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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1917)
ttO M tU r c ' ity rule which is p art of a railroad's agreement with the trainmen, unless Ihe trainmen would agree to the a r rangem ent Whether an arrangem ent of schedule by which a crew leaves -Marshfield a t 7 p. m. and gets back at 7 a. m., thus being out twelve hours, would be satisfactory we are not informed, but it would require four hours of overtime under the Adamson 8-hour law. When all points are known and considered it is not to be wondered a t th at exports along that line find it so difficult to satisfy both the people and the railroad. Annual Meeting Bar Ass’n. opposition to present conditions hav ing -hepa given an opportunity, Mr. Scott then proceeded to outline the railrdnd’s position sad guardedly held Last Saturday evening the Coos County Bar Association hold its an nual mooting and banquet a t the Mil- Beams Club romns in Marshfield. Those In ottundane# from Coquille wore A. J. Sherwood, J . J . Stanley, C. R. Borrow, W. C. Chase sad Sher iff W. W. Gege. The place of holding the next an nual meeting wee not determined. The following officers were chosen fro the The rainfall a t Bandon fa r the ■Math of January, aa reported by C apt Wlren, of the lighthouse station, was 4.49 inches. A t Marshfield for January the rainfall was 6 M Inches. The Timbermaa, of PertUnd, gives the nhipmeqte of lumber from Coos Bay last year as being 167,016,144 feet. Shipments from the Coquille river were- 22,421,880 feet, and from the Umpqua 8,984,000 fe e t The Bandoir High Softool team won from North Bend a t North Bend, Friday night, by a score of 28 to 27. The score was a tie when the final whistle blew, but in the extra play Baaddn secured the winning point from a foul. Bandon played Marshfield a t Marstffiold, Saturday night /and the game was won by Marshfield—41 to 12. S i 75 Sad You OrdiriWm Y m Ftfpt It J L s a s s Tto Kapiton WM St* FfM|ttjWtiiTlMU Of Curry County News. (From the Gold Bench Beporter.) Secretary of S tate Oleott shows th at $276 was received by the state in 1916 from Curry county for auto tax, and |225 has been returned to the county for the road fund. This salt bee the added felicity of s pique vest buttoned like daddy’s and fitted with two pockets. The collar is also pique, with a cord and tem ei Take a piece of half Inch tape three Inches longer than the boy’s waist measure. Run In casing of blouse end fasten both ends with Just enough stitches to bold them About the mid dle of beck o f blouse rip three or four stitches to cosing and |>ull tape through Put blouse on the boy. button end pull tape through place you ripped until blouse fits nicely around tbs waist, then tie In a knot. After taking blouse >ff fasten the ends of the tope by pitching on tbs machine. . ‘ wholly displaced by the with touches at head < A a important Industry and one pe culler to Spain Is the manufacture of the Jota and hemp sandhis called “ al- psrgatas.” Practically ell o f the work ing classes use this cheep and com fortabie form of footwear almost ex. dusively the year around. Alpargatas are also popular In Latin 4 merles, to wUch thousands o f pairs era exported annually. The alpargata Is made by winding the hemp or Jots rope around to form a smell foot shaped mat, and by then firmly fastening the cords to gether a strong rope sole about a quar ter of an Inch thick Is made. White and black are the colors generally pre ferred, though red. blue end brown at The association is on record favor ing a law to -permit service of sum mons in civil coese by say irtarceted party over 21 years d t age. Following the banquet, which was heartily enjoypd by everybody in at- tendance, a mock court was organ ised with John D. Goes on the bench end the following among other cases were argued with great gusto: Record Publishing Co., vs. John 8. Coke, to recover 61,000,000 account personal advertising a t five cents per ever quieting title to sheriffalty. The Ladies’ Aid met for e business J. Rufus W allingford vs. Fred Hol session a t Mrs. Georg* P allor’s Wed lister, for infringm ent copright. nesday. ‘ „ OM Mother Grouch ve. Goo. Wat* Mrs. R. H. Armstrong and little ¿augi.tcr, of Powers, was visiting her sifter, Mrs. Annie T eeing, Friday. She returned Saturday, but left her daughter here far a while for medical ircolm rrt Bandon Girla* Fine Home. The Camp Fire Girls of Bandon are soon to have e splendid home. It will been consulted and there was no ob jection to the change. The people of the Coquille Valley, who were more vitally interested, had not, however, been consulted end he assured his hearers th at this was an error which would not bo reposted. Had Eyeball Removed. Making-no definite promises, ho ex- L. L. Jackson, n Bandon machinest, preood the hope th at possibly this underwent an