Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, March 31, 1905, Image 1

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V ol .
22: No. 75
P eu Y e a r
Knteruil a, seoond-elttH* matter Jillv H,
904, at the poatolfice
poatolHce at (Juuuille,
Coquille, Oru-
gon, umler act of Congress ol March 3, j
S o ld ie rs on P robation .
That the interests opposed to the
parcels post are much alarmed is
Seldom are tbe hearts of a com
It would appear to be a great
Officers of the army are confront- g^own by the violent editorials
ed by a perplexing problem in the againgt tb() gygteni whicb are ap- munity so stirred to their depths by come dowu for Colorado from two
; frequency with which enlisted men pearing in tbe prominent papers. sorrow aa they were in this com­ governors to oue lieutenant govern­
Walter Culin, M. D.
| desert
This is the usual, or at These editorials are doubtless in­ munity last Saturday 'when it was or.
least not an uncommon, feature of spired and paid for by the express learned that death bad claimed an­
Coquii.LK C it y , O kk .
A prominent Senator says that
: military life in time of peace. The company trust, and other organized other of our dearest earthly friends.
be spends his time reading fiction.
K r o n o u b o rg Itld g .
more restless and active soldiers, interests that the parcels post would Priscilla Ruth Roberts was born in
Next Dour to P. O.
Cau he have reference to Commis­
men in whom the initiative instinct doubtless in a degree injure. The Coos county, Oregon, April 8th,
sioner Garfield’s Beef Trust Re­
is the more strongly developed, editorials suggest that the parcels 187(1, nnd so was'nenrly twenty-nine
weary of the monotony of garrison post is rank socialism and while it years of age when she answered the
Stanley & Burns,
life. The routine at the posts be­ might work in countries of small final summons on the morning of
Two Indians are members of the
Attorueya-at- Law,
featureless, their better territory like Great Britain, Ger. March 25th, 1905. She was hap­ legislature in a Now Englund state
Real Eatate, Collections.
SpecialtieH-Criminal and U. 8. Land
judgment succumbs to the pressure many and Belgium, that one rate pily married to Mr. W. E Lewellen, and this may have something to do
Cases, Notaries Publio.
and numbers of them cast conse­ for long and short distances would April 11th, 1903 and at once took with the defeat of tbe railroads io
quences to tbe winds and desert. not oe suitable to a country of great the place of mother to his four the anti-scalping bill.
A scheme has been suggested which territory like the United States. children who haJ been left mother­
What great benefactors some of
promises to lessen the number of In other words, that one and the less by the death of the their own
desertions, or at least the number same rate from New York to Phils mother who was also her sister. She our stock gamblers would be if
Geo. Russell, M. D.,
of court-martials for desertion. delphia and from New York to San was one of ten sisters of whom only they would get a corner on all the
P h y s ic ia n a nd S u bo bo n ,
This scheme comprehends a change Francisco would he economically three are left. Mrs. Ed Hackleff of gun stocks an 1 all the ammunition
Office in 11US8ELL PHARMACY.
in the manner of recruiting for the wrong. The third objection is that Langlois, Jennie and Tiny.
Her in the world and keep them in the
Calls promptly answered (lay or night,
array. It has been noted that the it would ruin the small shop keep­ brothers, Lewis, Johnnie, Eddie, corner.
Phone, main 13i>.
largest percentage of desertions are ers in towDs and villages.
The and Allison are well known in this
Governor Hanley of Indiana
among very young recruits. They word “socialism” is used with more county. With these her father and
C oqu ille,
says (or does he complain) that he
quickly discover that many o f their or less effect to alarm timid people. mother, her husband and little V-abe
has never seen the inside of a sa­
preconceived ideal of a soldier’s T o some, it is symnonymous with are left to mourn her loss.
loon. They must be very unsocia­
life are erroneous and find in this anarchism or suggestive of ootn-
Such in brief are the few facts of
ble to their Governors in Indiana.
sufficient excuse for desertion. The munism. A parcels post no more her life. But these facts do not be­
A. J. Sherwood,
However, the sinews of sociablity
new plan is to receive the recruits
A t t o b n b y - a t - L a w ,
savors of socialism than a letter gin to tell of the real life that she are not confined to saloons and the
N o t a r y P u b l ic ,
post. A number of cities supply
Governor had better adopt another
subjecting them to all the restric­ their own water works, their own friends. It was a noble life, full of
C oqu ille,
O regon
mode of expression if he wants to
tions of army life, but without giv. gas, electric lights and street rail­ sweet and loving deeds, full of help­
prove that he has never tasted corn
ing them uniforms or swearing them way systems to the great advantage ful courage and faithful sacrifice,
in. In this manner they will be of the exchequer of the cities and constant in devotion to her loved
Walter Sinclair,
able to judge of the experience with a great lessening of rates to ones, her friends, to her church and
It i r said that Representativo
A tto rn b y - at - L a w ,
that a soldier’s life has in store for
to God.
