FRIDAY. JANUARY It. Itl7. Grober, «in e* L. Gould, Albert H*n**n, Mr*. Lydia Hors­ fall, John "Hillbuck, Horn* Trust Co., Emm* Herman, Christian Herman, Adolph Uaborly, Edgar Hewes, E. M. Hoffman, George Huther, R. P. Hem- pel, Edgar L Hewes, Harry G. Hoy, Georg* W. Harter, Ellen B. Haysli > ThomasHye, S. L. Hays, Mamie J. Henderson, W. W. Holland, W. A. Hoover, Hattie Hopkins, William Penn Henley, F. O. Hal berg, Oscar Hulander, Bert C. Hoyt, H. J. Henhe- terp, Agnes Hughes, Lester Hiseoa, T. E. Hammersley, Julius Henke, R. V. Hughes, Lena Hayse, Edward W. Horton, W. & Haines, Lewis Hawk, Elmer R. Hale, Geo. E. Horn, Isaac A. Herron, Ina Holm, John F. Hall COÖ8 COUNTY, a Body Politic and Aistrop, al, Dan Jacob Al Reynolds, Ellern M. Roes, Elk Ross, E. K. Roes, Margaret 1 Marshall RohrerTwlUiam 0 . 1 sea, Joseph H. Ray, Gem 0 . Beyi J. A. Regan, B. A^Reagan, Jol erts, Mrs. A. E. Robb, R. H. Rosell, Christian Richest, U ttie Robbins, Lars Rasmussen. Marshall Rorher, J. E. Reser, William Robbins. Roman Catholic Archbishop at the Diocese of Oregon, C. L. Reams*, Baxter Robin­ son, C. L. Roams, D. L. Rood, W. J. Rust, Chartott* E. Robb, Everett Bid- ley, C. L. Recheliers, Jordan Schafers, C. A . Smith Tim­ ber Co., Southern Oregon C o, C. L. Smith, Rebeoca Lose Stump, M. M. W f i & b • h n r tm ? 'E riritt ley. C. L. Richekers, Mrs. Walter Frank W. Rehfeld, Reynolds Dm aseat C o, S. C. Rogers, C. H. Lars Rasi J. E. Rese Catholic A Oregon, C. Ft Stankiewicx, F. S. Stanley, Peter Schrader, Mrs. A. E. Shine, W. A. Stillwell, Geo. Sandersen, C. A . Smith, E. H. Scranton, E. E. Straw, E lba- Keeler. C. J. Kean, Chea. H. A. L. ' Kjelland, Conrad U si- Unni* Investment Co., / r Loggia, Reuben Lyon, W n- StillwelL Gee. Andrew V. Carlscm, W . J. Conrad, Carlisle, «- D. Crabtree, Coo* Bey Lend A Investment Co., Bert Camp­ bell, Suva Curran, Patrick H. Camp bell, Conway Engraving Cm, W. G. Coogen, Was. L. Craws, R. Culbert­ son, Gem E. Corson, Cascade Realty 5 5 , W. S- Cooley, Jesses Cumby, Howard A. Gulin, Elisabeth, CoUnum, Cora Conro, Mrs. A. Cavanaugh. Mrs. Cham Cavanaugh, H. P. Conologue, Edward Davis, Alva Doll, J. B. Da via, Kata B. Dili*. Cassius M. Doyle, C. M. At David W. Doyle, David Docnan, R. J Dunham, R. J. Debuhr, W. H. Dougherty, P iter 0 . Davit, Charies W. Davia, T. W. Davia, Char- George Eby, East Mai C o, East Side Land G Edmunds, Robert Elder, cott, Ethel B. Evenger, ] ston, El wood A Snow Lula A. EUingson, O. I Everett, Geo. Eby, L. H. Fiold, George 1 bred*, T. R. Sheridan, “ Trustee,” T R. Sheridan, E. B. Seabrook, Freder­ ick Supple, Herbert Sumner, R. H. Smith, Jesae Smith, Earl Savage, Lu­ lu May Smith, Levi Smith, M. E. Stacy, G. A. Savage, Jennie M. Stew­ art, Henry Sengstacfen Cm, Rebecca F. Stump. Frank L. Smallwood, Mrs. L. E. Stoddard, G. A. ftigasllnsss, O. “Trustee,” Irving & Luce, Lose Lend E. Sether, A1 Smith. School Dist. No. Co- Thom E. Long, 80. W. H. W. Smith, Oscar Saari, Fred A Otto Muetxel, Jacob Matt­ School Nm 41, Mrs. A. E. Shinn, son, Bird L Meed, John McLeod, Cere Elizabeth Shultz, W. G. Shelton, B. McFarland, & McJohnson, Fred Moasr, J. W. Meadows, Mary Mac­ Delmsr 5 Kittle Perdue Smith, Leod, Allen McLeod, J. K. McLeod, Geo. L. Si Emma Stanley, Flor- R. L. Morris, James M. McDonald, __A. Schroeder, C. W. Ernest J. Markham, F. U.Moon, John Schibler, Francis Smith, Marsden, A . F. Masters, Robt. Mars­ ____ , ______ in Trusts*, Jessie Smith, den, Joseph McCahy, Martha Meyer», J. R. Smith, Earl Savage, Lula May Haxelstt Moakley, G. P. Mulcahy, “ orge W. Stewart, H. Seng- Ralph Melbourn, Edward Mimmo, Da­ stackan. Rebecca T. Stump, J. A. vid Morgan, C. S. McCollock, Mer­ Smith, chant Land C o, Marry Etta Mora* L Lizzie Thom, W illiart Totten, Ed. Z. Merriam, Arnold lftthasl, Clara Thomas, J. P. Thomsen, Georg* H. B. M itfgsr, Leonard Mauaay, Ada Tobin, Willkun Thacker, Fannie Tuck­ Miller, Laura Bonnifiald May, D. A. er, R. A. Thompson, Chas. Thom, Masters, C. W. Michael, Joseph N. Elizabeth Tawse, J. H. Tipton Co- McConnell, J. C. Michel troe, Musa P. Viols Tartar, M. C. Tosier, M. A. Ten- Martin, Walter E. Mathews, Fred L. nisoa, T. J. A 8. P. Thrift, M. L- Mills, R. L. Mathison, E. K. Millar, Thorp, W. E. Thorp, John F. Tolman. E S. Merrill, M axM Uler, 8. J. Mc­ P. i f Tally, M. H. Tuttle, Charles Allister, John Mott, C. T. Myers, Del­ Thorwmld, Jacob Tuesdrom, J. P. la Milton, Mr*. Lenora. Manning, F. Thompson, R. A. Thompson, J. H. H. Mehl, W. 0 . Mehl, Marshfield Lana Tipton, J, P. Tapper. Viola Tartar, Cm, J a m « F. Morris, Andrew C. Mil­ Clara A. Tenmson, Mattie L. Thorp, ler, Adellah Mowery, E. D. McArttiuv, J. H. Turner, John F. Tolman, Eva A. a W. Moore, A. E. Maebee, T. F. Mc­ Trarer, Eva A. Travers, Mahon, E . Don McCrary, J. P. Morris, Unknown Owner, J. M. Upton, E. C. Mather, Mothers’ A Teachers’ Club, Harry Chas. Miller. Eva E. pnpfr iSS" B Goddard, Rosa Goidbur*. Kurt Geklart, Geo. Graham» JL. B. Glaam, Newton G rass«, J. H. Gravw, Einen Grotvik. J. F. Grubb*. Grace E. Gould. C. A. Gould, J. A . Goodwill, R. J. Galbraith, Amy G o*rin, G F. Gm> tin, Jeeeph and Andrew Gaffney. W. L. Groan, J. C. Gilbert, Rom Gold­ berg. G r a « E. Gray A A. B. Qrey, a Howard A. Colin, Elixabe Cora Conro, Mrs. A. Cava Chas. Cavanaugh, H. P. Edward Davia, Alva Davis, Kate B. Dills, Doyle, C. M. A DavidW .J Doonan, R. J. Dunham, R. W. H. Deugherty, Pelar Charles W. Davis.,T. W. D 1 « Dali al, M. I. Decker. A ily Darling, Dnwson A 1 Delispi, B. Franklin Diera, ey, Annie Dooling, Thorn« J. R. Dean, W. A. Davenp Douglas, W. Z. Dunmire Doyle, C. J. Dunham, W, H R. Dean, H. G. C. Deers,'* W. S. Eachus, R. P. Endicott