Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, March 31, 1905, Image 2

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FRIDAY, MAR. 31, 1905.
No News From the Front.
First Wßßfc in April! pYrlncjup Sfvlpç Sprin
g _ and Summer Brownrigg, the
Season 1905.
The Oregon Stnte Normal Alumni
Association organized into a more
compact body in June 1904. They
placed county secretaries in each
county who are to co-operate with
the executive board in making a
compact state organization.
school has graduated (170 members,
of whom over 70 per cent are teach­
Multnomah is represented
with 70 graduates, while in Coos
county there are 12.
The old Christian College grad u
ates were made honorary members
of the Alumni. There are some 70
members of this parent institution.
The school thus is one of the oldest
in the state, the first graduates be­
ing in 1871 from Christian College.
In the name of the state of Oregon IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
In 1883 the school graduated its
Albany, Or., Mar. 20—The Albany you are hereby notified that you are re­
first state normal graduates.
Woolen Mills were distroyed by quired to appear and answer the com­
officers of the association are: J.
firetbis morning and the entire plant plaint filed against you in the above- A. II. Snyder, I
Plaintiff, I Suit in equity to quiet
W. Kerns, president, class of 1897,
entitled suit in which Hans I’ . Clausen
is a total loss.
vp .
J title.
is plaintiff and you, Olive F.. Clausen, E. A. Snyder, | SUMMONS.
superintendent of Wallowa county;
The flames started in the drying are defendant, within six weeks from
Defendant. J
W. C. Bryant, 1st vice-president,
room and were carried by the main the date of the first publication of this To E. A. Snyder, the above-named de­
principal of Moro public school;
driving belt through the mill, summons, to-w it: within six weeks
W. W. Wiley, 2nd vice-president,
In the name of the state of Oregon
spreading so rapidly that the opera from the 21st day of February, 1905, the
superintendent of Tillamook county;
same being the date of the first publica­ you are hereby required to appear and
tives barely had time to escape tion of this summons; and if you fail to answer the complaint against you in the
G. A. Hurley, secretary, at Inde­
with their lives.
appear and answer on or before the 4th above entitled court and cause on or be­
pendence, Oregon, and Ira C.
day of April, 1905, the same being the fore Saturday, the 1st day of April,
Powell, treasurer, at Monmouth.
last day of the time prescrilied in the 1905, which is §ix weeks after Friday,
Simon to Defend Hermann.
The executive board consists of J.
27. — Hon. order for publication, a judgment will the 17th dav of February, 1905, said last
B. V. Butler, of Monmouth, Cas-
be taken aguinst you for want thereof, date being the date of the first publica­
Joseph Simon will appear for Con­
and plaintiff will apply to the Court for tion of this summons, and if you fail to
sie Stump, Ella Nelson, J. W.
gressman Hermann in the land fraud the relief demanded in his complaint, a so appear and answer, for want, thereof,
Kerns and G. A. Hurley.
cases. Mr. Simon is very confiident succinct statement of which is as follows: the plaintiff will take a decree against
The county secretary for Coos
That the marriage contract now exist­ you that any claim or pretended claim
county is Miss Inez Lusk of Co- that there is no case whatever ing between you and plaintiff he dis­ you have to an undivided one-third in­
quilte, a member of the June class
solved; that plaintiff have judgment for terest in and to the south half of the
1904, and in the 3rd grade of the tained in anv of the other cases.
the care and custody of Lester ClauHen, north-east quarter,
the south-east
their minor son, and for his costs and quarter of the north-west quarter and
public school at this place.
It would be interesting to learn,
the north-west quarter of the north­
The Alumni is preparing for a if it were possible, how many of the disbursements in this suit.
Service of this summons is made by east quarter o f section seven, in town­
splendid programme at their June farmers in Oregon wno are making a publication in pursuance of an order ship twenty-nine, south of range twelve,
annual commencement and will de­ business of selling cream or milk to made by L. Harlocksr, county Judge for west of the Willamette meridian, in
vote two days to the work.