has ratracted his Cassandra-
N otary P u b l ic ,
them. If they conclude that they
She was pre-eminently a home­ like vaticanation which represented
hurt but the monopolists who would
do not like it, they may leave with like to have the franchise for furn­ maker, and it was in the home the all-conquering Japanese sweep­
immunity. That is to say, that, not
ishing water, light and transporta­ circle that she most brightly shone ing over the Philippines; and now
having taken the oath, and their tion and air if they could monopo. in all the beauty of a wife’s devo­ says that be did not mean all that
/. Hacher,
names not appearing on tbe army
lize it and to charge their own prices tion and a mother’s love. Her beau­ he said with the force that he said
rolls, they cannot be called to ac­
therefor. A b for the second charge, tiful character was, made up of self- it. The Honorable Hull had as
count and court-martialed. Tbe
C o q u il l e C it y , O re
there is no necessity for having the forgetfulness, forbearance, charity, well stand by the “ hull” thing.
army simply drops them and puts
same rate for transporting parcels cheerfulness, loyalty, and fidelity. The situation is not impossible—
She was a member of the Presby­
in their places men who are more
not even improbable.
In view of
from New York to Philadelphia as
terian church of this place, an earn­ present conditions, it would seem
reliable. A difficulty in the way
Hall & Hall,
for transporting it to Salt Lake City
est Christiau, and took delight iu
of the success of this scheme in
more feasible for the Japanese to
or San Francisco.
It would be
the services of the satetuarv. She swoop down on the Philippines,
Dealer in R **t. E stxtk o f a ll kinds.
quite easy to have what may be
is obvious. If the mouotony, drill, called, a “ zoual” rate or, for example, was also a member of the W ood­
:e them and hold them, than
M arshfield, Oregon.
man Circle where her unassuming their present astounding accom­
routine an 1 discipline m aybe cast
so much for each thousand miles’
but cheerful presence will be sorely plishments, against the Russians
aside after a term of probation, it
distance. This could still be done
is doubtful whether the required
would have appenred fifteen months
with the great facilities that the
Ellsworth B. Hall,
Because it would better accom­
number will enter into “ full com­
ago. We are no doubt stronger on
Government already has in its pos­
modate the large number who wish­
A ttorn ey -a t-L aw ,
mission,” as our Methodist brethren
our own soil than the Japanese,
tal system at about one-tenth the
to attend the services, the funer­ but we are the widest width of tho
would say, to keep the army up to
; C o q u il l e ,
O regon .
rate charged by the express com.
al was held in the Brethren Church Pacific ocean from them, multi­
the required numerical strength.
nanies and with the result of mak­
C ollections and Insurance.
The plan suggests in a way that of ing the postal service of the United on Sunday afternoon, March 20tb. plied by at least half the width of
probationary marriage in advocacy States not self-supporting but profit­ Her pastor, the Rev. D. H. Hare, the North American continent, for
conducted the and was as­
of which considerable was said re­
our strength is not on the Pacifio
able to the whole country instead of
cently in this city.
The tendency merely profitable to the express sisted by the Rev. W. R. F. Brown, slope.
J. Curtis Snooh, D. D. S.
in both cases would be toward a companiss as it is now, bringing the of tbo Methodist Church, and the
D hntimt ,
serious depletion of the ranks of country through its postal depart­ Rev. J. 8. Secrist of the Brethren small local dealers. To this it may
Office two dour* south Odd Fellow'* Hall
An be answered that the small dealer
those who are willing to make the ment, into debt of from five to fifteen Church, aDd a mixed choir.
vVill make Bandon a professional viait
its in European countries has not been
best of a bad bargain and thus sub­ millions of dollars a year. The third
the first Monday in esoh quarter.
scribe to tbe first principles of duty charge is that it would be ruinous to way to the cemetery where with a driven out. Ho still flourishes but
short ceremony the loved form was he has doubtless to be more econom­
and individual responsibility.— Ore­
C oqu ille, O regon.
consigned to its last resting place. ical and to figure on a smaller scale
We shall miss her here, but the of profit. However, this would be,
New York, March 20.—Gessler
New York, March 27.— Blown
Master had need of her aud called in any country, tho concern of tho
E . D. S perry.
W . C . Chase.
through a break in a tunnel under Rosseau, the dynamiter awaiting her home. “ She is not dead but small dealer who is one in a thou­
East River by an explosion today, sentence at the Tombs for sending sloepetb.’’
sand and not of the nine huudred
carried to the surface of the water a box of dynamite to the Cunard
and ninety-nine who will profit by
“ There is no death! An angel form
Attorney s-at-Law.
