invalid or of nò Ugni «M et In thi «vent any of the p r-M m o a* to t y oanaldaratUn ta ba paid ta th* Coaf o and the better we know you, the more busi­ ness we can do together, to our mutual ad­ vantage. .agM wdlroad company, its eueceiseto, assigns or laaawa, or the furnishing of gravai of the pries or freight ar hauling ratas thereof, So will you not make it a point to com e into this bank more frequently and give u * the opportunity to learn your requirements as well as to show you how practical our assit- anee ih banking matters? TUB OLDEST NATION JL MJNK IN COOS COUNTY prie* o i tweaty-ftvs centi par enbie pani dalherad at tbo City od Myrtla Paint and at tha prie# of ttfty canU per cubie yard delivered at all points on said railroad nortbarly of said City of Myrtla Point, and said fom- pany sball usa all roaouaablo smani to prompUy fin ish and deliver sueh *ravel at thè times, plaeea and in thè quantitiee ordered by thè county court. All gravai to he delivered, tf tha stage of thè water in tha Coquille river per- miU, dnring thè months of May, Jone, July, Augna t, September, October and Mevambar in eaeh y ear COQUILLE First OREGON and Henry On« Sheep Shearing Ma­ chine No. 9 com plete—$8.00 Set Heavy Harness------- 916.00 One good singialHarneaa. jg -jB * l J : GBO. E . RICH ARDS : ATTORNBY-AT-LAW J Big variety o f Heating Stoves from 92.60 to 912.50 Sewing Machines, 8 Sing­ ers, 1 Howe, 1 New Home, One Improved Faultless, from ___ 96.00 up to 915 Streets Tools o f all kinds, Including Bows, Squares, Brace « i d Bits, Planes, Chiasls, Hand Axes, Brush Hooka, C ross Cut Saws, One 60-Egg Incubator, and all A x h—»Aina m er Handles. and Ham­ Milk Pans, W ater Buckets, gnd many other New and Second Hand floods otherwise & the manner provided bv law and the said railroad company shall pay ail the «spanata o f aaoh con- dimwotioa aad damages paid U owa- om of .property for land acquired. U h cHhar with aD oagtoeoriag and our, voyiag i rpm oio laeurrod by tho coun- Suppliee Are High Machinery b I Overhead b High D R. C. W . BNDICOTT — - But laundry p r ie « have remained the same, Wo hero given tho mat U r of laundering yuan o f cartful study. ♦ First in n Bank B’ld’g Phone ! Main 11, Ooquillv, Oregon. 7 J. J. STANLEY COQUILLE LAUNDRY it ICE COMPANY M W «# A. J, SHERWOOD E. & E. T. Kruse, M grs., 24 Calif. S t , 8. F. J. E. Norton, A gent, Coquille, Ore Dr« F . G. BUNCH TTTLB OUARANTBE A ABSTRACT COMPANY »e e e e e e e e »eeeeeeed