh tha fasst o i good things, aolos were rendered by the following thè ta b i« wäre spraad in tha Uviag members: Harriot Gould, Mary Ba roana »round which An ladin and ther Johnson, Novi» Landreth, Gladys g natla n n a trova to pila up a re Nosier, Adrienne Garda«, Mary cord score at “ MO." Whea tha Spring«, Camilla Lorens and Marvel ing*s playxwaa cc a pictcd, Mrs. J. E. Skeels. Nörten waa found to hava tha high Ganvieve Chase, See. seom f « ladies and waa pressa tsd with a handaona aarving tray. N. N. Naiman racatvad a beautiful Womans’ Study Club Meets. The meeting of tha Womans’ Study deck of carda tor making high acoro tha gentleman Mra. F. B, Chib last Friday afternoon waa great Phillips and H. A. Toung rooaivad ly enjoyed by all present Aa Sentinel aders have already bean informed amall George Washington hatchste aa A a club is taking a course in boa oonaolation Tor their low t Mrs. T. B. Curri# assisted M n. Col nursing. On this occasion Aha sub jects handled were "bacteriology,' l i « in aarving. entilation,” “ears of fixture* ' and Thosa präsent »ran aa foUowa: M ann, and Meadame» 0. C. Ev- “the patient's bad.” Readings was« land, H. W. Young, J. A. Collier, J. K. given by Headlines H. W. Young, S. Norton, T. B. Curri«, A. J. She-wood. V. Epperson, W. L. Kistner and II. W. J. Loegston, N. N. Neimen ,F. B. O. Anderson, and each topic was Phillipe, H. A. Young, G. E. Dow, Z. thoroughly discussed. The next ana C. Stnng, P. L. Sterling, und Mrs. ing win bo on March 2. Birdeun Gambali, M n. L. IL llazard M n. Thunton, Moasn. Nablet Hcdg- M arriage Licenses. flus Alfa Fab. 17—Joseph P. Evemden and 11 « . Mildred B. Roselle. Fob. 19—Frank Granfors and Elian See oiir com plete Complete House Furnisher Coquille, Ore. aan North Bend the W inner. Tha eounty debate m won last Friday afternoon by North Bend when they dafsated Aa team, gatting a ananlmoua Tha dabate waa bwíd in tha na at 1:80 o’cloek. The . e: Resolved, That Oregon vie*** dopt a healA insurance laW eubodying tha eeential fea tures of Aa “ Standard Bill” of the American i for L ab« Legislation. North Band argüid A a negativa sida «ad Miai G alli«. L. A. LiljeqvUt Hi/W, Wool. Furs and Palta. Gao. T. Moulton. M rs. Howard Entertains. Mjrs. C. A. Haw aid waa eharmini hoat«a to the 3. G. W. club Monday evening of this weak, aarving a delid-_ am aavaa o’clock thraa course din Tha rooms ware guiiy attired in spring blossoms A abundance, daffo dils predominating, with violet» for favors. Mra. T. H. MeU and Mra. Edward Lorens each aang several vary beautiful solos during tha even ing. Mra. W. H. Lyons, Mrs. Hal Pierce, Mrs. C. Slagle, Mra. 3. A. Lamb and Mrt. E. K. Johnson assist- ad at Aa aarving tables. Tha evening was delightfully spent A sawing, while son* enjoyed cards. Thosa seated around . Aa daintily tad dining tables wars: Maa- _____A. N. Gould, a T. Skeels, M. J. Hartson, H. N. Lorens, J. C. 81agle, Hal Pierce, F. E. McKenna, C. McC. Johnson, J. A. Lamb, W. H. Lyons, E. N. Lorens, Gao. Larags, C. 3. Fuhr- man, F. 8. Slagle, H. N. Butler, E. E. Johnson, T. H. MAI, O. & Sanford, Aaron Wilson and Mioses Clare Sherwood and Mary Davenport. Willard Storage Battery Probate Court Notea. Service Station Pah. 15 a petition waa filed in tha m att« of the «ta to of Adelina Han- inda, «h o died at Oakland, California, June 22,1916. W. U. Douglas waa Here From Nation’s Capitol H. A. Chaplin, of tha Bureau oft Animal Industry of tha Agricultural Department, Dairy Division, of tha U. S., with County Agent Smith, haa