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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1917)
In on to to auto in dateli moro fo l ly ly Uw objectiooe wo, af Uw Coquillo volley, hove to Ute which wont into affect Sunday than it poaaible in a telegraph meaaago, I am instructed by the Coquille Club to psoaent them for m - ' - lb to tey to g e ta a yoar, and thoa « or twe before thè epiteli expires givo thè signore e f thè noto n notte# af thè city intendi te do so se to to for turning thè proparty tf thè city capi take H. In this way orili be given thè city to of ito wtth thè improved financial this yoar thers of making thè tim i it wfll enabte thè city to rotaia a hoid 00 thè 9706 or $800 already in thè truci. I The Coquille valley haa tion of 10,000 to 12,000 people, and la the larger end of Coos county both in population and wealth according to the assessor*» returns. To ask us to wait lb hours from the time our mail Deputy Assessors Named. is brought to Marshfield before It M U m following deputise for the work ere ia, we believe, a <tta- o f assessing have bean appointed by that is unjust. Nat only i the Coquille valley mail delayed IK Z. C. Strang for the tributaries hours but all Bandon and Curry coun Coquille. ty fail ia delayed two hours and a half Mel Duncan for Marshfield. by the present schedule. A. O. Bash forteierth Bond. A t Bandon it will be impossible to Datar Ohman for the north end of to a latter the same day it la the county. It asts os beak 26 or 80 C. H. Jaeksoir for the const country years to where we were long before between Bandon and Empire and Is- railroad communication was hoped for. Mr. Beyers expects to do The mail service inaugurated yes ark himself in Marshfield and the terday makes our eastern ma Bay section; also at Myrtle Point and er ia reaching Coquille than it uedor the old at when such mail rsaehed us at 8 a. m~, Probate Court Notes. white now it arrivaa at 8 a. at. Un L. A. LUJeqvist haa boan sppointod der the former summer schedule by auto from Roeeburg we received east administrator o f thè astete o f Charles ern mail 10 hours earlier than wo now O. Erickson, c f Mnrshficld, wh» dteJ Jan. 8 . The estate consista o f 14,000 receive it by rail. in real property and $4,000 in Another point is that a ing beyond Marshfield or coming ia •1 A Petition has boan filed for the here from the outside has to wait in Marshfidld over night with the addi probate of the wiB o f Charte J. tional unnecessary expense o f a hotel Bruachke, of Marahfleld, who Ü j .' Jan. bill at that point To the hundreds in 8 , by E. Borgland ns nttomey. A Petition has basa filed for ths ad this section who have ln in is tra tion of the astete of Charles selves as opposed to the it seems that the hotel keepers in that L. Nordstrom, deceased, with city are the only people favored by Johnson ss admiairtrator. the change, while 12,0001 meded by it New Cases in Circuit Court We have realised that there was no Jan. 20—A. B. Taylor va. Margaret necessity for three trains a day ante way along this branch between Pow Taylor. Buk for divorce. Jan. 22—Dan llclver vs. Chris ers or Myrtle PoHtf and Marshfield and when rumors wars heard that one Keekert st al. Jan. 22—John O. Bates vs. Pst of the locals was to be taken off no. st al. Suit to f «reclose »plaint was made. But when our train is discontinued the busi Jan. 22-Coos Co. Business Men’s ness interests at the Coquille valley do seriously object 4 Association vs. Coos Shingle Mill. Jan. 28—Apponi from County court We do not ask that the Coos Bay in the matter of the estate at Thomas Limited bo scheduled to Myrtle Point but that direct eounectioe bo made at G. McGinnis, Marshfield with a local which w ill Only two-bits for four bring baggage, mail and passengers that are well worth $1.76 if you take to this valley the same evening. In one of your wires to the Com them in connection with a years’ sub T 1* mercial Club you speak at the con scription to the Sentinel. venient daylight service between Co quille valley towns and Marshfield. NOTICE OP F IN A L ACCOUNT. This “ dayligbt service tor the con Notice is hanky given that the un venience of the travelling public” is designed did on the 19tk day o f Jan inconsequential as compared with the uary, 1917, filo in the office at the accommodation of through passenger county clerk of Coos county, Oregon, and mail service from Portland or his final account in ths matter of Eugene. A petition asking for the Administration of the Estate e f J. H. direct connection we seek would bo Kime, deceased, and the county court unanimously signed, not only by the fixed the 29th day