"iTf»' - vi ¿•m SEMI-WEEKLY V ol . 22: No. 81 I HERALD. N ew Criminal L aw s A m endm ents ~~ Y ito- ear K1 Besides a complete stock \ | ol Drugs and Druggist’s Sun- j | dries carries Kodaks and Sup \ plies, Phyrography outfits ard § V -, \ Supplies. L. H. HAZARD, Ceshler R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres A. J. SHERWOOD, Pres. F IR S T N A T IO N A L op BANK C O Ç U I L iU E , C R Z G O p . T ra n sa cts a General B anking B u sin e ss Board of Directors. Correspondents. R. 0. Dement, A. J.Sherwood, L. Harlocker, T* H. Hazard, Ismail Hacker, R .E . Shine. National Dank of Commerce, New York City Crocker W ool worth N’l Bank, Han Francisco First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. Blue Andalusian Hens,, Prize Winners. Eggs per Setting, $2.50. W hite Faced B la c k S p an ish E g g s p er S e t t in g $2.50. The above named fowls are the best layers ' . I — eu and Salem, April 10.- -Twenty-five 1479. W H S Hyde v s J P Maxton a corporation, C A Sehlbrede atty Lumber Co, action at law. A J criminal laws, passed by the last Leg­ et al. Suit for partition. D L for pltf. J W Bennett atty deft. Walter Culin, M. D. Sherwood, atty for plif. Ha'J k islature, will become effective May Watson, atty for plaintiff. 2234. Johu Marsh vs Bandon Oil Hall for deft. P h y s ic ia n a n d S urgeon 1529. Kathrine West vs A D Co, a corporation, action at law. 18. Some of these are merely mod­ 2202. Gee' On vs Ah Sing, action C o u u il l e C i t y , U kk . ifications of existing laws, while Morse, assignment, J M Upton Sperry k Chase attys for pltf. for conversion of property. Mo- .