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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1917)
and the better we know you, the more busi ness we can do together, to our mutual ad- N vantage. bursements t«»td at *10.20, and costs upoh Mid execution oat of the herein after described raal property. I will, on Saturday, the ted day o f March. » I T , at tha hour o f Ton o'clock, in the forenoon o f caid day at the front door o f the County Court Hone* in the City o f Coquill«, Cooa County; Oregon, offer for calo and eell at pub* Be auetion to tho highest m i boat bid- dor for each in hand, all o f the right, title and internet of the enl^dafen* danto to and to tha following derrib ad reel property, to-wit: Lota One and Two in block Sixty-four to KlUott’i Addition to CoquiUa City, Cooa Coun ty, Oregon, according to the plat thereof on lile and of record in the «A ce o f the County Ctork o f aaid Cooe County, Oregon. Said sale being anda •object to redemption to the manner So will you not make it a point to eome into this bank more frequently and give us the rtunity to learn your requirements as as to show you how practical our terit- ance ih banking matters? First and Henry Streets O n « Sheep Shearing M a chine No. 9Icom plet*_ $6.00 Set H eavy H a r a e « _____ $15.00 Axes, Brush Hooks, Cross C ut Sew s . One good single Harness. B ig variety o f Heating Stove« fq x n $2.50 to $12.50 Sew ing Machines, 3 Sing ers, 1 Howe, 1 N e w ____ Home, One Improved Vraltiees, from — $5.00 up to $15 One 50-E g g Incubator, and sH accessories. Alm ost new . Ax handle«, Hatchet and Ham mer^ Handles. and many other New and Second Hand Goods Call and See These Bargains A WORD to the WISE W h e n y o u n e e d neat, n e w a n d n ifty L e t te r h e a d s , C i r c u la r s E n v e lo p e s , o r o th er a d v e rtis in g m atter, The Coqaille Valley Seitiiel is r e a d y to fill th e bilL W . C. CHASE W e a lso h a v e a la rg e stock o f B u sin e s s C a r d s , F in e P a p e rs a n d E n v e lo p e s, p la in o r lin an finish , a n d can g iv e y o n som ethin g n eat fo r y o u r office statio n ery S E N T IN E L P R IN T IN G with the government oAcial (the reg istrar for the laad-baak district) but so, ms indicated abova,* by th$ capital end surplus o f the IS land banks. Both mortaagee and bonds will ba exempt from all forms o f taxation. Farmers who wish to obtain mon ey from tha Federal toad banks will ordinarily ba obliged to farm local loan associations, and gut their leans through these associations. The lo cal loan associations will Improve the credit o f their members sad reduce the cost o f their loaaa through the performance o f certain definite saw vices, among which are the following: The committee called the "le * com mittee” of the aaeodatica will ap praise the property offered aa se curity and approve all applications for loans which are sent to the toad and carry on all eorraopondeuco with the land bank relative to the loaaa. The association will guarantee the mortgagee of ttS ■■■bars, the liabil ity of any individuai number M ing limited, however, to aa additional earn equal to the amount of hit capital stock, or approximately to five per Whereas, Charlce Hell, c f Marsh field, Oregon, [a a cittoea of Cooe County, Oregon, who to vitally latar- ested in aO road mattare aad to the president of the Goood Bonds Asso ciation of Cooa County, Oregon, aad has been instrumental la interesting the dtisens of this County aad o f tho Stato in advocating aad striving for bettor roads, aad tt waa daa primar ily to hie effort« that a bead issue was carried to Cooe County, Oregon, for W2.000.00 for the permanent im- DR. C. W . ENDICOTT ; J. J. STANLEY A. J. SHERWOOD ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE that has operated continuously since lie establishment aotna fouri years ago has been your Laundry. Bain or shine, good times aad bad, it has been on tha job. We have a number of customers that have patronised It eontlnu from the beginning. We are gratefsl for this apprseiatton o f service. Our aim is to improve the service in every way poad We wash ever y thing washable. COQUILLE LA U N D R Y ft ICR COM PANY ATTOWtgV AT LAV Dr. F. JS. BUNCH E. & E. T. K ru s e , M g n ., 24 Calif. 8t, a F. J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore.