We uow have two ambassadors to the Court o f St. James, one act­ ing and the other waiting. Am­ PUBLISHED KVKIiY TUESDAY bassador Choate holds on whils Am­ bassador Whitelaw Reid anxiously AND FRIDAY. lurks on. There is perhaps not on this planet a more desirable appoint­ D K. DEAN. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ment than that of Ambassador to Great Britain. Many distinguished County Official Paper. Americans have held the place, ! if 'T O t e d t o t h e i r m t e n n l A n d B o o ia l n p - li uldinp of th« Coquille Valley particularly among them Buchanan, Revery, a ut of Coo« YV.nnty ouuerajlv. Johnson, Lowell and Bayard. Hon­ - 'o l) 3o r ip t it n > , T t e r v e a r . l n a d v a n o e , $ 2 . 0 0 ors and social distinctions are show­ ered thick upon the American rep­ Church Directory- resentatives. Mr. Choate has just rnn isTU N t'n in c ii - - Ptaachinc every been elected Master of the Bench of S ind:-y at 11 a . 1 - 1 . and 7:30 p. m. Snnday a dtool *at 10 m . Christian Endeavor at the Middle Temle. Among English 10 p. r I’ ravar m ri-tina rvery W adn*«- lawyers, this is the moat distinguish­ d ■!v evonlna at 7:20. All oordially invitad. ed honor that can be conferred on 1 Uiiscof.nl i H in r c h K p f s o o p a l service« Sem i-W eekly Herald. 'I he held ;v? St. Jam es church, Coquille '¡l y tha third Sunday in i-ach month, landay school at 10 a. m. each annday. W o t . H orsefall, Pastor- any outsider and it is the first time in several generations that auy other than an English subject has been elected a Bencher of the Mid­ dle Temple, one o f the oldest inns of Court in London. Five signers of the Declaration of Independence were members of the Middle Tem­ ple, but since then until the elec­ tion of Mr. Choate, no American has beeu a member. At a full meeting of Templars on the night of April 10, Mr. Choate was unanimously elected When his name was proposed, an­ other member moved that all stand, ing rules and orderd be suspended and the greatest enthusiasm ws# shown when the Ambassador was elected by unanimous vote. AT E . C h u rch . Sonth : Preachim? each and avarv S n n d a v a a t l l a. ra. and 7:30 p. m Sunday-school avarv Sunday at 10 o ’clo ck . Sanior Epworth League at 6:30, p. a ,. T u m o rL e a g n e a t3:34),p .tn . Prayerm eet- in ; T h u rsd a y evening at 7:30. H . Al. Branham, pastor. M ethodist Episcopal church.— Serrioe the fr e t ami third Snnday in aaoh m onth Preaching ut 11 o’ clock a. m . and 7:30 p. m . Sup lev school at 10 o’ clock a . m . Ep- worth Tieagne at 6:30 p. m. J . L. B e a tt y , Paator. P ip - hvi kuian Cm inon.— Preaching eer- v -as 2nd and 4th Sundaya, m om inp ard availing, Sunday School every Sunday at 10a. m . Christian Em laavor « a r y ioas every Su idav nt 11:30 p. in . M iss W iania H all, hr. dent. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Society meats every two weeks on Thura- iiv s at '■ p, m. A cord ini welcome is e l - tsndad to the pnlilio to attend all onr ser- uices. AuoLpn H abeii LT, Pastor. T h e W . O . T . V. meets every 1st and 3rd h’riduv at 2 d . m. at the C hristian ohnroh. - K v iN T H P at A d v k k t is t C hobch —S ab- Chemien D e ath uath seventh day) servieoe: Sabbath «h u r l 10 a. 111 .. Billie study 11 a. m ., prayer meetiup Tu eidny ayaning R p .ro., yoiio - people's m eeting F rid a y , 8 p. m. All are invited to attend these meetings. C. l i . B U N C H . Elder. Kidney trouble often ends fatally but by choosing the right medicine, E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says: “ Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me great pain, suffer­ ing and anxiety, but I took Elec­ tric Bitters, which effected a com­ plete oure. I have also found them o f grert benefit in general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on hand, since, as I find they have no equal.” R. S. Knowiton druggist, ‘ guarantees them at 5Üe. (The Sun.) Our negro population said good bye last week and took a "hike” for other parts. D orn .— A t Libby, April 10, 1905, to the wife of A S. Johnson, a daughter. K. V. Kruse laid the keel last week for the 100-foot gasoline SUMMONS. seine mar he will build at his yard IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE for Sa:i Francisco parties. Fur a Weak b iir tlla u . No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain’s Stomrob ami Liver Tablets will help you to di­ gest your food. It is not the quan­ tity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the Bystem, hut the amount digested and as­ similated. If troubled with u weak digestion, don’ t fail to give these Tablets :i trial. Thousands have been benefitted by their use. They only cost a quarter. For sale bv R. S. Knowlton. Photography fo r the AMATEUR at north the 1st of May from San Francisco, where she is undergoing a neral overhauling and having her cultiin enlarged so that she can i:. i in elate a large list of passen- gei If. Keugal uckeu, agent, is au- tlu lit for the statement that the Kill.ur.o ii i ti tin- route to stay, not wide binding the many reports to the contrary. The ¿11 ianee look with hor on her la i tiip to Portland, 30,000 feet of lumber, pomprising the ma­ terial for the frame and the exterior finish of tie Coos county building at the T/ewis and Clark Fair. She also curried Cunt raptor Turpen and a force of men, who will lose no time in getting the frame, which if already sawed, together. The own­ ers of the Alliance took up this 30, 000 feet of lumber without charge. The remainder of the building ma­ terial is to follow on the next Alli­ um r ami everything will be in read- im ss when the Fair opens, June 1. T w o L im b s B rok en . Seo our el h Idling proposition with t1 Ore ni Semi-Weekly Jour­ nal. This i- done to give our rend­ ers a, elmt to ri id Paul De La- ney * l ew nov. t,“ T|ie Shocphcrder.’’ I >1:: li 1 Inl NiiflVrliig llrlli-rr it. 8 iff' ling frightfully from the virifwit. poisons o f undigested food, C. |N give way lo their tonic, lax native properties. L’oc ut R 8. Kin,wlten’s drug store, guaranteed. COQUILLE, OREGON. Meets all Boats and Trains. Goods Handled with Care and Dispatch. D riry Farm for Sale. T h e fa m ou s A fine dairy farm containing 70 acres of bottom land 23 acres of hill land, and adjoining the town of Myrtle Point, Coos county, Oregon, and J mile from creamery. Forty- five acres of bottom land improved and in good state of cultivatiiun; 5 acres slashed, burned and newly seeded; hill land is all good for pas­ ture; 3 acres of orchard in good eari bngcondition and different var­ ieties of fruit. House, barn and other buildings. While we have a number of other darry farms for sale, yet this is one of the best bar. gains, as the location is all that j could be desired, being near town, school and crenmery. This is cer­ tainly a bargain for some progres-! sice dairyman. Price *7,500. and Am erican J r ; C A M E R A With Double Plate Holder W anted —T rustw orthy man or woman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for | well established house of solid | financial standing. *20.00 straight I cash salary with all necessary ex-1 peases paid weekly by check from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Position permenent: previous experience not essential. No investment required. We furn­ ished everything. Enclose sell ad­ dressed envelope. Address, Mana­ ger, 810 Como Block, Chicago, 111. 12t-10 CURE LUNGS Dr. King’s New Discovery p«C H ow Th e second edition of a Pracicnl Poultry M anual is now ready. C ontains am ong other things the famous Sam pson Method o f Feeding, which is known to be one of the best means o f m aking a profit from poultry. Some o f the chapter bendings are: Brooder O bieks; Profitable Poultry Knis* ing; Principle Difficulties; R em edies for R oup; D uring the Moult,: Econom y in Feeding: Poultry as a Business; Trap Nests, with plans and illustrations. This chapter is werth the price ;»f the book. Tells the practical way to make poultry pay. Price HOo. Our paper is a 32 page Agricultural M apa- lin e with Household, Poultry, Horticulture’ and Dairy Departm ents. Subscription price $1.00. To introduce our m onth ly into your home we will send the paper one year and A Practical Poultry M anual for 86 dents. The Pacific Tree and Vine 24, in township 28 south of range 9 west P a r k H o t e l B l d g . , S a n «J o s e , C a l i f . j of the Willamette Meridian, in Coos eonnty, Oregon, and that defendant has “The safe and reliable tm n- no estate, interest or claim, or any title screw whatever to said descrilied premises, and that Plaintiff’ s title be declared good M J^ *T h e New and Speedy.