Christian Engleman, Ethel B. Eving- er, R. L. Edmonstons, E. V. Eakin T. E. Edge», Lula A. Ellingsen, Daisy Edmond, Elisabeth J. Everett Lissii Everett, Emma Dillon Edmunds L u m u iH M ) Fewings A m Foote, W. house C o, T. L. Walker, M il« E. Whitmore, Oliver C. Wallen, Ida Was- son. S. J. Wilson, Rom Wyman, Bud C. Wanlsas, W. C. WalUng, Frank W. Wood, M. W. Weinenga, G. W. Wat- erbury, Mrs. L. Woodruff, Roaina Walser. O. A. W h eel«, C. R. Wade, Parris Ward, 0 . B. Webb. Jennie Wtl- krrson, Lucretia Woodruff, C. G. W ar­ ren. Tuna Wiley, Edward G. W iley, ETC. W alk « et aj, Jennie M. Wilkin­ son, Joseph F. White. Mrs. M. C Whipple. W. R. Whipple, F. B. Watte, Amelin W eisrerber. W. J Wallace, N. H. Welling. J. A. Ward, Emily Wren, Maud B /W atkins, Spence Wilson, QUv* C. Wall#*. W. C. Walling, M. W. W lm sn g«, A. 0 . Wheel« , Au­ rora Willard. C- B. Webb, P. A. W fl- son. E. C. W a lk « et al, A. S. Wyman. A H. Waterman. Loev W olf, Mrs. M. C. Whipple, W. R. Whipple, J. A. Wateen, J /A . Ward, Mrs. J. C. Little, Ada L; Felix 1 ird, Andrew Lindley, 1 L IU I , III a vvj e v llll J ja llU c r S f H. F. • U Lee, John Lam Lodere, Carl M. Little Trustee, Carl M. Little "Trustee,” Irving S. Luce, Luae Land Co., Thos. E. Long, Fred A Otto Muatsal, Jacob Matt­ son, Bird I. Mead, John McLeod, Cora B. McFarland, C. Me Johnson, Fred Moser, J. W. Meadows, Mary Mac­ Leod, Allan McLeod, J. K. McLeod, R L. Morris, James M. McDonald, Ernest J. Markham, F. U.Moon, John Marsden, A. F. Masters, Robt. Mam- dsn, Joseph McCahy, Martha Meyers, Haxelstt Moakley, G. P. Mulcahy, Ralph Mel bourn, Edward Mimmo, Da­ vid Morgan, C. S. McCollock, Mer­ chant Land C o, Marry Etta Morse I. Z. Merriam, Arnold Michael, Clara B. Metzger, Leonard Mausey, Ada Miller, Laura Bonnlfleld May, D. A. Master*, C. W. Michael, Joseph N. McConnell. J. C. Micheltree, Musa P. Martin, Walter E. Mathews, Fred L. Mills, R. L. Mathison, E. R. Miller, E. 8. Merrill, Max Miller, 8. J. Mc­ Allister, John Mott, C. T. Myers, Dal­ is Milton. Mrs. Lenora Manning, F. H Mehl, W. G. Mehl, Marshfield Lead C o, James P. Morris, Andrew C. Mil­ ler, Adellah Mowery, E. D. McArthur, S. W. Moore, A, E. Maebee, T. F. Mc­ Mahon, E. Don McCrary, J. P. Morris, E. C. Mather, Mothers’ A Teacher«’ Club, Harry Chas. Miller, Eva E. Met tier, Robt. J. McDonald, Marsh­ field Realty_A Trading Co., Geo. E. McCutcheon, Mabel Pearl Millar, J. D McNeil, John M. McLeod E at, Su­ sie B. Murch, C. McC. Johnson, C. Martial, P. McGintv, Neil McGinty. Mary J. L. McDonald, Sarah E. Mol- vihill, Corinth* M ilk, Haslett Moak- ley, Ralph Melbourne, C. McCoy, Da­ vid Morgan, C. S. McCulloch, W. P. Mancha? Thos. J. Minnix, Marion Monerieff, Edgar Mauzey, Jessie May MeKinney, Joseph N. McConnell, J. L. Mullen, Fred L. Mills, Max Miller, H. P. Myers, T.H.Mshl, 0 . Matson, L. P. A