The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, January 05, 1917, Page 17, Image 17

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    Made in Oregon
the tmproMBMnt ia’ElIiott’e and Not-
ley’s additions. M ix Alice & Mc­
Donald had filed a protest, not agnlnat
the propoaed naaaomewt, b at agoinat
the improvement, and her objection
amounted to nothing, tho improve­
ment having already been made.
P. L. Sterling, through H. O. An-
dareon, had filed a protest againat the
assessm ent aa pr opoaed for hia lot,
which amounted to 98&M. As orig­
inally platted the lota in th at part of
town ran east and west, but since
then the two lots a t the aoutheast cor­
ner of the block
been tnrr*yd
around so th at Mr. Sterling’s lot ban
no frontage on the new improvement
Either a sanitary, nickel-
plated Leg Base, or the
Cabinet style as shown
in illustration.
Replying to U m remarks of
Jeqvist, John D. 'Gooa, on* of
Ufimoia for the parties ¿ a t are try ­
ing in every way to evade paying
their taxes, said that “wW* character­
istic intolerance Mr. Lfljeqvist had
overstated hia case. The questions
raised in these cases have never been
decided by the Supreme court. A
’great deal of the property has been
aaaeeaed on speculative values. No­
body wants to refrain from paying
taxes if it is possible to pay them,
for to fight them will cost him two or
three times as much. Anybody who
can borrow the money, even, does
Pacific Coast Fire Box;
wide and shallow; will
burn either wood or coal
■■ 1. _ . * *
•>. ' ' V
1 *
The body of this stove is
made entirely of Ameri­
can Ingot Iron, which is
the greatest rust and
corrosion resisting ma­
terial that is used in the
manufacture o f stoves.
Woman’s Study Chib.
Guaranteed for Five Years
On Wednesday afternoon th« Wo­
man’s, Study Club was pleasantly en­
tertained by Mrs. W. J. Longs ton.
The tim e was devoted to needlework
and the discussion of dub m atters.
A t the dose, delicious chili esa tam e,
made foam a genuine Mexican recipe,
was served by the hostess and M ix
N. N. Neimaa.
Those pr esent
Mesdames H.
O. Anderson, R. B. Rogers, W. L.
K iftner, H. W. Y o u n * J. W. Springer,
Dt L. Perkins, V. C. Parsley, 8. V.
Epperson, N. N. Neiman and W. J.
Two sizes
. Thera will be a m eeting at the d ab
next Monday, January 8, a t 2:80 p.
■A« in the library. A full attendance
Taking these two statem ents to­
gether it would seem as if the sooner
the attorneys for the delinquent tax­
payers stopped their fight and the
sooner they allowed the properties to _
P ythian Sisters Banquet.
: ; The attendance contest conducted
by Justu s Temple / Pythian Matare,
was successfully, closed the first af
the yea^aad the winners were treated
tp à sus ptuoua banquet by the Using
side on Tuesday evening, January 2,
a t the 1 r. O. W. hall. For the P«r-
would right themselves.
In other
words the sooner they permit the
county to get aomethng bn these de­
linquent taxes, the sooner the tax
burden on the real of the property of
tho county will begin to diminish.
While present conditions continue and
the longer^ they continue the more
nearly impossible it will become to sell
properties like tho Kinney estate. o*i
which there is a heavy accumulation
of taxes and costs. The longer th at
propert y evades its share of the bur­
den of taxes, the higher taxes will be
and the lees the probability of finding
8 sucker willing to take them and pay
off the taxes.
7 Probate Court Notes.
M. W. A. Mid R. N . A. Install
A petition has been filed in the es­
itate of Patrick T. Dwyer, of Loe An­
geles, Cal., the estim ated value of
whose personal property is JR894A8.
A petition has been filed in the ee-
I tate of Edward Clark, of Loa Angeles,
Cal., who is a p art owner of the same
Mary H. Stammler has been ap­
pointed adm inistratrix of the estate
of M. O. Stemmier, of Myrtle Point,
which is estim ated to consist of |11,-
200 of real astate and |8,000 of person­
al proparty, a total of {14J00. The ap­
praisers are W. H. Feamley, L. H.