In creameries on the butter fat basis Coos county, Oregon, dated the 14th Coos county, state of Oregon, is null
athletics, preparations aie being know anythiug about the results of day February. 19115, and directing pub­ and void, and the plaintiff's title thereto
made for two basket b d l gamer, n the greit test at llic St. Louis Et- lication of the same in the “ Semi-Week­ will lie deemed to h'quieted against
ly H e r a l d , ” a newspaper published at the slin e: th:U the plaintiff will recover
In eliall gams and a tennis game. P 'sition
We fear that n very hu ge the City of Coquille, in said 0 oos county his eo**t‘! an I disixir-emeiits of this suit,
The alumni to plm the school long,
Oregon’, once each week, for a period of and will he decreed to have such other
majority neither know nor care. six
and further relief as may be equitable.
The programme work will begin That stolid ignoranct and indiffer­
This summons is published by the
Wednesday night and will continue
ence is a Bort of protection, however
order of the Hon. L. Harlocker, County
for two sessions ou Thursday with
to the dairy farmer who knows what
Judge of Coos county, state of Oregon,
a banquet at noon. A part of the is going on both in the world and
made and entered on the 11th day
programme has been completed and in his own dairying operations. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of February, 1905, nnd which order
STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR specifies that the same shall
those who have promised to give The men who know nothing about
publish. 1 for six consecutive weeks,
talks are as follows:
Hon. J. H.
dairy tests, etc., are very apt to also Stella Fox, and Claud Fox. 1
on the same day in each of said
Ackerman, Hupt. of Public Instruc­
Plaintiffs. |
know very little about the profits or her husband.
weeks, in the Semi-Weekly H r r a l d ,
tion and Board o f Regents of Nor­
losses they are making ou the cows Julia Hayes nnd James | Snit in equity a « rni- vt ckly newspaper printed and
mal, subject, "Oregon, her Public
Hayes, her husband, Etta > for partition published in the above-named county at
in their own herds,— Or. Agricultur­ Cox
nnd Glen Cox her hus- I of real prop-
Schools and Colleges.’’ Hon. W.
the city of Coquille.
band, James M. Vowel 1 and I erty.
Vowel I • his wife, I
D. Fenton, graduate of old Christian
Daisy Fisher nnd Edward |
Attornevs for Plaintiff.
Fisher, her husband, Grace |
College, subject, “ Life and Charac­
Crocker nnd Erve Crocker, |
Notice is hereby given that all her husband. Lilly Laws |
ter of T. F. Campbell,” founder of
and Frank Laws, her hns- I
Christian College.
Hon. A. H. Coos county warrants (on General band,
and Bird Vowell.heirs |
Tanne, gradunte of old Christian Fund) endorsed prior to April 1st, at law of Bird Vowell, de- j
College, subject, “ Reminiscences of 1903, will be paid on presentation
I. 0. 0. f
To Daisy Fisher, Edward Fisher. Grace ! 0°Q U,UE L0DGE' NO. 53,
Christian College,”
President P. at my office in Coquille City, Ore­ Crocker, Erve Crocker, Li lly L a w s , Frank
Mr vN every Saturday night.
G*o. H B a x t e r , N. (J.
Laws and Bird Vowell, defendants above-
L. Campbell, graduate of Christian gon.
J. S. L awrence , Sec’ v.
No interest will be allowed after named:
College and former President of O.
In the Name of the State of Oregon: You
S. N. S., subject, “Teaching as a March 31st, 1905.
and each of yoa are hereby notified that 0OQUIILE ENCAMPMENT, NO. 25. I. 0. 0. F.
yon are required to appear and answer the
J. B. D ru ,n ,
Mr. E. S. Cnttran,
Meets the first and third Thursday
complaint filed against yoa in tne above nights in each month.
County Treasurer.
“ What Twenty Yenrs has dore for
entitled snit within six weeks from the
J. J. S t a n l e y , C. P.
Class of 1885 and School,” gradunte Dated this 25!h day of March, 1905. date of the first publication of this sum*
I. 11 a c k e r . *Scril>e.
♦ «#*-.
mons. to-wit: within six weeks from the
O S N. S.
