SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD. ____ ______ ___________ ___________ ________________ __________ ______ _________________________ _ » COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 21, 11)05. V ol . 22: No. 72 Untemi »a s«cond-clu»s matter July 8, 1(104, (104, at tlie the poatoffice poatoflice at Cuculile, Coquille, Ore­ Óre' gon. under act of Congress of Mart'll 3, Caves of Eastern Oregon W ill Army at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Be Explored. Coos County Teachers. $2.00 P er Y ear NOTE AN D C O M M E N T California is much concerned to Portland, March 19.—The war W. S Mayberry, of Milton, who improve athletics in the colleges. Allegany Carrie Rodine, is now principal of the public department exhibit at the Lewis and The concern in the East is to im­ Walter Cairn, M. D. Ida Rodine, school at Antelope, Wasco county, Clark Centennial, which will be one prove the collegiate course if the Effie Redine P h y sic ia n a n d S urgeon expects to visit the caves of Crook of the most complete and interest­ students can be persuaded to aban­ Jottie Watson Marshfield C oijuili . k C i t y , O uk . county, Oregon, this summer on an ing displays at the Fair, will ex. don atbeletics for a sufficient time. Moggie Anderson Krone U berg Bldg. exploring trip. Mr. Mayberiy plain the lunctions of the various Telephone 3. M. J. McDonald Next Door to P. O. A message from Alexander Dowie spent two years in tliut portion of branches of the national military Ida Gamble who is in Mexico has been received service. All types of modern war the state some years ago, and while Edvarda Ericksen there visited the lava beds and weapons, from the big coast defense in Zion City. Evidently money has Laura Escott Stanley & Burns, caves on the Des Chutes river and and field guns to the rapid-fire guns not flown in from the Mexican con­ Nellie Brown Attorueys-at- Law, will return to more fully examine and army rifles, will be shown. verts us fast ns was expected. Real Batate, Collections. F. A. Golden SpeeialtibH^-Criminal and U. 8. Land thi* wonderful region which has Especially interesting will be the W. D. Reedy Dr. Lyman Abbott says wealth is Caaes, Notarìen Publio. collection of guns from the Spring- been explored but superficially. Mrs. P. Wilbur i a danger. There is an astonishing CoquiLLH. - O regon . At places in the lava formation on fiold armory, showing the stages of number of people not renowned for Ellen Be mis the Des Chutes holes are found development of the army rifle from courage in other affairs who would Maggie Murphy which lead to subterranean caverns the queer iron tube of past cen­ be willing to face it. Kate Steckle of unknown depth and iu many turies, tired by means ot a match, Geo. Russell, M. D., Olive Easterday The Illinois legislature which bas places water can be heard running to the latest type of magazine rifle. P H Y S IC IA N A ND H d BUKON, Effa Stevens A very comprehensive exhibit legislated on every subject known underneath the floors of the caverns W. W. Graves Office in HU88ELL PHARMACY, on a still lower chamber. The will be made by the army engineer to man, is engaged iu considering a Helena Hughes i Calls promptly nifswcred day or night. caves vary in heighth and width. corps, showing the means that are bill “ to encourage matrimony.” Nannie Lyons Phone, main 136. In some places it is necessary to adopted for deepening and maintain­ Since the incarceration of Joliaun Beth T. Bradley crawl through the small opening ing channels in the important water­ Hoch statistics in Chicago doubt­ Mrs. F. X. Hofer Oregon. Coquille, The less show a falling off iu the num­ between the dark chambers, and on ways of the United States. Marion H. Reedy most elaborate model will be that ber of marriages. other places the caves widen out Olivia C. Pohland I of New York harbor, which will into spacious rooms, filled to over­ Miss E. II. McGilvary The trusts are perfectly willing show how the channels are main­ flowing with bats and reptiles. A. J. Sherwood, Irma W. Camp to be regulated if they are allowed tained at depths sufficient to accom­ It is said that one of these under­ Bertha Prey A ttorney - at -L aw , Mvrtle Point. to name the regulators. ground