Pearce and W. T. Dement
Willis Neely has been appointed ad­
m inistrator of tho ostato of Alva E.
Neely, of Coquille. The personal
proparty is estim a tod a t 8200.
A petition has h*su filed for tho
adm inistration of tho optato of Robert
Templeton of Lakeside.
The Joint installation of the Royal
Neighbors and ltodarn Woodmen of
America was held a t their hall on
F ront street Inst Tuesday evening.
T han was a good attendance at mem­
bers of tho two orders and a few in­
vited gueaia.
Mrs. M ary E. Kern
acted as installing officer for the
Neighbors aad N. C. Kelley for tha
Woodmen. 77 m officers installed were Sunday School Convention.
The County Sunday School Conven­
reported, in these columns last month.
Following tho oorsaaoniss a banquet tion will be hold at the M. E. Church,
and a social gsod time was enjoyed South, Friday erasing, Saturday and
Sunday, Dr. Chas. A, Phippe opening
by all.
the session with an address Friday
evening a t 7:80. •
Saturday tha session will bo from
9 to 12 a. m. and from 1 JO to 4 p ax,
with address by Dr. Phipps a t night.
Hs will also preach a t 11 a. m. and
,7;30 p. m. Sunday/
There are three flocks that the'wom­
an tired of dark blue will be Inter-
eeted tn bearing altout. F irst the skirts
ere sevshti Inches longer then last sea­
son’s frocks, and there Is a noticeable
tallness In tbe long sleeves, aad in
each one ,of tbe three there Is tbe
ubiquitous touch of fur. One, of mus­
tard colored broadcloth, had a perfect­
ly plain bodice, finlabed at the neck
with a wide standoAsb kind of col­
lar trimmed with skunk tails In front
In lieu of a cravat At tbe natural
waist line there was found a delirious
■hade of blue satin, quilted, aad from
tbe beck came a narrow belt of tbe
cloth, which tied very tow In the front
The end* of tbe belt were finished with
an attractive ornament Pockets on
either ride were also trimmed with tbe
skunk for. Until the weather be-
aertption can be worn without an ex
i tra wrap, bat-effective accessories are
l s muff of skunk for and a bag trim­
med with the same peltry.
Of bottle green panne velvet and
grey chinchilla for wss tbe second
frock, that looked for all the world
like a sm art coat su it lb this frock
the bodies was also very plain, button­
ing down the front with four rather
targe buttons Two narrow belts bog­
ged tbe waist closely In tbe front, but
were Interrupted In front of the hips
with peplums of the velvet bead trim ­
med to a small pattern. Tbs peplum
reached halfway to the knees aad was
New Cases in Circuit C ourt edged with the chtoc bills. A deep
collar of tbe for and narrow
Das. 20—8. 'JL Gulliford vs. E. H. turnover
cuffs formed ik e only ether trimming
Kern and Mary X. Kern.
on this sm art coat d ress1’
The Third frock of thia trio Was fash­
ioned of chestnut colored broadcloth.
Tho bodice of thto frock'w as atoo
very plain. The only thing to tr e k
Entertained A t Dinner. '
M r. and Mrs. O. C. Sanford enter­
tained a t dinner Saturday evening in
honor of Miw Christine Denholm, of
Complete House Fur­
Phone 496
The Working Child,
[Prepared b y ih# children'» a n y
6:S0 p. m. The topic is "Lifting Our
H earts God ward.” Myron Varney is
the leader.
Tho evening service a t 7:10 p. m.
The theme of the sermon will be “A
Model Young Man.” This is the first
cf two Mimons to young people. All
young people are especially invited to
be at thèse services.
Union prayer meeting on Wednes­
day evening at 7 :80 p. m. in the M. E.
" *■ t
You are cordially Invited to all of
these services.
£ EL Downs, Pastor.
All the speeches on child labor made
In congroes since the first federal child
labor bill wss Introduced in the spring
of 1908 and other printed argumenta
for and against federal, qantrol of child
labor which had appeared before June
SO. 1018, are listed In two sections of
the bibliography ou child labor Just Is
Material on practical experimenta In
training children for Industry and In
guMtng a child to the trade where hia
opportunities are beat and material on
the effect of premature labor on the
child's health form - special sections.
