The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, January 19, 1917, Page PAGE FOURTEEN, Image 14

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    W ? V 'ï Y.v
The Sentinel
p u
to sand
s aoo
to tha
B Y H . W . YO U N G .
SiFff 7
to a
the witness
the m ails to
a fte r
M om ents reflection.
» w
two children and g o t them
school, and sewed a button
M e i l i o hew deeply th eir own n it4.on- ny ’a coat end I mended a rent in N al-
rhsn I tidied up i y **t-
a l life and fortunes are im plicated ia lie’s dress,
the iaaue; most do not; but it ia the ting room ; nd made tw o bads and
plants and gluneed ever
p iercing and passiona te conviction o t
a ll Britons. T h at dem ocracy stands
y parlor and set things to righ ts in
or fa lls by the upshot o f this w ar, and
that it cannot fa ll in Europe w ithout „ and washed some lam p chimneys
* ^
u ltim ately fa llin g everyw here,— there and c o m b * the b .b y ’. ^ i r ^
la a t ease the fe a r that slutches, the ed a button on one o f her shorn, una
m otive that energises, and the faith then I »w ept m y «*ts id e "^U u ron’s
children s
th at sustains every man and woman brushed and put *w u y
Sunday clothes, and w rote a n o ta to
in the British Isles,
johnny*, teacher M k in g her to ex c«W
him fo r not being s t schori am i frk ta T
Illic it liquor im portations into O re­ Then I fed m y canary and
gon w ill be enormous a fte r the enact­ the breakfast table s n d * a v e t i m « £
ment o f the proposed “ bone d ry” ab­
solute prohibition law , is predicted dowa ami ™*ted
-A ll,"
by W a lter H. Evans, o f Portland, dis­ the clock struck 9. T im ts au
tric t attorn ey o f MtfUnomah county, ».id the dazed la w y e r
m y breatn
In a le tte r to G overnor James W ithy- your honor, I inust ^
combe, made public Saturday.
before I call the next witnem .
Special provision should be made in
the “ bone dry” b ill fo r enforcem ent o f
Women in the Turkey
the law at the O regon-C alifornia line,
A lfred Powers, o f Oakland, com
M r. Avans declared. He suggested
the Ore-
municate. the follow ing to
appointm ent o f special state police o f­
gon Journal:
ficers, whose duty should be to spend
In the fa ll o f 1916,
th eir tim e a t Horn brook and other wards, o f Drain, Ora., m arketed^the
“ w et” C aliforn ia towns nsar the O re­ biggest flock o f turkeys in the s t a t e -
gon line, and aboard northbound in­ 400 big bronze birds th at tu tted bar
terstate trains, to arrest liquor sm ug­
the neat sum e f $1100. Drsastd
bloom er, in summer, and rubber boots,
G overnor W ithyeom be, in replyin g,
s lic k « end sou'w ester in t h e * * 7
said he intended asking, the leg isla ­
spring, she duums tu rk ey, the U v^
ture to prorid e $6,000 per year fo r
long day.- L ast fa ll sha m arketed a
special state agents to aid in enforc­ big herd. * Miss Anna H untington, o f
in g the
Yoncalla, «»id 860 last fa ll. M iss Ra­
to m an. tha savings
h ook la tha one that
days a t troubla.
our grea test trade riva ls:
“ Few people appreciate the m agni­
tude o f A m erica’s com m ercial p rog­
ress during the w ar. This year her
fo reign trade w ill amount to $8/40,-
000,000, one-fifth o f the whole fo r­
eign trade o f the w orld. H er foreign
trade in 1918 is h a lf again a j grea t
as ia 1915 and tw ice as grea t as in
1914. N o doubt, higher prices have
th eir part in this expansion, but it is
notew orthy th at 80 per coat at A m er­
ica’s exports in ths current year are
constituted by manufactures. Am or
iea has been penetrating into m arkets
le ft vacant by the w arlike preo>. men­
tions o f the b elligeren ts; she has been
obtaining valuable concessions; and
she has been and is organ izin g cor­
porations fo r pushing Am erican com­
m erce and industry and finance in fo r­
eign coon trice.
“ N o doubt whan" peace comes she
w ill have1 to m eet a revived arid se­
vere com petition, but she w ill fa ce it
b etter equipped ia certain im p ortant
respects than nearly a ll her rivals.
She w ill have a currency neither in­
flated nor depreciated; only E.igiaud
am ong the belligeren ts can now say
the like. Mm w ill, under the super­
vision o f the Federal Beeerve Board,
fo m ia tou rist tra vel to the Bay,
are unable ta see the point.