chambers has been explored modate the greatest vessels known Belle Braden N otary P ublic , to modern commerce. for a distanoe of over a mile without Bertha Braden The United States consumed a Coquille, : : Oregon The other branches of the ser- evidence of a terminition of its Minnie McCracken billion pounds of coffoe last year wonderful suites of subterancan vice, tlio quartermaster's depart­ and to all appearances its nerve Florence Robbins rooms. The formation is lava and ment, the signal corps, and the ar­ has not been affected. Nellie Dement Walter Sinclair, the caves open into side chambers tillery corps, will all be represented Inez Lusk A t 1X> UN E Y - A T - L A W , Mrs. Chadwick was overcome at and smaller rooms innumerable. At in a creditable and interesting man­ Florence Carter N o tary P u b l ic , places openiugs are found reaching ner. The exhibit from the quarter­ her trial by an attack of nerves EiSe King Coquille, : : Oregon. out to the surface at varying depths master's department will include a showing she is something like other Nellie King and the entire country is underlaid complete set of lay figures, showing women after all. F. A. Pierson the various uniforms worn by with a system of those lava caves. Dorris Williams I. Hadker, China’s Dowager Empress has officers and men iu the United The principal opening by which Martha Miller A bstrac ter of T it l e s . sent her photograph to President States Army. the caves are entered is at a place Mamie Gray Roosevelt. Probably wants to show C o qu ille C it y , O re on the Des Chutes river, where a L. M. Strong The California Ruins. him that there are other powerful round hole has been formed in the Daisy Endicott rulers not dowered with the fatal surface of the ground, by a section j The ruins of the early Spanish Winifred Spires gift of beauty. Hall & Hall, of the earth’s crust about 30 feet in mlnHionH ¡ q California are the sub- Julia Braden diameter sinking to a depth of 30 of ftn iuterestiug article in the A ttobnk » s -;. 1- L aw , Goods Sold at Cost and for Cash only. Bnndon L. R. Edmunds I( Dr. Osier's rule that mou should feet forming a circular hole 30 feet Xew Idea Woman’s Magazino for Dealer in H k a l E st a th o f a l l kinds. J. C. Logan be eholoroformod at (10 were ‘ put across and 30 feet deep, from which April. The writer seems to have Rosa Bingaman Marshfield, Oregon. MRS. M. N0SLER, COQUILLE, OREGON. into practice what would become of the cave opeus and by which ex- [)eeu impressed by the picturesque- Pearl Walker our honorable Senate? i I . ploeiog parties on ter. ness of the work of the intrepid Lena Logan Mr. Mayberry will take a com- fathers, who were in reality very Night call by pressing the button Helen Wakefield Ellsworth B. Hall, Mr. Rockefeller is going to build A Specialty of Pei fumes paniou with him and make a com­ wunderFul both as pioneers and ed­ and Tonic Preparations. at the right of the d oor. Mertie Davison a million dollar home in Kansas. It Attorney-at-I.aiv, plete exploration of the caves of this ucators, nnd iu a marvelously short Annie Waldvogle looks as though ho might feel some­ spring if possible. It is thought time attained results by their benefi­ C o q u il l e , : : t O r e go n . Coquille Irma L. Hoakem thing like General Sheridan about that a wonderful system of under­ cent methods with the native In­ Belle Gould Texas. That for peace it would bo Collections and Insurance. ground caverns may be discovered dians that under other conditions , Effie Collier better to rent his home nnd live iu adding a uew and thrilling attrac­ have taken centuries to accomplish, Mable Byers hell. tion to Oregon’s thousand woudors. if they can yet be said to be accom- j Winnie Hall —Plaimlealer. J. Curtis Snook, D. D. S. Main St. Coquille. Nellie Kerrigan [dished. In regard to the erection T h e on ly way in w hich one can D rn tibt , of the mission buildings, the writer a ccou n t fo r the affectionate m ood o f May Boyrie snys that “ the problems of modern the H ouse before adjou rn m en t when Susie Tuttle Exposition Notes. Offloe two doors Honth Odd Fellow’ s Hall Maude Blundell ------- architects sink into insignificance S p eak er Cannon was presented w ith Will make Bandon a professional visit Work has been begun on New beside them. Brick had to be a loviD g cu p and m any offu sive e x­ Proprietor P h a rm a c ist Grace Bridges the first Monday in each quarter. York s $15,000 state pavilion at the made, stone quarried and dressed, pressions o f the u n d y in g love o f the Cora Belloni Coquille, Oregon. Lewis and (dark Exposition. and iulj,e timbers for rafters hewn mem bers, is by the [fa c t that an all Etta James NAMES OF TEACHERS. 