The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917, January 05, 1917, Page 16, Image 16

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    We are now JpdGng
ever car
T IP TOP” an
Made by the University Bakery
Euge ne, Oregon
Both brands are
First National Bank
train s o f th e d*-
ligh tfu l
Shasta Limited
California Express
San Franidsco Express
Y ou can secure tickets or com plote
inform ation from any agent or W rite
JO H N M. S C O TT, G en i Pasa. A gen t
P e rt land. Or egea
Our garage is fu lly equipped to make com­
plete repairs on can o f all kinds and these
winter months are the time to have such
work done.
and all auto accessories and supplies carried in stock
Auto owners can rest assured that every car
le ft here fo r overhauling w ill receive the
best attention and care that human ingenu-
ity affords.
G iv e u s a triai.
Cylinder O il
M ach ineO i)
G A R D N E R & L A R SE N ’S
First Street
Phone 463
The “ G rip p er»” «earn to be gettin g
n g rip on the good th in g* o f life and
»ew er new cases are reported.
W e are infom ed th at w e w ill have
a new bakery here one that bake*
the bread. The ou tfit w ill come from
Portland. *
Frank A . Spencer and Miaa L izzie
Arnold, whom w e have not eeen fo r
a T ew w eek*, are home and m arried
and w ill lir e in the W . C. C ooley reei-
dence, corner o f A and Spruce street*.
G eorg* Haughton and m other, o f
N orw ay, w ere in town a fe w days
ago shopping and “ shaking”
w ith
-their many friends.
Some o f oar young people who went
to Eugene now w ant to return there
Tom Dixon, carpenter and contrac­
tor, returned this week w ith his w ife
had son from a v is it to U s fath er,
who Is now about 80 years old.
L ester M ayse Jeft M onday m orning
fo r the Oregon A gricu ltu ral C ollege,
C orvallis. M e w ill take a six weeks*
C A L IF O R N IA — with its oranges, its W in ter flow ers, its
benches, to mountain resorts, its tim e- stained missions,
its d eligh tfu l sunshine and ou t-door-life—s u re ly ,th e call
is irresistable in January.
Hnt « tw o
Tom m y W eekly and fa m ily have
moved to Pow ers from the N orth
Fork, w here he w ill Join the arm y o f
Leeris Starr, form erly o f this ra il­
road station, but sine* assistant at
Coquille, gets a prom otion in the ser­
vice, which puts U n i in M arshfield.
A M yrtle Poin t boy is slated to suc-
they were
Under present conditions a stock of this size is
of inestimable value to the community in which
it is carried. It you don’t take advantage of
the opportunity offered to purchase your gro­
ceries and feed where you reap the henefit of
our considerable quantity buying you are loser.
The Busy Comer
M rs. McCue came up Tuesday to
see her son and fam ily, Elm er McCue,
who is engineer on the Punter steam er
Front and G Streets
Coquille, Oregon
running from here to Coquille. She
comes on receipt o f n message that
Phones 691 and 641
M rs. Elm er McCue is dangerously ill.
M rs. Leu Rose shipped her house­
hold goods Tuesday by n i l to Mon­
tague, Siskiyou county, fo r th eir new
home in Shasta valley, where M r.
Rose already is.
Lancy Parrish was in w ith his fine
b ig team this wash fo r good things too Into fo r proper m edical trea t­
to eat. W h ile w e have the auto* with ment. Th e Dunkarda conducted Gw
us, n fins team looks as ¿rood as ever. funeral. R ev. Thomas Barklow d e ­
M rs. A lb **, the bakerwoman, moves liverin g n very interestin g diaceurs .
to the Ed C arter house on C street. Interm ent was made a t N orw ay cem­
Nothing is more convenient fo r the sick room, or fo r
C harlie Northup has purchased the etery.
K . H. Hansen house on M aple and A
D r. Pem berton has been into all
that matter, the home in general
kinds o f country and weather nearly
Jesse Clinton, one o f Gw 1 large every day fo r the last tw o weeks. H *
th a* a
dairym en on the Coquille a t W est •ays a ll are convalescing.
