The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, January 19, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHTEEN, Image 18

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    The High Cost o f Ne
Telling About People and
Events in the City and
Is soon going to be felt
in the high cost o f living
Many papers were protected by long
tim e contracts on paper, but these
are expiring now and it is going to
take twice as much money to buy pa­
per when theee contracts are renew­
ed. 5 T he S entinel w ill not be
t : compelled to make an advance for
some months at least, but ONE OF
F. A. Golden, count?
visor, como over fra
lineo resided, in 18P0.
Mr. Hudson
diod here in 1906.
All tho children^ arrivod In timo to
mo thofar mother alive except Mrs. L
M. Tanner, at Montana, and Joooph L.
Hudson, who was hunting in tho
mountains at Curry count? and could
not bo ronchad by saoooongor. ' Tho
children beeiden theee two are, Mrs.
M. C. Dtvelblaa, at Bando«; Mrs. A.
J. Jackson, at Montesano, Wash.; Mrs.
J . E. Planen and Mrs. R. 0 . Hoberg,
o f Hillsboro; John W» Hudson, of
Curry county; and Dnyne Hudson, of
this city.
Testarde? M. J. Harisca finished
moving his Coquille Furniture Co.
stocks from the Ellingsen bullring to
the Odd Fellow building next Ico to
the postoOee, where he now has his
fine large stock very effectively dis­
played. The balcony in the south­
east corner add« considerable floor
space, which he expects to further in-
eraeM by extending it across the en-
R. R Knowlton has been absent
from bis store th's week, going con­
fined to the bouse with an attack of
grip and bronchitis.
H. M. Shaw, M. D„ Rye, Ear, Nose
end Threat Specialist, will be at Bax­
ter Hotel, Coquille, on Thursday, Feb.
The Portland Evening Telegram and
Bov. and Mr*. T. H. Downs o f this
cit?, started Wodnooda? morning tar
Oakle?, Idaho, to take a positon in a
Mr. end Mrs. R. Stanley Doller,
who come up s week ego, started
this morning on their return trip to
Sen Francisco.
til that tim e yon can g et
We wish to exprsM our gratitude
to the friends and neighbors for tho
aid and sympathy extended to us so
generously during the sickness, death
end burial o f our beloved mother. We
could not avail ourselves o f all the
offers o f assistance but the whole­
hearted manner in which the good
people o f this town earns to our re­
lief at this trying timé will never be
forgotten by us.
Mrs. M. C. Dhrilbiaa, Mrs. A . J.
Jackson, Mrs. L M. Tanner, M rs. E.
E. Finnan, Mrs. R. O. Hoberg, John
W. Hudson and Dnyne Hudson.
The Sentinel, both
for one year, for
J y T ’. O
A fter that time the price o f this com ­
bination w ill be increased to $5.50
a year. The Telegram, whose price
has been $8.50 a year, w ill be raised
to $6.00. 1 I f you want a Portland
daily for a low price fe tte r take ad­
vantage o f this offer right away.
The price o f the Telegram alone to
subscribers will be $5 after Feb. 1 st
About Coal Purchases.
bachelors end wants to learn whether
“ The Thimble Club" is a figment of
the editor's imagination. His letter
will appear next week.
• Cani wiD be delivered hereafter hi
ten and half ton lots, Smaller amounts
will it# charged for extra. We have
lamp coal at f(J a ton now and nut
seal at ffi. Better place your order
at Rogers bam in advance, end avoid
Logan Kay, who is now ferryman
at tho Coquills ferry, reports tho riv­
er hare eovered by a thin film o f loe
lest Monday m andar-
We should
like to hear from nobm old settler how
A dance is to be given at the Nor­
way hell tomorrow (Saturday) night,
for the benefit of Qua Schroeder, at
Arsgo, whose home was burned last
Bey yesterday morning to perform n
major .operation on Herbert Johnson,
of this city, who had been In Mercy
Hospital for several days.
Since the duck season dosed last
Monday we beve noticed s good many
at them in the ponds along the relief
here. Looks as if they knew when It
was safe to come out of hiding.
much as 40« eestertla (about <4,238 of
English money) on his dally supper,
end the celebrated feast to which ho
Rate $3.00 par Day.
Invited his brother coat <40JMk It
will be received in
consisted o f 2,000 different dishes of
fish and 7.000 of fowls, with other writing at the office o f Headmaster,
equally numerous meats. His dally Coquille, until Feb. 1st, for section
food wee o f tho most rare end exquis­ men to work end have charge at see-
ite nature. The deserts o f IgWa, tho
shores at Spain, the Waters of the
Carpathian aea aad even the coasts
end forests e f Britain were diligently
searched for dalntlee to supply Ms ta­
ble, and had be reigned long he would,
observes Joseph os, have exhausted the
greet opulence of the Roman empire.—
London Standard.
Team and Hannas nt Anetten.
Wednesday, Jen. SI, I will sell n
good teem weighing 8800 pounds and
e set «¡.double harness at suction to
the highest bidder at Rogara bora in
Coquille, at 2 o’clock p. m. Terms,
cash; or good note for 6 months at 8
per cent.
O. G. Bunch.
Rev. A. Habarly, of Bandon, form­
erly pastor o f the Presbyterian church
h eñ, has been summoned to Salis­
bury, Miss^ on account of the serious
Illness of his father, Christian Haber-
In ’Your S h o p ?
Am you doing these things by hand or foot power
W hy not save the time and enexgy o f your men far
more productive work?
are econom ical aide to greater efficiency and higher prodi
They occupy little space, require practically no attenth
cost nothing when the machines are idle. & E m otors an
controlled and always ready for instant Service.
- A talk with our power man will die flees’
Coquille, Oregon
Public long distance stations have lately been estab>
lihsed at Eagle Mine and W inchester Bay.
Eagle Mine is on the Bandon-Coos Bay road, about
three miles north o f the Coquille R iver Ferry. The
Platins Y Oro M ining Company is the agen t
W inchester Bay fe th e summer resort up near the
mouth o f the Umpqua river, where extensive jetty
construction has lately been started.
L S. Weeks is the agent
M ortgage Co.
an d
C urry T
C ompany
eleph o n e