i \ s. Far m H rsk k ia n llsii. No medicine can replace foot! but Chamberlain’s Stomrch anil Liver Tablets will help you to di­ gest your foo I. It ia not the quan­ tity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but the amount digested and as­ similated. If troubled with a weak digestion, don’ t fail to give these Tablets a trial Thousands have been benefitted by their use. AFTKB THE TlC'gET-Bl'ALVKKS. They only cost a quarter. For sale The larcency of railway tickets, by R. S. Knowlton. tho forgery of railway tickets, and D a ir y F a r m fo r S a le . the “ scalping” of railway tickets, are rew crimes that bave been A fine dairy farm containing 70 defined by acts of the Legislature of acies of bottom land ‘23 acres of bill 1003. The last of these, which will land, und adjosning the town of have effect upou a class of busness Myrtle Point, Coos county, Oregon, now in operation, carries a penalty and j mile from creamery. Forty- of $100 o $500 fine. five acres of bottom land improved FOB PAUEÜT8 OF TRI ANTS. and in good state of eultivaiiion; 5 A tine of not to exceed $1000 is acres slashed, burned and newly provided as punishment for parents, seeded; hill land is all good for pas­ guardians or other persous who are ture; 3 acres of orchard in good responsible for the delinquency of eari bngcondition and different var­ children. A "delinquency” child is ieties of fruit. House, barn and defined to be a child under 1G years other buildings. While we have a of age who violates state laws or number of other dairy farms for city ordinaces, or who is incorrigi­ sale, yet this is one of the best bar­ ble, a persistent truant from school, gains, as the location is all that who associates with criminals or oould be desired, being near town, vicious or immoral persons, or who school and creamery. This is cer­ is growing tp iu ideness, dr who tainly a bargain for some progres­ frequents gaming houses, houses of sive dairyman. Price $7,500. ill fame or places where intoxicating R obests . Burdick, of Jersey island, Contra Costo Co., who are looking over the Coos Bay country, went up Coos river yesterday, accompanied by J. V. Johnson. Mr. Burdick is in business of raising celery for the San Francisco and Eastern markets, and 1ms about 200 acres devoted to that, succulent vegetable. He ¡ b looking this place over with a view to tu in g celery culture here, where it would ne free from some of the serious drawbacks experienced in his present location. He was great- ly pleased with what he saw yester­ day, and it is to be hoped that he will conclude to give this profitable branch of market gardening a tho1-. ough demonstration here. There is no doubt that there are several such lines in which any one who thorouhly understood the busi­ ness could mnko a great succession our rich lands and iu our even cli­ mate, and wc want people to come hero and show us how it is dune.— Mail. SUMMONS. f i l l W nffVrliur H e llr?* «| . Huftrting frightfully from the virulent poisons of undigested food, C. f*. Gray son, o f fail«. Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, “ with the result,” he writes, “ th.it i was cured.” All stomach and bowel dis­ orders give way to their tonic, lax ntive pro|K?rties. 25c at K S. K now lten’s drug store, guaranteed UliN ElvAL DRAYING. C O Q U IL L E , A M A T E U R H alf its Former Cost WOOD FOR SALIv Poco, Buch-Eye <■»*<■»-r* Am erican C am eras. G e n u in e ly g o o d in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. $4.80 Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling a ll about our 27 styles and sizes. F re e . table FRANK WILSON, Prop. and $ 1.60 Leave orders ai T- J. Little’s Liv.-rv The City Restaurant T h e fa m o u s With Double Plate Holder O tîK G O N . Meets ah Boats and Trains. Goods Handled with Care and Dispatch. at American J r ; CAMERA F ox, Newly established. Everything neat and up-to-date In every respect Meals at ail hours, day or night. Booms by the Day, l/l/eeh or Month. FRONT STREET. COQUILLE. OREGON. - - - - Drane s Store, D E A L E R IN Fancy and Staple Groceries. • A C H O IC E L IN E OF Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. We carry a full line o f IT loiir iin d ETeecl. 