The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, January 19, 1917, Image 11

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Ufr Heatons Given fo r Its
Southern Pacific W ipes Co- Judge
Adoption B y the L eg-
— quille V alley off o f th e'
Rafin’frafi Map.
men school system o f the state. Ia
orffpr to be able to. Judge the m erits
o f the peppoood system intelligently
• b rief discussion o f its advantages
in com parison with those o f tho pres­
en t district system , m ay b o in order.
A new tim e table is to ’g o into effect
Sunday, Jan. 81 on the S. P. line
through here which w ill disconnect
the service in this valley from the
m at o f the line as com pletely ss i f
the aale o f tho line from Overland to
Vjjrrtlo Point which we forecast last
week had already gone luto effect.
The Ceos Bay Limited wfa’eh has
been running over hem end to M yrtle
Point and bringing in our outside
am i, and goin g out early in tho m om -
iag, is to Stop at Ifam hfisld, and wa
w ill have only the service o f the two
trains, on# passenger and the other
m ixed, which ran over the Coos Bey,
Hoaeburg A Eastern before we got
connection with the m et o f the rail­
road world.
It i* about as raw a deal fo r tho
Coquille valley as could w ell be im­
The train from tho outside
w ill g et into M arshfield, as it has barn
doing, about six o’clock in the evening
—end A sm our m ail and express and
have to w ait abodt fourteen hours
untO they have an opportunity to get
a teste fo r C equilH
W on't that
make a picnic fo r the Jitney* as soon
as the highway is to shape to travel!
In the m orning it w ill bo tho same
thing again. Our mail will g o out at
8:87 te tho afternoon (d o sin g about
8 ) and passengem from hem will
leave at the same tim e. G etting ov­
er to Marshfield a little before five
them teilt be nothing to do but visit
W atson
Probate and Juvenile
L -—
Cases There.
Judgo James W atson wns over at
the Bay W ednesday and Thursday at­
tending to Probate and Juvenile court
m atters. S
The first ease before him was that
e f Brace L. P iggott, to be examined
as to his sanity. Dr. Mingus assist­
ing the Judge.
P iggott is a hobo
and an I. W . W . but fo r a long time
he talked rationally enough and there
was apparently nothing w rong with
M as until tho subject o f capital and
labor was broached.
Then the lid
was off and ho went right up in the
air. He was ordered comm itted to
tho asylum at Salem.
On Thursday a session o f tho ju -
venils court was hold at North Bond
and tho ease o f the h a lf doson child­
ren o f John Thom as, Who is nearly a
fu ll blood Indian, w as taken up.
Thomas from all the testim ony had
dene his best te bring up hie fam ily
well sines the death o f his w ife when
the youngest was an infant and ho
was •commended by tho court, but
advised to send the oldest girls to the
Chemawa Indian school. It was di­
rected that the children should be fu r­
ther looked a fter by M m. Lena Thom­
as, their sunt, who is a graduate o f
that school and highly recommended
by all who know her. Mr. Thomas
owns a ranch worth $4,000 and is
watching to aaa if any sym ptom s o f
tuberculosis develop in his children;
and if thorn do, ho proposes to soil
The next c m # was that o f a little
girl six yoerS old, whose perente,
Geo. W . end Louise Granger am “ no
good,” an adopted brother by the
name o f Huddle, who mas In ja il hem
ast summer fo r stealing green corn,
being one o f tee fam ily. The court
thought th e parents worn unfit to cam
for the little g irl, but mads an order
o f probation, placing the child under
the superintendence o f F eteer Me-
Davitt, o f the Catholic church, who
will report to the court regularly aa
to conditions te the fam ily.
this te e district system not only falls
to give but absolutely prevents.
few illustrations m ay be given
to show the weakness fcf tee district
system . Ths B ridge School, No.
Coos County, Oregon, levies from fif­
teen to tw enty m ills special tax each
y e f hire* t e n s expert teachers
about sixty pupils, and gives not only
th s common school but thru* yearn o f
Cotancil Discussed That and
M any O ther Subjects
Monday N ig h t
President— Misa M. W atkins, o f
M yrtle Point.
■ ’ ¿ • ■
Vico president—John L . Gary, o f
Secretary— Fmd Barker, o f John­
son’s M ill.
The city’s water business, which
has occasioned m ors discussion the
past few months than any other mat­
This m orning, President Norton, o f ter, was introduced by C. M. U pton's
our Com m ercial Club, sent out tele­ requesting action on the petition pre­
gram s to J. M. Scott, General Passen­ sented some weeks ago fo r an axtaa-
ger A gent o f tho Sonthom Pacific at
Portland, the State Public Service
Commission at Salem and S. P. Di­
vision Superintendent L. K. Burkhalt-
or et Portland, protesting against the
new S. P . railroad schedule that
makes our travelling and mail ser­
vice as dilatory as when w s had to
depend upon wagons over the hills.
P rotest N ew Schedule.
' Nearly ovary chair te the city hall
On m otion by Sanford the water
was occupied at the Commercial Club
meeting W ednesday evening when A, rent fo r the cream ery was fixed at
J, Sherwood explained the details o f $10 per month from tho date they
tho Foderai Farm Loan A c t
Ho started te business last September
until the first o f February. A t that
about thè m eeting, on* wanted to time the w ater superintendent is to
know i f the Commercial Club charged be instructed to install a m eter on
admission. His reply was that S pre­ their line. It wgs the sens* o f the
mium was usually given to those in council that all out o f town water
consumers should he inquired to pay
farm ers living near Coquille present. fo r city water a t m eter rates, and al­
Mr. Sherwood went into the details so that all ou t o f town custom ers
o f tea new act quite thoroughly and should pnrehass tho m eter which te*
made d e a r the operations by which city installs Mr. Epperson was m -
ths loans am secured by farm ers. It rtrueted to place a m eter on the Una
i« a la rg ir subject than'w * have space running to th e W atson ranch north o f
fo r tele wash, an article on the sass*
subject covering sev eri! pages o f the
Saturday Evening P oet la st year.
