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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1917)
* ~v’ . :V ;;. IFi ~ ’ PAGE POÇE The Sentinel ^ OOOO PA PI* II I A OOOfl • BY H. W. YOUNG. A dvertising Display, 12* cento ing notices, 6 cents i sertion. Want ads, ] no ad less than 16 cei given. tive, and tt is to ha will be ee h a t the to th at Tribuna. I World says a couple of i B t o i a p ___ od its coast line south *fi Hill Jonetion instat'd of from Bend “does net coincide with to ««P Id* information received her*, In n I *D® their were* into prohibition S û tes he* unquestiona bly retarded the pro that a surrey, abstracts or title and hibition movement. # It is liqaor man some deeds for rights of way have ufactured outside the SU te that bee been secured by the 8. P. between scandalised the prohibition law in North Bend end Bandon and th at Maine for more than half a century. work will commence within two r Under the assumed authority of a year».” It continues: “The 8. P. owns a east Federal license and of the interstate Commerce Law, a New Hampshire mina a t Beaver Hill. That perhaps brewing concern ran special trains is why they want to retain the right carrying Ha product* into Maine for of way to th at point That mine is a considerable period. The liquor in now being developed on a largar scale terests, at one time, paid special at and the company eventually expects tention to the shipments of liquor to supply the W illamette valley with into Iowa, for the sole purpose of He product That Is good ' disgusting the law-abiding people of th at and of other states with the ad m inistration and operation at the pro hibition law.” Let’s see how tt wopld work for [ Curry to try to aoeed* from the Cooe- Curry district. With only one-eighth the population of Cooe—2JM0 to our 20,000— Curry wouldn’t get any rep- I ta tive a t all if tt wasn’t for the consideration of Coos. The two coun in tbe earn* senatorial dis trict, tt has been tacitly agreed that by foregoing all delate to the torship Curry should be permitted to the representative in the joint representative dfctriet comprised of the two counties. Ceos alone eoe ■ to being, entitled to t on a population basis, while Curry would bave to grow a [lot to bo antitied to one. It looks as \ if it would bo tbe part of wisdom for the people down there to let well I enough don*. Under no different ag it would tt be possible for Misery, it is said, loves company; so we may all get wfcat consolation we can put of the feet th at late as tt is when W« get our outside mall, Co quille comes in ahead of all other points in the valley and down the coast. * ^ . 2,600 people to name e representative yet made for the cause of real pro-1 omiwi-rowers w in tbs Legislature. i hibition,” declares the Philadelphia work are up, th at company would If the persistent rumor th at -the = = = = = I Press, and the Brooklyn Eagle quotes °wn the present Southern Pacific line Southern Pacific railroad has sold its THEY ABB BECKONING WRONG, the statem ent of Dr. Ferdinand C. between Marshfield and M yrtle Point. line through here between Beaver Hill The liquor Internets of the eoaatry [igiehart, in the American Year-Book [ That a second railroad will be built Junction and Myrtle Point should seem to think the recent Supreme for IMS, that the Webb-Kenyon Law, between those two points is not benig prove^to be well founded, it can easily be understood that our protests Court decision which lenders absolute if sustained, would destroy “from 1» token seriously by many people. The against the new mall schedule will prohibition possible is a t the same to 20 per cent of the liquor business’' Coquill* story seems to lend credence time going to make such prohibition I in the United States. “In the judg- to the foregoing, probably fall on deaf ears. very unpopular. The idea is that » an t of many,” says the Eagle, “this * * !• generally believed th at the Booze is reported to be flowing wealthy men end employers 'have I h an underestimate.’' In any case, I objeet it the Smith-Power» company freely at Salem now in an attom pt found th at loboring men are a great I other editors remark, this ruling gives I ^ securing e franchise from the coun to induce the majority of tbe houe* deal more efficient if they are not eh I the advocates of prohibition a chance I tjr H te nee it as a club in getting term» from the Southern Pa- to vote againet the emergency clause lowed access to boss*; but th at they I to test their theory fairly and fully. I wishing to see ln the “Bon* Dry” *<i and so permit will by no means be