Walks o'er the oaith with silent tread; the ebange, Tho theory that the
and shot 20 feet into the air, Rich­ liner Umbria two years ago, has
ard Creedon, a laborer, was rescued confessed that he sold infernal ma­ He bears onr beat loved things awav,
country ought not to avail itself of
Office in Robinson Building,
And then we call them dead."
only slightly hurt. His escape from chines to Cuban filibusters, one of
of the most improved modern
C oqu ille,
O regon.
death seemed almost miraculous. whicb was used to destroy the bat­ J a pan ese M o v e F orw a rd Again. methods for getting articles cheap­
Throe of his companions were res­ tleship Maine in Havana harbor.
ly in order that individuals may
In the fall of 1897 he constructed
Gunshu Pass, March 28.— The
cued in the tunnel nnd carried out,
have the pleasure of paying great
E. G. D. Holden,
the machines at Jacksonville, for Japanese have begun a forward
all painfully but not seriously in­
profits to local dealers, is not to bo
use o f the filibusters against tbe movement, and the Russian rear
tolerated. Tbe small local dealer
-♦ # *
The next spring the guard has fallen back from its po-
City Keoorder, IT. 8. Commissioner, Gen
will always exist. He is necessary
Portland, March 27.—Woodmen Maine was destroyed. He was in­ siton 13 miles north of Sin Ping Ha,
eral Insnranoe Agent, sod Notary
to furnish freBh meat, vegetables
of the World from all over Oregon formed by one of the men to whom 75 miles north of Tie Pass, to
Public. Office in R obin­
and bulky articles.
The parcels
are visiting Portland today attend­ he sold the machines that be de­ Chaouma Ideza, 40 miles below
son Building.
post will serve only to check the
ing the mammoth “ log rolling” at stroyed the Maine by mistake, Gunshu.
C oqu ille, Oregon.
exorbitant prices charged by local
which 1000 new members are to be thinking her to be a Spanish vessel.
Complete reports show that the
dealers and it will force the ex­
initiated ¡Dto the order.
Two When he discovered the misiake the Russians sacrificed their general
press companies down to a reason­
special trains, one from Sheridan Cuban killed himself.
able point or drive them out of
and the other from Dallas and con- i Rosseau said he was not an anar­ to $1,250,000, and the store of
A. F. Kirshman,
business. Hence it is most strenu­
tiguous territory, arrived this m orn-1 chist nor a nihilist. He attempted the army corps amounting to $500-
D fntikt .
ously proposed by tlie express
ing, and others, from Corvallis, to destroy the statue of Frederick 000 held at Mukden.
companies and their attorneys in
Office at Residence, one block esst o f
Vancouver, I tbe Great became he did not want Kuropatkin had ordered the re­
Tnttle Hotel.
Wash., and Oregon City, will come the statue in this country.
moval of the stores, but his order
C oqu ille
this morning and evening.— Evening
was not executed.
An investiga­
I I osi U I i . V ig o r n m l T o u r .
N lr l k r * l l l i l i l . il It.II I.*
tion will be made.
is a boon for sufferers
When your ship of health strikes ! Tokio, March 28.— A dispatch irons aneamia. By its use the blood
.4 C h lr s K « lli li -r in a ii O w e * 111* E l ­
e c t io n 1 » C h a m b e r l a i n '*
C o n c h tlie hidden rocks of Consumption,1 from Manchuria snys that the Jap- is quickly regenerated and the color
Pneumonia.etc., you^are lost, if you anese left army is near Mukden and becomes normal. The drooping
Str. D I S P A T C H
lon’ t get help from Dr. King’s New is clearing the battlefield and sort­ strengh is revived. The languor is
Tom White, Master,
■*I can heartlvand conscientiously Discovery for Consumption. J. W.
ing the immense quantities of stores diminished. Health, vigor and
I Arrive*
B andon....... 7 a - m . | C oqu ille. .. .10 a -’ . recommend Chamberlain’s Cough McKinnon, of Talladega Springs, j and material captured, and attend- tone predominate.
New life and
C oquille....... 1 P-M. | B andon___ 4P-’ . Remedy for »(Tedious of the throat Aln., writes: “ I had been very ill ¡ng prisoners.
happy activity results. Mrs. Bcile
Connects at Coquille with train for Marsh Held
lungs.” says Hon. John with Pneumonia, under the care of
The engineers are rapidly repair- H. Shriei, Middlesborough, III.
and steamer Rjho for Myrtle Point.