operation e t Mercy hos pital Wednesday for the removal of his eyeball. Mr. Jackson is a machin ist and while working with a drill constructed Just north of Sea Gall by W. L. Mast. The undertaking is made possible through the kindness of Mrs. J, L. Kronenberg, who purchased the lot end is paying for the building, the property to be dedicated to the local organisation. The building will bo 16x80 with sight foot walls. It will have tea doub le bunk» built i< a long table to ac commodate twenty, a rustic fireplace SHERIFF’S SALE OF B fA L PROP ERTY ON FORECLOSURE. Notice is hereby given, that under end by virtue at an execution and or der of sale duly issued out of the Cir cuit Court of tab State of Oregon, for the County of Corn, an d .to me diroetM on the 6th (Jay of January, 1917, upon a judgmenut and decree duly rendered, entered a t record and docketed in said Court on the 21st day of December, 1916, ia a certain suit then in said Court pending, wherein William P. B artlett was plaintiff and Johnson Lumber Com pany, a corporation, and E. E. John son as Adm inistrator of the E state of fendanta, in favor of plaintiff and against aaid defendants, by which exe cution I um commanded to soil the property in said execution and here inafter described to pay the sum duo the plaintiff of Eight Thousand Five Hundred Forty-eight and 7-100 Dol lars with interest thereon a t the ra ta of Six per cent pm annum from the 21st day of December, 1916, until paid, together with costa end disburse ments taxed a t Fifteen and 20-100 Dollars and costa and erjm sne at ■aid execution. I will, eh Saturday, the 17th day at February, 1917, a t the hour of Ton O’clock, A. M * of said day a t the front door rof the County Court House in the C ttA of Coquille, Coo# County, Oregon, attar tar sale and sell a t public auction to the highest end beat bidder for cash in bond on the day of solo, ell of the right, title and interest which the aaid mortgaged premises hereinbefore mentioned are described in said exe cution ee follows, to-w it: Tbs South west quarter and the W est half of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirty-four and the Hast half sad the E ast half of the Southwest quar ter of Section Thirty-five in Town ship Twenty-seven, the N ortheast quarter of tha Northwest quarter, the Southwest quarter of the N ortheast quarter and the North half of the Northeast quar ter at Section Two in Township Twen ty-eight, all South, of Bang# Four teen W est of the W illamette Meri dian, Oregon. Also the W est half of the Bast half of Section Two, Town ship Twenty-sight South of Bang# Twelve, W est of the Willamette Meri dian, Oregon. Also beginning a t a point on tha right bank of the Co quille River from which an ash tree 6 inches in diam eter bears N. 28 de grees, W. 12 links distant, said point being N. 8 and % degrees, E ast 18.24 chains from the corner of Sections 18,19, 18, and 24, Township 28 South of Bangs# 12 and 18 W est of the Wil lam ette Meridian, in Coe& County, Oregon, running thence South 84 de grees, E. 16.76 chains to the County chains sledg* Said County road, thence N. 17 and % degrees W ert SJ0 chains, thence N. 4 degrees east 8 chains, thence N. 14 dsg rsss E. 2 chains, thence N. 84 degrees E. 3.70 chains to quarter quarter section lino running E ast and W est through the S ft of Secton 18, Township 28 South, at Bang# 12 W ort of the Wil lam ette Meridian, thence W. along said quarter quarter Section line te the right bank of the Coquille River, thence up the right bank of said river to the place of beginning, and containing 12.97 acres, more or loos, together with the saw mill and wharves situated thereon, including all machiaary, equipment, tools apparatus of every kind and deacrip- tion used in connection with said saw mill. Also a booom privilege describ ed as follows: Commencing a t that place where the quarter quarter section line running E ast and West through the 8. W. 14 of Section 18, Township 28 South at Bang# 12 W est at the W illamette Merid ian intersects the high tide line of the rig h t bank of the Co quille River, thence E. 10 feet, thence in a Southwesterly direction, keep ing e t a distance of 10 fo rt from and parallel to said high tide line, to the quarter quarter section Une running North and South through the NE14 of Section 24, Township 28 South at Range 18 W ert of the W illamette Mer idian, thence N. to low tide Une of tha Coquille River, thence in a N ortheast erly direction down stream along said low tide lino to a place W ert of the place of beginning, thence B art to the Pisco of beginning. Also th e'rig h t and privilege to use all the w ater will flow through the pipe « , it is now C atarrh C annot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, aa they »PULAR New Home Users Quality Choosers M.J.HARTSON C O Q U IL L * ■ O REG O N New Home Sewing Ma chine Company