willing to submit I "It effectually closes one of the larg- M * - T»« a referendum and have Oregon wide open for the liquor seller« for two year* more. A recall should be sounded for every representative who fails us there . gene before and in preference to a I opinion is expressed th at States like direct line from Marshfield to Boee- Kansas, which have abolished the aa- burg via the Middle Fork. loon, but allow every on* who wants Surprised in the first place th at I it to ship in liquor will think a long they should make a Lane County road I time before they will absolutely cut away across the west sad of Doug- I off all chances to get it in and do las county their first choice for a I without tbe stuff, connection with the Pacific highway Jedging from what we have seen in tbe valley counties; and in tha see-1 during recant years of the steadily ond place th at they should prefer to growing sentiment to do away with wait for a road that will cost a mil- liquors as beverages, tbe experiment lion end a half and will probably | of making prohibition actually pro take a dozen years to build, in prefer- hibit, and the success of such pro- ence to one already in use during most I hibition experiments ea Russia «wads w t ■ the Books HAS BEEN UPHELD. will tal O rferdl m is OREGON COQUILLE In Hie Sick Room Nothing is more convenient for the sick room, or for that matter, the hone in general than a THERMOS Its no trouble to have a hot drink a t any time, day or n ig h t War on the Coyote». % Over in Douglas county tt is “war to tbe knife and tha knife to the hilt” against the coyotes, to judg* from the ! following which we d ip from the Gardiner Index: “On account of the depredations committed by the pack of coyotes, which have recently invaded the coun first cinse road in a couple of years I pi* are not forecasting the future transportation and receipt of liquo* try, the county court has paasod aa for an expenditure only one-fifteenth [wisely. [in the State. Both the Webb-Kenyon as great. Of course both roads will It is our. opinion th at the States | Act and West Virginia’« jaw were 'to be paid for then* animals from |1# eventually be built, but tt seems to us | that go “Bone Dry” and render it brought before the Supreme Court in to »20 per hid*. It ia believed that the nearer rout* we can get so much impossible for their people to gut al-1 two tost cases of the James Clark ia this manner more residents will more cheaply end quickly is tha one to | coholie borer ages, will saa so wonder- Distilling Company, of Cumberland, pay attention to the killing of the vi- finish first. | ful an Improvement in tha condition Md., against the American Express cious and thriving animals and will | of their citizen* end the standard of | Company and W estern Maryland [th eir citizenship that they would no I Railroad. Both laws were sustained undesirable presence MEXICANS AND CHINESE During tbe past four months tt had We remember when ear correspon | more think of going heck to the ea-1 in the Supreme Court’s decision, to been estimated by one who Is loon era than they would of doing which Justice Holmes and Van De- dent, M. J. Brown, four or five years Chief Justice with the m atter th at between |7.00» ago affirmed his full conviction that wttbout railroads and telegraphs and van tar dissented. motor ears. [W hite, who announced the decision, and 910,000 worth of property has the original settlers of the American Indeed tt Is inconceivable to tha I emphasised its sweeping nature in the been destroyed, in spite of the efforts continent were Chinese immigrants by | of the residents of the outlying dis [w riter th at a community which has I following words: way of Bering’s S trait’s and their de tricts to protect themselves. The ------------ scendants. Ha had seen the oldest | once enjoyed the blessings of an en j greatest loss came about Thanksgiv tirely sober citizenship should ever "The all-reaching power of gevera- Indian races of the eoaatry and the ing ton#, when hundreds of turkeys recently arrived Chinamen down In Iagain go back to wallowing in th * |» * n t over Uquor is settled. There were killed. [ mire. On the other hand we believe was no intention of Congress to for- our southwestern states and could not resist the connection th at they were, | that the benefits of complete abstin- bid individual us* of liquor. The pur- Carrying Coals TP Newcastle. - | ence from boose will be so m anifest | P°e* of this act was .to cut out by aa races, vary nearly akin, Lots of wealth ia being wasted now It It interesting to find the same and so