are advanc In 20 T w o-R eel Both Eddie Polo. An absorbing Drama of American Life along the Mexican Border. Golden Romance, Love, War, Ad »entere. These Beardless Barley W hite Oats Spring Wheat— Blue- stem yon are liable to be caught without seed when the good weather for planting is on. Vetch Italian Rye Grass English Rye G ran Prices are high, but they will be no lower—and will no Red Clover In 15 T w o-R eel Chapters E vening Crimson Clover W hite Clover Postering Francis Ford and Grace Conrad, in a wonderful drama'of dreua life, love, accidents and life under the big tope. The only serial of its kind ever Aimed, and fen- taring the two scroon idols o f the CoqaiHe W hite Clover and Alsyke - Alsyke ' public. Orchard G ran COMMENCING American W onder ft January 26 th Early Rose Seed Potatoes TECO Self-Rising Pan cake Flour . r - Our Advice Is: Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon Phones 691 and 641 meety lived bars but far tbs last four yuan baa boon in Alaska in tha em­ ploy of tbo government, is boro for tbs winter and can tell u* thing« about tha development of that coun- . A mixture o f W heat and Corn F lour M alted Butterm ilk 15 c per package Tip Top and H olsum Bread arrives fresh from Eugene every day. First National Bank Building Frost-Cracked Acetylene GARDNER & LARSEN’S IR Ä * GARAGE « k ). butalled Oda weak, atnttva of the South Pork weak, any« be know« that in that valley certainly compelling people to care ■ A s onran aaya Mra. Zack Grant, who ia in tha Pemberton rooms recov­ ering from a severe affliction and op-