4 x 5 POCO AM ERICAN C A M E R A MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the 'owest consistent with good goods. F R O N T S T. C O Q U IL L E Goquille Furniture Coquille Board of T ra d e ! STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR t h e c o u n ty o f co o s . VV. F. Waite, l Plaintiff, Mary K Waite, I Divorce. Defendant, j To Mary E. Waite, the above named Defendant: and BOX FACTORY De L an ey s N e w N ov el. ¡Suit, in Equity for Oregon Wriler’s Best Effort A story o f the great ra nge war into which is interwoven the In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby notified that you are re­ romantic episodes of acquiring quired to appear and answer the com­ timber lands and the advance­ plaint filed against you in the above ment of irrigation. This pro­ entitled suit within six weeks from the duction will appear in the Ore­ date of the first publication of this sum­ gon Semi-Weekly Journal in mons, to-w lt: within six weeks from the 10th day of March, 1905, the same be­ serial form. The Journal will ing the date of the first publication of be clubbed with this paper, the this summons. two for $2.75. Subscribe at And if you fail to appear and answer once and read tins great story on or before the 21st dav of April, 1905, of life as told by Paul De Laney. the samo being the last day of the time prescribed in the order of publication, S u b . . l b . noui a n d g . t f ir s t C o o p t e s the plaintiff will take judgment against you and will apply to tho court forlthe relief demanded in his complaint, a suc­ cinct statement of which is as follows: That the marriage contract existing lie- ano CURE t h i LUNGS tween plaintiff nnd defendant may lie sot aside and held for naught and that WITH plaintiff lie restored to all the rights and priviliges of a single person, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem equitable and just. Service of this summons is made by 0NSUMPTI0N P rie. publication in pursuance of an order 0UGHS and 60c A $1.00 made by I.. Haflocker, as County Judge OLDS Free Trial. of Coos County, dated March 7, 1905, directing that service thereof bo made S u rest an d Q u ick est C ure fo r a ll by publication thereof in the S emi - A reason for wheat beiug high now and continuing to be high next year is to ho found in tho largo amount of flour being ordered by the Japanese, who are not only tak­ ing all the surplus of the coast but thousands of barrels from the far East, where daily orders of from 500 to 20,000 barrels arc being re­ ceived. One of the largest milling concerns of 'Minneapolis is thirty days behind with all their plants W e e k i . y H k k a m i , a newspaper pub­ running to full capacity on Japan*sc lished : t the City of Coquille, in said Coiis County, once each week for a orders. period of six weeks. A single vessel which will leave STANLEY & BURNS, Portland at un early date for Japan Attorneys for Plaintiff. will carry ¡?200,000 worth of flour. SUMMONS. — Pacific Farmer. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE * ««» . STATE OF OREGON, FOR COOS Cannot b u y Cigarettes. COUNTY, Indianapolis, Ind., April 15.— (Special.) The »els of the General Assembly took effect late today, cat ryiug with the Governor’s prods, mstion the enforcement of tho fam­ ous anti-cigarette law. Local dealers anticipated the pro. elamntion, and for several days have been shipping their stock to flip trust, which agreed to take back all unsold. Cigarettes not made In tho trusts have been sold by the wholesale price for sevoal weeks, and tonight a cigarette could not bo purchased. At Princeton, Ini!., one d* uler burned $200 worth in the street, a id nt Vincennes the stocks wer given away when it In came known that the law would lake effect today. At many places mi rchants dumped their stocks into the Sew* is, and there is every indication that the law will be observed ‘The S h eep h erd er’ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Claude Photography fo r the k i l l ™, c o u c h Dr. King’s New Discovery FO» C .. T H R O A T end L U N G T R O U B ­ L E S, or M O N E Y B A C S . iseph II. Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. J. Marsh, Trustee Defendant. To Wm. J. Marsh. Trustee, tho above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to apj»ear and answer the complaint of Plaintiff filed against yon in said Court and Cause, on or l»efore the 14th day of April, 1906, being the date prescribed by the Court in the order for publication of summons for you to appear and answer said com ­ plaint. at d if you fail to appearand an- swe.i aaid com plaint on or before said date, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de­ manded in his complaint, which ¡8 that Plaintiff be decreed to he the owner in t'e • simple of the northeast '4 of section 21. in township 28 south of range 9 west oi the Willamette Meridian, in Coos county, Oregon, and that defendant has no estate, interest or claim, or any title whatever to said describ'd premises, and that Plaintiff’s title he declared good and valid thereto. This summons is published once a "•» k for at !ea-t six ■iKves.'dve weeks in the Coquille IlmuLn, a semi-weekly newspaper published at Coquille, Coos county, Oregon, by order of Hon. J. W . Hamilton, Judge of the Second Judicial District of Oregon, made on the 27th day of February, 1905. This first publica­ tion of this summons is on the 3rd .lay of March, 1905, and the last w ill he on April 14, 1905. DntivI tbis27th day of February. 