Previous bibliographies on vocational
training and vocational guidance and
other subjects related to child labor, S t James Episcopal Church
such as mother»' pensions, minimum
January 7th—the first Sunday af­
wsge and compulsory education, are ter Epiphamy.
I •
noted In the bulletin.
Sunday school a t 10 a. m.
Holy Communion and sermon at
Holiday Puddin*
Soak a pint of »mall breadcrumbs
(stale) In a quart of milk one hour. . Célébrant:—Tha V«
Beat four eggn. thon put together one- Horsfall, of Band on.
quarter cupful sugar, a teaspoonful
Evening prityer and
salt, a saltspoonfu] cinnamon or nut­
The service announ
meg and a table*poonful softened but­ row (S p tu rd » ) is car
ter. Stir thin mixture Into the well
beaten eggs. Then stir the whole to­
gether with e capful raisins boiled un­
til they are plump and soft In milk and
Presbyterian Church.
bjeadcrumba. Bake In a buttered pud-
ling dish for sixty minutes. This will
oe found to be very tasty and tempting.
"Is It really cheaper to own your
•W« be me than to pay rent?"
"Of course It to. When you live in a
rented boose yon are always dissatis­
fied about something, and you mot#
on an average about once a year. But
when y<m own your boose you have to
stay there whether yon like it or mot,
and In that way you save ail the mov­
ing expense» "—Philadelphia Ledger.
Christian Church.
“Ethel is taking violin leasona.”
“She is? Why, the poor girl hasn’t
the slightest ear for music.”
*T know, but she has beautiful el­
toward the
It la m id that the appetite may be
almost immediately stimulated by tak­
ing a toothbrush aoakad In a strong so­
lution of salt and water and passing It
over the tongue. '
Debutante — I wonder why women
used to wear such wide wedding rings.
Blase Matron—Because at that time,
pear things, they expected them to last
« Nfotlme.—Life.
OUND—A little money. The loser
may have the same by identifying
it and payng for thia ad. Apply
a t this office.
PQR SALE—High class registered
Poland China brood sow and five
pigs averaging over 100 lbs. each,
all eligible to registry. Will sell
lot at markdV price. John A. Bren­
nan, Coquille, Oregon.
Sunday school a t 10 a. m.
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.
FOR RENT—Building ou F irst
street, suitable for garage or ware­
Prayer meeting a t 7:80 p. m.
house. Call on Wm. Oddy. B0U
The publie is cordially invitad to all
Christian Science Society.
FOR RENT—11 acre tract 2M miles
from Coquille. Çood house. Small
barn. F. W. Barker, Coquille.
M. E. Church South.
Servirai next Sunday a t l l d V l t o
The Sunday School a t 10 ana. will
he conducted by C. D. Hudson. Young o’clock.
Sdfcday school a t 0 J 0 a.
people’s choir. F. O. Leslie, director.
Corner Third and HaS s t
Promptness urged.
The morning service a t 11 a m.
Sermon by the pastor.
Epworth League a t 8 JO p. m.
Tha evening service a t Ti8Q p. m
Sermon by the pastor.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday a t 7 JO
a t tha M. E. Church.
The. County 8. 8. Convention
held a t the M. E. Church South. S at­
urday and Sunday, Jan. 18 and I t
Dr. Phipp will preach Friday w m
lag a t 7:30, also Saturday evening
Clothes pins, 2 dos. tor
Toilet Paper, par ro ll..
Matches, 4 boxes f e r .. .
Waste Baskets ...............
Granite K ettles...............
Mixing Bowls..................
Bread M ix er...................
Many Bargains
Methodist Episcopal.
Sunday School a t 10 a. as. Mrs.
Dr. Richmond, Superintendent, Mr. H.
O. Anderson, Musical Directas.
The preaching serrine a t 11 a. as.
Saturday, Jan. 6, we will give FREE with every 60c
purchase a 6c l» g o f popcorn and with every*$1.00
purchase a 10c bag.