Senator J. C . Sm ith, at Josephine
copnty, and Senator 1. 8. Sm ith, o f
Ceoe and C urry counties, both senate
veterans, are frequ en tly confused one
fo r the other, because o f the sim ilar­
ity o f name, says a Salem dispatch.
This has given rise to ths custom o f
referrin g to them as Sm ith o f Jonc­
p ie' ought to in terest them selves. The
lig h tin g arrangem ent at the H igh
School building are not only defective
hut are bound to im pair the eyesight
o f the pupils. A s arranged there Is
toe much lig h t on brigh t days, w hile
on dark ones it is im possible to get
Urn plan to have school
room s ligh ted from the back or the
le ft or from both back and le ft sides
and do array w ith crosslights, with
fu ll banks o f windows to furnish
am ple lig h t on dark days, is the only
approved one now, and a ll modern
school bouses are constructed in that
w ay. A v is it to our school rooms on
a dark day w ill show how fa r short
th ey fa ll o f fu lfillin g these require-
The 8entinel is very favorab ly im ­
pressed w ith the plan now under con­
sideration by the legislatu re at Salem
to adopt the county unit plan fo r our
public schools. It w ill secure a much
m ore efficient adm inistration and dis­
tribute the taxation burden equally
throughout the county, whereas there
a re eases new w here some districts
are paying ten tim es as high a rate
as others. I ndeed, that does not fu l­
ly m easure the inequality. There are
seven districts in this county which
paid only six-tenths o f a m ill last
year, w hile others w ere paying as
much as 16, 18 or 20 m ills. Superin­
tendent Baker has prepared a state­
ment, elsew here published, showing
the desirab ility o f changing the sys­
tem , and the benefits that w ill result
to send to our members o f the leg is­
latu re and to the other county super­
intendents o f the state.
When Am ericans proclaim , as many
o f them have proclaim ed, that the A l­
liée are figh tin g the battles o f the
U nited States, what do they m erit T
I do not believe they can be thinking
m erely o f the
to a ll A m eri­
ca’s m aterial and p olitical interests
that would be instantly uncovered by
a Germ an victory. I do not believe
they are m erely picturing to them ­
selves the rela tive power and efficien­
cy on the one hand o f a trium phant
Germ any and on the other o f the U n it­
ed States as she is today— plethoric,
unarmed, bemused by sentim ent, wan­
dering in .a cloud-land o f unrealities.
I do not believe they have set their
eyes solely on the M onroe Doctrine
and are wondering, though they m ight
w ell wonder, what it would be worth,
what would be its resistin g power, in
the face o f such a Teutonic assault as
was launched tw o and a h a lf years
ago again st Belgium and France. I
As not believe they are m erely recog­
nising the obvious fa c t that i f G er­
many conquers Europe she w ill also
D. E. Skinner, who is president o f a
s|i sali tug at th at Industry on the Pa:
rifle coast, says:
chel Chenoweth, o f Oakland, h at
raised in the past few years a total o f
2,o00 turkeys. - A u thre* o i
young women are tchoolmm’ame. Tw o
of them have given up pedagogy fo r
the more lu crative business o f raisin g
turkeys ang one is carryin g on tha
A t this tim e in m y estim ation there
two trades sim ultaneously.
are a t least 120 steam vessels now un­
der construction or under contract fo r
Railroad construction in Oregon
construction on this coast, and prob­
during the past year includes Hie S.e
ably aboat 80 at thane ia the N orth­
P. Co’s, com plete Coos B ay lin e, U 8 J
west. I don’t think the people real­
m iles; O. W . E. I N . com plete east­
ise that it has been undertaken to ex­
ern Oregon lin e to Crane, 127 m iles;
pend $80,000,000 in one enterprise,
Cal. A Ore. Coast R. B. put in opera­
and it w ill approxim ate that or more
tion IS m iles o f tjm proposed Grants
In this Pacific N orthw est in the next
Pam to Crescent C ity lin e; Portland
tw o years. I som etim es wonder i f we
A Oregorf C ity have 16 m iles in opera-
are goin g to be rid e to liv e up to the
tion and V alley A SUets com plete I t
In tegrity o f those contracts.
The Im portant point is that w e ean-
not stand any m ore burden because
the burden o f production is goin g to
Recently we published in these col
be severe enough.