* slid valid thereto. This summons is published once a week for at least six successive weeks in the Coquille H erald , a semi-weekly C. P. Jensen. Master. newspaper published at Conuille, Cone county, Oregon, by order of Hon. J. W . Will make regular trip« between Hamilton. Judge of the Second Judicial District of Oregon, made on the 27th day of February, 1905. This first publica­ tion of this summons is on the 3rd day of March, 1905, and the laat will be on April 14, 1906. No Stop-over at W ay Porta. Rated this 27th day of February. 1905 E left lie Lights. Everything in First- J. A. BUCHANAN. ClffiM Style. Attorney for Plaintiff. Str. Elizabeth Coq uille River and S a n F ran cisco . r- o c v «-> r*r p h oto, f o r ex p ert B*>»r«’h and fre e report. I F re e a d v ice , h ow t o o b ta in patents, tra d e in&rks, I co p y rig h t«, etc., |N A L L C O U N T R I E S . | Business direct with Washington saves time money and often the fatent. Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. W rite o r c o m o t o us at | 013 Ninth Street, opp. United SUtee Patent Office, | W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. A homey magazine—eacji month helptul, practical and inspiring. Full o f fasci­ nating features; beautifully illus­ trated. A million readers. $ 1 .0 0 per Year— 10 Cents a Copy. V. li. W il so n , E. 1). SettiRV, Vice-President. Secretary. H. O. C H a zar d , S anfohd , Cor. Secretary Treasurer. Industries of any kind J ----------- From the office ot the (Vismopolitan Maya Regular Price $3.50, A lt Th re e to the su b scrib e r fo r...$2.50 W HAT TH E C O SM O PO LITA N MAG AZINE GIVES. Single copies 10c. Annual subscription $1. The Cosmopolitan Magazine occupies a posi- sion distinctly its own. While giving great attention to fiction and entertainment— fifty short stories and one or more complete novels appear in its pages each year —it has a definite plan beyond. It may be likened to a great modern university, with a million and a halt j .student-readers. A year’s course embraces what is most important in the Scientific field, what is most interesting in invention and Dis­ covery, what is most entertaining in Travel I and adventure, what is most valuable in the I W orld >f Business. A portion of each mini- I her is edited with reference to the W om an of the W orld, another h» the Wom an ot the Home, and another to interest Youth, snd still another for the Man of Affairs, covering equally the clerk just starting in life and the captain ot industry. What the Twentieth Century Home Offers GASNOW President. O tte r« m o s t successful S p e cia l­ zine is published the “ Twentieth Century is t in San F ra n c is c o ,s till H om e,” a new magazine for women on new c o n tin u e s t o c u re all M e n i a l a nd A e i n i n a l lines, printed on coated paper (toned), pro D la e a H it H , such an fusoly illustrated and contributed to by more G o n u r r litin . G lr r f M tr lc tu r e , S y p h ilis noted writers t-han any other periodical. An In a ll it s fo rm s , M k l n English publisher has ordered in advance ot iH s o n s e » , N e r v o m publication 10,(MX) copies for the London mar­ D e b i l i t y , In ip o le n - le y b e m In a l W e a k * ket. W o have made arrangements to buy a ! lie * » a n d l.o » a o f U la n - limited number «if annual subscriptions to this j h o o d , th e consequence new periodical, which we offer absolutely free • o f se lf abuse a m i excesses o our subscribers, new or old. Here is the p ro d u c in g the following s y m p to m s ; s a llo w co u n ­ ten a nce , d a r k spots u n d e r th e eyes, p ain in th e n:o8t generous offer ever made hy an American h e a d ,rin g in g In th e ears, lo s s o f c o n fid e n c e ,d iffi- / d en cè In T ip p ro a c h in g s tra n g e rs , p a lp ita tio n o f th e / n e w s p a p e r: h e a rt, w eakness o f th e lim its a nd b ack, loss o f m e m - i The Twentieth Century Home, o ry ,p im p le s o n th e face , coughs, c o n s u m p tio n , etc. D r . C li b b o n has p ra c tic e d in San F ra n cisco 4 0 (or one ye ar (re g u la r price *1),... TREE I y e ars a n d tho se tro u b le d s h o u ld n o t fa il to co n s u lt The Cosmopolitan Magazine, h im n n d re c e iv e th e b e n e fit o f h is g re a t s k ill a n d e xp e rie n ce . T h e d o c to rc u re s w h e n o th e r s fa ll. T r y tor one year (reirular price * 1 ) ....