The Sentinel! aooa pm ST r John M. tent of the rend a t the city • road. U was not only the iso of tho revision of the p h That if i in an hint of i loyalty to the land of hi aw tf K SHEET collect, and that, of nil th e^ta» ^ the least costly in proportioa to tl louat collected v—Eugene Guard. OREGON COQUILLE In the Sick Room of the popolar summer m o rte of t*e Oregon m e t, the people here m ust encourage the erection of m ie bendi cottagee. But before ere do O la on must make it aafe to own a beach cot­ tage without haring it coueUntljr guarded te eoe th at it isn’t domoHabad or robbed. “Condition* in thie commenity ha- Nothing is more convenient for the sick room, or for th at m atter, the home in general than a ring the year 191«. The United King- dono Grant Britain, Ireland and Scotland loot 1,1*5,678 tone and buiK Its no trouble to have a hot drink a t any time» day or n ig h t MOO tone each, while G reat B ritain baa about 100 e n d reaeela. Taking the world together the deetruetion amounted to 2,11*491 teaa, while the production waa 1,966,127 tone, which ■nana a net loss of 167,644 tone, or an amount equal to *1 reeeela of *¿00 tana each. A t th a t rata it Would only taka about a thoueand y ean fa r Ger­ many to put all the «hipping hi the Fuhrmaris Pharmacy T h e material for your W isco n sin Is ready for use. Com e In and let us give you an estim ate on the c o s t anybody. GOOD BACKS FOR Z E. E JO H N SO N ere: Now York, *60,252,256; Pennayl ▼aadn. W l l ,l » l ; Illinois, $64*64»; m p 'f à ; W jiv r f? :)■ ■ ■ :• . • , asa.--- >—■a-T3gl