Mr. W. W. Wiley,
For Sale
»1st day of January, 1905. the same being |y|AMIE REBEKAH LODGE. NO. 20.
“ Annual Oration,” graduate O. S.
the date of the first pahlioation of this
N. S.
Mr. W. C. Bryant, H is .
Meets tl.e second and fourth Wednes­
And if yon fail to appear and answer on day nights in each month.
torinn,” graduate O. 8. N. S. This in quallity, three tom of barley and
M r s . M a r v in L yo n s , N. G.
is but part ol the programme but one of the best milch cows in the Or before the 14th day of March, 1905, the M r s . M a m ie S l a g l e , Sec’ y.
same being the last day of the time pre­
it promises an excellence that will county For particulars enquire at scribed in the order of publication, the
plaintiffs will tnue judgment against yon QHADWICK LODGE, NO. 68, A. F. A A. M.
bring to the reunion a larger nt- the H i m . ad office.
tendan -e than has heretofore re­
turned. Efforts are being made nil
along the line for increased atten­
dance in June as they wish to make
the annual this year a banner one.
♦ ----------
< J \ .J
lO « J
S ea .
Ijondoo, Mar. 29—A Times, St. j In the T hom pson Photo Gallery l - < A V » I U 0 1 ¥ v
Petersburg correspondent
tele- we will be pleased to have you call
Ladies' Fine Tailor-made Suits, Shirt Waist
graphed as follows: “The entire ' and inspect our pictures. Our dis-
absence of the press and private
Suits, Crauenette Rain Coats, Jackets, Shirts, Waists,
Finest mill best, work ol all kinds.
We give s|>ecinl attention to
telegrams from the front, togeather work we do.
and other wearing apparel.
Baby Pictures, Large Groups, Bust Portraits and all kinds of stamps.
with the loconic message from Gen­
We make a speciality in baby sit­
I extend a cordial invitation to the ladies to call and see the beautiful
Agent for Defender photo supplies.
A stock of materials for ania-
eral Linevitch dated Harbin, which tings and guarantee, satisfaction we styles of the season in Ladies’ Wearing apparel illustrated in the Fashion Hooks
says: No reports from the armies, will also be here the 3rd week of o ( CH AS.A. "sTEVENS A BROS., tile” Great Style"«tore Chicago,'"whichaw ,elirs’ use ftlwa-v “ 0,1 h“ l,d
*’ ¡1'»*, P»l*r «»d general supplies.
Cameras for sale and rent. Courteous treatment and satisfaction
evolves the fear that communica­ April, and in Myrtle Point the 2nd now ready for your inspection, together with the material* from which the gar-
men ts are made. The fashion plates and samples of materials represent a o n e - j guaranteed,
tions huve been cut and that the and 4th week.
million-dollar stock of ladies’ fine wearing apparel, made-to-order and ready- I
New gallery opposite Dr. Leep's drug store.
Japanese have turned the Rus­
E. G a r r e t t , Photographer.
made, in the latest stvles and at the lowest prices. The “ STEVENS” garments !
sian dank.
To T ba de -One good work ox are recognized everywhere as the standard of excellence.
M y rtle Point,
St. Petersbuag, Mar. 27—As a
The marvelous perfection of styles and the beautiful fit, workmanship and
two 2-year-old steers and two year­ finish attained in them have given these garments an individuality which no I “
consequence of the decison to send
lings— for good milch cows. E n­ others have to such a pleasing degree. A postal card will bring the samples to
the guards regiments to the war,
quire at this office.
your home.
the soldiers are mutilating them­
M - -A.. P I E R C E .
selves in order to escape service.