$1.00 j h im . C u r e s s r u a t r u n t e e « ! . P ersons cu re d a t This Paper for One Year, h om e. C harge e re asonable. C a ll o r w r ite . D r . J . F . i (L llb >H >n ,i(2 t ) K e n r n . v M t . , K a i i F r a i i c i » t ’o , i ' a l 52 n u m b e rs ............................... $1.50 j W anted .— 10 men iu each state to K ehk , Correspondence solicited from all wishing locations for . _ 5 // This old reliable and the W. T L, MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given prompt Attention. to G et 20 0 E ggs a Y e a r per H en tuhlu FRANK W ILSO N , Prop. AMERICAN CAM ERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester. N. Y. Oregon W rLer’s Best Effort. KILL the COUGH G e n u i n e l y g o o d in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. j, Little's Livnrv The City R e sta u ra n t Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling a ll about our 27 styles and sizes. F ree. De Laney’a N ew Novel. A story of the great range war into which is interwoven the romantic episodes of acquiring timber lands and the advance­ ment of irrigation. This pro­ duction will appear in the Ore­ gon Semi-Weekly Journal in serial form. The Journal will be clubbed with this paper, the two for *2.75. Subscribe at once and read this great story of life as told by Paul De Laney. $ 1.60 A m e ric a n C am eras. Leave orders m T. DEALER Myrtle Point Oregon. ‘The Sheepherder’ W OOD FOR SALE Poco, Buch-Eye R obests & C ahteii , In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified that you are re­ quired to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed againat you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the firat puhlicativn of this sum­ mons, to-w it: within six weeks from the 10th day of March, 1905, the same be­ ing the date of the first publication of this summons. And if you (nil to appear and answer on or before the 21st day of April, 1905, the same being the last day of the time Sub o rib e noui an d g et first C h a p t e r prescribed in the order of publication, the plaintiff will take judgment against von and will apply to the court for'the relief demanded in his complaint, a suc­ cinct statement of which is as follows: That the marriage contract existing be­ AND THE tween plaintiff and defendant may be WITH set aside and held for naught and that plaintiff be restored to all the rights and priviliges of a single person, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem equitable and just. C onsumption Price Service of this summons is made bv 0UGHS and 60c St $1.00 publication in pursuance of an order Free Trial. J0LD S made by I,. Hnriocker, as Connlv Judge of Coos County, dated March 7, 1905, Surest and Quickest Cure for all directing that service thereof lie made T H R O A T and L U N G T R O U B ­ by publication thereof in the S xmi - L E S, or M O N E Y B A C K W kkki . y H iiiiami . a newspaper pub­ lished f t the City of Coquille, in said Coos County, once each week for s period of six weeks. ST AN LE Y A BURN S, The Whole Thing in an Egg Shell Attorneys for Plaintiff. Ed Hansen, engiueor on the tug SUMMONS. t'oiiuOhiiv, had the misfortune to IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE break his leg yesterday forenoon, STATE OF OREGON, FOR COOS COUNTY. a s tin tug was coming up the bay. His foot slipped on the iron grating Joseph H. Smith, Plaintiff, in the engine room, uud Mr. Han­ vs. sen being a heavy man, fell in such W m . J. Marsh, Trustee a way that both bones of the left Defendant. l-*g, just above the aukle, were To W m . J. Marsh. Trustee, the above named defendant: broken. The Columbia ran up to In the name of the State of Oregon. Marshfield and Mr. Hausen was You are hereby required to appear and taken to the Marshfield General answer the complaint of Plaintiff filed Hospiial. Dr. Me Oormac, assisted against you in said Court and Cause, on by Dr. Mingus, reduced the frac­ or before the 14th day of April, 1905, j being the date prescribed hy the Court ture. Coa.