The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, January 05, 1917, Page 18, Image 18

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So well aafeguardod aa tho intoroata
o f ÜM county ara by tho caadtiona o f
the franc hia« prepared by D istrict
Attorney L iljeqriat aad approved by
the County Court last Saturday even-
tag, the objections the Sentinel mads
in any position, courtesy is an un­ to the proposition ara greatly mini-
failin g ass e t
Tho best estimates o f tho valso o f
nil Oregon crops o f grain, fru it, fish,
vegetables, live stock aad dairy pro­
ducts fo r 1916—a t war prices ta
placed at $190,000,000.
Good lambe u * selling \10M
110.78; with good a n t o f the moun­
tain lamba at flLO O ; good yearlings,
19.00 to
aad good m nttoo awoa
NEW SCHOOL LAW p r o p o s e d .
A Salem lattar saya that tb s coun­
ty unit plan fo r all arimela in distriato
below tho »rot close will prohphly
bo presented to tho legislature fo r
enactment into law.
State Superintendent o f Schools
CkurchlU, who strongly favors the
plan, discussed it todny with the m a ­
Tbs Herald o f course deliberately
misrepresented the Sentinel when it
says ws compared A1 Powers to a
bod bug. W hat we did compare was
a railroad on a public highway to a
bod bug
in a bod. ____ ___________
than wheat, says tho Department o f
A griculture. It makes one o f toe
earliest spring pastures and is excel­
lent as a green manure, Those ch ar­
acteristics make rye an im portant fa c­
tor in farm econom y, oven in sections
where ito yield o f grain la not a* pro­
fitable as w heat
From Nebraska cornea a presa re­
port detailing too provisions o f the
dry law tkat to beiag drafted fo r that
stato. “ A ny p ea n officer” to to be
authorised to anfest on sm ell any per­
son upon whoso breath toe odor o f
liquor to to be perceived, end the per-
can be bought is to be sent to tho pen­
itentiary. This sounds like a joke,
but in olden times ju st suck absurd
and unreasonable provisions have
made a farce o f the laws.
Reports from W ashington ara that
the poetoffice comm ittee o f tho house
has reported out a bill making radical
changes in the postal laws.
This bill provides fo r the estab­
lishment of. a ion s system fo r postage
on newspapers and other periodicals,
the rates to remain tho same as now
for distances under 800 miles, but to
bo doubled beyond that distance. This
would make the prices o f all maga-
sinea, o f which all but a very few are
published in New York C ity, consider­
ably more than at present. 1_________
Then penny postage to provided lo­
cally everywhere, which would de­
crease the rate one-half In all cities
having free carrier delivery, but
would make no change in plaeee like
Coquille. The pny o f rural route car­
riers will run from 8480 to 82000 a
year under this bill.
The law against advertising gamb­
ling schemes and g ift enterprises to
strengthened. 80 to the law against
m ailing liquors, the punishment for
this offense bring placed at 81,000
fine, two years imprisonment, or both.
is the anamination o f people by phy­
sicians to loam what is their physical
condition, and whether they are really
in aa good health aa they seem. The
roeulte o f one each investigation on
a considerable aeaie are told in aa ar­
ticle recently published as follow s:
' Two thousand young persons, m ost­
ly men, employed in office work in
New York city, wore recently given
a medical examination covering a per­
iod o f six months. O f that number
1998 wore euro they would g ot a clean
bill o f health. But only 60 wuro fo u n d
abaolutaly sound aad 1997 were Buf­
ferin g from acme defect, groat or
¿2% m ills to about 1914 m ills In all
***U . which treatment would help.
tha districts having high schools. On
Moat o f tho defects wars considered
account o f paying tha tuition o f their
8th grads graduates in high schools
outside the d istrict those districts
having no high schools w ill pay a
rite o f about 20.88 m ills. The reduc­
tion was principally due to big cuts
in three item s. In the first placo too
proposed levy o f |9,000 fo r a sinking
fund towards the 8SA000 to m eet toe
first ooe-tonth payment on tho road
bond issue fou r years hence was
dropped from the bu dget
second was tho cutting off o f 86,000
from too proposed 828,000 court bouse
appropriation. - Those eats o f |9,000
and 88,000 respectively do not moon
his exact physical condition. Espec­
that these accounts w ill not eventually
ially should those who a n in the
have to bo paid, hut a n sim ply post-
lengthening shadows o f life ’s after­
noon take account o f stock and find
whet to before them end how they
can guard against impending perils.
By a little precaution o f this sort it
may bo possible to add y ea n to 000*0
ing it nil in one year.
M on and n o n attention to going
Tbs third item to the regular annual
to bo paid to these subjects as the
county tax fo r road purposes. Here
y ea n go by; and the tim e w ill prob­
a cut to p u d e from 888,000 to 870,000.
ably come when the state will take
The principal reason far making this
Interest enough in the preservation at
cat in that the w ise expenditure o f
health aad efficiency ot it’s people to
too road bond fund, or too m ajor por­
make such health surveys com pulsory.
tion o f it, w ill keep am rond officials
How to it with you—too r e a d e r -
pretty busy this year, and so make it
end wouldn’t your life be mack more
a poor tono to launch any large pro­
enjoyable sad productive if you could
jects outside o f thooe covered by the
bo gaardad against the insidious ap­
bond issue.
proaches o f dh aase and assured the
v Tbe relief o f a three mill cut, which
best possible health T
amounts to three dollars on each
thousand o f see eased valuation ought
to bo appreciated by the taxpayers.
concludes th e n to no t »*«**- t about
their winning in the final outcome,
nor at their being able to eventually
repay all we can lend.
Seme incidental facts aad figures
in Mr. Price’s article however, seemed
worthy o f repitition in these cotamns.
He eetimates the vah>e o f all the
wealth o f tha world at 698 billions o f
dollar*. O f this amount tha United
States to credited with 260 billion dol­
lars, or considerably more than one-
third. The British empire com es next
with 180 billion dollars, aad this with
the wealth o f h er allies added comae
to 272 billions, a good deal m ore thaa
another third. This leaves fo r Ger»
many aad her «Hies aad all the rest
at the world except the United States
According to population we figure
it out that the United States has a
wealth a t 12.800 pm capita; England
about 82,000; Franco 81 , 280 ; Germany
6 M 6 0 ; and aB the rest o f too world
only 8188 fo r onto porosa.
in the slightest degree as to the un­
desirability o f perm itting a logging
road to crowd onto a highway, «spe­
cially one as much used as the one be­
tween Coquina and Marshfield. Aad
W e hove never eeaa anything that
we certaialy think n tow which would placed in each s tr a b o Ughi tho ma-
perm it a railroad to rondomn land
C ubby T blbphonb
C ompany
W ishes He Patrons
Nrtn Çrar
and T w o
gest butter producer on record. She
to GokBe'a Nehalem Beauty, a 8-
year-old Jersey, owned by Clifford F .
Raid, o f Portland, présidant o f the
Northwest Trust Company. Goldie
to dom iciled on the Reid ranch near
McMinnville, and the test has bean
made through too Oregon Agrakrutur-
«1 College and tha Am erican Jersey
Cattle Club.
Goldie’s record to tw o aad a h alf
pounds o f butter each day fa r aa en­
tire year or 912H pounds in alL A t
only 26 cento a pound the buttar pro­
duced by this sew la 1919 would be
11 S ftB fw /to i 1 [aggaf