1905, I il* This o ld relia b le and the m ust successful S pecial­ ist iu Ban F ra ncisco, still c o n t in u e s to c u r e all d e n i a l and S e m l o a l I> l M ean ** m , au cli as U o n o r r lK c a , O le e l S t r i c t u r e . N y p iiin * in a ll its form s, .S k in l>l»en*ea, IS’ervoa» Iuipoteti­ I k e b iiii.r , e r N o m i n a l W V n l i- n e e «a n d l i o a o f n a i i - l i o o d , th e consequen ce o f self abuse and excesses producing th o follow in g s y m p t o m s ; sallow cou n ­ tenance, da rk sp ots u n d er the ey es, pain in the head, ringing In the ears, lo s s o f con fid en ce, diffi­ d en ce in a pp roach in g strangers, palpitation o f the heart, w eak ness o f th e lim its and bark, loss o f m em - 2 r y * ™ * ,PSOn th e t w e , cou g h s, consum ption, etc. O r . O il» l> o n has practiced in Ban F rancisco 4 0 y e a r s und those trou b led shou ld n o t fall to consult h im and r e c e iv e th e b e n e fit o f his g reat skill nnd exp erien ce. T h e d o c t o r cu res w hen oth ers fall. T ry h im . C a r e « v n a r n n f e r d . P ersons cured at h om e. C harges reasonable. Call o r w rite. O r . J . O lb b » n ,A S » K e n r n j N I .,K n n r r n i i« lM - o ,C ’ a l H otel B ld g ., San J os«, Regular Price $ 3 .50 , , Write o r com e to us at 033 Ninth Street, opp. United Stato Patent Office, _________ W A S H IN G T O N , D . C C a lif. azard , short stories and one or more complete novels appear in its pages each year —it has a definite plan beyond. It may be likened to a great modern university, with a million and a halt student-readers. A year’s course embraces what is most important in the Scientific field, what is most interesting in Invention and I)i-s- ' covery, what is most entertaining in Travel and adventure, what is most valuable in the World of Business. A ]x>rtion of eacli num- ( her is edited w ith reference to the Woman of the World, another to the Woman ot the Home, and another to interest Youth, and still another for the Man of Affairs, covering equally the clerk just starting in lite and the j captain ot industry. What the Twentieth Century Home Offers GASNOW! A homey magazine—each month helpful, practical and inspiring. Full of fasci­ nating features; beautifully illus­ trateti. A million readers. $1.00 per Y ear--10 Cents a Copy. Single copies 10c. Annual subscription ¡?1. A magazine for Women, printed on fine coated paper (toned), beautifully illustrated. It will contain what is newest, if best, what is most useful, if new; what is most entertain- I ing, if helpful, what is most instructive, if in­ teresting. THE PITTSBURG VISIBLEj TYPEWRITER. A F rkf sample copy to all requesting. A G AYV TS W A J iT E D (loon Hou.sKKEFriNG wants a subscription representative in every city and town in the west. To those who will give all or a portion of their time it offers attractive work and pays exceedingly liberal commis­ sions. It will j>ay you to investigate. A jMistal card will bring particulars. VV'rite at once so as to be the first in your field. S an F rancisco An Illustrated Magazine for the Family. Elizabeth C. P. Jensen. M a s te r W ill make regular trip* between Coquille River and San Francisco. No Stop-over at Way Ports. Cor. Secretary io cents a copy. $ 1.00 P o u ltr y F a r m , J, R . S tillw e ll, Prop BAND0N. OREGON. TbongkbreJ cockerels from $1 up Fleet lie Light.. Everything in First- \ BUCH \ N A .v and eggs $1 per setting. Ola,a Style. Attorney for Plaintiff, a year. McCLURE’S MAGAZINE "The Best at any Price." Great features me promise for next year -six or more wholesome inter­ esting short stories iu every number, continued stories, beautiful pictures in colors, and articles by such famous writers as Ida M. Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Kay Htamard Baker, Johu La Targe, William Allen White and Charles Wagner. Get all of it right into your home by taking advant­ age of this PRC IAL OFFER Send $1.00 before January 1005, for a subscription for the year 1905 and wo will send you free the November and December uumbers of 1904 — fourteen months for $1.00 or the price of twelve. Address Mc- C LU RE S, 48-CD East 23rd S t, New York City. Write for agents’ terms M o n u m en ts and H ead sto n es Wc guarantee better work at lower prices than can be had else­ where. Do not order Monumental work until you have called upon or written us for prices. COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Telephone. Main Pacific Coast Office: 59 C olumbian B uilding . New and Speedy Str S anford , Industries of any kind, THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO. n .e safe and reliable tiw n ■ JgCM screw C Treasurer. The Twentieth Century Home, for one year (regular price .$1),... FREE The Cosmopolitan Magazine, is the cleanest, most stimulating, meatiest general magazine for the fam­ for one year (regular price $1) .....$1.00 ily, says one of the million who read it every month. It is without ques­ This Paper for One Year, 52 numbers.................................... ..$1.50 tion All Three to the subscriber for...$2.50 10 men in each stnte to ttavel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. WHAT THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE GIVES Salary ¡$75.00 per month. $3.00 per Single copies 10c. Animal subscription $1. The Cosmopolitan Magazine occupies a posi- day for expenses. Kuhlman Co. si«*n distinctly its own. While giving great Dept. Atlas Building, Chicago. attention to fiction and entertainment—fifty Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. The Pacific Tree and Vine Pank From the office ot the Cosmopolitan Miiga zinc is published the ‘ 'Twentieth Centu.y Home,” ¡i new magazine for women on new lines, printed on coated paper (toned), pro fusely illustrated and contributed to by more noted writers than any other periodical. An English publisher has ordered in advance ot publication 10,000 copies for the Loudon mar­ ket. We have made arrangements to buy a limited number of annual .subscriptions to this new periodical, which we offer absolutely free o our subscribers, new or old. Here is the i most generous offer ever made by an American j newspaper: W anted .— 7> usine ss direct Xi'ttk Washington saves time money and often the patent. To introdnee onr monthly into yonr home we will send the paper one year nnd A Practical Ponltrv Manual for 3» cents. O H To tho Unfortunate. S p e c ie ! 1 O f f e r « k Dr. Gibbon S The sooond edition of a Prneicnl Poultry Mnnual is now ready. Contains among other things the faraons Sampson Method of Feeding, which is known to bo one of the best means of making a profit from poultry. Some of the chapter headings are: Brooder Chieks; Profitable Poultry Brais­ ing: Principle Difflonlties; Remedies for Roup; During the Mouh: Economy in Feeding: Poultry as a Business: Trap Nests, with plana nnd illustrations. This chapter is werth the price of the book. Tells the practical way to make poultry pay. Price fiOc. Onr paper ia a 32 page Agricultural Maga­ zine with Household, Poultry, Horticulture and Dairy Departments. Subscription price f t . 00. H . Correspondence solicited from all wishing locations for & •ROCURED E D S*'™1 B O M , I D AN D DEFENDE ra w in g o r p h loto.for o to . f o r expert exp ort M search am i fr e o __ report. archi__ r ___ | vice, how to obtain patents, trade marks, copyright*, etc., |N A LL C O U N T R IE S . 200 E ggs a Y e a r per H en E. 1>. S feiuiy , Vice-President. Secretary. L, MANUFACTUBF.RS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders giveD prompt Attention. f to G et Y . R. W ilson , v4sh J - The Whole Thing in an Egg Shell H ow W. T. K ebk , IVesuleut. The only perfect writing machine made. The writing is in plain view o f the operator all the time—simplest and strongest construction, action, easy touch, adapted to all kinds of work—best for tabulating, and invoice work, universal key­ board, removable type action, in­ stantly cleaned. Treble the life of anv other machine for good, clean work. Send for Catalogue. Stewart & White Props. 3rd & D Sst M arshfield, Ore. HIROSEBURG-MVH i l E POINT- STAGE LINE PITTSBURG WRITING MAGHINEGo ¡OS WOOD St., Pittsburg. P|. B. F E N T O N P rop Sddle Horses of best quality nlways on hand. Good Rigs in readi nes for special trips. In fact, a geonrral Stage nnd Livery business. Accommodations for Taveling n tn a specialty