unquestionable th at no State I the roots the practise of perm itting in shipping Coos county potatoes to that ia neighbor to on* with the b a n violation of State liquor lews. We theory more than hinted by Gregory San Francisco a t the earn* time that Mason in his recent Mexican articles up and alcohol shut oat bat th at will can have no doubt th at Congress has' California potato## are being shipped |soon decide to im itate its exempt*, [complete authority to prevent jmrm- in the Outlook. He says: ....... lyzing of SUte authority. Congress up to Coos Bay. Coos county im “There ia a riddle beneath the rela LIKE THE MILLENNIUM. ¡exacted . power to «ordinate toe ports a great many vegetables of oth tion of China to Mexico which no sa vant has yet satisfactorily explained, I President Wilson tells the warring national with the State authority. . . . er Unde th at might be grown here “It is decided th at the W*bb-K*n- ju st as well as not, but shipping ear although many learned heads have nations of Europe the way in which wagged over the problem. Bom* he thinks they should make pees*. In yon Act, to us* the words of the act, potatoes out to Frisco to buy tha— members of Indian tribes from com asking th at they lay aside all thought applies to shipments of liquor ‘in-I back from tha wholesalers there is munities far from the usual ha ante of of victory, leave each nation V> gov- [ tended to bo received, y m n seil. »old, going the limit. the immigrant Chinaoe look aa much era itself, make Poland free, give | or in any manner used’ in viola ties of like Celestials as if they bad just everyone a right of way to the sea, the laws of the State. As this con- wafted across the Pacific ia a junk. end make the ocean* unrestricted elusion ceases every prohibition of the There ia strong evidence th at this highway», he certainly strikes e high West Virginia law to be embraced end sim ilarity ia an ancient one. Many of keynote. It is, however, «imply ask- come under the right conferred by the little stone gods which the Astoce ing that international law shall bo Congress by tbe Webb-Kenyon Act, or pre-Astoca worshiped have the made to conform with the golden it is decided that the West Virginia tam e unmistakable silt eyes that rule. He says th at unless the bellig- law was not to conflict with (he com- Americans associate with the Orient. erent nations stake their peace treat- I marc* clause of the Constitution and Still more remarkable, perhaps, ia tha lee along such lines, they need not ex- the power of Congress to regulate ease with which the Chines* who go pact us to unite in any league to ea- commerce, if Congress had power to ¡enact the Webb-Kenyon law. to Yucatan acquire the language of form peace after the war. If the President's ideas could be “Diapoomg of th at question, it is I the native Maya Indians. The Maya civilization is much older than the crytallixed in a peas* treaty,-it would ¡decided th at Congress had the power Aztec—in fact, it is on* the oldest be the greatest forward ,step the under the Constitution to adopt the | civilisations known—end the Chinese world has seen sines the Declaration | Webh-Kenyoa Law, whether consider- [ ________ ^ __of Independence, and and if if the the civilised civilised *d from the point of view of original who go to _________________ Yucatan team Maya far of Independence, world would np to th at standard, | reasoning or ia tha lig h t of the ere-1 more easily than they learn Spanish, JworW WDO,d live Iiv* «P although Spanish among European U cw tainly mean the dawn of and Anglo-Saxon people is consto- ■ mU1 c red on* of the easiest of modani la n -, __ to learn.” | When a strew vqto was taken at tha city election May 11, 1914, ea the | qaeotion whether to purchase Patter-1 CUREY WANTS TO 8BCEBB. sea’s Grove on the east side- of Petitions will appear throughout the county within a few days asking the Legislature to «w et a law giving to Curry the right to elect a rep resentative of its own to th a t body. Aa it new steads this county places in nomination a BMW, but tt is only a joint affair, as he most get the eat- doraeaeent of the voters of Coos coun ty before he is sleeted. Coes county is much larger than Curry, aad a man may be very unpopular ia his own county, where he is known, and »till MAY PROVE FATAL. *» Pint Thermae ............................. IL H Corrugated Pint Therm o*......... L78 Quart Therm o«........................... LM C om ifstud QuArt T hennoi. * * 2.75. Lunch K it Equipped w ith P int Thrmna , __ ‘ f 2.7» Fuhrmans Pharmacy The Rexall Store $ 5.00 THOUSAND »; good value