1879. posT orn cE ad s , ,K Besides a complete stock ol Drugs and Druggist’s Sun­ dries carries Kodaks and Sup­ plies, Phyrography outfits and Supplies. Clearence Sale OF WINTER GOODS Commencing Feb. 25th. L will sell my stock o f Fall and Winter G oods consisting o f Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Sweaters, Gents’ Underwear, Gloves, Shawls, Corsets, Chinaware, Etc. All Goods new and up-to-date. No Shoddy Goods. The Russell Pharmacy Dr. Geo. Russell, T Mrs. Jennie Thompson M. O. Kcoton E. D. Sperry. W . C. Chase. A. H. Mulkey Rose Mulkey SPERRY & CHASE, Lena Belloni Mrs. H. T. Hooten Attorney s-at-Law. Bridge C. H. Nosier Office in Robinson Building, Etta Bryant Coquille, - - - Oregon. Maude Buell Gravelford Annie Weekly I F. S. Bunch E. G. D. Holden, R. W. Airey Myra Camp L awykb , City Kooordor, D. 8. Commissioner, Gen­ Charley R. Bennett Veane M. Weekley eral Insnranoe Agent, sad Notary Violet Brown Publio. Office in Robin­ Myrtle Column son Building. W. M. Colman Coquille, Oregon. Norway J. II. Barklow I I Minnie McCloskey North Bend B. F. Savage A. F. Kirshman, Frances Johnson F. B. Rood D e n tist . Nellie Doyle Office at Residenci', one block east of Parkersburg Florence Walstrora Tritt!« Hotel. Belle Ellingsen Coquille . . - . Oregon. Robert Goetz Lee Arthur Brown if Lizzie Brown Riverton Louis Erown Empire Fanny Getty Str. D IS P A T C H Remote Pearl Fetter Tom Whit«, Master, Bancroft Lizzie Price Leave« I Arrive« Bandon.......7 a - m . | Coquille. .. .10 a - m . Chloe Buell Etelka COQULLE RIVE« STEAMBOAT GO. Coquille...... 1 r-M. | Bandon___ 4 p - m . Connect« at Coquille with train f«*r Marshfield and «team* r Edio for Myrtle P ¡nt. Str. F A V O R IT E Mril*«** H id d e n lloek n . R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres L. H. HAZARD, Cashier in the mountain forests and car- n igh t session had p ro ce e d e d the p re­ ried on the shoulders of men, some- sentation. tim«*8 twenty and thirty miles.” Such was the history of these splen- The Seedless Apple did relics of pioneer days. O p CO ÇU ILiLiE, O R E G O N . Washington and Oregon apple The new Po. tma8ter-Gencr»l, growers have snatched the palm T r a n s a c t » a G e n e r a l R a n k i n ; Hu a n e a » Q e o r g e B r u c e C o r t e ] y o u a8Sume(1 from John F. Spencer, of Colorado, to Ju j 7. the duties of his office Tuesday? who has advertised himself as tho Board of Directors. Correspondents Frank A incent Dumond, the fum- Sixteen years ago Mr. Cortelyou inventor of the seedless apple. Tho R. 0. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, National Dank of foimncree, New York t’ity ous artist and proprietor of the entered ono of the Government De- honor belongs to J. L. Colburn, of L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, G rocker Woolworth N’l Dank, Km Franoinco Lyme s ’hool, lias been appointed partnients after the same struggle White Salmon, Wash., and Mel Isaiah Hacker, R. E. Shine. I First Natl Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. chief of the Art Department of the that attends all the appoint- Fenwick of Harney couuty, Oregon. exp osition . ments to an office in Washington, j Mr. Colburn states that ho has President Roosevelt lias heartily He very soon demonstrated his abil­ for a number of years grown an ap­ approved the plans for a conference ity though and when President ple on his orchard that is seedless. on the relation of the United States Cleveland made requisition for a The tree does not bloom but bears to the Orient, which is to be held private secretary Mr. Cortelyou was full each year. Last year it grew The apples recommended to him and after an eight or ten bushels. next summer at the exposition. are of good size and well flavored. interview with the President was The exhibit