The m atter is to be discussed at
Commercial Club m eetings until a
National Farm Loan A ssociation is
organised te this section. It w ill ro-
quir* applications fo r $20,000 o f loans
to effect this organisation.
Follow ing M r. Sherwood, County
Superintendent Baker mad* a talk te
the county unit plan o f con­
ducting tho -public schools. His re­
marks am elsewhere published under
te a t head.
‘ C. A . Howard moved the adoption
o f tee follow in g m eolution which ia
to b* sont to the Coos county mem
would arrive a t Portland tho same
day. O f courts the train crews would
tov* to w ork earlier and later but
they would be required to put te no
this section during Farm -
This W inter the B e st
Councilman M ansell says the dray-
ing business hem this winter has bean
better than over before end that since
he gut hie new auto truck into com ­
m ission he has had ali the work it
could do besides enough to keep his
wagons and team s all busy. This cer­
tainly looks like an improvement in
general business conditions here. And
so fa r as ths Sentinél is concerned
year has been much better than fo r
months previous.
Everything still
indicates that 1917 ia goin g to be s
year o f prosperity fo r the Coquille
valley—the beet it has over seen.
A s it ia now, that train w ill leave
Marshfield at 1:80 p. m. and teV t al­
m ost exactly tw o hour* to traverse
the 17 m iles to Coquille, reaching here
at 8:27, M yrtle Point nine m iles fa r­
ther on at 4:27— exactly another hour
end Power* at 6:80, fou r hours from
Coming back to the m orning this
train w ill leave Power* at 6:80, reach­
in g M yrtle Point et 7:66, Coquill* at
2 and Marshfield at 10:80— again
fea r hours fo r the 44 mile«
The other train w ill leave M aph-
field at 8 a. m. and reach Coquill* at
9 about ths
as heretofore. It
w ill be due s t M yrtl* Point s t 9.38
and s t Powers at 10:80. Returning
it w ill lsav* Powern at 2.00 p. m ,
M yrtle Pont at 2:66 and Coquille at
8:27,-gatttag over to ths Bay a t 4:30.
E ast and w est tratas w ill thus mset
hem at 9 a. m. and agate at 8:27 p. m.
Evidently thè S. P. wanta to dis-
courage trovai fron» this section as
much as posaibls.
to take looking tow ards a m ore satia-
M an illustration o f tho way tea sys­
tem would w ork in Cosa county.
Ths total valuation fo r the county
fo r last yearV was $21,109,670.
County eenrt levied a general f u f f
tax o f $64,940. The six districts hav-
•Ad program s very interesting, es­
pecially Um addr sasm by Dr. C. A .
Phipps on SntewUy sa d Sunday.
For the com ing year the follow ing
County A gent J. L. Smith is now
actively engaged in the reorganisa­
tion o f tee cow testin g associations o f
Coos county fo r 1917. Contracts and
circular letters are being n u lled ont
to the dairyman, which w ill bp tup-
ticipated. One o f thee* magazines is
Todays, and it has boon consolidated
“ The
H ousew ife,”
monthly, and w ill hence forth be
known m Today’s H ousew ife.
price o f this m agazine alone to sto­
gie subscribers is expected te be 75
cents or $1 a year a fter A pril 1. Still
you can get it and tea three other
m agazines fo r only tw o bits a year
te connection with the Sentinel. It is
ju st liks picking up m oney ia the road
to get $2 w orth o f literature fo r 26
“ Resolved, That it is the sense e f
the Coquille Commercial Club te st s
County U nit system o f school taxa­
tion should bo adopted by the state
legislatura fo r jOregun.”
H The club voted te fa v or o f the res-
o lu te » and w ill urge the enactment
o f e law along this line.
whom tho line now crosses private
property. One custom er over them
has expressed the fear that they am
paying fo r m om water than they use
ow ing to s possible leak whom the
pipe Una crosses the river, the meter
fo r tho line being on Oils side.
A request from Logan Kay was
mad asking fo r a tw o years’ leas* on
a tract o f water fron t property, 60x
100 feet, ju st east o f F orty street.
A s this would extend from the river
to tho railroad and tie up all access
to tho m et o f tho city water fron t
them, the request was laid on the ta-
. Fefl Twenty F e e t
M ayor Johnson said, regarding this
property, that a Southern Pacific en­
gineer had approached him to know
what the city’s attitude would be
tow ard leasing or selling it to the
railroad company, which they would
us* by erecting a loading pen for
stock. Mr. Johnson told him that ha
thought the city would want at least
interest an the investm ent. A s the
Mark Shelley g ot a serious fa ll out
at Lee about 8 o’clock yooterday a f­
ternoon. Ho was w orking on ths R.
R . M ast barn team and had what ha
says was ths haaviest bundle o f shin-
glee he ever lifted. A fter gettin g up
on the scaffold, about 20 feet from the
ground, it gave way and m ost «if the
load fe ll on him. Ha w m badly bruis­
ed all over, although no bones worn
broken. The injury to his shoulder
blade, D r. Richmond says, ia worn*
than a break. He waa unconscious fo r
15 or 20 m inutes.
- *
Sentenced and Paroled.
Fm d
Nowmann, e f Powers, was
Talk by Sm ith.
;4 ' - .^ 5 / w
On* o f the m eet interesting stories
iboot benefits e f cow testing aseocta-