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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1917)
. t W ' •i ijjunai aroaMMU i 'V- K ' :.-~T ' ' - -------------1 • lx-', •*. y 3 ^ m i l ie Great Majesti JÎ $72 Crown Sterling, W hite Enameled Panels Colonial, $55.00 LJw Jg-./-• Polished top, nickel leg base Colonial, $47.50 * ^ ills M I University IBs a>- ; to send setae die m Mrs. T. H. of the h ilii» i See us for Kitchen Furniture, i j h m -' . Girls’ High School Club. The C. I . K. Club, whisk te somps sd af six of th* » te d i» in , high echo nt a « e’deek S t BWf» ■ i 'è ’ Sf Complete House Furnisher FOB BENT Bevy good thrte to six years old; er $100 per euw last Macea. J. D. umner, Ora. 4tS -TESS :M > ‘ i Jsf of the STORM I COUNTRY n e arenine oonioo at 740 p. a . The pastor will preneh the Ant of to semoos on "The Truth of Bible Basket Ball Tonight. 5c Regnlnr Products 15c for re- ag the Myrtle Coquille on the P rie » for Overhauling and charg ing « application. Free advice. New Cases in Circuit Court STORAGE BATTERY 8 SR VICE STATION Fob. IS—H. B. Askew as adminis trator of the estate of Boy K. Askew, eased, vs. C. A. Smith Lumber and • Fob. 14—Ida Hay Murphy vs. O. E. Hill and C. 8. Murphy, of Bridge.' Fob. 14—C. S. Murphy vs. O. E. HI1L v ~ < Fire A. B. TAYLOR, Prop. Morning Worship subject, “A tetter fr o » the Master.” Y. P. B. C. E. at fi:S0 p. » , Evening corvi» at 7 AO p. m. The subject, "Behold the Man.” teiteMnt of the ehurch te and wnitteg te weteona you. dmoi reached the 07 mark ; kelp make it a hundred Marxiste Licenses. Fob. IB—Goa. Ellis and Lena Bark- doll. Feb. IS—Chas. D. Milter and Mary S. Tanner. Ü P - 14—Garland Lillie and Lydia C. G. Price, Mteteter. » 10 t e l l a .» . i t 11 a. m Ptenisnfn ^ ----%T^A____ IT O O Ilf vO V in iiOCMs A petition of probate of will i filed Fab. » te the matter of the eat of G. A. Brawn who left atad te bo wurtl On Fob. 10 te of of H. 1*. IM A __ _ ms. Wa ham a Ana lino of ■ CBOCHBT COTTON TALCUM POWDBB DARNING COTTON « M M » « S H ' W : ^ W K iw ' l LADIB8* and CHILDRENS' hay. m ■ yen like te pay. STOCKINGS. Bath Toweb 20c, 2 for 35c M - to Life &■ OUB STOCK OF :5*i te aa sapocially wall selected one at p r ie » such » a tllA O a .a u _______ Accident are: L. v 1, • Ê BULL FOB EXCHANGE—Wanted Jane? rsgtetorsd bull (or one of mum kind or (or a milk Durham at «hai bulL A. H, Fish, Arago; bono 971. r~ - Fob. 10- Jemes D. Avery and Lola in !S (Leg or «M a st baso.) 1rs. N. N. Noiasan entertained the Card dab at eat this Tbs home was gala with Valentine n om iti» and a profusion of j. a. 5 - H. O. Anderson This size for $22.00 Wednesday Club Meets. SLi Ê ' '¿$¿4 T>. D. Pierce, T. B. Currie, N. N. man, Fani Sterling, Chao. A. Heu O. C. Sanford, F. B. Phtfflpe, Fred Slagle, J. a Slagle, T. H. Mote, H. W Young. 3. W. Lanero, J. A. Lamb, L. H. Hasard, Hal Pteree and M i» j« ,* Æ and Wall paper M i H P® of the Hone Micción So ciety of the M. E. Church South gum u “Silver Tea” Wednesday at the hone of Mn. Frank Lecite « Spurgeon H01. The aglow with Valentine rod ton », w binod with winter grasas and tell graceful spikes sf puacy willow. The weather being bright and sunny, n largo number attended and tha In realteed a neat Httte sum. Mesdames Marvin Lew, E- E. J< son, M. O. Hawkins, & X. Neater and $ l^ Tables, Chairs, Window Shades, fh aJK ttM tott S W i M m I Friday night defeated tbs Coquille . te n » by n score of SO te IS. having roteim i Ugh honora. Mrs. Nebnnn w u by Mn. Arekte Walker. A t tha d o » of the playing a h^ghaqa was cormd te the dfarins n on . whan Mn. No Mn. Thow p r » » t won Mrs. A. Walhsr, Mrs. T. B. Currie Mn. M. J. Hart- con, Mn. Hal Piena, Mn. Bay Mra. Earl Law, fern. Longston, M n Clan Young and Alite L *1 »-s'* •'»» Bedsteads, Springs, Mattresses, and a big erourf wSS out On the Coquina floor a few , Arst prias of a wan a growing plant won* te Mn. L . and the Qiqains te a » gam Murohl sld the only defoat which ft has asst, tearing 0 » second aa art candloctt »quille with a dean record far vtc- carried away by Mr. Langston. Fred ry and last night w u the reckoning Slagle and Mrs. T. B. Cunts successful hr winning -l The Ant half loft Marshfield be prisse, a baby's rattle hind with a score of 10 to 7- Lack of hs—h. both of aunt of the f o r » » detent may bam ,bo« 0 » can». A t rate the second half, fast play ing, loft the And score in thsir favor. Tbs visiting players * were: Chas. " t t " “ , Stanley, Lorens, Devin, tion of their enjoyment o f the ev John OwMag and Either, the sf »: Mesura. sBMl S ■"■¿»L Cook Stoves, $10, $12, $14, $22 alreSdy under ns? Dean Straub, of been invited to i Miss Bar and the Obis’ (Has C h* will furnish the e ad about a douen boys and «iris do their part by accepting dip lomas. A t aa early date the Seniors i.,,i Base 1 O. C. Senfosd, Mrs. Lucia Morin# the y -Leg !