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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
About nina o ’clock yesterday morn ing a succession o f short, sharp shrieks from ths whistle at the John son m jll warned Coquille that ao«|0* thing serious was happening down thorn. The im mediate ringing o f the Are alarm brought every one out doors to bo greeted with the sight o f an immense cloud o f smoke which a p peared to rise from the rear e f the buildings on Front street f acin g up trap sestion. The affair has been worked ap on short notice bat it was desired to hold It while H. A . Chaplin and P rof. W . A . Barr are here. Ev eryone is invited to com e and especi a lly the ranchers around M yrtle Point, and those along the low er riv ever held in CoquiHs” is the pr er are invited and “ dared” to some. way to describe last night’s maaq The nature o f the dare is a tu g-of- ade ball given b y the Cooeoaiaaa Cooaeaian Band as a W ashing! Birthday Dance. The receipts amounted to |1B there m oat have been appradau 600 people in the ban. m ore than ondajr N ight's Anniver sary Banquet a Grand Geo. entertainm ent o f spectators end par - 1 arrival o f the delegations form Mash- tleipants. afield and North Bend. The problem T o attem pt to describe the coa rJ of changing the data o f the Grand tom es in detail, or even to mentkmjLLodge, which is scheduled to be held all the characters portrayed is im Jfth Marshfield the first part o f Octo- possible. Probably the moat e o m k d P * . to the latter part o f A ugust, sms character sms that o f “ Jocks, III J W frn m rt. The n u tter srttl have to Monk,” who carried on in teas m oo -fb * referred to the lodges throughout key style even to the catching sad jO regon for the decision and should it County Assessor J. P . Beyers last eating o f the flans, seme e f srhfeh hb he changed it w ill assure all who at- week sent out notices t o th e com m er fpuad in the Chinaman’s qoe. tand good weather and good roads, cial bodies o f Coo# county requesting The Z ola ch ief and Ms A frica * the Coos county boys agree to ;rheir -i; inions on the plan ha had is queen srere excellent im itations o f tk* provide ways and means o f using view o f aseeeslag all property in the real thing and won the prises for the these te good advantage. The Pythi- county at a figure as near the actual best sustained character. aa Sisters trill also-ask to have the cash value ia it was possible to ar The Chinese lady and her date o f their convention changed to rive. A ccording to the Htate Tax shadow participated not at all in the conform with the Knights, Commission, Coos county srith 820,- dance but kept up e “ clack, clack” The ladies who had charge o f the 000,000 valuation is assessed at about around the hall srith their troodan banquet arranged with Mm. Evland 66 par cent o f Us eaah value This shoes all evening, otterin g unintelli- to use her spacious bake ovens and would mean that on the average all gible gibbersh which had to peas fo r there sap wta tended the baking o f property te the county w ool4 be rais ed about 60 per cent above t he pres ent valuation, srith a corresponding low ering o f the tax levy. Wednesday Mr. Beyers W est over to the Bay to asoet srith the Marsh field and North Band Chair.! urs o f Commerce. Apparently them sms not much interest taken te the m atter at Mamhfletd, hart at North Bend that •hat down W ednesday afternoon ow ing to a lack o f log*. The new Aaeea cam p down the river 1« not yet able to farniah them aa fa st as they are needed, bat they are now buay put ting in high lines thane which w ill en able them to largely Increase the ou t put. 'T o make theae high laee some o f the fa lle n have had the ticklish Job o f saw ing off standing trees 170 feet from the ground to hang the blocks on. Advantage was taken o f this shut down to repair a leaky boiler and to move the resaw m achinery which pre vented the rapid transfer o f logs to the second or truing saw and caused a congestion th a n . A lthough dm null has a capacity o f 60,000 feet a day, 46,006 feet hiu been the maximum product so fa r, ow ing to this transfer being obstructed. year the event sms held in Laird’s big barn near lam pa. SHALL VALUES BE BOOSTED? od firia . BaatiaaT girl srith a riaver drees and cape made entirely a t Sen tinels, cowboys end cow girla, srit- chee, dow ns, n mother srith baby and nursing bottle, his Satanic m ajesty, Colom bia, star spangled banner girls, renbens, French boulevsrdier, Span ish belle, Hiasmtha, Coon town dude, sailor boys and girla, Jesra, barefoot ed ghost who also resembled Diogenes looking fo r an honest man, Highland Scotch lad and lassie, Coquille Ad How Would This D o? Chib, Herald girl, sunflower girl, kha Apropos o f tho recent hitching rack ki clad soldier srith a p ig 's snoot, sim discussion by the Commercial Club ple country lassies, tugger barber, aad the attem pts by the council to Santa Claus and a quintet o f farm er settle, this im pértete matter, Tho Sentinel sventa to make a suggestion fo r Ha accomplishment. When Tay lor street is improved srith s plonk paving in the cantor o f the street, as and A. R. Clinton had ths mill quickly subdued. But as it was the 90 pound water pressure, 600 feet o f now hose and tho efficiency o f the de partm ent proved that Coquille has aa A l fire-fighting com bination. Only the old part o f the mill was damaged. This is srhere the p la n « and resaw stand. The “ shake” roof sras com pletely destroyed, several hundred dollars’ srorth o f bolts and the various lodges o f ths county as follasse: E. C. Roberts, H ector No. M , o f M yrtle P oint; Edgar M cDaniel, Po- sedion N o. M , o f North Bend; Tom T. Bennett, M yrtle No. 8, o f Marsh- Add sad J. W . Mast, Delphi No. 604. Meet, Marian Bchroeder and Mabel Bay. A telegram sraa read by Mr. Chase from Grand Chancellor Harry G. W ortm an, o f M edford, aad Grand Kasper o f Record and Seals W alter G. Glees on, o f Portland, who srere in attendance at a sim ilar celebration at Baker, Oregon. W . J. H. Clarke, at Portland, fam il iarly known sa “ Jack,” sraa than cal led upon and in his talk mentioned the various departments o f ths order and the work they are doing— ths uni form rank, ths Insurance department and than the subject srhieh ha said “sraa nearset Ms heart”— the D . O. K. K. When the Grand Lodge meets a t M arthflrid, Abd-Uhl A tif Temple. D. O. K. K., o f Portland, will bring their entire patrol team aad regalia srith them and escort s large number ever the burning sands to ths oasis. Follow ing the address o f “Jack” Clarke, the Grand V ice Chancellor, Leslie Crouch, o f Portland, sraa in troduced and won fo r him self a place in the hearts o f his hearers by his talk on “ Fraternity.” Although quit# n young man to have assumed the po sition o f honor srhieh he now holds, Mr. Crouch's record shows he sras A GOOD MAN HAS GONE made. Those la attendance from thia lo cality saure: Judge L. ila tlo c.o r, Judge James W atson, A . J. S b erfood , E. E. Johnson, Postm aster J. W . La- neve, County Treasurer T. M. Dm- mick, J. A . Collier, H. W . Dunham, J. W . Laird, A . R. CUnton, Arthur Kl- ttngsea and W . H. HnO, o f Riverton. M ajor Fries Spending Recommends $128,000 to Deepen Coquille River. M ajor Amoa A . Frias, o f tbs U. S. Corps o f Engineers, and Secretary J. E. N orton, .o f the Bandon Port Com- misson, went down to Bandon yes terday to attend the m eeting called fo r 2:80 o’clock in the afternoon by the m ajor to consider the establish ment o f harbor lines at the mouth o f the Coquille. The m eeting waa very largely a t- tended and there much interest and enthusiasm. A fter inspecting the bar end goin g over the plats o f the boring survey at the bar M ajor F ries has sent in n report recomm ending the deepening o f the river to a depth o f 12 feet from its mouth to Coquille and the blowing oat o f the rock pinnacles sufficiently to provide n depth o f 18 feet at low water. This, we believe, w ill practi cally double the depth o f water now available in crossing the bar when the tide is out. The result o f the investi gation was to show that the lepth o f 18 feat could be secured at a mod er st expense, while to g o to 14 feet would entail an expenditure alm ost prohibitive. The total expenditure necessary to secure a depth o f 18 foot across the bar and 12 feet from the light hou-e to the wharves at Coquille is eetimat ed at 8128.000; and this is the ap propriation that M ajor Fries has rec ommended. It w ill be noted that the com pletion o f thia project w ill enable any vessel that can enter the port o f Bandon to com e up the river te C o quille. Elsewhere we publish an Hem in re gard to Sons tor Chamberlain secur ing an amendment to the river and harbor bill to deepen the river chan nel from Coquille dawn, to a depth o f 10 foot. Thia was a m istake due to of the Mg enterprises o f ths county and sms one o f the principal prom oters o f black sand mining on tea beach. He also ran a general merchandise store nt old Randolph, and while money was very scarce and tim es hard extended credit to scores o f people who but fo r hie aid could hardly have remained te the country. Indeed, sm hoar o f one custom er who at one time oscod him 81,600 for sup plies— a bill srkich ho never was able to pay. M!r. P. declined to take any legal proceedings, however, saying th a t he would pay when he could. My. Pershbaker also furnished capital to Clinton avers that as one time his father osred Mr. P. 820,000. He built the Prosper m ill and oper ated it fo r a lon g time. He left an estate estimated at |200,000, and took srith him the good will and gratitude o f those he had befriended to the val ue o f m illions. Mrs. Pershbaker died several years ago, but tsro daughters are le ft te mourn their loss— Mrs. Pahy men tioned above end Mrs. Ruby E. Muir, o f Oakland, California. Giving It To U s Raw. During the post week the splendid, sunshiny spring weather that prevail ed through the earlier part o f the month has given way to cold rain, snow and sleet, accompanied by high wind and altogether disagreeable con ditions, and aa is so often ths caso, a coal fam ine has prevailed to aggro- vato our troubles. A s to the reasons, sra are informad that s scow o f coal promised .M r. Hill fo r M onday,sras shipped to Portland, and that instead o f working the Riverton mine srith a fo il complement at ten men only tw o or throe miners have been at stopping off into space when he thought he had reached the floor te going dosm stairs, knosrs how many things it is possible to think when the foot goes unexpectedly downward for still another stop and how many trem ors one can feel before his foot reeches the floor. So in this case the buggy appeared to be goin g up and up indefinitely, and srith a vary wob bly m otion nt that, as if It m ight be an earthquake that had started rt. The hearts o f the young people scorn ed to come up into their mouths as they fr it this m ight bo tka great convulsion that meant the « id o f the world. A fter a little tim e, bosrever, the boggy came dosm to the ground again and they slow ly learned what had caused the eruption. It seems a cow sraa lying te ths middle o f the rood end the careful horse stepped right over her. About that tim e the cow woke up and at the same tim e fr it impelled to rise and learn srhat sraa the matter. In doM g so she bod lifted the boggy fa r enough to cause the sensation described. Tho boro o f this Incident is a srell knosra citisen o f Coquille. Chas. Hall on Road Bonds. On the fifth page o f this issue Charles Hall, president o f the Good The court house annex or “ Hall o f Roods A ssociation e f Coos county, Records” as it svili probably be deetg- gives n summary at the provisions o f ths 86,000,000 state road bonding H ie Annex Accepted. *