of February, people o f Coquille, but of all Coquille A. D. 1917, at 10 o’clock A. M. as valley towns. ths time and the office of the county As s matter of fact this daylight judge In the county court house in ths service affords Just three hours be City o f Coquille, Coos county, Oregon, tween the arrival and departure of as the place for hearing objections to trains at Marshfield and if a person such final settlement of the estate. has more than a trifling business to Charles I. Kune, attend to there the two or two hours Administrator. and a half, with one hour out for lunch, would he insufficient and re SHERIFF’S SALE OF BEAL PROP quire that a night be spent there. ERTY ON FORECLOSURE. Nor is the schedule for Marsh!!eld Notice is hereby given, that under people coming into the county sent im proved by the change, as they actual and by virtue of an execution and or ly have 80 minutes lees in Coquille der of sale duly issued out of the Cir than bpfore the new schedule became cuit Court of the State o f Oregon, effective. That is, where they for for the County of Coon, and to merly had from 9 a.m . until 4 p. m. directed on the 0th day of January, In Coquille, they now have from 9 a. 1917, upon a judgmenut and d< duly rendered, entered of . m. until 8:80 p. m. The inconvenience of transferring docketed in said Court on the 21st at Marshfield from the local to the day o f December, 1918, in s certain limited would be nothing compared suit then in said Court pending, William P. Bartlett was with the inconvenience and expense uf spending the night there with the plaintiff and Johnson Lumber Com contingent transfer of luggage. The pany, a corporation, and E. E. John travelling public is discommoded to a son m Administrator at ths Estate of greater degree by the present sched Alfred Johnson, dstMSsd, wore do te favor at plaintiff and ule than they would be if the said defendants, by which exe- uto at one of the locals eutiau I am commanded to soil the so as to make direct the limited at Marshfield. This is the property in said execution and here ' expression of the hundreds in nil the inafter described to pay the sum due valley towns who have been inter the plaintiff at Eight Thousand Five viewed, and we have heerd no single Hundred Forty-eight and 7-109 Dot 's with interest thereon at the rate word of commendation for the new of Six par cent per annum from the schedule. Trusting you will give this matter 21st day of Deeomber, 1919, until paid, costs ana ale burse ht Fifteen and 20-100 cur request for direct connection at Doilors and oasts and sup miss af said execution. 1 will, on Saturday, Very truly yours, ■ Qoqnflff'.f Club the 17th day of February» 1917, at the hour at Ton O’clock, A. M „ of day at tho trout door o f the To am a volume of amo out o f the chmney o f the Jotter asili County Court House te the City of wes the welcome sight which greeted Coquille, Com County, Oregon, offer the eyso of the people at Coquille this far sale and sail at 'pa tio «action to morning. Aasen Bros, expect -to be tho highote sad bast Mddar for cash delivering legs there by Sunday, but te hand an ths day e f ante, all o f ths id interest which ths said the firing up now is hi the antere ef r either e f than and all • try out Thirty-four and half e f_________ «Mr ok CNciion imrty-nva ship o f the Northwest quarter, the Southwest quarter o f the Northeast quarter and the North half at the Northeast quar ter at Section Two in Township Twen ty-eight, all South, of Range Four teen West of ths Willamette Meri dian, Oregon. Also the West half of the East half of Section Two, Town ship Twenty-eight South of Twelve, West o f the Willamette Meri dian, Oregon. Also beginning at a point on the right beak o f the Co quille River from which an ash tree 6 inches in diameter bean N. 28 g rm . W. 12 links distant, said point being N. 8 and % degrees. East 18.24 chains from tho corner of Sections 18, 19,18, and 24, Township 28 South of Ranges 12 and I I West at the Wil lamette Meridian, te Coos County, Oregon, running thence South 84 de grees, E. 15.76 chains to the County road, thanes N. 12 degress, w! 160 chains along said County road, thence N. 17 and * degrees West 3.80 N. 4 degrees east 2 N. 14 degrees E. I N. 24 degrees E. 8.79 Co quarter quarter section East and West through the 8% o f Sscton 18, Township 29 South, o f Rang* 12 West of tho WU- Meridian, thence W. along said quarter quarter Section line to the right bank of the Coquille River, up the right' bank at said to the place of beginning, and Mw«,inin| i 2.