Shemck, 220 So. Peoria St„ Chi a- j two doctors, but was getting no bet- ing the railroad bridge across the writes, I have been troubled with
go. “ Two years ago during a politi- ter when I began to take King’s New Hun river, which was badly dam- liver complaint, poor blood, and
Str. F A V O R I T E
J . <*. M oom aw. Master,
cal campaign, I caught cold after | Discovery. The first dose gave re-] aged by the Russians.
Trains are have foundnothing to benefit me like
| Arrive*
being overheated, which irritated | lief, and one bottle cured me.” | now running to Hun, and will reach Herbine. T hope never to 1«: with­
C oquille ....... 7 a - m .
Bandon.. 10:4ft A*M. i
The wenth- out it. I have wished that I had
B an d on ......... 1 p - m . | C oquille. 4:4ft P-M. j iny throat and l was finally com-1 Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis ' Mukden in a few days.
pel led to stop, as I could not speak cougs and colds. Guaranteed at R. er is warmer, making tbe movement known of it in my husband's life
Str. E C H O
time.” ,50c. Sold by R. 8. Knowlton.
aloud. In my extrem ity» friend 8. Knowlton’s drug store, price 50c guns and transports difficult.
H E. dame*. Masttr.
advised me to use Chamberlain’s and $ i. 00. Trial bottle free.
F o r an lin p aircil Appetite.
| Arrive*
Don’ t forget I am still agent lor the
Cough Remedy. I took two doses
Myrtle Point. . . 7 a m . | oqnille C’y 9 30 a - m .
of appitite always resulta old reliable De Laval Separator. If
quille C it y . . .1 p - m . | M yrtle P*t. .4 00 r-w.
See" our clubbing prop osition frorn fauity digestion. All that is you want a separator I ran sell you
my senses when I found the next
Daily ■ v ept Sunday.
morning tbe inflammation had with the Oregon Semi-Weekly Jour- needed is a few doses of Chamber- one on any term s you desire, m oney is
Str. W E L C O M E
largely subsided. I took several nal This is done to give our read- Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, no object, so it is up to you, M r. Dairy­
W . R . Pan ter, Master,
8 . M. NOBLER, Agent,
.loses that day, kept right on talk ers a chance to read Paul De La. They will invigorate the stomach, man.
lea v es
C oquille, Oregon.
Myrtle Point 1:30 P-M. ! CoquiH» C y «flOf-M. ing through the campaign, and I ney’s new novel,“ The Hheepberder.” strengthen the digestion and give
Coquille City 7:00 a - m . | M yitle P’ t 10*0 a - m . thank this medicine that i won my
vgu an appetite like a wolf. These
Three papers of first-class, northern-
Connect* with lower-river host* et Coquille
seal in the Council.” This remedy
Three papers of garden seeds for 10; Tablets also act as a gentle laxa- grown garden seeds at K n ow lton ’ s for
C ity for Bandon and intermediate point*.
is for sale by R. 8. Knowlton.
cents at Knowlton’s.
five. For sale by K. S. Knowlton. ten cents.
Am ple baiY*" for handling freight.
nowlton’s Drug Store
Besides a complete stock |
| ol Drugs and Druggist’s Sun- §j
| dries carries Kodaks and Sup-1
| plies, Phyrography outfits and
% Supplies.
R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres.
I. H. HAZARD. Cashier
O F COQUI L i L i E, O R E G O N -
T r a n s a c t s a G eneral B a n k in g B u s in e s s
Board of Directors.
R. G. Dement,
A. J. Sherwood,
L. Harloeker,
L. II. Hazard,
Inaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine.
National Bank of Commerce, New York City
Crocker Woolworth N’l Bank, San Francisco
First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
A S p e c ia lty of P ei fumea
and T on ic P rep aration s.
N ight c a ll b y pressing the b u tto n
at the right o f th e d o o r .
Russell Pharmacy
M a in St. Cocitiille.
Rex I. Russell,
Dr. (ieo. Russell,
Claude F ox,
Meets all Boats and Trains.
Goods Handled with Caro and
Leave orders at T. J. Little’s Livery Stable
o q u il l e
Steam Laundry
11 6
Experienced Help
Best of Work
Reasonable Rates
Special Kates to Fam ilies and Hotels
W e m ake our ow n soap and know its ingredients. No injurious ch em icals used.
Our baskets will he left at all the p rin cip al points on tho river.
G oods called for and d elivered in C oqu ille City.
sr'~ ■W # ’»"]
The New Store,
Ladies Furnishing Goods, etc.
Novelties, Fancy Goods
Notions, Nuts, Can­
dies and Tropi­
cal Fruits.
m F ron t S tre e t,
y fV
C o q u ille , O regon . !
____________________ _ . J
■ ■ ■- i î - Si