Probably there
are not m ore than 6,000 skilled ship­ umns an offer o f The Youth’s Com­
builders today in the N orthw est and panion sad M cCall’s M agazine, both
from ths anticipation o f the rep&rted fo r a fu ll year, fo r only $2.10, includ­
enterprises th at are goin g to start in g a M cCall dress pattern. The high
and those that have started, w e win price o f paper and ink has caused
need $6,000. I do not know where we M cCall’s M agazine to raise their sub­
w ill g e t the men nor how the ships scription price February 1 to 10 conta
a copy and 76 cents a year— so that
are goin g to be bu ilt fo r a ll o f us.
the o ffer a t tha above price must
UntH March 91 our . readers have
Ref i l i n g to what w e said last
the p rivilege at orderiag both publi­
w ad t about the talk or a new railroad
cations fo r a fu ll year, including tha
thorn Bseeburg to Camas V a lley and
choice o f any 16-cent M cCall
down the M iddle Fork to C oquille and
pattern, fo r only $2.10.
Oban Bay, the follo w in g from the
The amount o f reading, inform a­
R snsharg E vening N ew s is o f decid-
tion and entertainm ent contained in
the fifty -tw o issues o f The Youth's
Companion and the value o f tw elve
*T h e rum or is persistent upon th.!
m onthly fashion numbers o f M cCall's
ateaste today that the Oregon Elec-
a t $2.10 offee_a real bargain to ever]
tsts railroad from Portland to Eugene
reader o f tha paper.
is to be continued to this city early In
This tw o-at-ene-price o ffer includes
the spring. It has been known that
1. The Youth’s Companion— 62 isseei
this proposition was in view at the
tim e that the road was built but just 2. The Companion Home Calendar fo r
what action is to be taken at this
M agazina— 12 fashion
tim e could not bo defin itely ascer­ 8. M cCall’s
tained. L o e ri capitalists and others
interested in railroad activities were 4. One 16-cent M cCall dress pattern
— your choice from your first copy o f
interview ed, today in regard to the-
rumor and w ere inclined to be skepti­ M cCall’s— i f you send a tw o cent
cal. although they stated that there stam p w ith your selection.
The Youth Companion,
m ight be some foundation. Should
St. Paul S t, Boston, Mass
the railroad company have such in­
N ew Subscriptions received at tins
tentions there is no doubt but what
the city would show a p erfect w illin g­
ness to assist in a ll manners.”
books b * opening
si p r in t
watered my
G et one of
w ith
taka much
Our Oregon dairym en g e t a higher
price fo r m ilk than the producers o f
any ether Pacific coast state, and a
considerably higher price than is ob­
tained by dairy farm ers in the b ig
m ilk-producing states o f the M issis­
sippi valley. The follo w in g " figures
are com piled from the official figures
fo r 1918 o f the Departm ent o f A g r i­
culture; they are fo r cents per gallon :
D ragon, 26c; W ashington, 29c; Cal­
iforn ia, 29c; Kansas, 22c; Nebraska,
24e; Iow a, 22c; M innesota, l» c ; Ohio,
Indiana, Illin ois, M ichigan, W isconsin,
20e; N ew Y ork , 18c; Massachusetts,
- There is little sleep, little rest, little
peace fo r man v a su fferer from kid­
ney trouble. U fa is one continual
™.und * P *}n- Y o « e a n t rest a t night
when there’s kidney backache. You
suffer tw inges and “ stabs” o f pain.
annoying urinary
and nervousness. You
fortab le at work w ith
and blinding dizzy s'
Commerdal and Saving Deposito
In the Sick Room
Nothing is more convenient for the sick room, or for
that matter, the home in general
than a
Ito no trouble to have a hot drink at any
time, day or night
P in t Thenuoa ~ . Z Z . . Z Z 7 $ U »
C orrugated P in t Tbssvnos. • . » « ■ L78
Q uart Therm os ......................
C orrugated Q uart T h e rm o s .. . . . 2.76
Lunch K R Equipped w ith P in t
............................. 2.75
Fuhrrnans Pharmacy
The Ruail Stow
One and Two
m ber
M 3
No. 3 grade; good value
muse nüTâm
■MPT M aie AS veut tesse
The highest prices are obtained In
the Rocky Mountain and hot southern
states, running ns high aa 29 and 90
cents in N evada, Texas and Alabam a.
put them in good w orkin g order. I
fe ? *
K ktaey
to r m j * *
i f you g iv e it at-
Thousand* have testified to th eir
m e rit Coquille readers w ill find con­
vincing p roof or m erit in tile follo w in g
P rice M e s t nil dealers.
and it w ill grow
O regon Dairym en.
we un it e n e is ss i
f ri
t- ”irrr>»