£7 asms, more or lees, together with the saw mill and wharves situated thereon, including all machinery, equipment, tools and apparatus at every kind and descrip tion used in connection with said saw- L Also a booom privilege describ ed as follows: Commencing at that the quarter quarter section line running East and West through tho S. W. % at Section 18, Township 28 South of Bangs 12 West of the Willamette Merid ian intersects the high tide line of the right bsuik o f the Co quille River, thence E. 10 feat, thanes in a Southwesterly direction, ktap- nt a distance ef 10 fast from and parallel to said high tide lias, to the quarter quarter section line running North and South through the NEW of Section 24, Township 28 South of Range 12 West of ths Willamette Mar- N. to tew tide line of ths Coquille River, thence te a Northeast erly direction down stream along said low tide line to a pteee West of tho place e f beginning, thence East to the place o f begfatesa» Also the right and privilege to use all the water that will flow through tho pips as it is n iff laid, which conducts water from ths ■ I to the sawmill on said and the right and privilege to enter said land where said pipe is now laid for the purpose of replacing said pipe with new or other pips of tho same sixe, and the right and prim- of entering upon said land for the purpose of keeping said pipe line in repair. Also beginning at that place where the E. boundary line at tho right o f way o f the Coos Bay, Roeeburg and Eastern Railroad and Navigation Company intersects the quarter quarter section tine running East and West through ths SWW of Section 18, Township 28 South of Range 12 West of the Willamette Mer- to Coos County, Oregon, run- N. 81 degrease E. 8.70 chains, thence S. 60 degreeee, E. 040 chains, thence W. 748 chains to tees o f beginning, contain >bg 1 acre, more or less. AH of said property above described being situated te C om County, State of Oregon. Said sate being made subject to redemption in the manner provided by law. Dated this 19th day of January, 1917 W. W ' Gage, lt6 Sheriff o f C om County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given timt the rm- irsigned have been duly appointed by ths Comity Court o f tho State of Oregon, for Coos County, executrix r. Jointly, o f the last will and testament o f Nicholas Lötens, de- all pa against to* astato at the ante «te ars required to se proper v seihsrs, Within six 1 from ths ante o f this to the undersigned at the establishment o f Hoary N. Lorena, te the City at Coquille, County o f (toon, id State o f Oregon Dated and first published this 12th day o f January, 1217. Caratine Lorem Henry N. Lorens, Executor o f ths sf N ‘¿.IS ;■ * ■ ■■' After two years and a half beneath the upper and nether millstones of war, the Belgium people And themselves facing a new peril-the slow starvation of more than one million children. The meagre rations that have barely sufficed for adults have proved insufficient for growing children. There are 1,260,000 of theee children who are directly dependant qpqn the food supplied by the Commission for Relief in Belgium. The ration with which that Commission has been able to supply is lees than is provided to British prisoners in Germany, lees than that provided German pris oners ^England and about two-thirds that supplied to poorhouses of England by the British Government It is enough to keep body and soul together in an adult It is not enough to even do that for the growing children. It consists of “a hunk of bread and a bowl of broth each.,day” and it costs about six cents One i WH m i Belgian children most have an extra ration each day or they are going to die of alow starvation. This extra ration consists of a biscuit made of lard or fat and a cup of cocoa.. THAT IS A L L ; but it is enough to arrest the degeneration of the growing child. THAT IS A L L ; but it is enough to check the ravages of tuberculosis, rickets and other diseases that have begun to develop with alarming rapidity among the unnourished children. THAT IS A L L ; but it means the difference between life and death, 'between continued vitality and slow starvation. One biscuit a day! “ A little more, and oh, how much it is!” One dollar a month will supply this extra ration and save a child. The ap peal comes to the United States to furnish that money and save these children. It comes from Herbert Hoover, chairman of the Commission for Relief of Bel gium. It comes from the Pope, in a letter to Cardinal Gibbons. It comes from American Physicians (Dr. Lucps, bf the University of California, is one of them) who have made examinations olfehase children fo rm e Commission. It is an appeal ¿hat comes from the most distressed nation on