been viaiti ng the dairyman <rf the Co- quilla valley tha paat weak and ax- pacta to apand a couple of woeka more impacting dairy and factory condi tion! and mathoda in tha county. Ha ia ««k in g for a atandardi xa ti o n of tha creamery and cheese factory out put; not only a standardisation of quality hut also of style is ana of kia aims. Mr. Chaplin says ha can sac won- 1 derful possibilities for the dairy bull- ' M yrtle P oint, Ore. I guarantee my wart» to bo as good aa will ha ha* at any first station any placa. I pay from Coquille to Myrtle Point and ratura for re- 9 for ing on application. Free advice. Prie« STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE — STATION — A. B . TAYLOR, Prop. Ned 6. K Entertains Past M atrons. Mrs. William Rosa entertained 'he Past Matron’s Club Friday afternoon of last weak and it was a vary charm ing affair. At 5 o’cloek the guests ware invited to Aa dining ro „h Mi a mast delicious chicken dinner wae served. The table was vary ar tistfc A floral adornment and ap pointment, a large bawl of pale pink carnations forming tha main dec »ra tion. Tha ladies enjoying Mrs. Rose’s hospitality war« Maadamm Sharww d, Lawrence, tviand, Barrow, Maury. Laird, H. Lorens, C. Slagle, Lyons, F. Slagle, Lamb, C olli« and PAr.r. Mra. Sanford's Party. Mrs. 0. C. Sanford entertained with twt> tables of Bridge last Friday evening. Potted hyacinths and hang ing basket» of green» and English ivy adorned the rooam, while the din ing table waa gracefully decked wtA hyacinths and candlesticks A har monising colors. Honor» fall to M i« Clara Sherwood. At the elaee a dainty luncheon waa saved to M«a- Howard, Lamb, Sherwood, F. Slagle, Leneve, B. Lor- C. Slagle, Ji In Honor o f M rs. Lafnw. Mrs. W. 5- Longston entertained a of Mrs. Gao. Lafaw, of C atting 90,000 Feet n Day. The two mills here were cutting about 90,000 foot .a day the drat of tha weak. Now that tha switch to the lower mill has been repaired reg ular shipments are being made from than every few days. Tha old mlB is also shipping a great deal of lum ber out by rail, a large part of It on Southern Pacific orders. Aa yet the loga have not bean coming ap tha riv er rapidly enough to allow a capacity cut, but Mr. Johnson thinks that in another week they will receive logs aa fast aa they can uaa them. Some time next month Crane*« camp win begin cuttng for tha mills hare and whan they got started there will be from 171 to S00 man employed at the two camps and tip two mills bare. Tha payroll for these four craw» is going to mean a great deal for tha commercial interests of CoquiOo. INSURANCE NOTICE TO CONTBACTORS. Notice ia hereby given that sealed bids will ha raeotvod I « the construc tion of concrete side-wulks ut the Corn County Court Houao, a l Co quille, Coos County, Oregon, neeord- F ire A ccid e n t Christian Science Society. st lliOO a. m. masting at 8 o’clock. 8uaday school at 9:80 a. m. C ora« Third and HaD T ew eb.. ......... lie , 2 f« Me Picture Hangers, pw hex, 8c « * * * « « ........... 200 Matches, 6 boxes for. . . . 15c Vegetable Brushes.............Ic Shu-White, far euavas sham....... 19e _ "■ 9 ® Saxter Hotel annex. A de ine caused a blase to »tart thè »ralla, but H was quickly id and quenched before doing ioga. The small patent ax- L ife fjilla U M R aa O L . J ___ IA . Ahmtaam DHaUag Cups, ml- lapsible ...................................... 10c . u T lM il » e e e e e a a e e a WC r L*rl * M m Meat Perks, tie O’Cedar Polish..................|flt RACKET STORE .i