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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1917)
WM «iterad ta the Docket o f City n i on the Id day o f January, 1917, «tyd the mum aad laid ordinane with ■aid ■—«■■mont thereto attached eon- tabling the namoa of the owners, dotf- cription of property M im ed aad 4M proooat conditions they a n not earn ing living wages. The tog Defiance arrived from San NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. I interested and are hereby made a part Francisco on Tuesday with the three- • ------— of this notice by reference. masted schooner, Bertie Minor, in tow. The schooner loaded a cargo o f Improvement o f Second aad -Other I The whole qoet o f Said Improvement Streeta. Elliott’s and N etleyt is the sum o f f24.7S9.0fi. ■mber at the Bay Park-mill for Kah- olnL The Defiance, on the return trip Additions. I Now, therefore, all persons inter- Notice is hereby given that porau- jested wMl take notice that said as- to flan Francisco, towed down the new eased, Florence Olson, which had, ant to the provisions o f Ordinance No. sessmenta are now doe and payable, 1«0 passed by the Common Council o f and if not paid within thirty days the City o f Coquille, Coos County, from the 19th day o f January, 1917, Oregon, on the 2nd day o f January, or bonded within the prescribed - by law, to-w it: on 'or before the 19th American Kevolntion is being organ 1917, and entitled: “An Ordinance levying and declar- [day o f February, 1917, the shall ised here. Only thoee who can trace their famdly teas bade to ancestor, tog an assessment against the lets, be deemed te be delinquent and will who fought in the American Revolu parte o f lots and panels of land ben- boar interest from the 2d day o f Jan- tion are eligible. Mr*. Geo. L. Din- efitted by the improvement o f e por- uary, 1917, at the rate o f six per cent dinger ie taking a prominent part to tien o f Second, Third, Coulter, Neath, [per annum, and will be sold in tlm the matter o f organizing, and a num ber o f ladies to the eounty have re a committee from Myrtle Point, con ported that they a n eligible and ara sisting o f W . T . Demant, Chat Hpltog desirous o f joining. aad E. E. Weakly, to urge, the ap pointment o f a Roaeburg man to the Stete Highway Commission te fill a vacancy. Also they ara going to en deavor, with the aid o f Douglas coun ty, te secure the appropriation oet- eaaary te put Urn Bossburg-Myrtle Point road to condition fo r a U J s y year round travuL iM w tl raejittn the axpsndttun o f $76,00* to $100,000 to do this and the ffiOOO fo r the sur vey on the Cooa eounty end has been appropriated. This ssctlen o f the county and the committee rant opt have no objecthm a.te Urn proposed Eugene to Flonaee to Coot Boy n o d and will work for it, hut it will re quire about $1,600,000 to completo i t aad yean o f Urna, aad this section New Home Users Quality Choosers POPULAR M .J.H AR TSO N COQUILLE New Home Sewing Ma .chine Company A N U M B E R 8 hat m ay jL J L c o v e r a m ig h ty in tellect o r it m a y c o v e r a plain case o f b ig head. • (From the Geld Beech Reporter.) Curry county’s refund o f automo bile taxes for 191« will be $225.666, which goyo te the rand fond. Mr. A. Hilliard, residing near Eu chre creek, had the misfortune to loee his house by fire Inst Friday. A year ggc^thjf fall he lost a large barn in tho kills. & j. Spoor 1, o f Corbin, was in town on business Saturday, ns was also J. Fromm, Jr., o f Brushes creek, and each brought along a wildcat hide to help pay expenses. So far this month six wildcat hides, two cougars and one coyote have been brought in, Furthermore, that a copy o f those resolutions be spread upon toe min utes o f this camp, a copy mailed to our neighbor and n copy sent to each o f tho local papers for publication. Beaver Camp No. 19660 M. W . A., Coquille, Oregon. r Geo. N. Battey. Wm. J. Ferbrache. Wm. P. Clarke. His Income U Nel Lnyfaig. District Attorney Hall recently sent out a tot o f notices to pati n ai ten delinquents, thoee who <awn no teal ae tata, telling them their taxes would have to be paid at enea. One reply be received was to this affect: “ Kind o f stove that tax buatoara off a little longer. The only income IV| got is from my hnm and they’re net laying-" — ---fl Stray« from A point ton feet a toto of the north line o f First Street s a l run- ■tog north therefrom to tha itorth side o f Third Street; ^ Also all that portion of Collier Street from a point ten feet south o f the North line o f First' Street aad running north therefrom to the north side of Third Straot; . ,5J % Also, ail that portion o f Division Street from a point ten feet south o f the north line o f First Straot to the south line of Second Straot; Also, all that portion o f Maple Street from a point ten feet south o f the north line o f First Street to the south line o f Second Street, mil o f ■aid proposed improvements and sfiid streets, hereinbefore named being in j Elliott’s addition to Coquille City and Notley’s addition io thè town o f Co quille City In Cooe County, State of Oregon, aecordtag te tlm piata o f said additiona on file and Of record in thè office o f thè County Clark of Coso County, Oregon, and thè whole of which said propoeed Improvomente ara within thè corporate limita o f said AD within the boundaries o f the assessment di»tret, and the boundar ies o f which sssoosment district ara aa follow s: Beginning At n point 150 foot north of the southeast corner o f block 72 of said Notley’s addition and running thence west to the center of the went line o f block 62 o f said Notley’s addi tion; thence north at right angles te the center o f the west Ha# o f block 68 o f said Notley’s addition; thence west to the center o f block 49 o f Elli ott’s addition; thence north to the north Ito# o f said block 49; thence «Mit to ♦ha center o f the north line o f block 86 o f said Elliott*, addition; thence south to the ranter o f said Dock 89; thence west to the w w t Une o f said block 86; thence south to the ranter of the west line o f Mock 84 in •aid E lliott’s addition; thence west to the center o f block 29 to said Elliott’, addition; thence south to the center o f block SO to said Elliott’, addition; j thence eaat to the c e n t« Of Dock 88 in said Elliott’s addition; thence south I to the center o f the south tine o f block 82 o f said Elliott’s addition; thence east to the center o f the south line of Dock 45 in said Elliott’s addition; thence north to the ranter o f the south line o f Deck 44 o f said Elliott’s addition; thenra east te the southeast eomor o f tot 9 to Dock 71 o f said Notley’s addition; thsnee north to the They’re the same— yet different They’ re both hats-on-heads. Don’ t judge by exterhals. Several kinds of tobacco come in tins, tobacco is put up in tins, JJut that doi it like other kinds. The finest selected leaf from Kentucky’ s richest Burley fields is only the beginning of VELVET. Then,a full two years’ ageing in wooden hogsheads —a matter of large storage and investment expense. Then a careful manufacturing methc*! employing the widest experience of life-lon g tobacco men. What goes into the tin governs die pipe satisfaction that comes out of it And we believe ^ o u will prefer VELVET to any other pipe tobacco at any 10c Tina 5c Metal-lined Baga OREGON One Pound Glass Humidors