earth to the wealthi est nation the sun ever shone upon. How in God’s Name Can Such Appeal Be Disregarded? Think o f it, you Am erican* who road this, you fath er* and m o th «* o f grow in g children! The Control The Children o f Belgium ler o f the Currency, in W ashington, a few days ago for whoa this Appeal proclaimed the wealth o f the United States aa 220 billions o f dollars. On the first day o f this new year to Made one single industry— the railw ays— had $412,000,000 U nder 2 years o f a ge . .465,000 to be paid out as interest due that day on railw ay Between 8 and 7______ 609,000 bonds. For tw o and one-half y e a r» (n early ) Belgium , Between 7 and 12..........771,000 form erly “ the beehive o f E u rop e," has been rescu Between 12 and 1 7 .. . .780,000 ed from destruction at a cost o f over $200,000,000, and the United States hfia contributed leas than $9, T o ta l..........................2,675,000 000,000 o f this sum. Y et the Commission fo r R elief O f these 1,250,000 are directly in Belgium is composed almost entirely o f Americans. deDendedt upon the Commis It works under the Am erican flag. That flag has sion, fo r R elief in Belgium . For protected its workers, protected the trucks that car more than two years they have ried the provisions, protected the ships that brought been upon lees than poorhouse them. A ll through the towns and villages o f Bel rations. They m ust hauffm ore. gium, the people in gratitude took bits o f yarn and Am erica must give it to them. cotton and made small Am erican flags, colored them with paints and dyes, pinned or sewed them to their ragged garments, and wore them proudly week after week, It is to Am erica that their hearts have gone ou t Y et w hile France and England have been between them providing $7,000,000 a month fo r the support o f Belgium ; the people o f the United States have con tributed lees than $9,000,000 in tw o years. W hile scores o f Am ericans have’ been devoting their whole time to the work o f the relief, without a dollar o f recompense— som e o f them w ere capable o f earning the higheet salaries paid— winning fo r their country and fla g » im perishable honor and gratitude, the support they have received from their own countrymen has been pitifully inadequate. For all the distreesed people o f Europe, A sia and A frica, ac cording to the Comptroller o f Currency, we have contributed, since the w a r began, less than one-twentieth o f one per cent o f our aggregate income. That is to say, w e have di verted one dollar out o f $2,000 o f income to the relief o f such distress as the world has nev er before seen. And in this sam e time, provisions fo r the Belgians alone have been pur chased from this, country to the amount o f over $100,000,000, according to the official docu ments o f the R elief Commission. What will Coos County do to save the Belgian children? It is not generally understood that, even in times o f peace, Belgium has to im port 78 per cent o f her breadstuffs. Even in normal conditions she produces but 22 per cent The harvest o f 1914 was never reaped. The Am erican commissioners all testify that those B el gians who have means have done and are doing their utmost in relief-w ork. It is “ up to " Am erica to save these million atarving children, if they are to be saved— to give a biscuit a day as a supplementary meal, in addition to the lees than poorhouse rations now received. $12 will give that extra meal to One Child for a year The SE N TIN E L appeals for contributions in sums of $100, $50, $25 $10 $5 $3, $2, $1, or anything you can contribute and get your friends to help mate e total. All gifts will be acknowledged in our columns. Every cent of dollar will go to the feeding of a Belgian child. Not a cent will be de- d anywhere along the line for postage or clerical help or transportation or Administrative expenses. All the money will be applied to the purpose for which it is given, through the Commission for Relief in Belgium 1 Let the response be quick and prompt and generous. The SENTIN E I will start the list by taking care of eight children for one year— $100. Rememter $12 will save a Belgian child from slow starvation. H ELP US TO RAISE ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. R ead«* of the SENTINEL shcmld do that and do it quickly. How many children will YOU save from slow starvation during the year 1917. T « T FiyelJThrert Onet It ¡ . « J ? £ £ £ £ £ to show the whole world the size of their hearts. ' Maks all chscks, money orders or other remittances pauable to a,* n v r OlAX CHILDRENS l a ji « p o ,M U ^ d COQUILLE V A LLE Y 'L, Coquille, Oregon