from the state of COQUILLE, OREGON. The apple grown by Mr. Fen­ promptly accepted. Since that time Wyoming, which will be made at the exposition, will show the won he has forged steadily ahead and in wick is a solid one and has no core. Goods Handled with Care and derful results obtained by irrigation ; '*veT P°8ition 1188 more than i U8ti’ It is large, fine flavored and a good Meets all Boats and Trains. koeper, resembling in color a blue fled bis appointment. President in the task oN redeeming the arid Dispatch. McKinley said of him that his only Pearmain. — Capital Journal. lands of the West. WOOD FOP SALE- Leave ordors at T. J, Little’s Livery Stable thing that stood in the way of The convention of the National his advancement was the diffi­ A < l i l c n g o A l d e r m a n O w e . I I I . t : i . Woman’s Suffrage Association will culty of finding any one to fill the e e l l o n I n I l i u m !>«■ r i f l i n ' . C n n g t i K cm caly be held this year at the Lewis and [dace he would vacate. President Clark exposition, the sessions being ‘‘ I can heartlyand conscientiously Roosevelt, who is nothing if not from June 29 to July 5. recommend Chamberlain’s Cough o q u il le 1 generous, inconvenienced himself no A Congressional party of ten Sen- ,itt)e to pr0mote Mr> Cortelyou from Remedy for affections of the throat lungs,” says lion. John ators and fifteen Representatives j t h e private secrttarvship to a cab- and Shenick, 220 So. Peoria St„ Chica­ will visit the Lewis and Clark ex. mfct offitfe tbough M ChairmaD of go. “ Two years ago during a politi­ position and take part in the cere- j optional Committee he later made a ‘ cal campaign, I caught cold after monies on the opening day, June 1. |il)era, return for aDV favors of the being overheated, which irritated The expenses of the trip are pro- Presi(, ent Now he ig Postmaster- my throat and I was finally com PHONE 116 vided for by an appropriation ° f GeDera, ; head of a departnlellt that pelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud. In ray. extremity a friend $10 000 * v‘ i stands more in need of clean and advised me to use Chamberlain’s August 1st has been decided upon careful management than any other Cough Remedy. I took two doses as Kentucky day at the Lewis and Bn<| [be country and has confidence that afternoon and could not belive Clark exposition. August list was that this young man or 42 will ad- my senses when Ifound the next morning the inflammation had p r o p r ie t o r ; the birthday of Captain William minister it economically and pro- largely subsided. I took several) Clark who shared with Captain gressively. There are more era- doses that day, kept right on talk­ Lewls the dangers and privations ployees in the post office depart- ing through the campaign, and I Experienced Help Reasonable Rates of the Lewis and ( lark expedition. ment and the military and naval aer- thank this medicine that I won my Special Kate« to Families ami Hotels Captain Clark was for 20 years a Tjce combined. It is predicted that seat in theCouncil.” This remedy is tor sale by R. S. Knowlton. resident of Oregon. the country will soon hear of “ some­ We make our own soap and know its ingredients. So injurious chemical« used. If you want to look at a fine line ol Three papera of garden seeds for 10 | thing ’• ""’8 d o in g in the post office de- When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneumonia, etc., you are lost, if you don’t get help from Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinnon, of Talladega Springs, Str. R E T A Ala., writes: “ I had been very ill Alva Jiee, Master, with Pneumonia, under the care of Leave« Arrive Coquille 1 P-M. Bandon . . . . 5 p - m . two doctors, but was getting no bet­ Bandon Coquille — 11 a - m . 7 A-M. ter when I began to take King’s New 1 ’«trying pwwenger. and mail. | Discovery. The first dose gave re- j lief, and one bottle cured me.” Str. ECHO I Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis H E. Janie«. MEnter, congs and colds Guaranteed at R. Leave« | Arrive« MyrtlePoint. . .7 A-M. | <*qnille C’y 3 30 a - m . S Knowlton’s drugstore, price 50c oquill« City. .1 p-M. I Myrtle P’t. 4 00 p - m cent« at K now lton'.. and It. 00, Trial bottle free. Daily ex< ept|Sun