___________________________ Local Agent for CHAS. A. STEVENS A BROS. I
It is said that some of the guards IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
David Fulton, of this city, will take
havo cut off their fingers and others
W anted :— A teacher h o ld in g a
orders for head stones, monuments and
third grade certificate, to assist J.
have used drugs to produce palpi
i all kinds of cemetery work for the Coos
tation of the heart. Hundreds of IlanB P. Clausen, 1
j County Marble and Granite Works, of H. Barklow, principal of Norway A private H o sp ital w ell eq u ip p ed fo r the treat­
such cases have been discovered,
school. Send applications and terms
I Suit in Equity for Marshfield.
and an investigation is in progress. Olive E. Clausen, I Divorce.
to 8. J. McCloskey, Clerk District
Defendant, J
ment o f s u rg ic a l and m e d ical d ise ase s.
No. 43.
To Olive E. Clausen, the above-entitled
Albany W oolen Mills Burn.
( l i r c .l < oiis u m |>t loll
Mrs. B. W . Evans, Clearwater,
Kan. writes, My’ husband lay sick
for three months.
The doctors
said he had quick consumption.
We procured a liottle of Ballard’s
Horehound Syrup, and it cured
him. That was six years ago and
since then we have always kept a
bottle in the house. We cannot do
without it. For coughs and colds
it has no equal. 25c, and 50c and
$1.00. Sold by R. S. Knowlton.
and will apply to the conrt for the relief de­
Meets the Saturday night on or l>e- I
manded in their complaint, a succinct fore the full moon.
statement of which is ns follows: That tbe
J. ft. C ecil W. M.
real property described in said complaint, j J . J . L a m b , Sec’ y.
to-wit: Beginning at the O. 8. quarter
qnnrter section corner in center of south ßEULAH CHAPTER, NO. 6. 0. E. S.
west quarter of section thirty, township
Meets next Fiiday night.
twenty-eight south of range fourteen west
Mas. K a t h r y n S l a g l e , IV. M.
of the Willamette meridian in Coos Coun­
ty. Oregon, and running thenoe north M r s . M am ik S l a g l e . S e c’ v .
seven chain« and twenty-three links to a
spruce limb marked C. 8., thence west
Meets the second and fourth Tuesday |
eight chains and thirty links, thence south
seven chains and twenty-three links to the nights each month in Odd Fellows' hall, i
A. F. LirasAB, C. C.
quarter quarter section line, thenoe east
eight chains and thirty links to the place V. R. W il s o n , K. R. S.
of beginning, containing six acres of lnnd,
s t r a in the southeast part ol lot five in Q0QUILU LODGE. HO. Ill, A. 0. U. W
■ I I m N m thirty. Also lots seven and
Meets the second and fourth Wednes­
eight in block five and lots five, seven and day nights of eaoh month in W . O. W .
eight in block seven in Elliott's addition hall.
F reo S l a h l e . M. W .
to the town of Coqaille City, and all situ­
ated in the county of Coos and state of O. F. R o h r k r , R e c.
Oregon, be partitioned among the plaint­ |MPERIAL LODGE. NO II. D. OF H.
iff. Stella Fox, and the defendants, accord­
Meets the first and third Wednesday
ing to their respective right« and interests;
or if such division cannot be*made without nights each month in Woodman hall.
M r s . B ir d ie S k e k l s , C. H.
great prejudice to the owners thereof, then
said premises l>e sold by and under the M iss I rene L am b , Rec.
order of this court and tbe proceeds of said j
Now that the creameries arc be-
gining their season's ruu our dairy
farmer should begin his best licks
to get his place in shape to turn out
a good product. It is unfair for
one dirty, filthy patron to a cream­
ery to materially lower the score of
F or B ale .— • dairy cows, 1 red
the institution's product by his in­
dividual uncleanlinees. Cows and Durham bull, 4-year-old, o n e De
stalls should be kept as clean ns Lavel seperator, good as new; 450
pounds capacity. J. H Radabaugh.
possible, and milk should not be al­ Arago, Oregon.
lowed to remain at the barn from
one milking to another, but should t Sale f 'oiigii V li-uirlnr lu r CUM-
lir e » .
be removed to some cool, clean
In buying a cough medicine for
place where no barnyard or other children never be a fn id to buy
vicious odors may contaminate it. Chamberlain's Cough
There is a state law regulating the There is no danger from it and re- sale, after paying the css,.; and expense, | | '« T«
" 0 *
Meets the first and third Saturday
management of places where cows ilef is always sure to follow. It is of this suit, bo divided among the parties
especially valuable for colds, croup to this suit according to their respective nights of each month,
are kept for dairying purpose, nnd and whooping cough. For sale by
interests, and for such other and farther |
R out . B crns , C.C.
if any are so cnreless as to violate R. 8. Knowlton.
r«Uef as the court may deem just M i I J» Q» B lM W > t ' • r k . ___________
such laws, the dairy and food com­
! pOQUIUE COUNCIL, NO 39», f. A. A.