Ora X. Maury, Andrew C. Miller, Adeha Mowery, Marion Mon- crieff, A. E. Mabbee, Harry C h ari« Miller, Eva A. Met tier, 8. D. Magnes, Ed. McKeewn, R. H. Mast, J. A .14c- K cel^ Alvin Monk, McPherson-Gin- n vu vrv u iu c i, o. uour v v cott, Ethel B. Evengw, R. L. Edmon- ston, Elwood A Snow Timber Co^ Lain A . EUingson, 0 . P. Eger, Geo. Everett, Geo. Eby, L. H. Field, George Fsrrv, Joseph Ferry, Pat Flanagan Esh, Ed. Flem­ ming. Ida Fredenthall, Frederick Fewings Am Foote, W. J. Ferguson, Susie Folsom, F. C. Freeburg, J. H. Fletcher, L. R. French, Chtherine M. Foott, Harmon F. Fritch, J. J. Fox, Albert Folsom, A, Folsom, T. C. Fau­ cet. C. F. Fisher, C. B. Ferro, E. L. C Farrin, G. 8. Floyd, J. W . Flana­ gan, Fred E. Fuller, John H. F o o t«, Oscaf Nieminen, John W. Noah, h u k F. Fiach, E. Z. Ferguson, B. Folsoll, J. H. Fletcher, J. J. F r y , North Bend Lumber Co., C. L. Nord­ Carrie L. Fryer, Catherine, M. Foot, strom, W. 8. Nicholson, A. L. Nosier et ni, L Nordstrom, Benjamin T. Ne- smith, Wm. Noreroas, North Bank Nut and Fruit Land Co., Robert New­ ton, F ran c« Z. Nichols, Marshall Nay, Valets Neal, Fred H. Noitner, J. L. Nickel», Libby Neal, North Bend Hardware A Supply Co., North Bend Lbr. C o, BenJ. t T Nesmith, Harry Nasburg, C. C. Noble, Francis Z. Nichols, Edward Nimmo, Nasburg Land Co­ ld . Ordway, J a g » « A. OYellgy, son, Simpson Lumber Cm. A. E. Sea­ man, Henry Speneoek, C. W. Stipp, L. A. Schibler, D. H. Sykes, Franees A . Smith, D. W. Small, Ianthe Sehl- brede, T. R. Sheridan, “Trustee.” T. R Sheridan, E. B. Seebrook, Freder­ ick Supple. Herbert Sumner, R. H. Smith, Jesse Smith, Earl Savage, Lu­ lu May 8mith, Leri Smith, M. E. Stacy, G. A. Savage, Jennie M. Stew­ art, Henry Sengstacken Cm, Rebecca F. Stump, Frank L. Smallwood, Mrs. L. E. Stoddard. G. A. Signsllnees, 0 . E. Bother, A1 Smith, School Dist. No. W. Smith, Oscar Saari, School No. 41, Mrs. JL E. Shinn, halts, W. G. Shelton, eeney, James Sargent, y, Kittle Perdue Smith, , Emma Stanley, Flor- Ä. Schroeder, 0 . W. Stepp, L. A. Schibler, Francis Smith, T. R. Sheridan Trust**, Jessi* Smith, J. R. Smith, Earl Savage, Lola May Smith, George W. Stewart, H. Seng- starken, Rebecca T. Stump, J. A. f Thorp, W. E. Tho P. M. Tally, M. Thorwald, Jacob Thompson, R. A. Tuttle, C hart« c. Walker at si. Jennie 1L WHUa- n, Joseph F. White, Mrs. M. C. hippie, W. R. Whipple, F. B. Watt*, meltaweiagerber. w T j Wallace, N. Welling. J. A. Ward, Easily Wren, aud B. Watkins, „ Spence Wilson, live C. Wallen, W. C. Walling, M. . Wienenger, A. O. Wheeler. Au­ ra Willard. C. B. Webb, P. A. Wil- n, E. C. W a lk « at al, A. 8. Wyman, H. Waterman, Lucy W olf, Mrs. M. Whipple, W. R. Whipple, J. A . atson, J. A. Ward, , ind avaro person, firm and I natmd in the foll'iwing ■ing the o w n « or owner*, t* the tax rods o f O n «