-t Mail. in the order for publication of summons Elvvo.ul, the three and a half for yon to appear and answer said com­ Mur old m n of Mr and Mrs W. R. plaint, ard if you fail to appearand an- ; swei said complaint on or before said F arm broke bis arm yesterday date, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will muquir ; by falling out of a 1 ggv. | apply to the Court for the relief de­ I>i Mét anme wu- culled, and was manded in Ids complaint, which is that assisted lu Dr. Mingus in reilnciug Plaintiff la- decreed to lie the owner in fee simple of the northeast of section the fracture ( ’oast Mail. GENERAL DltAVING. H alf its Former Cost STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR Tin1 Roanoke «nile-1 Monday ear- TH E CuU N TY OF COOS, :.-it: 20 from this n u 11 W. F. Waite, 1 Plaintiff, Suit in Equity for P°r toi bi.rtlmul. The Roanoke Divorce. i,. building up n line trade which Mary E V8 Waite, vr ,i : h f r her permanency on this Defendant., To Mary E. Waite, the above named route. The steamer Kilburn is to sail Defendant: Claude Fox, Single copies 10c. Annual subscription SI. A magazine for W om en, printed on fine coated paper (toned), beautifully illustrated. I t will contain what is newest, if best, what is most usetul, if new; what is most entertain- ! ing, if helpful, what is most instructive, if in- i tereating. THE PITTSBUHG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER. A F ree sample copy to all requesting. AGENTS WANTED G oon lIorsEKFFrisr; wants a subscription representative in e\ * ry city and town in the west. To those who will give all or a portion of their time it offers attractive work ami pays exceedingly liberal commis­ sions. It will pay you to investigate. A |M>stal card will bring particulars. Write at once so as to l>e the first in your field. io cents a copy. $ 1.0 0 a year. McCLURE’S MAGAZINE is the cleanestj most stimulating, meatiest general magazine for the fam­ ily, says one of the million who read it every month. It is without ques­ tion "The Best at any Price." Great features uie promise for next year— six or more wholesome inter­ esting short stories in every number, continue I stories, beautiful pictures in colors, anil articles by such famous writers as Iila M. Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Ray Stain,ard Baker, John La Fargo, William Allen White and Charles Wagner. Get all of it right into your home by taking advant­ age of this PRC1AL O F F E R Send $1.00 before January 31, 1005, for a subscription for the year 1905 and we will send you free the November and December numbers of 1904 -—fourteen months for *1.00 or the price of twelve. Address Mc­ C LU RE’S, 48-69 East 23rd S t , New York City. Write for agents’ terms M o n u m en ts and H e a d s to n e s We guarantee better work at lower prices than can be had else­ where. Do not order Monumental work until you have called upon or written us for prices. COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Telephone. M nin 288. THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO. Pacific Coast Office: 59 C olumbian B uilding . S ab F rancisco A n Illustrated Maja/.ine for the Family. itiitrriyiiioiidi Rod P o u ltr y F a r m , J, R. Stillwell, Prop BAND0N. OREGON. Thonghhred cockerels from *1 up and eggs *1 per setting. The only perfect wilting machine made. The writing is in plain view of the operator all the time—simplest and strongest construction, rapid action, easy touch, adapted to all kinds of work—best for tabulating and invoice work, universal key­ board, removable type action, in­ stantly cleaned. Treble the life of anv other machine for good, clean work. Send for Catalogue. PITTSBURG WRITING MACHINECo 20$ WOOD St., Plttaburg. P, Stewart & White Props. ROSEBURG-MVh i l E POINT- l I TAGE LINE B. F E N T O N P rop Sddle Horses of best quality always ou nand. Good Rigs in rea li nea for special trips. In fact, n geenrral Stage ard Livery business. Accommodations for Taveling n in a eptrialty