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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1917)
OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY M, ltlT . Car) E. D u itliofl, who has bam • resident o f Cooa county for some time, died at Mercy Hospital at Nortfe Boad last Saturday moraine o f ty phoid fever. Bo m a t to the hospital January 8 from McDonald A Vaughn’« «amp at Beaver Hill, w hen he had been running a donkey engine, think ing he had the grip. The funeral aervicee «era held here at the Kiting- aea Undertaking Parlora at 1:80 y. m. Sunday, conducted by Elder Slye, o f Myrtle Point. The aervicee at Ma- eonk cemetery, whera the interment took place, were under the auspices of the Loyal Order o f Moose, o f «hich Mr. Danielson was born in Norway, where his mother still li/es, and was about 40 years and 6 montha o f age. His father died when ha was two yoars old and ho cams to tha United States with an uncle a year later. He was a marine engineer and had been in the employ o f the Myrtle Point Transportation, Company for aevrisl yoars, acting as engineer on the Tele and demonstrations on Dairying,.Ag graph, Dora and Charm at different riculture and Road Making and will Ha is survived by a former wife and aay I profited by all thorn. I will aay again, Farmers go to throe children, Bussoli, Elsie and Rob Farmer's Week next year a t Corval ert, aged 11, 9 and 7 respectively, aH o f Banden. Also a cousin, Richard lis.—M. T. Clinton, Arago. Danielson, o f Parkersburg, and his I attended Fanner's and H a s - mother, who is now the wife of Capt Maker’s Week and wish to say that Olson, o f a trans-Atlantic steamer my time spent than was a good in running into Nsw York. vestment to ms ia obtaining now and Valuable ideas related to my business. especially Carl Smith, of North Bond, and the L. O. O. M-, o f CoquUle, for their many kind acta both before and following the death o f our father. and the better we know you, the more busi ness Ve can do together, to our mutual ad- )u not make it a point to come into more frequently and give us the ity to learn your requirements as > show you how. practicdl our assit- ance ih banking matters? THE OLDEST H AT ION AL BANK IN COOS CO VN TT QUICK’S Secon dHand STORE First and Henry One Sheep Shearing Ma chine No. 9£eom plet*_$8.00 Set Heavy Harness_____$16.00 One good single« Harness. The Flanagan k Bennett Bank has taken stops to foreclose, under its chattel mortgage, on the Coos Boy Condensary at North Bond. If ac quired by thorn it is stated that there a n parties figuring an taking over the proparty with a view o f consider- ably enlarging its output. It is quits Hkely that Geo. P. Sheridan will Yaks over the management under any nsw ownership owing to his local acquain tanceship and familiarity with tbs e t I fern going to taka all Uy with sea if I can get tl —8 . & Rood, Myrtle Point. B ig variety o f Heating _ Stoves from $2.50 to $12.50 Sew ing Machines, 8 Sing ers, 1 Howe, 1 New Faultless, from ___ $5.00 up to $15 Streets Z. Tools o f all kinds, including Saws, Squares, Brace and Bits, Planes, Chisels, Hand Axes, B rush Hooka, Cross Cut S aw * One 50-Egg Incubator, afid all accessories. Alm ost new. A x handles. Hatchet and Ham- merSHapdlea. Milk Pans, W ater Buckets. New & second hand Cupboards « and many other New and Second Hand Qoodfi Call and See JRiese Bargains A WORD to the W ISE J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN aad BURGEON. Richmond-Borkar Hniuweg Coquille, Oro. Phenes, Office 62«, Roe. 814. W h e n y o u n e e d n ea t, n e w a n d n ifty L e tte r h e a d s , E n v e lo p e s , C ir c u la r s o r o th e r a d v e r tis in g m a tte r, The Coqoille Valley Sentinel is « GEO. E. RICHARDS r e a d y to fill th e bilL W e a ls o hare a Urge stock of Business Cards, Pine Pa pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can give yon something neat for your office stationery DR. Q. W . LESUE < Q U A L IT Y P R IN TIN G DR. C. W . ENDICOTT g THE ONE INDUSTRY IN • P M H VlB enk B id ’s 1 COQUILLE ♦ Mala II, Coquille, Dragon. J. J. that has operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen > years ago has been your Laundry. Rain or shine, good times sad bad, it has been on the job. We have a number o f customers that have patronised it continually from the beginning. We are grateful for this appreciation of aur service. Our aim is to improve the service ia every way possible. We wash ever y thing washable. STAN LEY LAWYBB A. J. SHERWOOD Dr. F. G. BUNCH ♦ COQUILLE LAUNDRY ft ICE COMPANY fi. ft E.T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Cffilif. S t, S. P. - J. EL Norton, Agent, Coqmlle, Ore I