Sewing Machine Repairing
of »hi. sammons is made by pub- If Meeta the ^ . o n i
fourth Thurs-
missioner should be informed nt
David I niton, of this city, is an expert hcation in pursuance of *n order
dav nighta of each month in Odd Fel-
ouce. 8urJi 1
products being
..., repairer, ana anyone in L. Harlocker. as County Judge of Cooe
" enough
* ' leaner and
D r . G eo . R tosell , Pree.
better price to pay for the extra werk need of bis services will do well to call County, dated January 24th.’ 90fi. direct-
■ no excuse
i condi
, ■ at his residence or . . dron
ing that service thereof be made by publi- M rs . C h \ is . H arrington , Sec’ y.
there is
. . . him a card
cation thereof in the S emi W kerlt H ieald .
tions, and when ono or two persons
If it is a billions attack take a new«paper published at the City of Co­ £VENIN6 TIDE CIRCLE. NO 214, W 0. W
impose upon the creamery and the Chamberlain’» Stomach and I.iver quille. in aaid Cooa County, once each
Meets the second and fourth Satur­
we« k for a period of six week«.
day nighta of each month.
other patrons by having his portion | Tablets and a quick cure is certain.
Mas. Lor L ineuar . G . N .
made rdible at tbe expense of tin lo r snlr by R S. Knowlton.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Mrs. M. McDonald. Clerk.
fine flavor of tbe others wh > take
Stump Puller
FOR SALE.— At a bargain, the Co­ JUSTUS 100GE. NO 39. RATHB0HE SISTERS
proper rare of their milk, it is all
The strongest, mist durable, easieat quille Furniture and Box Factory- A
Meets the first and third Tuesday
to handle Stump Puller, the Smith’ s
---- ---- *•••*(
Grubtief. For information write or see good paving business. For terms and nights each month in Odd Fellows’ half.
M r s . A nn ie L a w r e n c e , M. E, Ç .
Three papers ot g * , t*f| c o l s fof 10 j M. O. Pohl, agent. Myrtln Point, Ore. Information write or apply toJ. Q. Fish.
Mas. I ne * C r i s t , M. of R. n.
I. »implifles purchasing.
CoqutUs, Oregon,
cent* at Knowlton'«.
T ra in e d N u rse s in A ttend ance.
Stock Hogs for Sale.
Seven bead nice thrifty O. I. C.
sboats, that will weigh between GO
and 80 pounds a piece.
Price 4c. For Information Address
C. A. P e n d l e t o n , Coquille.
Win. Horsfall, M. D.,
’Phone 631.
M arshfield, O regon
For Sale.
A good borne in this city, on
easy terms:
Enquire at this office.
X M W W e t W
O ' F SC i O
C i ÍO
ÍS - ^ S - Í
Coquille Tonsorlal Parlors,
O. H. S IM P S O N ,
Boot & Shoe
CHftS. M00MAW, Prop
Front Street.
Opposite Hotel Coquille,
All work done in up-to-date style
and guaranteed first class.
Coquille, Oregon.
Alfred Johnson,
Flooring, Rustic and all kinds o f Finishings and Mouldings
Constantly on hand.
Deliveries made promptly by either water or rail, p
W e have all Grades and Prices Accordingly.
C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N
The Finest to be had in
Coos County at the lowest
B ill Heads.
Letter Heads.
Leqal Blanks,
Wedding Stationery.
Up-to-date Work Delivered
with Neatness and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
W IT H H E R A L D .
I 3
I <