N orw ay, also is a t C orvallis this wash.
L. E. Swan, the saw m ill man o f
Gaylord, is dowh this week buying the
regu lar supplies. H e has not the grip.
W . W . W hittington, o f South Fork,
who had a stroke o f paralysis some
weeks ago, is reported aa a t least
msee com fortable.
H. B. Stew ard, sellin g Oregon N ur­
sery com pany’s stock, finds business
good. Th is is a real fru it country
and H enry bus the Stock.
h igh er and greater a ttra ctio n »—in
John W agner, on* o f the pioneers
fa c t they have already bean secured o f this va lley , havin g cam * in 1875 and
fo r next summer. W e sure enjoyed ■ M ih gjr hare continually since on
I t i no trouble to have a hot drink at
It last year.
Gw Sooth Fork o f Gw Coquille, passed
time, day or n ig h t
M rs. C q p t W hitney cam * over with aw ay W ednesday. Ha has suffered
her tw o-year-old from near P ort Or- fo r m any years from the rpeult o f an
P in t Therm os .................
|L8 g
fo n t to visit her fath er and mother, accidental gunshot and that, w ith a
C orrugated P in t Therm os.......... LT5
who liv e tw o m iles east o f town, and sever* cold contracted w hile visitin g
Quart Therm os
g jg
both o f whom are sick. She and her relatives en the Bay, hastened hie
Corrugated Quart T h e rm o s ...'., g. 7 *
husband have homesteads near each death. Th e funeral was held a t the
other and w e clearing land and g et­ Brethren church F rid a y a t 1 J 0 p. m.,
Loach K it Equipped with Pint
tin g stock on the ranches. The cap­ Rev. Thomas Barklow conducting.
tain is em ployed in the gold mines
A young naan says ha Is w ithin on*
on Gw 8ixes and everyth in g moves o f g e ttin g m arried now, th at Barkis
serenely in th at neck o f Gw woods.
is w illin ’.”
J. D. Phelps, form erly Gw W atkin’s
On* o f our m ost popular boys, Chas­
rem edy man, returned to his home­
ter Adam s, Is spending his vacation
stead on M iddle Fork a fte r a visit
The Regali Stem
at the home o f M s parents. H e w ill
w ith his w ife ’s f*lk s en tk * low er
resuaw -his stadias a t the U . o f O.
riv e r during the holidays.
next week. H * says be Is liv in g np
S. & Read, Gw Jersey herded man o f
to the tradition s o f M s class ns fa r
South Fork, is a t Gw A gricu ltu ral
an possible. H e also is a firm b eliever
C ollege in C orvallis. He trill g e t all
in a judicious use o f cold w ater.
there ia to be had in Farm ers’ weak,
P . J. Sheehan, who wad form erly
M rs. H amlin, whoa* serious illness
and w ill also v is it his brother ia P o rt­
“ «a g e d ia* Gw restau ran t business in
land, and his son, A lva , and w ife, w ill Gas anted Inst wash, died a t the saw r-
M arshfield, and la te r in ch arge o f Gw
gency hospital here la st F rid a y at
return w ith him.
departm ents o f th e Sm ith-
Barton and M arjorie Stem m ier w ar* 8:80 a. m. and her fu n eral took place
« « W f eattpa a t Pow ers, lo s t his ro ll
w ith th eir “ auntie,” M rs. Lu ttrell, on Saturday from the B rethren church.
th * oth er day a t Aberdeen, W a sh , as
South F ork . Th ey are sm all folk s
»«Id in Gw fo llo w in g dispatch:
and th eir m other waa glad to se*
them come hoes*. M iss N e lli*, M rs.
Stem m ier’» sister, returns to Gw N or-
m al school/st Monmouth and her sis-
tre, Ruth, w ill come to reside w ith Gw
fa m ily.
i i ’
E lectric ligh ts have a t la st been
placed in the high school building.
Fuel is also som ewhat scarce ta
town. Th e wood-haulers say the pres­
ent stock is low and many are short o f
In the Sick Room
Marshfield Man Robbed^